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5580119 No.5580119 [Reply] [Original]

What Touhou would you like to kill off?

>> No.5580133
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all of them

>> No.5580141
File: 187 KB, 600x800, 3a504a66f3ac92caca43952463c21a91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This useless cunt

>> No.5580152

Karen Yawata

>> No.5580160

Not because I dislike her, but because it would mean Flandre takes over as head of the SDM and throws Gensokyo into a new era of chaos.

>> No.5580162


>> No.5580166


>> No.5580170
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U mad?

>> No.5580177

Too many.
Ran and Chen
The whole cast of UFO but tatara and Byakuren

>> No.5580190

I am

>> No.5580206
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>> No.5580207

Cirno, Parsee, Reisen, Tewi, and Suwako. They're all awful.

>> No.5580209

Tewi, Eirin, Yuuka, Remilia, Sakuya, maybe Yorihime...
I don't hate many Touhous, now that I think of it. Most of the above after the first three don't even have enough hatred to murder.

>> No.5580233

People hate Yuka?

>> No.5580239

Patchy, because she'd topple over like a Ragdoll if you bumped into her with GTA4 physics.

>> No.5580240

Why so many people hate Reisen? She is adorable and a good girl.

>> No.5580243

Not many, but I certainly do.

>> No.5580247


>> No.5580261

No personality
Ridiculously easy on any mode
Pretty crappy in SWR/UNL compared to other characters
Is basicially asking for it every single second of her life.

>> No.5580276

>No personality

Looks like someone never read Inaba of the Moon and Inaba of the Earth

Also, judging characters by stage difficulty and other playing-related terms? Oh wow.

>> No.5580278

She's got as much personality as any other Touhou...
How's she asking for it?

>> No.5580297

KAITO for being a faggot

>> No.5580303

tewi as a hooker, how fitting.

>> No.5580310

>No personality
Have you seen the crew in MOF? Excluding Aya and Nitori.

>> No.5580326

I guess Flandre really, since all of the Eientei and SDM characters were given some time to shine in ZUN's other canon works besides her. It just shows he as no idea how to use her or just doesn't want to, so her removal would mean jack squat in the long run.

>> No.5580371

Reimu and Marisa. I know that their the main characters, but they get so boring once in awhile. ZUN should atleast use some of his other wholesome or slutty girls.

>> No.5581007


You're a retarded manchild.
