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5579954 No.5579954 [Reply] [Original]

New thread.

Subtitled opening: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzoL_rK2kwM
Opening mp3: http://www.mediafire.com/?nlumulowezw
Pre-order announcement: http://pastie.org/1031146

Previous thread: >>5576616

>> No.5580192

Bump for Great Justice

>> No.5580201

Why don't you just wait one month till it's released rather than going in circle ad nauseam?

>> No.5580202

What is the 'in' thing for /jp/ right now? Hyping ep 7? Hating on ep7?

>> No.5580215

figuring out whether the blond is a male or female.

>> No.5580252
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Blond is Maria Renard, the guy is Richter Belmont

>> No.5580270
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predicting the level of homolust in EP7 would be extraordinary...hopefully.

>> No.5580291

Guy on the right is Bern's piece, K1.

>> No.5580383

If these threads are salty now, this is going to be aa battlefield when the EP gets released.

>> No.5580391

Not if episode 7 actually has answers.

>> No.5580399

Umineko will never have answers

>> No.5580430

Last year was:
Retards asking for a download link.
Another bunch already spouting spoilers
Faggots posting fake spoilers
Guys that read 1% of the novel and were already calling it the worst ever.
Dumbfucks already posting half assed theories when they only read the spoilers.

I expect no less from this year.

>> No.5580442

Ryu said that in the most recent interview actually. He wants to make things clear enough that most people can figure it out, but he thinks it would be a cheat for the people who have spent so long trying to figure it out to just come out and say "Yeah, this is the answer".

So no, Umineko will never have answers.

>> No.5580444


could you put that to the tune of 12 days of Christmas?

>> No.5580455
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we better have an image like this one when EP 7 comes out

>> No.5580474

>Battler is Beato's dad

I chuckled.

>> No.5580483

So fucking stupid it hurts.

>> No.5580490

so is ep 7 not confirmed to be the last one?

>> No.5580504


Are you kidding me they're going to milk the shit out of this cash cow. There'll be at least 12 episodes, mark my words.

>> No.5580515

Some are arguing that it is not the last Episode since it's not coming in a DVD case. On the other hand Ryu said at one point that Ep8 might be an omake, so who knows.

>> No.5580519

Higurash had 11 episodes without counting the manga/anime/console-exclusives.
Be prepared for more Umineko in the next 2 years.

>> No.5580520

not the last one, that's for sure.

>> No.5580535

I only just found out about this. Can anyone tell me exactly what we know?

>> No.5580536

I'm going to call that the last line of the entire series will be "Sleep peacefully, my golden witch, Beato" or something along those lines.

>> No.5580539

Followed by ahaha.wav, of course.

>> No.5580542

nah I doubt it. He'll probably make an Umineko Rei or something after EP 8. He's just trolling us as always.

>> No.5580544

Also one of the portraits in the OP is darkened, so some people are speculating that that would be the eighth one.

>> No.5580546

See OP's picture ?
Thats all we know

>> No.5580556

Also, the opening is awesome.
Does this count?

>> No.5580559



Requiem is the confirmed title, though?



Too close to be a coincidence, too far to make sense.

>> No.5580563

I know people hate LJ, but you can check here for the translated previews.:

>> No.5580567

Well, we've predicted that maybe Kanon will save the day perhaps.

His name means Jesus or something.

>> No.5580577

And Battler is Job.

>> No.5580578

We also predict that the blue one is Van Dine and he is the Jesus that will save us all from DID meido.

>> No.5580591

I think the same. But even an ep8 with an aditionnal letter will not help, I think.

>> No.5580599

Dine would have Shkanon not be true and Jessica be the culprit. Say what you will about Shkanon, but the idea that the culprit has to be someone who is shown to be good is silly.

Just because the dude might be representative of Dine doesn't mean he works with the series.

>> No.5580607


Well, if it starts with a T, that would at least confirm that it was intentional, but the D may just be a troll to throw us off.

Am I the only one who thinks the two newbies look like an adult Kanon and Jessica?

>> No.5580611

And if Shkannon is true, he/she is not the murderer. Or we are missing A REALLY BIG THING in ep6.

Take your bet.

>> No.5580620

No, actually alot of people thought about le red one being a future Jessica or whatever.

>> No.5580621

Battler: Why did you kill my family?

God: Felt like it.

Battler: That's not very nice

God: Well I'll give you a cape and a harem of meta girls, how does that sound?

Battler: Fine go for it.

>> No.5580624

What's the basis for thinking the boy is dine?

Furthermore, does this make the woman Agatha Christie?

>> No.5580626

It's been joked that the new girl is Kanon and Jessica's fusion form.

>> No.5580630

EP8 can be Triumph of the Golden Witch or something. Then you get the extra T and can spell BATORA perfectly.

>> No.5580651

Tits of the Golden Witch.
Trolling of the Golden Witch.
Trial of the Golden Witch.
Ushiromiya Battler: Golden Sorcerer: Trials and Tribulations.

>> No.5580652

Dine was foreshadowed in Dlanor's TIPS as Wizard Hunter Wright or SSVD.

"She's" Philos Vance one of Van Dine's Detective, we think she's a male due to the lack of tits.

This is only theories so far

>> No.5580663

Stop with the Vance theory, Vance wouldn't wear the one winged eagle. It could be a trap, sure, but remember, Erika didn't get the distinction of wearing the eagle even with a mere swimsuit.

>> No.5580664

I bet you it's the opposite, and Kanon is the female looking one while Jessica is the definite male. Watch Jessica be strait because both her and Kanon are actually cross dressers.

>> No.5580677

"Philo Vance" could be an aliases for a new Detective.

>> No.5580680

what, you think Ryukushi's started using Traps now?



>> No.5580683

Oh god that doesn't even make any sense.

Seriously just because we have one villainous crossdresser doesn't mean that Jessica has to have a penis.

>> No.5580687

That's fine, but this new character won't simply be Charlie Brown from outta town, it'll be a Ushiromiya or symbolic of a Ushiromiya.

>> No.5580688

Doh ho ho, he was already using traps from the very beginning.(i.e. Kanon)

>> No.5580690

Erika was a portraited as a lolita, "She" on the other hand looks tall enough.

>> No.5580692

Or it's the real Beatrice...

>> No.5580695

That's a fair guess, too.

>> No.5580703

The tachi-e code, also. And the eyes.

>> No.5580706

What if the guy is young Kinzo, and the girl is the original Beatrice? You know with all the flash back crap and all.

>> No.5580714

Kinzo had a pretty ballsy fashion sense for the WW2 period... in addition to his glowing yellow eyes.

>> No.5580720

The yellow eyes in Umineko represents someone who enforces a set of rules in the metaworld.
Thats also one of the reasons why we think the guy is Van Dine.

>> No.5580733


Actually ,that looks like it might work. Maybe a pre descent or personification or something of the two?

>> No.5580738


I agree that the gold eyes mean it's probably gaurding a rule.

But he would have to be a pretty important character to get on the portrait.

>> No.5580739

is that kyon

>> No.5580754

The referential wanking and use of meta-meta characters gets ridiculous.

>> No.5580759

Ya, but all the figures in the meta world have forms in the piece world. Also we haven't seen a true Kinzo metaworld representation.

>> No.5580772

The D stands for D. The next and last EP will be Victory of the Golden Witch
Batler Van Dine

>> No.5580774


I disagree. That's part of the fun of Umineko is just how ridiculous it is.

>> No.5580803


Battler. D. Ushiromiya
red line = red truth
One piece = Gold

Oh snap...

>> No.5580817

It makes the story only more convoluted.
I have pretty much stopped caring about actual 'story' and characters on the island by this point.

>> No.5580819

The "D" is for "dumbass."

>> No.5580837

fuck, i still need to read episode 6.

anyone know where I can snag it?

>> No.5580849

L I B E R A T E D ?

Just need an I and double the E

>> No.5580853

Not released in english yet. but soon.

>> No.5580860

The guys in OP's post are Van Dine and Philo Vance. Herpderp.

>> No.5580866

I don't need it in english, I just want the VN.

>> No.5580872

If you can't find it, you are a seriously retarded newfag.

>> No.5580876


Here you go. I downloaded mine from there, if the links are not dead, it should be okay.

>> No.5580881

In one of the EP's (don't remember which one, though) It was hinted that Lambdadelta and Frederica Bernkastel were like.. lovers or something? Do you think we'll get any more of that?

>> No.5580888

Canon wise?
Sue, you will get 'Oh, how I wish I cooked your entrails and lovingly made pasta out of them' or such shit. Not like they even exist

>> No.5580889
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Just wanted to say I'm working on this Fusion Dance thing.

>> No.5580890
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I can dream.

>> No.5580893

Dont know. but in ep6 Lambda is " Ohhh bernkastel you lived an absolute hell but you're mine now don't worry and let's go make some children" again, so it is very likely.

>> No.5580894


''Evolution of the Golden Witch''
''Immolation of the Golden Witch'' (the final EP)

>> No.5580898

So if this ep is Requiem and Beato dies again, she's going to come back to be immolated?

Fucking hell.

>> No.5580909


all i can make out of it, definitely not it

>> No.5580914

not worse than resurrecting in ep6 and having a requiem in ep7.

>> No.5580916

Naw, I'm just extremely lazy

>> No.5580918


>> No.5580919


I really hope to see more of this sadistic form of affection(?) 8D

>> No.5580930

Thanks a bunch bro

>> No.5580932

I'm not into yuri, And actually I'm fond of Lambda, so I don't really like it. But if I remember correctly, in ep6, lambda goes into a " I'M THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN UNDERSTAND HER, WHO CAN UNDERSTAND HOW SHE FEELS, MY BERNKASTEL" or whatever. So there is a chance.

>> No.5580934


She's a witch. Ofc Ryu' ll burn her in the end

>> No.5580950


I blame small bombs.

>> No.5580952

And then she will resurrect as an human, and we will have 3 hours of Battler/Beato just like Shannon/George in ep2, and everyone is happy. The end.

>> No.5580956

Everyone but the readers.

>> No.5580969

yeah in EP 6 she pretty much white knights for Bern, saying that she's been through a lot of crazy shit that made her lose her sanity and all.

Meanwhile Bern is getting Erika married to comatose Battler.

>> No.5580976
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there better be a lot of Gohda kicking ass

>> No.5580981


I've never liked Erika very much. I mean, her character design is cute, but... I just find her so annoying.

>> No.5580984


If Episode 8 is "immolation" you can get



>> No.5580985

I hesitated to say it, but yes.
God, the beginning of ep2 was such a pain.

>> No.5580989


Fuck yeah there better be.

>> No.5580992

>>Ryukishi starts talking in sms language
>Huge facepalm

>> No.5580997


I think the fire will be more symbolic
The crazed Shkannontrice or whoever is the culprit looses it completely and puts the mansion on fire

>> No.5581001

Nah man, it obviously spells out IDEBATLR, with which Ryukishi foreshadows the Super Robot Spin off 9th episode of Umineko.

>> No.5581002

There's the bitter to the sweet...GENIUS!!!!

>> No.5581003

I hated her in ep5 except sometimes.
And it's the same in ep6.
Sometimes she is really, really cute, but it doesn't compensate for all the time when she is a bitch.

>> No.5581012

Well, if the bomb theory is true, the mansion is supposed to burn anyway, so even if it is a little earlier, not a problem, nobody cares.

>> No.5581023


You could say its the same for Maria's anime portrayal. When she wasn't being batshit scary, she was either incredibly annoying... or... incredibly cute.

I like her much better in the VN. Much more believable.

>> No.5581039

they really overdid it for her in the first two arcs. Third and fourth arc she improved a lot more.

>> No.5581042

>>impatient to see what the anime will do with Erika if Chiru get animated

>> No.5581047


I can't believe anyone thinks Chiru will ever be animated

>> No.5581052

Bomb detonating
mansion burning
Portrait slowly turns to ashes...
That's the meaning of the Black portrait in the OP

>> No.5581053

I don't think so. But it would be funny. Deen would make it a naruto.

>> No.5581056

Definitely. In the anime it was "WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA BEATRICE WAHAHAHAHAAH" -insert more fucking loud and evil laughter here- I like the VN. It was just a snicker, or a giggle. Dx

I'm also interested to see how they do that (if they do)

>> No.5581058

It will bro.
And the Moe Beato fanservice will prevail.

>> No.5581060


A miracle will certainly not occur

>> No.5581062

Bern is the game master for 7, right?

>> No.5581065


>> No.5581070


Honestly it would be the best/worst thing ever. I'd watch it just so I could see wtf they would do. Especially regarding Beato and Battler. Seems the Japanese fandom ignored there ever was an anime though.

>> No.5581071


Bern is the game master of EVERY ep so far. We just dont realising it

>> No.5581085
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It will, and Erika will be wearing this face in each of her scenes

>> No.5581086


I certainly didn't until much later... I am a bit slow with these types...

>> No.5581092

>>huge man behind the man in ep3

>> No.5581095


>> No.5581100


Evatrice was awesome in the anime I must admit. She was too moe. She was just fucking annoying in the vn, though I loved her part in the story.

>> No.5581104


I will admit that the anime did suck. But, what a lot of people don't seem to realize is the joy of seeing such awesome characters in full animation.

But eh, that's just my opinion on the matter.

>> No.5581113

>full animation
Did you even watch it?

>> No.5581114

>>>feeling like killing DEEN's staff

>> No.5581118


The uu didn't bother me. I'll admit that sometimes i throw it into my speech as a joke with my friends who know Umineko.

But have you seen a video with all the times she says 'mama' in a whiny, annoying voice... All compiled into like 4 minutes? Unbearable.

>> No.5581120


>> No.5581131

I actually liked the anime(not for it's story mind you, it was a shit adaptatation)

I liked it mainly because it was fun to watch, this is just my opinion but one of the reasons I found Higurashi so boring was that nothing ever happened, it was pretty much, words words words CRAZY LAUGH SCENE, words words MOE, CRAZY AGAIN, words words end episode. At the very least Umineko did alot more than that

I liked how they animated EVAtrice but I actually found her annoying in the anime(In the VN I actually just despised her for being a cold bitch) [but that's just my opinion)

>> No.5581134

Wel sure. Deen's priorities really are strange.

>> No.5581137


Okay, well, they left out all the good shit.

But what I'm trying to say is that being able to see the characters with actual, human movements is nice. Even if it did suck.

>> No.5581140


Don't remind me of that scene. No clapping.

>> No.5581149

like they screwed with the final scene of EP2. NO WAY

>> No.5581165


How did they screw that up? I don't remember.

>> No.5581180 [DELETED] 

I would REALLY Laugh if, si ep5 gets animated, the ??? part receive the same screen time than in ep 1-4. Battler finding the truth, talking to Dlanor, Hugging Beato, and screwing the yuri witches in 3 minutes 10 seconds.

>> No.5581177

No pen stab in the eye
The scene is like about 2-3 minutes shorter than it should've been
Rosa isn't as AWESOME MOM as she should've been

>> No.5581183


Instead of en epic Rosa musou there was one smack with the bar and 2 gunshotes while Rosa standing like a statue in the middle of the garden. Also no fountain pen

>> No.5581185

I would REALLY Laugh if, if ep5 gets animated, the ??? part receive the same screen time than in ep 1-4. Battler finding the truth, talking to Dlanor, Hugging Beato, and screwing the yuri witches in 3 minutes 10 seconds.

>> No.5581203


Watch that happen now that you've spoken.

>> No.5581218

>hugging Beato

CUT a 2nd time. That saves a few seconds.

>> No.5581221

Fuck, I'm replaying EP5 and my heart actually hurts seeing comatose Beato.

I can't wait for EP6's patch.

>> No.5581239

Amnesic Beato is not as bad as comatose Beato, but it is not really funny neither.

>> No.5581286


Both were equally depressing to me.

>> No.5581295

What I really found sad about the whole comatose Beato thing wasn't Beato herself so much as how much her absence changed Battler. Going back to EP1 is like whiplash. He seems so goddamn cheerful and then by the time EP5 hits, he's completely different.

>> No.5581311

If you actually think about it not much time has even passed. Every game doesn't take a couple days - in EP 5 Bern and Lambda go through the game in a matter of 30 minutes probably.

>> No.5581333

It depends on how much time passes between games. Also, they spend a hell of a lot of time eating baked goods and drinking tea and probably sleeping or having sex, but that's more for Lambda and Bern.

>> No.5581342

At the start of EP 5 when Battler leaves the parlor it isn't for that long. He just goes there to talk to Virgilia and Ronove. Comes back in maybe 15-30 minutes game time and they're already at the part where Erika calls out Natsuhi on being the culprit.

>> No.5581371

I like where this is going. Continue.

>> No.5581376
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I love how after reading through this thread, some people were also enraged at how DEEN left out Beato and Battler's mutual clapping scene, while at the time I was told it didn't matter one bit. Fuck you all. It wasn't me being a shipperfag, it was a pivotal turning point in their relationship, it was where they clapped based on respect, and happiness for another person together. They put aside their differences just for that one moment, for the first time.

>> No.5581400
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>> No.5581420
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I think the majority of us here are shipperfags anyways, bro.

>> No.5581428


Everyone I know was ragging the clapping was cut. You need to hang around better people.

>> No.5581433

Jessica is not a mastermind, she, like Battler, is just a good person caught in a terrible situation. Also like Battler her entire life is more or less a lie.

>> No.5581439


Though I raged more the final episode and the lack of hug, which is about the only reason my shipperfag self watched the stupid anime.

>> No.5581444

Where did THAT face come from?

>> No.5581447

I've mentioned this ninety times before, but MY GOD I AM SO ASSPAINED OVER THE LACK OF "MY GOLDEN WITCH." Fucking hell.

>> No.5581453

Have Uminekofags smartened up and realized Kyrie is a good guy who tries to stop the killer in every episode?

>> No.5581461
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Jessica is too dumb to be the mastermind. Look at her parents.

>> No.5581464
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You're not the only one butthurt over that.

>> No.5581470


Kyrie is the culprit, so no.

>> No.5581471

Well, Krauss is a dumb shit, and yet he had Kinzo for a father. I think the genius skips a generation.

>> No.5581480

Long, long ago, wasn't an anon supposed to write us a fapfic of the genderbent end of EP2? Before the thread dissolved into circlejerk over Battler's personality, we had agreed that Battlerko would clumsily try to take off Mantrice's belt.

Those were good times.

>> No.5581487

>You need to hang around better people.

It was mainly here that I was being told that. I've a feeling that this could mean something, but meh.

>> No.5581493

She's not Krauss level stupid, that's impossible. Like, stupidity like that comes only once every 2000 years.
The reason why Jessica isn't the mastermind is because she has no motive. Sure, she doesn't enjoy having pressure put on her due to being the heir apparent and all, but she has nothing to gain by killing everyone that she couldn't get by simply running away or letting George take over.

Which makes her relationship with Shannon and Kanon quite curious. She has no motive to kill.... clearly is a good guy by the fantasy scenes standards... and yet is stuck in the middle of everything.

>> No.5581495

> Or we are missing A REALLY BIG THING in ep6.
Two people had their names unused in red text in Episode 6: Genji and Jessica. Can someone remind me as to which room Genji and Jessica were supposedly in when Erika sealed the rooms in the guesthouse, and which room Erika sealed last?

> It was just a snicker, or a giggle.
Are we reading the same VN? If anything, the laughs (but not all the facial expressions) were damn accurate. Sayaka Ohara's cackle was glorious, and fits Beato precisely as described in the VN.

>> No.5581497

YES, I REMEMBER THAT. And it wasn't really that long ago, was it? It was around Christmas, at the latest, surely. And on that note, I vividly remember someone promising us a Krauss/Kanon rape fic.

Where are those writefags now? ;_;

>> No.5581505
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Actually, I probably won't finish tonight, since I'm taking forever with this weird coloring style shit.

>> No.5581507

I can actually visualize the character design sheet for Erika's anime counterpart. Too well. For some reason, she'd have a recolouring of 34's face.

>> No.5581513

She'll be the unsung hero. Much like Kyrie will be, I imagine.

Rosa though, she'd be a great classic culprit. In episode two she basically allies with Shannon, and then backstabs Shannon as soon as the line of succession works out in her favor.

>> No.5581517

From one of the TIPS, I believe. Might have been the TIPS for Alliance, not sure.

>> No.5581520

I don't know. Someone was also supposed to write a depressing Battler/Ordeze fic, but the whole Verochia thing turned out to be lies, so it's understandable that the writefag dropped it. ;_;

>> No.5581528

>depressing Battler/Ordeze fic



>> No.5581530

Guy is a celestial, girl is human Beatrice.

>> No.5581533
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>Krauss/Kanon rape

Oh shit that explains this guy

>> No.5581534

It looks AWESOME(and hilarious) so take your time, I'd rather have a good piece of fanart tomorrow than a mediocre piece of fanart today.

>> No.5581545

Sure thing.

>(and hilarious)
Oh, it will be. Just wait till you see the finished product, bro.

>> No.5581546

I'm that writefag.

I'm sorry.

I could still finish it, if you want. No guarantees on the quality, but I could do it.

>> No.5581550

You can tell we've seen it all when we naturally assume that a flat-chested character who wears pants is a trap.

>> No.5581554

You are amazing. This is the best thing since Metal Gear Seakats.

>> No.5581558


I guess people assume since even Ryu's tomboys have huge boobs and look like girls. Though I also have a hard time believing he'd introduce two new male characters.

>> No.5581575

Not the other anon, but that would be great. Are you open to any other writefagging requests?

>> No.5581597

Yeah, sure, why not. Anyone have any desires for such things? I'm in the mood to writefag it up.

>> No.5581617


But, what kind of things would you be willing to write?

>> No.5581627

Except that we almost definitely know that Kanon is Beatrice one way or another and that makes for a reverse-trap or a homo-lust relationship.

>> No.5581632

Battler versus Jessica. No shirts, no shoes, fists only. FINAL DESTINATION.

>> No.5581633

I'd love a story where George and Battler have a confrontation about Sayo and they get NTR'd by Jessica at the end.

Or anything that highlights the issues with being in love with three people who aren't all the same sex.

>> No.5581635

Anything, really. Can't promise that any smut would be particularly well-written, but hey, I can try. Besides that, the only other restriction would be length.

>> No.5581645
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It doesn't even have to be on Metal Gear Beato.

>> No.5581654


>> No.5581657

Write something about the new blonde character, if you could. Someone actually thought up a rather plausible scenario for Requiem here yesterday, and it involved him coming onto the island in a manner similar to Erika, and also proclaiming that he's the detective. He says jokingly in front of Jessica/Shannon/Kanon/someone who'd react badly that he's after taking an interest in Battler (possibly joking, to gauge a reaction), and then shit goes dowwwwn.

>> No.5581671

shit and newfaggotry

>> No.5581676

Have I missed the stream already? That's too bad. I was laughing irl, almost crying the other night over the whole Ronove's-seiyuu-speaking-through-a-bucket thing. Fun times were had.

>> No.5581686

Oh god, that almost had you in tears? Should I be sorry for that?

Seriously, though, he did sound like he was speaking through a damn bucket. It's the only way to properly describe it.

I could give these a try.

>> No.5581689

Science my dear boy.

But, I don't quite get it. Even if Jessica is the other Battler, why do people assume that she'd engage in a fight to the death with the original Battler?

>> No.5581693

At least Krauss has a moe wife....

>> No.5581697

Because Battler got the strong genes, while Jessica got the weak ones.

>> No.5581710

No, she just THOUGHT she got the weak genes. She actually had the strong genes all along.

>> No.5581718

Because Battler and Jessica always used to mess with each other/beat each other up when they were kids, so it would just be a continuation of that.

>> No.5581738

Was it explianed who battlers real mom was in ep6?

>> No.5581747

Ah yeah. Well, that'd be a good example of dramatic irony. But in the end, when the culprit is revealed, I think Battler, Jessica, and Kanon will take her down.

Yes I'm aware that Kanon may very well be the culprit in question, but it'll be like Fight Club if Edward Norton was killed by Tyler.

>> No.5581787



>> No.5581796

They call it tragic irony usually.
And it's the opposite situation of what you describe.

>> No.5581797

Why did you type "/Dlanor"? Were you going to pair her with someone?

>> No.5581810

Oh, well, thanks for the english lesson, I suppose.
But Edward Norton is the original persona, while Kanon is the more recent persona(were we to assume Shkanon, of course). So I think my situation is still correct.

>> No.5581815
File: 74 KB, 630x800, ae3c19c9a599019435495581182ef3cc..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5581818



>> No.5581822

Episode 6: Dawn of the Golden Witch

* Translation: 100% Editing: >80%

>> No.5581826

You should try to center Dlanor, I think having her by herself to the left of the picture ruins it.

>> No.5581830

Looks like Witch Hunt has stepped into MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE

>> No.5581840

Erika != Hanyuu, bro. She's in the new OP too.

>> No.5581845

Fuck you, I looked.

>> No.5581851

I just finished reading the thread, so in regards to two points brought up in this thread:

-Lambda/Bern is definitely canon and I'm not sure why there's still dispute over that.
-There will never be a Chiru anime. No, seriously. DEEN is cheap and they know it's not going to sell. "There is no Umineko anime" is also a meme in Japan.

>> No.5581855

>"There is no Umineko anime" is also a meme in Japan.

Can't say I'm surprised.

>> No.5581874

Wow, despite our mutual hatred, the Japanese otaku aren't too different from us.

>> No.5581877

If you're talking about the silhouette in the flames, that's Dlanor. Although Erika will probably get resurrected by somebody anyway.

>> No.5581883

Nah, there's a screenshot of Erika just chilling as all the characters flash by, IIRC.

>> No.5581891

But isn't that just a collection of all the characters up till now? If I remember correctly, Amakusa showed up in the OP too, but I will be very surprised if his role in the story isn't finished.

>> No.5581892

I thought Ryu would save all the resurrections for Beato.

>> No.5581894

Umineko is "They killed Kenny" the visual novel.

>> No.5581900


Ep6 Tea Party says otherwise.

>> No.5581904

I think we'll be seeing him again. Weird, ominous implications that he may have been the one who killed Ange seems a weird place to leave off his character.

>> No.5581907

He was ENCOURAGED to kill Ange, we don't know if he did it.

He could be Battler/Jessica/Kanon.

>> No.5581916

Actually, that's what assured me his role is done. He killed Ange in the future. She's dead and there's nothing else for him to really do.

Moreover, Battler's family is eventually going to get saved, which will give Ange back her family and prevent her from needing a bodyguard, so she won't get killed by him. I just don't see where he fits in anywhere.

>> No.5581918

For some odd reason, Japan adore Amakusa. Especially him paired together with Ange.

>> No.5581938

Those two could have their own series.


>> No.5581958

Someone fund that, it would be awesome.

>> No.5581959


There's really zero reason for her to be around in the story anymore. If R07 must he can give her some happy ending in the end, but she has no place on the island anymore.

>> No.5581963

what? You guys don't like Amakusa?

>> No.5581991

He's a bro. We need to have sitcom-style adventures with him and Ange.

>> No.5581994
File: 1.04 MB, 1000x715, 11730774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sen-ka sure likes living in the past

>> No.5582003

Don't we all?

>> No.5582008
File: 162 KB, 800x1217, PAGE_0021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, I laughed out loud.

I think it's time she dropped Umineko and found a series that actually caters to her needs instead of deluding herself.

>> No.5582063
File: 134 KB, 800x1161, PAGE_0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can it be time to post Sen-Ka doujins now?

>> No.5582075

"Poor girl. Gohda. Consult Kyrie-san later and bring her some porridge." "Thanks for caring for her. ......I'm really sorry about this. It looks like she just can't handle tension."

>> No.5582086

Ange is most likely FREAKING THE FUCK OUT MAN, because she's in the past and she's got to GO BACK!


>> No.5582098

I like that film.

>> No.5582104

>look at this thread
>think I'm on /a/
>go to reply
>/jp/ - Otaku Culture

>> No.5582119

/r/ doujin with kinzo shops

>> No.5582125


Someone translating that one doujin for trolling purposes was the best thing ever. I loved those threads.

>> No.5582132
File: 143 KB, 800x1172, PAGE_0025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that was pretty great. I'm disappointed he never got around to doing the flowchart, though. This shit is hilarious.

>> No.5582138


I hope you aren't implying Erika can't handle tension.

>> No.5582139

That must be a flashback. There's no way that Bern would fuck up some concrete rules like that.

>> No.5582143

I miss arguing with the Bernfags. Their existence was a short-lived, but golden time for all.

>> No.5582144


I love the flowchart.

>> No.5582149

Who is this sen-ka person?

>> No.5582158

An artist that is convinced that Battler and Beato at most have a vague kind of respect for each other, when it's canon that it was love.

>> No.5582164

Angefag posing as a Beatrice x Battler fan who couldn't accept that Battler prioritized saving Beato over going back to Ange, and wrote hilarious doujin about it.

>> No.5582165

A supposed Battler/Beato shipper, but she only ships it when Beato is evil and irredeemable and Battler doesn't give a toss about her and only cares about Ange. She wrote a Battler/Ange doujinshi and marketed it as Beato/Battler.

>> No.5582174

that's actually a good possibility.

>> No.5582189

It seems like too many LJ users are on /jp/.

>> No.5582196


who cares? if you can get the information from there, use it. WH is run by Animesuki posters.

>> No.5582203

you should be gratful for the information
Who cares if it's LJ.

>> No.5582215

Not helping your situation.

>> No.5582219

I hope beato comes back in ep6...., how many more weeks for 40 percent?

>> No.5582222

I recall someone saying it will be done within a week in an earlier thread but I highly doubt it

>> No.5582223

"All right, Bernkastel, let's get this game started."

"Very well. I'll let you know now that I've modified the rules of the game slightly, however."

"...You have? How?"

"I felt it would be more... interesting... if your little sister were to come along this time."


>> No.5582225

She comes back.

>> No.5582288

I wouldn't put it past Ryu.

>> No.5582312

Wouldn't it be nice?

>> No.5582384

Its out

>> No.5582415

the girl in the portrait is Ordeze

>> No.5582422

that doesn't mean anything. 556 was in the opening too.

>> No.5582429

I miss when we could believe that.

>> No.5582430


556 is getting revived, then.

>> No.5582439

Blond in portrait is original Beatrice.
Original Beatrice is male.

Kinzo is gay.
What else is new?

>> No.5582472

oh desire, etc etc etc

>> No.5582497
File: 80 KB, 193x193, 1274661336111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5582505

She was in the EP 5 opening as well and didn't show up or get mentioned. Good luck having false hope.

>> No.5582567

Fucking Umineko. I could be currently going through four different VNs, but I'd play all of EP6 the second it gets a translation.

>> No.5582576

That probably goes for most of us.

>> No.5582629
File: 275 KB, 700x622, 1268013099691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pic sparked a question. What if one of the piece Battlers was gay, what would happen in game and what would Meta Battler do?

>> No.5582666

Be a penis sommelier.

>> No.5582682

This. As soon as Witch Hunt puts out the patch I'm calling in sick to work and skipping non-/jp/ human contact for a week.

Same with Comiket. I save my vacation time for this shit.

>> No.5582710

Meta Battler would cry. What else does he ever do?

>> No.5582731

Fuck this shit, I just want my sad hobo end, dammit. Meta or piece.

>> No.5582736

Get logical blue screens.

>> No.5582749

Wear a cape.

>> No.5582754 [DELETED] 


Can someone post the scanlastion for this shit? so I can see what the big deal is?

>> No.5582753

I never got the appeal of a hobo end.

>> No.5582765


Can someone post the scanlation for this shit? So I can see what the big deal is?

>> No.5582931

I think the idea is that they becomes less of a love-struck/hard-headed fool and more of a sad/uncaring badass. But in reality it's just the same guy only depressed and with nowhere to belong to, so ya.

>> No.5582960

But I think you're forgetting the best part: After the piece dies it's feelings and memories gets adsorbed by the meta.

>> No.5583364

Batlerd. It's his real surname, he's actually a Jew. For some reason he wasn't circumcised after the birth and was about to get it when he ran away from the family. This way his penis is left untouched and that is his sin.
When he returns to the island Nanjo begins the campaign of terror in order to force him to pass the operation and execute the will of the dead Kinzo.

>> No.5583542


>> No.5583556


Don't have it, but It's just Battler crying about Ange, set in ep. 5 in the golden land. Then something about how he only feels sorry for Beato because if he didn't he wouldn't be the type of brother Ange could love. The Virgilia pretends to be Ange and hugs him. This is all happening in from of comatose Beato too. It's hilarious.

>> No.5583674

>Inb4 EP8 is EP4 answer so logically Amakusa will feature again.

>> No.5583735


The plot sounds like a horrible ange/battler fanfic. Did the person even read EP5 when she wrote that?

>> No.5583822

Shocking news: doujinshi ARE fanfics.

>> No.5583841



>> No.5583856


Yeah they pretty much are, only with 'pretty' art to go with it. Which is why people shoud not outrage when the doujinka doesn't charactarise the characters correctly.

>> No.5583866

I'm wondering, this may have been discussed already but, perhaps, the blonde is the new detective?

With Erika gone there's no detective. Battler can no longer play that role, since he already knows the truth. So, the game needs a new detective, doesn't it?

>> No.5583869

>Battler can no longer play that role, since he already knows the truth.
That's Meta, Piece Battler should work fine.
Besides, one who knows the truth would make a kickass detective.

>> No.5583875

I think the same.

>> No.5583877

Or the detective is this wright guy.

>> No.5583881

when Erica was detective her piece was she herself

>> No.5583884

more like Watson type character

>> No.5583887 [DELETED] 


She did. She just didn't like what R07 did with his characters, hence the bitching and flowcharts. It is fanfic basically, which is fine but it was still funny.

>> No.5583892

If it is really Wright, no, not really. Just look at ep5 and the Knox rules.

>> No.5583899


Could be, but I'm more interesting is who s/he is and how they are related to the family. He can't simply be someone like Erika.

>> No.5583900

Indeed, however, Piece Battler, or any other piece must be controlled by someone. That someone being the detective.

Personally, I don't think Meta-Battler will play that role, since he's no longer part of the mystery side, and I believe, the detective belongs to that side.

>> No.5583929

Well, Bern can't be a GM either, because GM must play a fantasy side. Maybe that girl is a new, substitute GM?

>> No.5583948

You guys are really missing the truth behind this new portrait, the guy in the back has an anchor necklace. Its the Meta Boat Driver....and that person in the pink? Meta Nanjo's Grandaughter.

>> No.5583966
File: 73 KB, 224x272, anchor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We already found out that it's not an anchor. It has a key in it.

>> No.5583968

I don't think it was ever said the GM had to be from tie fantasy side. BATTLER joined that side to concdal Beato's heart.

>> No.5583973

GM is the one who creates the riddles, mysteries and murders. How can the detective be a GM?

>> No.5583976

Well, to me the idea of someone who knows everything and have an absolute power on ALMOST everything in the story is more something that belong to the fantasy side. but yes, this was never said.

>> No.5583986

New thread: >>5583984

>> No.5584014

That's not a key. You can't insert that into a keyhole. Clearly it's not a key.
