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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 38 KB, 848x480, [Ryuumaru] Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou - 11 [4E550DCC].mkv_snapshot_06.03_[2010.06.17_00.33.26].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5576439 No.5576439 [Reply] [Original]

Dear anime otakus of /jp/,

Much like the idolfags of old, a vocal minority of /jp/ is harassing the ruining our threads. However, like the idolfags, we must persevere. Today the idolfags are an accepted part of /jp/ and eventually we will be too. For now, ignore the trolls in our threads continue the discussion. Eventually the trolls get bored.

>> No.5576466

Jesus christ. Why people are not banned for shit like this?

>> No.5576486

Anime belongs in /ɐ/, that's why it's called Animu & Mango, if there was a board for idols then they'd have to put their idol threads there.

>> No.5576501


>> No.5576520

Video games belong in /v/ but I don't see anyone complaining about video game threads in /jp/

>> No.5576532

What are the good animes this season? I haven't watching anything yet and I don't go to /a/.

>> No.5576540

>I don't see anyone complaining about video game threads in /jp/
How long have you been here?

>> No.5576541

Except they do, are not recurring and certainly not spammed
Barely acceptable are the ones with galge traits.

>> No.5576546


Amagami, it's also /jp/ related

>> No.5576551

How are we supposed to know your taste?
Google this season's listing and try out shit, you lazy fuck.

>> No.5576557

with one ep per series, wait a couple of weeks.

>> No.5576558

Amagami SS is literally the only (maybe) good thing. Fall is going to be awesome though

>> No.5576567
File: 747 KB, 1152x2287, 1278434570478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not reoccurring
>Daily dose Cosmic Break and Ar Tonelico threads

>> No.5576579

striped pink

>> No.5576587

Why don't you get out of /jp/ and try googling for some phpbb forums every time you want to discuss something. you rude fuck?

>> No.5576592

Ar Tonelico has strong Galge traits Sion, you always lose that argument

>> No.5576597

>is colorblinded

No handicap people in /jp/ or the rest of 4chan boards allowed!

Read the rules moron!

>> No.5576598

I at least discuss relevant things, ignorant fucker.

>> No.5576602
File: 34 KB, 556x762, 1277920505911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when touhou anime got discussed with enthusiasm

goddamn /jp/ nerds

>> No.5576604

What the hell are you talking about? You can't recommend someone a show when you don't know what type of things they enjoy.

>> No.5576613

That doesn't make you any less of a shithead. Kill yourself.

>> No.5576615

my face when you are retarded butt hurt

>> No.5576619

no sion

>> No.5576620

you're the butthurt anon!

>> No.5576621

Why don't you try googling if I give a fuck, faggot.

>> No.5576622

Nope, I won't/
I will stay in the board and dicuss shit that is on-topic, while you beg for others to decide on how you entertain yourself, you pathetic little man, you.

>> No.5576632
File: 49 KB, 266x235, Sion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5576626

Why don't you try googling how to more of a faggot?

>> No.5576629

stop getting mad that people won't tell you what animes to watch

>> No.5576633


u mad?

>> No.5576635
File: 602 KB, 1460x2277, 1278434619562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because you say it's true doesn't make it so

>> No.5576638

>Why don't you try googling how to more of a faggot?
Dropped your verb.

>> No.5576643



>> No.5576644

Wow, why is everyone in this thread so mad

>> No.5576649

the good old idol threads
I wouldnt mind treating anime threads like them

>> No.5576651

When developers, fans, /jp/ posters and the ones responsible for moderation agree, it becomes the truth.
I know you are so butthurt, the only way you can react is to make the board shittier, but the truth does not change.

>> No.5576652

You dropped your dick

in another dudes ass


>> No.5576660

post anime screenshots. sion and others who post them have refined it into a fine art. every picture of beautiful and i enjoy every daily dose :3

>> No.5576661

Great wit AND great grammar.

>> No.5576669



>> No.5576678

get out grammarnazi!

>> No.5576680
File: 495 KB, 1203x850, b641c61cf144d29a2c3da28a1f8f40d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ar Tonelico belongs in /jp/ because /v/ can't appreciate the dating sim elements
>Anime/Light Novel belong in /jp/ because /a/ can't appreciate the elements of otaku culture

>> No.5576671

You dropped your capitalization skills

in another dudes ass


>> No.5576689

You dropped my apostrophe

in a dudes ass


>> No.5576681

It's used in informal writing for emphasis.
Also, you missed an apostrophe. And punctuation needs work.

>> No.5576698

Originality starts to suffer.

>> No.5576691

In the end, ANIME does not belong on /jp/.
Cross-related content is one thing.
Anime is not.

>> No.5576692

Why is she forcing her ass into my face and angry with me at the same time?

>> No.5576695

/jp/is not supposed to be /a2/.

A rough summary of /jp/ could be Touhou, Doujin soft/games, VNs and Galge.

I won't comment on the MMO threads, lurk for a few years and learn what it's about.
Things like Persona aren't Galge (I don't care about the girls, the focus doesn't lie on them and the romance with the protagonist) and thus they shouldn't really go here.
The Ar Tonelico games on the other hand were made to be Galge games, and they are Galge games, and the focus is on the Heroines and everything else comes second, the gameplay is merly there to spice things up a bit and there is a reason for why the games are piss easy, it's not supposed to be in the way for it's Galge elements.

I don't particulary like Idols, but I do respect the Wota folks of the board, and in a sense I guess it's kind of the same thing as other /jp/ stuff... only 3d.

>> No.5576711
File: 1.81 MB, 2858x4056, 1278437573164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ is not supposed to be /v2/ either.

>> No.5576714

You dropped your originality

in another dudes ass


>> No.5576700

Everyone that was here before Summer 2010 knows that the vocal minority i.e. friend circle is here to combat cancer. Like you. OP.

>anime otaku

Also, wrong board. >>>/a/

>> No.5576701

striped blue

>> No.5576706

Because you wanna fuck her madly?

>> No.5576724
File: 446 KB, 877x1153, 1278437629236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

persona > everything on /jp/

