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5574693 No.5574693 [Reply] [Original]

Final production version /!\neat/!\

Sakuya August this October SDM sucks new figures please etc etc.

>> No.5574698
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>> No.5574701
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>> No.5574705
File: 45 KB, 848x480, endofbattle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5574702

What kind of underwear?

>> No.5574717
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>> No.5574728

aaaa don't be such a tease! ;_;

>> No.5574739

>What kind of underwear?

Who will use underwear with china dress, dumbfuck?

>> No.5574747

I don't think I've ever seen a nopan figure before.

>> No.5574764

>Meiling figurine
>looking good etc
>No pants


>> No.5574774

I just saw the bells in her hair and the details on her top and suddenly I really want this.

>> No.5574848


Anyone who isnt a slut.

>> No.5574917

I don't really like her mouth, but the rest of the figure is amazing. Is it possible to preorder her or not?

>> No.5574928


>> No.5574970

>6,550 yen
I am this close to getting this considering I don't have tuition to worry about for the fall.

>> No.5575012

If you ask me the Meiling in OP is probably the nicest Touhou PVC I've seen in a while. I'm just sad the same company's Sanae look kinda awkward.

I just visted amiami and they have GiFT's old Reimu PVC restocked. I want it, it's clearly the best Reimu PVC yet, but... I don't know. I'm still waiting for Tora no Ana to make a Reimu PVC based on the garage-kit based on the Reitaisai illustration. Do want so bad.

>> No.5575015


>If you ask me the Meiling in OP is probably the nicest Touhou PVC I've seen in a while

Sure. If you like derp face.

>> No.5575032
File: 560 KB, 1280x960, 9e_3..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait so you can buy ;_; this one.

>> No.5575055
File: 76 KB, 600x600, FIG-MOE-1481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This Reimu?

She's doing a fucking Marilyn Monroe pose. That seems so wrong.

>> No.5575056

I like every part of the figure outside of that, it is enough to out way any of the meh parts.
Love the pose, clothes, and and hair.

>> No.5575070


>>5575012 here
>>5575056 beat me to what I wanted to say.

I don't think the face is that bad, actually. At least she has an expression, and I'm not scared of alternative expressions. Plus, I love the hair and the details on the clothing. The only real downside for me is the fact that she lacks pants.

>> No.5575088

Seems very right to me.

>> No.5575090
File: 398 KB, 850x1280, 1277170506311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was actually thinking about pic related but whatever, I don't care with, they are both so nice it's like I could die happy if I had one ;_;

I actually like the pose, at least as seen from the front. I like the face a lot as well. I don't see anything that I don't like with it, and if there's something then it might be the pose as seen from behind, but the bloomers still make a pretty nice save.

It's expensive though. 7000 yen ;_;

>> No.5575095


>downside is the fact that she lacks pants

Meiling has sexy legs. Do you not want her to show them?

>> No.5575130

Pants are more stylish, it looks less lewd, more cool, and if you are serious about fightan martial arts, you should know to protect your legs with fabric. Without pants looks... cheap, like you are removing an interesting detail for the sake of fan-service. Also, traditionally, pants should be worn under such garments.

>> No.5575127

Yeah I was thinking about posting that one! I bet we'll get them one day ;_;

Also 7000 is pretty pricey. Thinking about buying Burger Saber for $85 too. Lottery prease.

>> No.5575138
File: 47 KB, 450x340, 1274451891976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pants are more stylish

>> No.5575140


She wears pants in the fighting games, but they're pretty form-fitting. Also, SEXY MOTHERFUCKING LEGS.

The only person with better legs than Meiling is Kogasa.

>> No.5575147

She has fantastic legs but I feel that putting pants on her would help tone down how pale this fig looks.

I agree, I wonder how long I can wait on this decision before it is to late and they are gonna be sold out.

>> No.5575155

I actually prefer skirts over pants usually, but I love Meiling's puffy white pants! And yeah, that's just like, my opinion.

And while I agree that Meiling's legs are awesome, I still like clothes on my women rather than for them to be as naked as possible. Again, just my opinion.

>> No.5575162

>how pale this fig looks


>> No.5575169

Choosing whether or not to wear panties with your dress is now serious business?

Great, as if I didn't have enough to agonize over...

>> No.5575173

There were maybe two posts about that.

>> No.5575177

>15 available

I might just keep tabs on this.

I was hoping to get GSC's Misaka for a cheap 4000yen but now I am having second thoughts.

Figurine you drive me so crazy and you drain my wallet
Yet why do I love you all so much ;_;

>> No.5575180


Knowing how /jp/ isn't one to mince words, or waste them on unnecessary subjects, that does very little to assuage my fears.

>> No.5575187


But she's nowhere near naked. I think the fact that the only thing about her outfit is the fact that her legs are highly visible and thus a focal point makes it that much sexier, but then again I'm a leg guy. I either prefer bare sexy legs or hosiery on sexy legs.

>> No.5575196

Skin tone is a little too white but that may be just these pics.

>> No.5575213

I think that's just you being into brown, man. But to each his own.

>> No.5575225


No, she is really white. No real tone.

>> No.5575230
File: 388 KB, 566x800, 9300797_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really is a matter of opinion, really. If you like legs then of course no-pants is a huge boost.

And while I don't think she looks "too naked"... I have never liked "bare" look. I never get swimsuit figurines; I think they are completely uninteresting, with a few exceptions. Kotobukiya's Osaka looked really nice, for example.

Maybe it's because I have a high interest in clothes and fashion, but showing too much skin where there instead could be pretty frills or other things feels like a bit of a waste to me. No hard feeling, though, I'm aware that it's just a matter of taste.

Picture related, Meiling looking good in her puffy white pants.

>> No.5575231

Looks like normal skin color to me, white would be the frills on her dress.

>> No.5575243


I have.

>> No.5575262


>> No.5575279

Just re adjusted my monitor, brightness was on 60.
Now it looks great, October can't come soon enough.

>> No.5575282



>> No.5575444
File: 273 KB, 715x1000, Reimu Festival Regalia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

source? my dear anon?

>> No.5578743
File: 872 KB, 780x1170, void(0)..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maker's site http://tikutakurabbit.web.fc2.com/

>> No.5578810

Fap on it and post results.

>> No.5580748

no one ever do this
