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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5573880 No.5573880 [Reply] [Original]

How do you tell if someone has autism?

>> No.5573887

Depends, it shows in many different ways. Some people repeat simple actions, others can't remember the names/faces of people, etc.

>> No.5573886

They are obsessed with numbers, and they waste months working on flash videos about things that they hate.

>> No.5573892

From what I've gathered, posting on /jp/ is a definitive sign of autism.

>> No.5573893

he/she is unable to keep up social contacts
he/she has a high level of intelligence
he/she can not filter out unneeded background noises and thus gets annoyed by it
he/she memorizes everything without putting any effort in
he/she...ahh you should get the idea by now OP

>> No.5573895

They are obsessed with proper punctuation and capitalization, and they hate memes.

>> No.5573890

They are named walfas/littleshrimp/suigin

>> No.5573897

>Some people repeat simple actions
example ----> >>5573880

>> No.5573908

They always try to explain how sage works.

>> No.5573918

They refuse to use tripcodes.

>> No.5573934

They post daily doses.

>> No.5573941

They roleplay.

>> No.5573943

I forgot to mention that autistics are also zealous users of the report button.

>> No.5573952

When they ejaculate on print-outs of character faces.

>> No.5573974

I've noticed they tend to be quite obsessed with documenting things about themselves - keeping diaries or even ongoing autobiographies. And making lists of their favorite games, TV shows, anime characters, albums etc. They also tend to talk endlessly about a single subject (well of course) without noticing how weird it is, and relating it to everything.

They talk too much or too little.

>> No.5574078

>And making lists of their favorite games, TV shows, anime characters

Oh shit, I do this. I have a list of all games that I finished, all anime that I watched, and all 2D girls that I like.

>> No.5574085

They are obsessed with reporting any post that doesn't conform to their taste.

They are jealous of successful tripfags (like me).

Uses sage.

Creates threads with no text.

>> No.5574087

Sounds like autism to me, bro.

>> No.5574089


mugen, shitposting once again.

>> No.5574096

>Uses sage.

You know mugen, sometimes when I make an off-topic response or one that doesn't contribute anything to a thread, I don't want to bump it.

>> No.5574102

Lol!... Special Child detected... Lol...

>> No.5574103

Thread reported.

>> No.5574105

They draw guro pictures of random anime characters.

They constantly talk about how great they are.

They don't realize how stupid they look.

>> No.5574110

Oh... I take it back... you win...

>> No.5574111


Mugen, from what I understand you are married and have kids

and yet you still post on /jp/

You are so fucking pathetic it is saddening

>> No.5574119

Excessive use of ellipses in their posts.

>> No.5574124


>> No.5574125


>> No.5574131

I don't see why I can't post in /jp/ just because I'm married and NON-VIRGIN... It's just like... your opinion señor...

>> No.5574130

Well, what do you expect, his name is Mugen, his dad used to rape him when he was a kid and he secretly licked his mom when she was sleeping.

He only gets boners to scat and likes to look at underaged children in the park.

>> No.5574135

ignore him, he has autism

>> No.5574137

We should embrace autism and autistics with open arms. They're the cure for the normalfaggotry that's been infesting the board, and they're the one group who has absolutely no chance of becoming tainted by the influence of non-NEET boards/posters.

>> No.5574142

Geez, look at this poor special child... come, I'll give you attention...

Also, Suigining...

>> No.5574143

What?... You got problem with my excess dots?...

>> No.5574147

mugen, could you draw some Shizuka Aki guro for me?
I'd really appreciate it

>> No.5574148

This thread: People with no self-awareness.

>> No.5574152


No I'm just attracted to idiocy, much like the kind you shit out every day, Suiginshit.

>> No.5574154

>No I'm just attracted to idiocy,
you must be narcissist

>> No.5574159 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.5574162

burned hard

>> No.5574166

Nice one.

>> No.5574177


Suigin, you are far more pathetic than anybody on /jp/ save mugen. How much of a loser could you possibly be to post here, what, 8000 times?

>> No.5574175

If "autistics" are the ones shitposting and spamming textless /a/ threads, they need to leave as well. /jp/ has always had its share of normalfags lurking, they never stay around long once they realize we're serious about the things we say and do.

Now, the people whose personalities actually mimic autism or aspergers have been and always will be the heart of /jp/. Normally people only show interest in certain obscure things for so long. /jp/ seems to thrive on them.

>> No.5574173


>> No.5574185

OK but... it might take a week or two...

You fine with it?...

>> No.5574205

sure i'm fine

>> No.5574220



>> No.5574221

LOLOLOLOLOL!!!... Nice one Suigin... That drives it home all up his ass...


>> No.5574238

>They are obsessed with proper punctuation and capitalization, and they hate memes

they also insist on pretending to be 'polite', all the while insulting people and using big, smart sounding words to hide their autism.

>> No.5574255

Look at mugen trying so hard to fit in.

>> No.5574262

Get the fuck out of /jp/ you waste of space.

>> No.5574263

I am now sure I have autism. ;_;

>> No.5574264

Fit in?... this is my turf señor... aren't you lost or confused or something?...

>> No.5574265


>Now, the people whose personalities actually mimic autism or aspergers have been and always will be the heart of /jp/.

/jp/ - Autism Culture/Hugbox General

-stims furiously-

>> No.5574280

lol, butthurt autistic manchild came out of the closet.

>> No.5574315
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>> No.5574399

There is a pretty funny theory which connects overdrawn expressions in VNs/anime/manga with autism. Since autistic people are bad with stuff like that (they don't 'get' nonverbal signs) they tend to be attracted to stuff I mentioned above because it's easier to understand what's going on. Pretty hilarious if you ask me but I can't deny that it does make some sense.
