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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5572873 No.5572873 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5572897

I've said it before and I'll say it again.

I want a scene with Lily where she rubs her hands across Hisao's face, 'seeing' him through touch in the fashion of a blind person.

>> No.5572921

I want an ending where the glasses girls gets detached retinas or cataracts or something and goes to the blind girl to be consoled with blind lesbian sex.

>> No.5572929

And I want a Hanako diaper scene.

The world isn't fair.

>> No.5573032

so...Where is my mute waifu?

>> No.5573066

Yeah, well I want a bad end where you beat Emi to death with her fake legs.

>> No.5573171


>> No.5573316

You guys should make a doujin VN

>> No.5573323

Reported for advertising

>> No.5573325

I wonder if they will do a KS2 after this one is complete

>> No.5573328

Sure, in 20 years.

>> No.5573343

I bet they will be done next year.

>> No.5573347

I want a scene where Lily rubs her hands all over Hanako's scars.

>> No.5573402


>> No.5573636

>I want a scene where Lily rubs her pussy all over Hanako's scars.

>> No.5573642

Bumping for retarded spam reply

>> No.5573645

hai gaiz!

>> No.5573649

Replying to show that you are retarded.

>> No.5573658
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>> No.5573662

I stopped caring about KS as soon as Gimme the Chocolate Hisao. I dunno if it's still there but I'm not touching it in its current state nonetheless. Even if they made some significant grounds to un-derp Emi.

Admittedly it is an original project that's actually gained some ground/following where well, every other Western VN project I've ever seen is either dead in the water/vaporware or severely underwhelming. BUT. It's still not /jp/. Even though I sympathize with KS being basically an orphan between three or four boards, it's not from Japan ... what do you expect us to do, adopt it out of kindness? As if such a thing as kindness exists here?

>> No.5573667
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>> No.5573676


>> No.5573680

Since when has this board been about things from Japan?

Traveling to Japan? Go to /trv/. Need something translated? Get the fuck out, go to /lang/. Anime? /a/.

The only things ever welcome here are tripfag shittery, Touhou, and VN threads. Anything else gets a hostile reaction.

>> No.5573682

Basically this. I guess it would be fine liking this project moderately, without reaching /a/'s THIS IS THE BEST SHIT EVER or the elitists NOT GOOD LIKE PRO WORKS IT'S SHIT extremes.
I see it as a cute children trying to ape its parents. It makes you laugh, but it's a warm laugh. Whoever takes it seriously one way or another needs to be shot in the balls.

>> No.5573693

Naw, adoption isn't needed. /a/ grudgingly accepts KS, and the mods don't delete it on /a/ unless things get out of hand. People who decide that it must get posted here are either stupid or just out to annoy you. Feel free to send them over to /a/, since even KS trolling is an improvement over how shit the board has been for the last couple weeks.

>> No.5573699
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>> No.5573706

But VNs are from where?

I mean, it's the same kind of situation with people trying to talk about Boondocks or that Avatar cartoon on /a/. It just doesn't fly because it isn't authentic.

That being said, don't be discouraged KS devs, if it got popular in Japan (by some unforeseen miracle) then it could possibly be considered minimally related here. But still probably won't fly, because people have been far too used to going "get out KS devs" for years now; it is not that easy to turn around a phrase as ubiquitous with this board as the terms "win/fail/epic" are to btards.

>> No.5573734

Why do people say it's not going to come out?

>> No.5573731

I'd care more about KS if it had the prospect of actually coming out.

>> No.5573737
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>> No.5573746
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Basically the KS devs have been spamming their blog here for years.

By the time the demo was out it was already far too late. Sorry bros.

>> No.5573748

The same reason people say Duke Nukem Forever won't come out.

>> No.5573753

>Duke Nukem Forever
What is that?

>> No.5573758

Otome Function's other name.

>> No.5573762

I raged a little.

>> No.5573779

You think i was trolling?

>> No.5573780

What the fuck? Does that actually happen?

>> No.5573789
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Not yet.

>> No.5573808


Fuck's sake, the devs already flip out at the idea of anal sex. Shit like that won't be in the VN.

>> No.5573813

>at the idea of anal sex

>> No.5573815



>> No.5573824

My friend bought artwork of Hanako at AX.
There's also been cosplay of it in the past.

KS has progressed this far, guys. And Mangagamer DID mention they'd like to do an English VN...might they be considering a collaboration with KSdevs?

>> No.5573825
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At least we will have tampon inserting action.

>> No.5573833

Poor girl.

>> No.5573849

Somehow I don't think Cripple Girls is a title they'd want to attach their name to.

>> No.5573850

What the..I played act 1 and completed it and never saw this?

>> No.5573857

I hope some fans make a voice patch.

>> No.5573861

It's been 2 years since the start of the project.
The blog updates at least once a month, usually more often than that. It has a ton of people working on it with actual updates. Most freeware collabs collapse within a year as people get bored or frustrated.

I'm feeling pretty confident about KS.

>> No.5573874
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Need this also.

>> No.5573878

>Boondocks or that Avatar cartoon on /a/.

But look at those 2 and compare them with anime and you will see what they are talking about.

>> No.5574192

Yeah right. Get out KS dev.
