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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5572035 No.5572035 [Reply] [Original]

For nobody dared to be friends with a vampire at that time,Flandre always felt lonely. She thought that her wings shocked the human beings,so she decided to cut them off. Nobody wanted to be the demon,neither did the demon.

>> No.5572040
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Remilia:'...Please...my little sister...Don't hurt yourself anymore...I beg you...'

>> No.5572044
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Pachuli:'...Instead,the crystal may help you to make friends...Otherwise,if you're lonely,listen up.The ring of the crystal will always surrounds you.'

>> No.5572059

But her wings are iron

>> No.5572053
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Though our dear Flandre didn't make new friend at last,the new wings made her happy for a long time. She NEVER wanted to be a vampire or something else,but just a girl who need friends...


>> No.5572064
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Source: http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=326560

>> No.5572061

im learning...no really that's just mean no matter how she dress up, she still got locked away for 500 years.

>> No.5572066


I think in this means she tore her wings off, but they were replaced by the twisted iron and dangling crystals.

>> No.5572068

So that's how it happened.

>> No.5572077
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>> No.5572091
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So touching

>> No.5572118
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Flandre is adorable.

>> No.5572132

She is not locked away, she stays in the basement by her own choosing. Also, she doesn't come blasting out of the basement at any sign of a intruder/guest and has a lot of self control.

>> No.5572135

Wow that's pretty hardcore.

>> No.5572139
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>> No.5572210
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kodomo janai, bakemono da.

>> No.5572281
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>> No.5572293
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>> No.5572299
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>> No.5572309
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touching, i prefer that to the other theories

>> No.5572329
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don't they usually come in revarse order?

>> No.5572338
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>> No.5572348

Clearly Flandre flew away from Reimu's grasp

>> No.5572353

This one always gets me. ;_;

>> No.5572380


Go play the extra stage of Komajou Densetsu to see what Flan's personality is supposed to be like. (Or if you're like me and suck at it, YouTube it).

>> No.5572396
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>> No.5572454
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>> No.5572471
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>> No.5572478
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>> No.5572499
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>> No.5572503

I recall the exact same scene with young Alice (I think) in one doujin. Is that a parody of some extra-Touhou manga?

>> No.5572524

The problem with flan's wings is that if she had real ones that were torn off, they'd just grow back.

>> No.5572527
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>> No.5572545
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>> No.5572552

And this is a problem, how?

>> No.5572560

seriously? alice can't kill people just by clenching her fists.

>> No.5572574

No, they're just two parts of the same series. Alice's one didn't have any dead, she was just alone because she's Alice.

>> No.5572602
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>> No.5572616
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>> No.5572641
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>> No.5572655
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>> No.5572670
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Dou shiyou ;_;

>> No.5572683
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>> No.5572692

It just means her wings can't be fake, nor can she cut them off and replace them with crystals.

>> No.5572703

I'd slay Flandre, if you know what I mean.

>> No.5572721
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Perhaps flan is not a pure vampire, but half vampire half magician?

or perhaps remilia is the weird one, since vampires usually don't have wings in human form...

>> No.5572777 [DELETED] 

Maybe she's so powerful, her wings are transcendental vampire wings.

>> No.5572789
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Maybe she's so powerful, her wings are transcendental vampire wings.

>> No.5572805

thiscombined with this
maby shes a powerful new breed or crossed with a devil or something

>> No.5572834
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which one?

>> No.5572838

They are blood-related but the vampires that turned them were from different clans.

>> No.5572871

Remilia and Flandre are Tremere. They don't abide by regular vampire rules.

>> No.5572916
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>> No.5573677

They're just Japanese vampires, which are different from Western vampires. Japanese vampires don't have the same vulnerabilities (notice that Remilia really likes crosses?), and they are mythologically connected to the moon.

>> No.5577983 [DELETED] 

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>> No.5577987 [DELETED] 

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>> No.5578007
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Come to think of it, what are the regular vampire rules?

>> No.5578040

Vampires are creatures ruled by fear, most importantly the fear of exposure to the Kine, everyday humanity. Since the Inquisition the majority of vampires have lived under the Masquerade, an enforced campaign to hide the existence of the Kindred from humanity.

>> No.5578062
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Note to self: Be careful with the word "rules" in the context of vampires.

>> No.5578068

Forgot to add the concept of the Beast. The pure animalistic rage that resides within all of vampires.
The Beast refers to the innate demonic predator that awakens in each and every vampire upon their Embrace. The Beast stands in direct opposition to a vampire’s Humanity (and in some cases the Paths of Enlightenment) and is responsible for many of the debased urges Cainites feel on a nightly basis. In times of extreme distress the Beast can overwhelm a vampire forcing them into a state of pure animalistic fight or flight, which is referred to as Frenzy or Rötschreck.

Vampires should not succumb to the Beast.

>> No.5578092

While Remilia fits perfectly to the Tremere clan I think Flan would more of a Malkavian vampire.

>> No.5578106


>An emo kid story.

>> No.5578274
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Flandre sighs as she looks out the window.

She wishes she could go out, she wishes she could go out, but she can't, ever.

It's not that she's not allowed to go out. If she wanted, she could kyu the mansion, Sakuya, or even Remilia. Why, she could just kyu something next to Remilia, and might get her will through that way, by terrifying her.

It's just that, in all the stories she likes best, there's a family. Every little child has a mommy, a daddy, or at least a sibling. But her mommy and daddy dissapeared a long time ago, and Remilia's all she has left.

If she were to force herself outside, Remilia wouldn't be a sister to her anymore. She wouldn't scold her for kyuing the furniture, and even Sakuya would be deathly afraid of her.

Normal kids don't have gaurdiens who are afraid of them.

The basement might be lonely, but it's the closest she'll ever be to a normal, human little girl.

>> No.5579673


>> No.5582476
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Love Flan. ;_;

>> No.5582854

VTM: Bloodlines needs a sequel.

>> No.5582903

nice one, where did you find it?

>> No.5582961
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>> No.5582967

It won't get one...

>> No.5583834

Hey now, White Wolf is working on a WoD MMORPG with CCP (EVE Online developers)

>> No.5584767

Probably only nWoD.
