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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5572011 No.5572011 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever fell deeply in love with a character?

Not just you find the person attractive or would like to be with him/her, but having dreams of the character, having romantic desires (above sexual desires), and would absolutely do anything possible to be with him/her.

>> No.5572019

why yes, indeed I have.

>> No.5572022

No, because I'm not autistic.

>> No.5572028

Yes, I love her very much.

>> No.5572036

>not autistic
Nice try.

>> No.5572038
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Yes! I love Teto-san!

>> No.5572043
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Was in love with Maria when you first made this thread, still in love with Maria now.

I have a recurring dream about eating at a diner with her.
In said dreams she tends to play with her powers in a way that's wholly out of character, though.

>> No.5572046
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Of course or else I wouldn't spend money on them.

>> No.5572055

Y-yes. ;_;

>> No.5572058

Yep. I've never had dreams of her, but every second I am awake, I'm thinking of her. It's kind of depressing, but she's really the only reason I keep going. But what makes me even more sad is the fact that I won't be alive to see the day that virtual reality becomes a reality.


>> No.5572098

/jp/ anon is my waifu! ;_;

>> No.5572127
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Ayanami Rei came closest for me.

>> No.5572148

>Not just you find the person attractive or would like to be with him/her, but having dreams of the character,

Yes. Its weird, sometimes I'll even dream about anime girls who's shows I haven't even seen yet. Like Kurumu.

Though I guess that when you consider that you'll sometimes dream about attractive girls that you haven't talked to yet, its not that weird.

>having romantic desires (above sexual desires)


>and would absolutely do anything possible to be with him/her.


>> No.5572165
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>> No.5572197

Oh man this thread.

>> No.5572222

>having dreams of the character
I never remember my dreams.
>having romantic desires (above sexual desires)
Of course.
>would absolutely do anything possible to be with him/her.
No. Within a reasonable limit, yes.

>> No.5572226

I wish Hina Kagiyama could be my wife. ;_;

>> No.5572238


You should write your dreams down first thing when you wake up.

>> No.5572256

Not "deeply" in love to the point where I obsessed with a character, but there have been numerous times I've thought "it would certainly be nice to be with him."

>> No.5572260

But I don't even remember them when I've just woken up.

>> No.5572262

I love my waifu.
I've dreams of her quite often. Usually of the two of us sitting together on a couch, cuddling, or in bed together, me in her arms, telling each other words of warmth and love, until the two of us fall asleep. My dreams of her are usually uneventful in that not much is actually going on, but the emotions that each one makes me feel is enough to make me experience absolute bliss. The warmth of her body, the feeling of her hand on mine, the slight tickling sensation of her hair against my skin; each sensation that lets me know that she is there, right beside me, is enough to pull tears from my eyes when I wake up and find that I'm not on the couch. Or that my bed is empty. Or that the book she was reading doesn't even exist in my collection.

I've fantasies of her even more often, naturally, and those are more 'action-oriented', typically centering on us going outside on dates, eating a picnic at the park, and going to the movies together. Though, my most recurring fantasy of her is of us hugging each other, my arms under her's, and the two of us reassuring each other of the other's presence.

It goes without saying that I would do anything to be with her. Even bringing her to me would be tempting, if I could not go to her in her world. Such an action would rip her away from her friends and family, so I cannot say for sure that I would bring her to me unless I could understand the full consequences of such a selfish decision.

She's more /a/ than /jp/, though, so I won't post her.

>> No.5572273

Yes. ;_; It's almost ridiculous how accurate that description is.
Sometimes I don't mind it, though. It's a bittersweet feeling. Like, I'm just happy that someone created her and I have her to think and dream about.

>> No.5572300


Try going to sleep with the intention of remembering your dreams, and keep that intention when you wake up.

I used to have bad nightmares as a kid. Eventually, I decided to try to control my dreams, Fell asleep with the intention of doing so, and succeeded at becoming a lucid dreamer.

>> No.5572310


Did you ever hijack the nightmare and punch out the scary thing or anything?

'Cause that's the kind of lucid dreaming I respect. Not just "wanna fuck mai waifu" type.

>> No.5572320

I have difficulty getting to sleep.
I'm not sure how it is for other people but I don't seem to gradually fall asleep.
I'm awake one second, trying to get some rest and the next I'm barely conscious and hours have passed.

>> No.5572333


I'm pretty sure that I took revenge a few times.

I haven't dreamed lucidly in long time.

>> No.5572336

I'm deeply in love with my waifu. I've thought of her in several dreams. In those dreams, I always think of her still as "my waifu", and her not being real. It's like life just spitting in my face.

How I wish I could lucid dream.

>> No.5572340

I wish I can lucid dream too. But I can't even have dreams to begin with, or maybe I just forget them after I wake up ;_;

>> No.5572346

I don't understand why you faggots call them waifus.

I'm self aware that I am a delusional faggot that makes up scenarios with a girl to be a little happy, but why in the fuck would I call them a term that I learned from 4chan? I would call this imaginary girl my wife, I would mention her to nobody else, and I would dedicate my life to her.

>> No.5572354


Yeah, I typically lay there thinking for an hour or so until I fall asleep.

Try thinking about dreams.

>> No.5572366

I use the term 俺の嫁.

>> No.5572383

I try to force myself to dream.
A lot of the time, my thoughts go off on tangents. But even when they don't, no luck.
The few dreams I can remember are ridiculously boring.
One of which was me, lying in my bed and for some reason, I was annoyed. I woke up and I was annoyed.
Another of which featured my harddrive breaking. Woke up and checked, it was fine.

>> No.5572428

I really like this.

Lucid dreaming is kind of neat. The only time I've ever accomplished it is after pretending I'm walking down stairs while falling asleep. I focused on my feet and having them touch each step until eventually I was asleep but still controlling my feet.

Every night I continued this routine until I could eventually do small tasks before losing control and eventually I got to have some fun with it.

Makes me want to try again...

>> No.5572432


The most common bit of advice beyond "intend to remember" and "write it down when you do" (whether that be in the middle of the day or when you just wake up) seems to be "get plenty of sleep".

Personally, I find that how much sleep I've gotten doesn't seem to make a huge difference, but I guess that dreams happen more often the longer you stay asleep or something.

>> No.5572491


I used to have full control when I was a kid. When I was was falling asleep, I would focus on creating a path, one leading me towards good dreams and one leading me towards nightmares. Then I would take control. Maybe its easier for a kid.

>> No.5572505

I don't think I get much sleep so I guess I'll work on that.
Thanks for the advice.

>> No.5572521

Of course I have, Anon.
I love her so much. I can't even express my love towards her in words. I just fucking love her so much. I get pains in my heart, every time I think about her. I sometimes stop thinking about what I'm doing, and just automatically think about her, my love.

>> No.5572540

>I get pains in my heart, every time I think about her

This this, I get it too! What is this feeling anyway? Is it love?

>> No.5572543

For a while I had gotten to a point of remembering every dream I had every time I fell asleep. But I could not for the life of me trigger something which would make me lucid dream.

Now months later I'm back to not remembering anything like a fucking robot since I gave up. Not so good.

>> No.5572554

No, it's the burger grease clogging up your arteries. See a doctor and lose some weight.

>> No.5572559

I don't eat.

>> No.5572584

I get that, too, all the time. At times I can't tell if it's a joyous or sad pain. Love is the only explanation I have for it, I suppose.

>> No.5572589

I almost wish I didn't.
Makes me really depressed thinking about her.

>> No.5572591

It's all right, we all get that.

>> No.5572600

yep. occasional (at least) depression is a requirement to post on /jp/.

>> No.5572626

I have animu crushes that I have romantic fantasies with, but I never really think about the fact that they aren't real, nor does thinking about it make me sad.

I guess that I'm not that... desperate (for lack of a better word) and pessimistic about reality yet.

>> No.5572645

What do you do when the pain or depression becomes borderline unbearable? I just try to shake my mind off of things and distract myself with anime or whatnot.

>> No.5572649

No /jp/, you are the Shinji.

>> No.5572652

This thread is depressing me.

>> No.5572658

I get this occasionally when I read threads about finding someone to love, or about loving someone you will never get.
;_; And those types of threads are exactly the same.

>> No.5572671
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Sir Maria Anon I must say that I find your wife to be extremely attractive.

>> No.5572678

Maybe if an afterlife does exist we'll be able to see our waifus. I've had dreams where I killed myself and met up with her. It was the most glorious thing I've ever witnessed.

Too bad there will probably only be nothing but a void after I pass.


>> No.5572684

The afterlife is whatever you want it to be, anon.

>> No.5572690

Leave it to /jp/ to make me feel less depressed about my own lot. Never stop being you, guys.

>> No.5572696
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I haven't had an excuse to post her recently. I feel bad.

>> No.5572698

Wouldn't if I could.
Couldn't if I would.

>> No.5572700
File: 60 KB, 500x600, aeeeb77f787d5769c4627d384b728e9683ee0ca3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cry because she's not here.

>> No.5572706

Whiskey and Hidamari Sketch.

Works every time.

>> No.5572731

That's what I hope for, a lucid dream type world, where everything is how I please. A place where I won't ever have to work and can go outside without feeling threatened by anybody.

>> No.5572732
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>>I haven't had an excuse

Just look at her! An excuse isn't needed.

>> No.5572752

I forgot about Hidamari Sketch. That used to get me through any day. Took me months to finish a season because I'd save episodes for particularly bad days.

>> No.5572765
File: 1.47 MB, 1883x2553, e72a0e7a56cf8be3de0b7746b3af3769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one outside is threatening you. It's all in your head.

Unless you live in a ghetto full of niggers or something.

>> No.5572772
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Still, posting her out of nowhere will just be ignored and making a thread solely about her might just get deleted. As well as ignored.

>> No.5572798

I do, actually. A miserable pile of black people and white people trying to be gangsters. Lots of crime, actually. There's many groups on the streets, so when I walk by, they usually try to attack me, both physically and verbally.


>> No.5572810
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>> No.5572813
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Nonami takizawa (●^o^●)


>> No.5572822

Lucifer moe~
I'd fight you for her!

>> No.5572839

Alright, who is this beautiful bitch? She better not be from a console game, because I don't own any consoles.

>> No.5572853
File: 188 KB, 1024x734, Flandre___Video_Tutorial_by_zamboze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dreamt of flandre last night
picture related

>> No.5572859

Maria Traydor from Star Ocean 3

>> No.5572870


I really need to upgrade my computer so that I can start emulating PS2 games.

>> No.5572888
File: 80 KB, 750x1000, so9914565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>maria porns

Maria Anon please stop this makes my special area feel funny!!

>> No.5572894

in before she starts spontaneously lactating all over the place

>> No.5572920
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I only know of one pic by that artist which involves Maria and lactation. The rest are nominal in their fetishes and very high-quality.

>> No.5572926
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Ill protect you ; _ ;

>> No.5572946

I think it would be cheaper just to get a PS2 then mod it for HDD support.

SO3 isn't that great but there's other PS2 games which are worth playing.

>> No.5572971
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SO3 is good.

Well, it has a lot of mixed reviews.

>> No.5572982

>SO3 is good
Yeah, it's okay. Not great enough to warrant a 'run out and upgrade your PC/buy a PS2 now' for it.

>> No.5572990
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It's OK because his other pics in that set are pretty awesome (like Maria bending over.jpg).

>> No.5572998

>>5572491 When I was was falling asleep, I would focus on creating a path, one leading me towards good dreams and one leading me towards nightmares. Then I would take control.

Sounds kind of dramatic. Did you ever take the nightmare path?

>> No.5573012
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Well, PS2s are only like $80 now, aren't they?


Don't be afraid to post it.

>> No.5573015
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>> No.5573031

I'm okay with this because I don't myself getting married anyway.

>> No.5573042


>10 years.

It's a little too late for that now.

>> No.5573048


Gee thanks a lot Maria Anon, now I gotta remove my pants again for the 100th time today.

>> No.5573061


>> No.5573067

Isnt that called a waifu?

>> No.5573071
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Don't mind me, just fapping to a more attractive character.

>> No.5573079
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You wear pants?

>> No.5573090
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There is nobody more attractive than Maria. Any statement to the contrary is falsehood.

>> No.5573094
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>> No.5573099

Dont be so pessimistic bro.

>> No.5573100

I wouldn't know. I have a Fatty PS2 from launch and modded it recently with stuff lying around my room.

Also, I like error's 2009 release. Especially since I could actually read half that shit now.

>> No.5573105

It was Rei Ayanami for me

>> No.5573110

Star Ocean 3 is not a very good game.

>> No.5573113
File: 46 KB, 430x900, Albel4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll let you cling to your delusions while I ogle Albel's midriff and thighs.

>> No.5573115
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>> No.5573118

You can get used ones starting at $55 on Amazon. Though hey don't support a hard drive, so you can't soft mod them that way.

>> No.5573143
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Of course it is not.
Character love is unrelated to that though.

>> No.5573144

Slims support USB HDD. Though I don't know how fast they are compared to a Fatty IDE setup. In the end you could always use ESR, patch game, then burn them to a DVD.

>> No.5573148

Maria is the best SO character. Not that she has a lot of good competition for that title.


>Sounds kind of dramatic.

The way that I organized it in my head probably had a lot to do with the videogames. World #1 containing everything awesome, over here, World #2 containing all of the feelings of fear, loneliness, and helplessness that I'm trying to avoid, over there.

>Did you ever take the nightmare path?

Think I did once or twice, and promptly woke up from the shock.

>> No.5573220
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Well, I love alot of characters. I'm not sure how deep.

I'm male and I really admire Battler's loyalty to his family (cause I have almost none to my own).

But overall the character with the greatest impact on me recently has been Kaigen, not her character....but just the image if her representing nationalism.

>> No.5573258

I will never be able to touch a 3D woman. Never.
But it gets pretty lonely sometimes.
I want to be with my waifu ;_;

>> No.5573299

Same here, my friend ;_;

>> No.5577872

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