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File: 37 KB, 640x480, ilbon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5568775 No.5568775 [Reply] [Original]

Corea was here! Japan is loser!

>> No.5568783
File: 80 KB, 1280x720, [RaveSubs]_Mitsudomoe_01v2_[720p][8E6792C6].mkv_snapshot_09.29_[2010.07.05_20.14.04].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5569186


>> No.5569196

but we are not corean

>> No.5569197

Come back when you've beaten Japan in a war in the same way they've thrashed you time and time again.

>> No.5569213

Japan is in terminal decline. Corea will strike with the genius and victory of Yi Sun Sin when the time is right ^__^

>> No.5569222
File: 14 KB, 317x367, bawson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> ^__^

>> No.5569245

it's called korea, moran

>> No.5569249

The most the Japanese did against Korea was launching terror attacks against Korean villages during WWII.
Last time Japan actually thought about invading Korea by military means was in the XVI century. The Japs tried twice, and two times they got their sorry asses beat back to their shitty, barren islands.

>> No.5569266

I beg to differ. Pepsi is not better than 7Up.

>> No.5569277
File: 34 KB, 382x284, ugly-jessica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Go back to eating cats, no one gives a shit about Korea cause you are the dog of the Asian race. Japan and China has more to offer than your shitty country. Shit even the Mexican of the Asian race the Philippines has hotter women than your flat faced plastic surgery required women. I vomit at the thought of your shit bag country.

>> No.5569282

>The most the Japanese did against Korea was launching terror attacks against Korean villages during WWII.
Thereby possessing administering, and exploiting the peninsula. No way you can say the Koreans were dominant.

>> No.5569311

Top Tier

I Don't give a fuck tier


>> No.5569314

The only way the Japanese can feel strong is by killing unarmed people, yeah this is surely a sign of "dominance" and not of abject cowardice.

>> No.5569333

Korea is known for eating cats and Taekwondo (WTF only using your legs? LAME)

>> No.5569336
File: 365 KB, 1920x1088, 1278319559457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My face when someone is trying to counter-troll OP with the same ineffective "JAPAN ROX MY SOX" tactics near me

>> No.5569354

More like


God tier: Japan
Top Tier: Korea, China
SHIT tier: Anything else
Absolute bottom tier: Phillipines

>> No.5569364

Japan isn't that great but at least it's better than Corea.

>> No.5569381



>> No.5569395


ALL Asian countries suck but Japan is more tolerable than KOREA EAT CAT.

>> No.5569400

If not Corea, China should be god tier.

>> No.5569408

I eat dog; Menicus recommends it for good health ^__^

>> No.5569409

how can anyone eat cat?
there is so little meat.. it is not worth the trouble of butchering..

>> No.5569411

hehe faggots facist in this thread

>> No.5569412


Hey FAGGOT, tell your shit country to renounce the last name Lee cause I'm ASHAMED to tell an Asian my last name fearing they may think I'm Korean. China had that name first, then Korea took it you faggots.

>> No.5569422


Cause Koreans are HORRIBLE creatures.

>> No.5569425


Philippines top tier

Nursing all your asses to health
Cruising all your ships to sea

Philippine government sucks man, feels bad

>> No.5569449


>> No.5569496

What about Japs?
they eat dolphins.

>> No.5569499
File: 18 KB, 347x400, Slavoid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God tier: Japan

A country that didn't have a written language until 400 BC, never produced a single literary, artistic or scholarly writing on their own, was living in mud huts up until 1400 AD, was led by incompetent leaders with Napoleon-complexes in the short period it was united and was as a consequence later eroded from within by centuries of civil war which destroyed every form of central government. And to top it all, when their short-dicked "emperor" realized that their country was shit and decided to copy everything the West was throwing at them, they couldn't find a better way to employ their borrowed technology than to ramp up their barbarism time one hundred at the expense of their wealthier neighbors.

No matter how you overdress him, a Hun will always be a Hun.

>> No.5569556


AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Korea's a backward-ass dump!
