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5561235 No.5561235 [Reply] [Original]

What is this Umineko that I keep reading about? It seems like a mix between Kuroshitsuji and Detective Conan. Is that all there is to it?

>> No.5561248

Detective Conan > Seacats

>> No.5561245

Yeah, the fans make it seem like it's something that it isn't. Fandom really is the worse thing ever invented.

>> No.5561250


The same could be said of all fandoms

>> No.5561251

Hey OP. Reported.

>> No.5561270

R7 is a terrible writer, we know. Now fuck off!

>> No.5561289
File: 824 KB, 1280x2005, 559d3d13d9b721614e0f2c54b91d1ea1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one in Umineko looks this good though

>> No.5561298

I haven't seen Conan since way back on adult swim holy shit.

>> No.5561304

good god I remember this character now!

>> No.5561305

Delicious trap.

>> No.5561311

Why only one episode? WHY?

>> No.5561312

Ho, trolls, it's been a long time.

>> No.5561322

Merely stating facts, fine chap.

>> No.5561326 [DELETED] 
File: 2.85 MB, 445x247, wwww.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5561332 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 1024x768, Keion is shocked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he passes judgment on others while posting keion reaction images!

>> No.5561330 [DELETED] 


>> No.5561338 [DELETED] 

You too.

>> No.5561334

Even putting umineko aside, I can't say that YEAAAAH CONAN IS AWESOME BOY.
And for the "horrible writer", I doubt that anyone here can judge this kind of thing.

>> No.5561346 [DELETED] 

There is no joke, only shitpost.

>> No.5561343 [DELETED] 

I'm glad you got the joke, impostor Ren!

>> No.5561345 [DELETED] 


>> No.5561347 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 720x480, Nagi ashamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I apologize. Thought my post made my intentions clear at the very least. Had no intention to disrupt /jp/!

>> No.5561348 [DELETED] 

He thinks he's clever for being hypocritical, so yeah.

>> No.5561355

Umineko fans are either underage or morons. It is one or the other. Fapping to fan drawings doesn't count as finding the series to be worthwhile either

>> No.5561363

>implying Kuroshitsuji's most recent arc is not blatantly ripping off Umineko

Haha, nice try, bro.

>> No.5561364 [DELETED] 

This is one thing all the White Rens have in common: they are absolutely fucking retarded.

>> No.5561372


Touhou fans are either underage or morons. It is one or the other. Fapping to fan drawings doesn't count as finding the series to be worthwhile either

>> No.5561371 [DELETED] 

Much like your posting.

>> No.5561380

You can't redeem Umineko. Stop trying

>> No.5561384

No need to get so defensive on a troll thread.

>> No.5561391

I don't think Umineko needs to be redeemed so I wasn't trying to. That doesn't change the fact that Kuroshit ripped off Umineko and not the other way around.

>> No.5561394

I doubt many people here would defend the Touhou games as being anything special...Take it easy bro

>> No.5561445

>Kuroshitsuji and Detective Conan
Throw in multiple ShinjisNGE and you have it just right

>> No.5561547
File: 76 KB, 400x566, 1250631405484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. There is one.

>> No.5561557

Umineko is a murder mystery/fantasy story. It's not that bad and it has incredible music. A good read.

>> No.5561568
File: 22 KB, 300x300, summerofjam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, it sucks. I'm 100% sure you'd hate it.

>> No.5561576

Ep1-4 would be the Mystery/Fantasy story... From 5 onwards it's about love and not being able to see the truth because of the lack thereof such love

>> No.5562587
File: 256 KB, 800x800, 8f6f46479bbd5c5e807874c1eb00a236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5562613

Looks like a couple of rejects from /a/ leaked over here again.

>> No.5565362

ya basically
