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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5558927 No.5558927 [Reply] [Original]

Is referring towards individuals of Japanese descent as 'Japs' offensive?

Also, what's the deal with this 2chan I hear about?

>> No.5558945

Use google

oh and japanese bird living the dream?

>> No.5558947
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> obvious troll

>> No.5558950

>Also, what's the deal with this 2chan I hear about?
Kill yourself.

>> No.5558951

More like Japanese Bird trying to escape entrapment by 3D pig.

>> No.5558953

>Japanese descent

how far down are they going?

>> No.5558954

Really? I always just considered it an abbreviation. :/

Google isn't straight forward enough. I want a potent summary.


>> No.5558971

Then just go there and take a look around. It isnt tooo hard to find out what this is :/ Also take a good look at this page...srsly...

>> No.5559000

Dat bird really has everything going for him...

>> No.5559280

It's a BBS, but I can't seem to post for some reason. :/

>> No.5559288

Yeah, it was used as a slur in the WW2 era. Still stings, bro.

>> No.5559293

Tojo is a much more respectful term of endearment.

>> No.5559299

Uhh....Who cares?

>> No.5559297

It doesn't allow non-japanese IPs to post.
Thanks primarily to 4chan users.

>> No.5559302

It depends on context. I don't mind personally, unless it's obviously meant to insult me.

>> No.5559309

And is it really that much more of a stretch to use two more syllables and say "Japanese" instead? It seems dismissive and stuff.

>> No.5559365


I wish I had breasts so I could have a cute bird nuzzle in them, feeling its little feathers ruffle against my bosom as I hear the sound of its soft breath in a state of utter tranquility and bliss ;_;

>> No.5559372

>as I hear the sound of its soft breath in a state of utter tranquility and bliss
More like the sound of it screaming its ass off at you for no fucking reason as it tries to escape the warm, damp prison you put it in.

Fucking birds.

>> No.5559376

>as it tries to escape the warm, damp prison you put it in.
>Fucking birds.


>> No.5559384


>Everything is horrible, I am so cool and jaded

>> No.5559402

That hot, I want bird

>> No.5559492
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