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5557632 No.5557632 [Reply] [Original]

How many hours did it take for you to 1cc EoSD in normal mode ?

I've been trying for 10 hours straight today. I did that dozen of times before so all in all I guess I played the game for over 100 hours now.

How is this even remotely possible ? I fear I will never be able to accomplish this...

>> No.5557637

I'm still working on it too.

>> No.5557647

Play on Hard or Lunatic a few hours, then go back to Normal and there you have your 1cc.

>> No.5557648

I guess is 7 hours of gameplay maybe less

>> No.5557675

I've already 1cc'd EoSD on hard modo~
The extra stage is still impossible though. How the hell are you supposed to get past even Cranberry Trap without bombing?

>> No.5557676

I found EoSD to be the easiest game, actually just behind PCB.

>> No.5557684

Not Cranberry Trap, I mean Lavatein

>> No.5557707

On my best games when I'm not doing quite so many fucktardedly absent-minded thing, I can't even get up to Flandre.. Plus, I modified the settings for normal mode so I'd have the max initial number of lives and bombs allowed and by the end of the two times I have gotten that far and was fighting Remilia, I have two lives, no continues, and.. well, actually I think I had two bombs both times which is pretty good for me.
I lose both my lives almost instantly.

>> No.5557731

Go around the top. Once you get the trick you should be able to do it more consistently than any of her other spellcards.

Also, playing over and over without a break will make you do much worse.

>> No.5557743

and behind IN, I suppose...

>> No.5557756

Alright, thanks, I'll give this a try sometime.
>Also, playing over and over without a break will make you do much worse.
I've never really noticed this before, but then again I don't think I've ever played for more than an hour or two straight. I do notice that I do considerably better at Touhou mid-evening than I do in the afternoon or morning though, so I guess state of mind must influence a fair bit on your Danmaku skills.

>> No.5557764

Practice mode is gold worth for stages you've beaten but tend to lose all your lives on.

>> No.5557772

you played using the hitbox hack or without it? because it's much easier with it.

>> No.5557779

>I guess state of mind must influence a fair bit on your Danmaku skills.
Yes, and state of body. Meditating may help with danmaku.

You can achieve satori while you beat Satori.

>> No.5557781 [DELETED] 

>How many hours did it take for you to 1cc EoSD in normal mode ?

Yeah, because everyone's 1cc'd EoSD.
Fucking troll.

You will never beat a touhou game ;_;[

>> No.5557788

Pretty much this. The only problem with this method is that you're only option is to practice regularly when you reach lunatic mode.

>> No.5557825

To practice for Touhou's lunatic mode, play harder shmups. Not harder in the Raizing sense, though...

>> No.5557845

>Meditating may help with danmaku.
Holy fuck... You meditate for the sake of beating a game?

>> No.5557861

You have trouble to discern jokes?

>> No.5557915

>Meditating = concentrating
>concentrating = having a higher chance of beating games

>> No.5557981

Explain to me how it is obvious that that isn't a joke.

Meditation is relaxation, first of all.
Second of all, here's the definition of "meditate", and yes, this is the closest to the one you're referring to:

" Buddhism & Hinduism: To train, calm, or empty the mind, often by achieving an altered state, as by focusing on a single object."

In other words, you're taking the time to perform a fucking ritual before playing it.

>> No.5558034
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Fuck this shit. I managed to enter stage 6 with two three lifes and two bombs. I played this level a lot on practice mode and was used to beat it with three lifes. Bu no this time, no, I lose a life right a the beginning when there a re a lot of bullets then use my bombs on stupid stuff and get killed by Remilia's attacks that I was confident I could avoid them because of my previous training.
I'll stop for today or I think I'll go crazy.

>> No.5558041

You must put honor into your playing...

>> No.5558075

It took me about a month of averaging 1-2 runs per day. Note that this was my first 1cc and this month was the first time I actually started playing touhou on a more serious level.

>> No.5558084

I keep dieing on patchy and remi...;_;

>> No.5558114

My piano teacher always tells me it's pretty much useless to practice for more than 3 hours a day, because you can't focus well for much longer than that. Danmaku should probably be the same.

>> No.5558133

Levatein is easy once you get the pattern. For the 270-degree-ish spin, try waiting until the bullets "straighten" themselves before flying through them. Then it's just a matter of making it to the other side before the laser gets you.

Anyway, I 1'cc'd Normal, Hard, and Extra on EoSD, PCB (and Phantasm), and IN ages ago. Normal modes and EoSD in particular didn't take me too long, Extra modes took me months of on-and-off playing. I remember Phantasm taking about nine months worth.

>> No.5558152
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I never try to 1cc in touhou games, but Always play very well at first to see how the game really advance in achieving the 1cc avses birds but not my first 1cc was EoSD MoF and then but I would say that one months later as

>> No.5558213


>> No.5558455
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>> No.5558470

I first played EoSD four years ago. I have yet to get pass Patchy on Normal.

>> No.5558473 [DELETED] 

No it isn't.

>> No.5558672

Maybe you shouldn't practice several hours straight, but scatter those hours over the day.

>> No.5559032

Try learning how to get your score up a bit more. The final extend that comes from score comes at 60 million points. Also use more than 8 bombs if you are going for a 1cc.

>> No.5559483
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Damn, almost did it.

>> No.5559514

I don't have the dedication to try 1ccing games anymore. The thought of having to go through the first three stages every time just to get raped at 4, 5, and 6 is so disheartening.

>> No.5559572

Probably a couple of hours. It was one of the last Touhous I played... for some reason I started with SA which still kicks my ass, then moved to PCB and realized how much the difficulty varies between games.

For me 1CC difficulty goes (from hardest to easiest) SA > UFO > MOF > EOSD > IN > PCB

>> No.5561415
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OP here. I finally made it !!!! YEAH ! I thought I was going to die at the end but I managed to go through it.

I tried the extra stage. Couldn't even get past Patchy.
Hundred of hours of training again, here I come !

>> No.5561431

Assuming you are the same anon that started Touhou a day or 2 ago, you've done very well for yourself. I applaud you.
Now try the extra stage

>> No.5561622

Not OP but I've given up on Touhou already. I get TOO nervous and TOO worked up, I can't play this at all.

>> No.5563008
File: 40 KB, 640x480, 1CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally 1cc'd normal.

>> No.5563029

Don't worry OP. I got to red magic twice on 1cc. Its possible, just work out a good bombing patten.

Fucking spell cards.

>> No.5563043


...You're allowed to bomb for a 1cc, you know.

>> No.5563082

>Extra modes took me months of on-and-off playing. I remember Phantasm taking about nine months worth.

What? Phantasm isn't even the hardest extra stage, and none of them should take nine months for someone who can 1cc hard.

>> No.5563102


didn't read the thread, congrats. so how did you beat red magic?

>> No.5563112

EoSD took me a long time to 1cc, but I managed to do it... unlike with SA. ;_;
Get used to bombing if you find that you're stingy with it. If you can't get past the first 3 stages with no deaths then you NEED to practice until that happens.

>> No.5563141


Wait, you managed to 1cc Normal without any bombs?

You could probably do Hard mode without much trouble if you use them.

>> No.5563154

Not really. I could do three stages without so much as bombing in PCB when I first was trying to 1cc PCB normal, but I'm pretty sure I died there the first time I successfully 1cc'd it. It's a good measure of skill, though.

>> No.5563179
File: 71 KB, 640x480, FuckMarionetteOhAndIGuessAgniShineToo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get VSync, you seem to have slowdown difficulties.

>> No.5563184

A lot of my 1CC runs had really stupid deaths early on. I just kept going and made it anyway.

>> No.5563220

There's something about this. Tenseness can make you mess up very hard and that mess up can make you spiral in a loop of repeated deaths. But if you mess up early and continue anyways you play without tenseness and do a lot better than you expected. I wonder how many people have encountered this.

>> No.5563249


Ok, I'll get that, thanks.

Nice stats btw; how did you manage only 3 deaths?

>> No.5563306

By being able to lunatic 1cc this game by the skin of my teeth. The only deaths I suffered were from Agni Shine and Marionette. Two of those deaths were because of Marionette. Fucking knives. Remilia normal is easy as shit compared to her lunatic self which I practiced the shit out of. Scarlet Gensokyo lunatic is twentyfive times more horrible than Red Magic.

>> No.5563319

Is it just me, or is Scarlet Gensokyo on Hard easier than Red Magic?

>> No.5563328

Oh and here's the VSync patch by the way.
You'll need to rename the exe you use to play EoSD to 東方紅魔郷. The other games go by the names th07, th08, etc though.

>> No.5563331

Red Magic is actually fun. But the best players in the world often can't capture Scarlet Gensokyo lunatic.

>> No.5563351



>> No.5563365

>>5563306 here.
I kind of feel that too. I think it's because while the amount of bullets have maybe gotten a bit more denser. The bubble bullets don't reflect anymore. Which makes it a lot more simpler.

>> No.5563398
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During Remi, try playing vuvuzela music.

>> No.5563433

I try for like 20 minutes once a month then drop the game. It's always Patchy or Sakuya that gets me.

>> No.5563434

My first 1 cc normal, I entered the final stage with 5 extra lives and I could practically taste the victory (was beating it on practice within 3 lives also). I ended up finishing Remilia with zero extra lives and no bombs left.

Grats on finally finishing.

>> No.5563446

I practiced a song all day, and went from knowing none of it at all, to memorizing the entire thing after practicing for about 7 hours. It's all about determination.
