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5552421 No.5552421 [Reply] [Original]

How many dakimakura do you own, /jp/? I have three so far (and one more on pre-order).

>> No.5552430


A waste of money

>> No.5552436
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>> No.5552441


Why do want those when you can have LUCID DREAMING.

>> No.5552443

>Zero no Tsukaima, and a reverse trap.

Meh. but who's the third one.

>> No.5552445

None. I couldn't bare the embarrassment.

>> No.5552456

Own one.

Delete this thread and make a new one in about 4 hours, the eurofag kids woke up. Senseless to discuss anything.

>> No.5552463

I want one so bad but they're so expensive.
I tried to get one on ebay but the cheapest I could find was $50 (including shipping) for the pillow itself.
And $25 (including shipping) for the sheet.
Anyway I'd like to buy one if they were cheaper.

>> No.5552468

Are you talking about those in OP's pic? That's not Zero no Tsukaima, it's Perrine from Strike Witches.

>> No.5552469


OP, shouldn't you be over in the Strike Witches thread on /a/?

>> No.5552471

None. I can't find one of my waifu and it would feel wrong to own any other.

You are wrong on every count.

>> No.5552472
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Let's have a lucid dreaming thread, because these lucid dream goggles just aren't doing anything for me. What do I do, again?

>> No.5552477

Those are bootlegs. If you want to get a dakimakura, buy real ones from hobbysearch or amiami.

>> No.5552478

Wait, what.
Turns out my powerlevel is not that high.

>> No.5552485

>Perrine H. Clostermann, from Strike Witches
>Kanata Sorami, from Sora no Woto
>Lynette Bishop, from Strike Witches

>> No.5552489

Show off to people?

>> No.5552498

>lucid dreaming


>> No.5552508

Do you sleep with them OP?

>> No.5552514

These are bootleg?


I don't think so.
Anyway I don't actually like CC, just an example

>> No.5552516

I'm so jealous. You have no idea. I have tried so hard to do it but nothing. Fuck your shit.

>> No.5552529
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Here, have this.

>> No.5552532


In an old thread we had a team of /jp/ NEET scientists compare the Chinese knockoff dakimakura to the $100 real ones.

The results were quite fascinating, as some of the $10 Chinese ones were just as good quality as the $100 ones!

>> No.5552540

Yeah, the cover is.

1. Real dakimakura covers cost 90,00-100,00 yen (http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/list/1016/0/1).).
2. Seller located in Hong Kong china.

>> No.5552544


I'm sorry Ojou-sama, I'll serve you after I die ;_;

>> No.5552545

Sounds scary.

>> No.5552543 [DELETED] 

I didn't actually buy them.

Anyway, it would never work for me, because just when I get to the good part, IT KEEPS HAPPENING

>> No.5552547

It is. I've heard that they're fine though.

>> No.5552551


here, my /jp/ brothers, my personal favourite website about Lucid Dreaming

>> No.5552552
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I didn't actually buy them.

Anyway, it would never work for me, because just when I get to the good part, IT KEEPS HAPPENING

>> No.5552553

I've got tons of lucid dreaming experience, but I can't really offer much advice on the subject. I didn't have to learn how to do it, it started happening to me naturally. I actually had to learn how to stop, so I could sleep like a normal human being...

>> No.5552557

Maybe you were doing it for a reason, anon.

You abandoned your duty.

>> No.5552565

Well for me it's not a matter of quality but respecting international copyright laws and the rights of the series creators.

(Though I recognize those concepts might be foreign to some /jp/ users.)

>> No.5552571

I was doing it because my brain was producing higher than normal levels of Dimethyltryptamine or DMT, a chemical in the brain said to be the main cause of dreams and lucid dreams.

It's also said to cause things like waking dreams, night terrors, and even dreams of dying. Fun right?

>> No.5552581

Dreams are scary shit, no joke.
I don't want to dream at all for fear of those nightmares I use to have.

>> No.5552583

>image printed on cloth
You guys are complete suckers.

>> No.5552586

you....... wet your bed...?...

>> No.5552592

I've only had one lucid dream so far. It was too damn fun. But I still haven't been able to recreate it yet, all I remember is just imagining myself in a situation and laying down completely still.

And then suddenly, what seemed to be minutes later, I was fully lucid dreaming. In my own sort of reality, I could do whatever I wanted.

I just wish I could recreate this, I haven't even had a dream in months, it feels like I'm a god damned robot.

>> No.5552606

I met myself 15 years later and he was hit by a bus.
Wat do?

>> No.5552608

I've never done it, but due to my trouble with emptying my bladder before night, I've had close calls. It's a pain in the ass.

>> No.5552612

I was having a lucid dream once, but it was like I had control over EVERYTHING and I couldn't decide what I wanted to do next and it got boring so I was like fuck this and stopped dreaming.

>> No.5552614

When you're hugging all up close to it, it has to be good quality and soft fabric.

>> No.5552628

> Do you sleep with them OP?

Not during the summer, due to sweat.

>> No.5552633

Do you put plastic covers on them? Semen stains don't come out.

>> No.5552646

Where can I find a plastic cover that size? Also, every time you touch it or move it it would make that annoying crinkly noise.

>> No.5552650

its awesome when im in the middle of a dream and i suddenly realise, wait, this is a dream.

I always tell everybody around me that its all a dream, and then do crazy stuff. it reminds me of that simpsons episode where grimey does crazy stuff "because Im homer simpson!""

it doesnt last long though, i dont seem to have full control, but im aware its a dream, its strange. its as if only my dream-version of me is aware, not myself.

>> No.5552654

>implying that I would soil my wife in that way.

>> No.5552659

>Where can I find a plastic cover that size?

I wonder the same thing.
Also, the plastic wouldn't feel as good as the linen.

>> No.5552667

The intro is pretty cute.

>> No.5552674

How could you stains such precious a thing with your filthy genetic material?!

>> No.5552694

I don't think I will ever see myself getting a dakimakura. Farthest I'll go are figs/eroge.

>> No.5552695

Just hope you follow her instruction.

>> No.5553139
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I...I'm too tsundre to tell you the truth

>> No.5553180

I use a condom when I utilize my dakimakura for those purposes.

>> No.5553187

I'm on the verge of buying a custom case, as I was unable to find a non-lewd one of my waifu. Oh temptations, temptations.

>> No.5553211


>> No.5553213

Oh cool, lucid dream thread. I learned to lucid dream as a defensive mechanism for my extremely horrid nightmares that plagued me as a child. Now I can lucid dream just about anything, but I like to stay on subject. I've never made a completely raw lucid dream before, I go with the flow.Examples are that I play games in my lucid dreams, and sometimes I have abilities such as flight and SUPER JUMPING. I even sometimes become an anime girl. Thing is that I'm not gay, or anything, I just think that being a girl would be interesting. It's wierd as hell to see your hair being a different color, or even seeing it wave in your face as you run.

>> No.5553251
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I'm so jealous of people who can lucid dream. For the past months I've followed >>5552529 and that World of Lucid Dreaming site, but still, no luck.

If, just even once, I can dream of me living in Gensokyo hanging out with my wife, or anything else I want, I would be happy.

>> No.5553324

I'm in the same boat, but I keep falling out of practice. I've managed to lucid dream once through a MILD (I counted the number of fingers on my hands and ended up with too many). Lasted less than a minute, though.

I should start practicing again.

>> No.5553356

>I was unable to find a non-lewd one of my waifu
Tell me about it. God, why are there so many of my waifu nude or in scanty clothes, but none of her in simple clothing/uniform?

>> No.5553364

Who sleeps in their normal clothing?

>> No.5553376

Okay, then of one where the night-clothing wasn't a scanty see-through negligee.
Why can't she be in PJs?
I don't want to sexualize my waifu

>> No.5553378

One with her in her pajamas would be ideal, but no, they all make her look like a whore.

>> No.5553389
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>My face when I have horrid fucked up nightmares every night but am too emotionally void to feel them

>> No.5553400

>Tell me about it. God, why are there so many of my waifu nude or in scanty clothes, but none of her in simple clothing/uniform?

I have the same problem.

But nudity is tasteful and beautiful in it's own way.

>> No.5553406

I don't use dakimakura for sleeping with, but for mid-day cuddling sessions (usually before leaving for work).

>> No.5553564

I always try to use the WILD lucid dream technique, but I get too scared when stuff starts getting dark and creepy and I twitch myself back to reality.

>> No.5553586

Sleep paralysis scares the shit out of me.

>> No.5553620

Cool kopipe Anon.

>> No.5553641

..That's why you don't fucking use that method.
Lucid dreaming takes training
Increase dream recall first by keeping a dream journal and telling yourself over and over just before you go to sleep "I will remember my dream. I will remember my dream", learn the signs that you're dreaming (you tend to overlook rather unusual things in dreams...) and then when you can remember at least 1 dream per night, try to have lucid dreams.. Do the repetition thing again, but instead say something along the lines of "I will have a lucid dream" or "I'll remember that I'm dreaming" or someshit.
Don't expect to be able to have them whenever you want though. At first, you'll probably only have one per month..

>> No.5553654

This reeks of bullshit, and the fact that its written in the same tone as those fake video game cheats I used to find online when I was a kid doesn't help.

>> No.5553667


Dude you so didn't do it right.
Use STRENGTH on the truck, man, and I swear Mew pops out!

>> No.5553670

Sleep paralysis is not how you lucid dream, it's how you become body-locked; unable to move, almost unable to breath, and hallucinate nightmarish shit.
Good god you don't want to have that happen to you.

>> No.5553672

Added to filter. All you ever do is shitpost.

>> No.5553678


A light form of sleep paralysis occurs when attempting to invoke a lucid dream from a waking state, this is because the body prevents itself from acting out the dream. In REM sleep you are pretty much completely paralyzed.

>> No.5553686

Oh, also, you have to try to learn to ask the question "am I dreaming?".
Usually, you should try to ask this at times that are very common in your dreams, for example, if a lot of your dreams involve you standing in front of a mirror, you'd try to read something.. then look away, then look back again to see if it's changed (from what I read it is very, very, very, very unlikely that words WON'T change if you are indeed dreaming).

You have to do this because, despite common belief, the dreaming world can feel just as real as the waking one, so the trick to lucid dreaming is learning to identify things that aren't possible or are incredibly unlikely to happen when you're awake.

Yeah... it takes a long time.
And it is fucking scary at first.. goddamn... I have trouble sleeping now because I'm afraid that I'll somehow affect my sleep if I try to have a lucid dream and then end up having a nightmare because I was 'worried' and then worry that I'll have a worse nightmare because I just then had a bunch of images of nightmares pop into my head after I thought I'd be worried about having a nightmare that involved the images brought about by thinking I'd have that nightmare that I will then have......

>> No.5553705
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Lucid dreaming + vivid hallucinations + dakimakura = my mistress is more real than reality.

>> No.5553722

It's such an old feeling... You can feel the electricity in your body as it heals from sleep.. Or at least, that's what it seems like too me..
Scary as hell.. I've heard bad things about it.
That's where some sleep-demon story things have come from.. they've been linked to supposed alien abductions as well. I can never sleep like that.

>> No.5553730

I meant odd.

>> No.5553735
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I had a great lucid dream recently, using the WILD technique after I wake up in the middle of the night.

Four : Satoko, Hanyuu, Lambda/Bern and Sanya.

>> No.5553746

Sleep doesn't heal your body.

But yeah sleep paralysis is most likely what leads people to believe they've been abducted by aliens.

>> No.5553753

What if your girlfriend or friends/relatives will see your synthetic waifu?

>> No.5553760

this guy know what is he saying

>> No.5553765

It feels like it any way.
I'm not sure if it's that exactly.. I'm not remembering well and it could be my imagination, but I think I can sort of tell I'm not really using energy(?) or maybe I'm just doing something myself because every time I end up doing that, I always think "look, I really need to get some sleep either way".. and then I act/think(?) all determined like.. but I just can't do it.

>> No.5553774

About a year ago I had a few bouts of sleep paralysis when my relatives were visiting. I guess I was stressed out. A few times I imagined I was stuck on train tracks while a train was speeding towards me with its horn blowing, and other times I imagined being strapped to my bed while an air raid took place on my neighborhood. Sometimes I would just be face to face with someone and they were yelling insanely loud right in my face. I'm disappointed I never experienced anything cool like being raped by aliens or being held down by an old lady. I'm glad that it stopped though.

>> No.5553778

But... it's still kinda difficult sometimes to control what you dream about, depending on the circumstances of the dream and your own determination...

>> No.5553784


Gotta call you on that one. Sleep DOES heal your body...or at least, heals it faster. Resting allows you to conserve energy being active and your body can focus on more important things than actually moving around. One of those is healing. It quickens the pace at which any ailment works its way out because less energy is focused on you being awake.

>> No.5553786

>they've been linked to supposed alien abductions as well.
Now I'm fucking scared to sleep.

>> No.5553788


I get raped by Bern. I mentioned this in another thread (and won't go into such detail again) but I could be enjoying the company of one of my favorite Touhous (I have about 4 or 5...I think...) and then Bern will scare them off and rape me anyway.

>> No.5553794
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>Sleep doesn't heal your body.

>> No.5553804

Welcome to my world.
Now you understand my situation perfectly.
You know, I'm also afraid of the night by extension.
Every time I look at the window, I remember this one fucked up lucid dream I had where there were stationary monsters outside of it.. but they do anything.. they just... stood there.. I couldn't tell if they were getting closer, or even if they were alive/animate.. It was neither nightmare nor good dream. I believe woke up because I was so paranoid of them.

>> No.5553812

Oh, forgot. That was only in the one sleep paralysis type dream I've had.
Never had negative experiences with the other type (I don't use this terminology a lot so I forgot what these things are called often..).

>> No.5553863

So, I tried this. Nothing happened for two hours and now I can't sleep at all.

>> No.5553877

>there were stationary monsters outside of it.. but they do anything.. they just... stood there.. I couldn't tell if they were getting closer, or even if they were alive/animate..
Dude, what? I would have just went crazy right there. That's goddamn creepy.

>> No.5553901

The weird part is that they were shaped and colored sorta happily.. I *think* my feelings were a bit mixed, but overall, it just creeped me out.
I don't remember the exact extant to which it creeped me out, but it was enough.
Maybe if I hadn't woken up the dream would've been better. I don't know.

>> No.5553902
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I own two...

Hey keep me company when I most need it.

>> No.5553915


That wasn't a dream. Some shitfuck that you call a "friend" thought it would be a good idea to put garden gnomes outside your window in the middle of the night.

>> No.5553922

I've had something like this happen to me when I tried to overdose on sleeping pills. People I didn't know would just stand there in my house looking at me, lurking around me as I tried to use the computer or while I was laying in bed. If I wasn't actively listening to something, I would hear them or something calling my name. I definitely do not recommend trying to kill yourself with sleeping pills, because it simply doesn't fucking work! I took the whole damn pack too.

>> No.5553929
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Spirits of the dead not letting you move on. Did you happen to see their princess?

>> No.5553932

I'll ignore the astronomical possibility that that's a troll.

They looked like dragons/alligators and were floating (or 'implied' to be floating...) when my house is only a one-story... Also, there were almost no gaps between them, there was daylight outside even though it was 'night', and they were 3 dimensional toon-like characters.. Plus, it was a WILD, so I felt myself fall asleep.

>> No.5553937

Perrine, AI JOU and Lynette?

Shit son, get some taste.

>> No.5553942

2 and I got them both for free. Never used any of them yet though.

>> No.5553943

How you get them?

>> No.5553944


Half-trolling, half legit. The primary characteristics of your earlier description were "happy," "colorful," "stationary," and "creepy." Ever see a garden gnome at night? Fit all of those characteristics.

But yeah, seeing floating dragon things sucks. Sorry to hear about that pal.

>> No.5553948

I once had a dream that I got my own apartment (currently live with my mother due to having no job), and the first thing I thought when I moved in was "FUCK YES, NOW I CAN GET MY OWN DAKIMAKURA".


>> No.5553977

Ah I guess you're right. I probably put that too bluntly. What I was getting at was that sleep's primary function is neurological, not general upkeep of your body (which is what I thought the guy was talking about when he referred to "electricity healing his body"). Conservation of energy is more of a side benefit than a main purpose of sleep itself. You could mostly get the same benefit by lying motionless but awake, as the energy consumption of your brain is going to be about the same whether you're awake or asleep.

>> No.5554013

I didn't know what it was precisely, but it reminds me of 'healing'.
It feels good/soothing or like something is starting to feel better or.. or something. Fuck I don't know.
I only know when I experience it really, but it kind of makes me think of 'healing'.. It wasn't positioned on any particular portions of my body, it was just there. So I suppose it could've also just been the mind maybe...?

Either that or I'm just glorifying numbness.

>> No.5554034

>You don't need sleep to survive, you can just lie motionless for 8 hours every night and be fine

>> No.5554092

Except I didn't say anything like that. Your brain still needs sleep, your body doesn't. To illustrate the point, some dolphins sleep half a brain at a time so they can keep their body moving at all times because it's too dangerous for them to stop to sleep. Or to give another example, people who go like a week without sleep feel mental fatigue and have neurocognitive problems, but it's not like their body itself gets tired to the point where they can't even move it.
