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5551126 No.5551126 [Reply] [Original]

Jessica's alignment is so inconsistent, even the manga can't make up its damn mind.

>> No.5551146

Shkanontrice and Jessica is the accomplice.

>> No.5551169

Well, I can say with certainty that there is a distinct chance that Jessica may or may not be heavily involved in the murders.

>> No.5551173

On another news
>It should be fast this time, but since we have several editors, it's impossible to be more precise. It's very possible we'll be seeing a release about a week from now, but no guarantees.
About the editing of EP 6

>> No.5551192
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>Meanwhile at witch-hunt AND gamefaqs

>> No.5551201

Is it a chorean manga?

>> No.5551208
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Well, they said by mid July, which'll be nice. Umineko has awesome moments, and if those awesome moments happen to mean that a maid DID(pun!) everything, so be it.
I believe the term we used to describe Jessica was "anomaly". She is a problem that I wouldn't want to touch with a ten foot pole at the current time. Episode 7 should clear things up. I hope.

>> No.5551216

I'm a fan of the term Moon-chan, it's catchier.

>> No.5551230
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Moon-chan implies villainy. Anomaly is the perfect term for her, as it clearly illustrates her unclear and contradictory existence.

>> No.5551233

Moon-chan already has certain connotations. That's a more neutral term to explain her inconsistencies.

>> No.5551240

Jessica is just an angsty teenage girl. If she's the murderer because of her problems with being stinking rich then I will punch something. DID Meido is one thing, but killing because of your emodrama is bull.

>> No.5551245

Jessica is a teenage girl. Of course she's inconsistent with her emotions.

>> No.5551279

Shannon is also just a teenage girl. Look where that got us.
Meh, never did anyone claim that Jessica killed anyone. The brutal fact of the matter is that if Shannon = Kanon = Beatrice, Jessica has to be involved. If Shkanontrice is killing everyone, the blood falls on Jessica's hands in some way too. And yet, the fantasy scenes show us that she is a hero. Hence the anomaly title.

>> No.5551290
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>> No.5551296
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>> No.5551317

This. But fuck if I think she's a mustache twirling villain. I'm rather confused to how she fits in. If only this were simply Shannontrice(Or Kanontrice, take your pick), we'd be much better off.

>> No.5551331
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>> No.5551335
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>> No.5551351

Ah, Umineko.

DID meidos and morally inconsistent Ojou-samas.

Your ending will be a trainwreck, but it will be a lovely trainwreck.

>> No.5551372

Fuck, are there any circles releasing cds at the next comiket? It's been far too long. I want some new -45 or dai shit.

>> No.5551394

I just want my Erika x Dlanor and/or Jessica x Kanon yuri doujins.

Oddly enough, at the next comiket there shall be a Jessica x Kyrie doujin. But that's not what I desire.

>> No.5551400
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>I just want my Erika x Dlanor


>> No.5551428

All I hear is


>> No.5551423

Standard Umineko logic: If two characters engage in a brutal struggle to the death, it actually means there is copious amounts of sexual tension between them.

>> No.5551433

Currently listening to the unused tracks in the blue music box- and I'm curious about the track called 'Sun'. I don't believe that it's been used yet, but it sounds oddly melancholic. And if we think about who Kanon is always saying is like the sun, then yeah.

>> No.5551455

Well, on a scale of Doomed to Fucked, Jessica and Kanon's relationship is doomedfucked. There's a ton of interesting songs there, one being the DOOR TO THE SIXTH, aka I WANT TO BELIEVE.

>> No.5551479

See, that's the problem with Shkanontrice. You can't be one person and have all four people involved end up happy.

Ryukushi said there will be a bittersweet ending, and I think there shall be. Sayo very well might die, but I don't know if I would consider that sad. Better her die than her kill everyone because of her delusions.

>> No.5551495

That's more shipper logic than Umineko logic.

>> No.5551503
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Black Knight has Dlanor written all over it. It's an epic song, and it's an utter shame that it hasn't been used yet.

>> No.5551532

You should be listening to Black Knight.

>> No.5551561

Nah man, that's going to be reserved for a Piece, I know it.

It has an epic "NOW YOU SHALL KNOW MY TRUE FORM" feel to it.

>> No.5551551

Fuck yes, Checkmate. Sounds very final.

>> No.5551580

Speaking of Dai, does anyone else fucking love "Endless Nine"? I just can't help but get pumped when I listen to it.

>> No.5551590

I don't like the speaking in it. Don't like it in any of the other tracks either. Except when they're proper vocals.

>> No.5551601

Yeah, that bugs me too. I wish there was a version without Microsoft Sam in it.

>> No.5551609

It sounds like a remixed version of Mortal Stampede...

>> No.5551619

Not as much as I love ALIVE

>> No.5551634

TSUBASA is my favourite vocalized ending. One niggling thing though, whenever I hear a version of hope in any of dai's song I automatically put lyrics to the melody. Fuck. I'm sure I'm not the only one who does that, though.

>> No.5551646

>whenever I hear a version of hope in any of dai's song

So it happens about half the time you listen to Dai's music, amirite?

>> No.5551659


>> No.5551706

I'd like to see it when the Pieces finally have a showdown with the real culprit. That would be great.
