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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5545810 No.5545810 [Reply] [Original]

So /jp/

Who were you in high school?

>> No.5545817

a little girl

>> No.5545818

upper middle class

>> No.5545820

Flandre Scarlet

>> No.5545824

I was the quiet guy that was cool once you got to know him



>> No.5545828

An eccentric and outspoken, yet lazy, intellectual.

>> No.5545829


>> No.5545831

gym junkie + anime nerd.

>> No.5545841

I was pretty much the only one who paid attention in class. Quiet, boring when spoken to. I used to be diligent, but now I'm just lazy.

>> No.5545844

The guy who was hated by everybody for his ugly looks.


>> No.5545845

I hid behind the identity of the football team.

>> No.5545846

I was sort of loud. I had my fair share of friends and enemies for it.
When I wasn't drawing in class, I was debating with people.
I only handed in assignments that I cared for.

So lazy.

>> No.5545849

Everyone around me said I was gloomy, but I listened to hip-hop, rock and stuff

>> No.5545851

Library during lunch time.

>> No.5545855


>> No.5545858


Pretty much this. Then I overcame myself. :/

>> No.5545866

I'm bullshitting

>> No.5545869

The lovable wierdo/doofus.

>> No.5545876
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Basically this guy, minus the whole club thing.

Hung out with the strangest people, rejected by most others, and in turn rejected everyone else.

>> No.5545881

You were a library?

>> No.5545885

Went to the 'gaming club' where we played Starcraft during lunch. Went to the library if that wasn't open. I had 3 friends which is good for me because I don't like big groups. No one cared about me and I didn't care about them.

Not too bad

>> No.5545886

The quiet one who was always defined by the people around him. The one who had one slightly nerdy girl that had a crush on him, but was so confused by the whole situation that he ignored her. The one who got decent enough grades. The one who missed Honors by one-hundreth of his GPA.

The one who grew into a man that didn't grow at all.

>> No.5545887


>> No.5545891

That guy who never talked.

>> No.5545895

quiet, nerdy, and boring. typical for /jp/

>> No.5545908

The person who made everyone else around him into retarded socially innapropriate people, but never actually crossed the line of making fun of student suicides in public himself.

>> No.5545913

dropped out at grade 10

I was the "weird funny" guy

>> No.5545918
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Since my friend was a sort of a famous trickster that raged and trolled everyone, I was the calm composed smart guy type next to him, I was known for my programing skills and english, I was also lazy as hell. I got along nicely with everyone, i never really went out or anything but I was invited to parties. I didn't like them at all but attended out of courtesy.

My class was pretty /v/ we played Quake, Call of Duty, Starcraft, Counter Strike together, and even the non /v/ guys played stuff like Ogame. Ogame was all the rage back in 2004/2005.

Me and this one guy played Ragnarok Online for 2 years. Then each of us found different server so we didn't play together anymore.

Most of the people knew I liked anime but no one really knew what anime was since it's not nearly as famous as in other countries.

Oh and when it came to science and history I always argued with people over it, I was always right. And I'm still like that.

>> No.5545919

Otaku Culture

>> No.5545922

Feels so fucking bad.

>> No.5545927


>implying half these responses aren't from people that are neet

>> No.5545930
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Also hello there blog, enjoying the stories of my past?

>> No.5545931

The dropout.

>> No.5545934

i was an assassin

>> No.5545936

>high school

>> No.5545941

*nods, gets dusty, sips tea*

>> No.5545950

>Oh and when it came to science and history I always argued with people over it, I was always right. And I'm still like that.

What side do you argue for?

>> No.5545951


I'm guessing this is most of /jp/

>> No.5545960

Everyone thought I was a mute with no friends

>> No.5545964
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Always reserved; on early years I used to have nerdy friends.
Last three years I never talked, and never made friends. Sometimes people came to talk to me out of pity and I felt rather uncomfortable so never managed to make friends with them either. Also, evangelic people always wanted to be my friends because I had that looks of someone who never makes anything "wrong" like fucking a girl, even though I was an atheist.
Also, my grades were always shit because I was lazy and unmotivated.
Other than that, all the other typical loser shit, like having paperballs thrown at me and stuff.

>> No.5545966

*Grabs dick*

>> No.5545969

It's what most of /jp/ would like to believe are themselves.

>> No.5545971
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this guy

>> No.5546017
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Classified as the drop-out for sure. Before grade 10, I was the accessory fps/mmo gamer girl.

Everyone assumed I was stupid until I showed them test scores better than theirs for doing half the work they did in any given class, so I got a lot of resent directed towards me. Dropped out.

Went to Catholic school and I was known as the older girl that dropped out once, drew porn, and didn't believe in god. Dropped out.

Now I'm in these adult classes and I'm known as the only person who doesn't have a kid, doesn't have a hang over in class, and doesn't smoke weed during the recess break.

>> No.5546019

Covered in acne, awkward, quiet, I wore a jacket and pants all year long because I didn't want people to know how pale and skinny I was. I slept in all my classes then failed half of them when I stopped caring. I didn't have any friends. Every day at lunch was humiliating having to sit with random groups I didn't know until I found out I could eat outside alone. I highlight it as the worst part of my life.

>> No.5546035

No regrets, I take it?

Because your life doesn't seem as bad as the others.

>> No.5546044

>adult classes

Why don't you get a GED?

>> No.5546049

Well for my side thats usually the science side or what I think is right, example nazis vs communists, I was always for the communists. I was for the communist in the Cold War too. Or for example someone says that magnezium is like 1% of the earths crust I say it's 2% and we argue about it.

>> No.5546061
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There, there, people. Everything is in the past now.

>> No.5546067

I don't know, didn't do shit but lazy around during most of grade 10-12. I wasn't an outcast though and had a great time. Grades 7-9 however was pure shit.

>> No.5546076
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>> No.5546077

Perpetual newfag. As whiny as the rest of this is inevitably going to sound, I ultimately appreciate having traveled as much as I have immensely, and I don't think I would change it, were such a thing possible.

I went to five high schools and made casual friends with social degenerates, primarily. Only about four of them really lasted, and even so, I hardly talk to any of them anymore. At least none of them ended badly? They just kind of faded away and grew up. I kept to myself a lot since making lasting friendships is a bit pointless and depressing when I moved that often, and that mindset is still a bit ingrained within me, despite having outlived its usefulness to a degree. I didn't trust people who expressed an interest in a relationship; I generally assumed they were joking or trying to trick me. The notion that the entire world is out to get me is a bit egotistical, I realized, later.

I write a lot, and I did then, too. Endless notebooks filled with tiny, tiny scrawlings, sometimes sketches or doodles. I took a whole bunch of art courses and some of the teacher's fed my ego, others of them ignored me. Notably, one of them had a squirt bottle she would squirt at me whenever I dared to utter "sorry." Perhaps I made myself a bit of an easy target, though. Infinitely self defeating. It's like I felt sorry for imposing my very existence/presence onto others. I've gotten over that, though.

>> No.5546082

Alone in 9th grade and picked on constantly, made a bunch of friends in 10th grade (many of which I still keep in contact with today), half of the graduated when I was in 11th grade, and the other half graduated in 12th grade, leaving me alone again. But by that time, I was considered to be a pretty decent guy. Only people taller than me were on the Basketball team, I was considered to be pretty smart in most subjects (except in math, god I hated my math teachers), and my senior year passed on quite uneventfully.
Never made any girlfriends though, and all my friends were into similar stuff as me. Tried to start a wargaming club in my senior (mostly so I could play Warhammer, Warmachine, and Flames of War as often as possible), but apart from one friend of mine, nobody wanted to join that.

>> No.5546098 [DELETED] 

>From Israel
>Dad is an Israeli war vet and was first ranked in his CQC Training
>Pretty much grew up learning Krav Maga, Tai Qwan Do, Boxing, Kick Boxing, and Wrestling
>Mom didn't like fighting and scared the shit out of me for wanting to fight
>Became a pacifist in elementary school even I though I was picked on
>Still had awesome friends
>Middle school, surrounded by niggers and spicks
>All of them hate White Jewish people because they are automatically rich and therefore equal the man that is keeping them and their parents down
>A group of 4 niggers decide to pick on my and make me their target in 6th grade
>Never really get hurt
>8th grade they decide to make a big finally and try to brutally hurt me
>Take me to roof of of 4 story tall gym
>Try to throw me off
>Decide to fight back
>Break both arms of one of them
>Grab a second one and use him as a human shield while his friend tries to attack me
>Shield passes out so I grab his friend and dislocate his arm and shatter his knee cap
>Last one and thei leader tries to run
>Catch him and slam his head into a stone wall and bust 4 of his ribs
>School supports me
>Principle wants me expelled
>Lawyer up and get the security tapes
>Niggers are expelled and parents sued them for assault and battery over an extended period of time
>settle out of court with two of them receive $200,000
>The other two don't want to settle and their families are forced to pay $250,000
>The parents of one is forced to sell their home to pay for it
>They still get prosecuted by the city
>3 in juvi 1 in probation
>Parents put me in private school
>Get public school district to pay for it due to voucher program
>Private school costs $25,000 a semester
>Public school gets $5000 per student a semester

Story of my life

>> No.5546103

>He wants to fuck

>> No.5546104

>alpha as fuck

>> No.5546105

A loner pretty much. my best friends were 3 of the best football players in the school (2 of them got full scholarships to university) which was kinda weird. i never did homework or any projects but did really well on exams so my grades were all around 50%. and while missing 1 credit in my extra year i accidentally dropped out by skipping school for a bit then realizing i liked NEET life better. It was never my intention though, i had thought I would skip for a bit then get then still get the credit but time just flew by.

>> No.5546109

>From Israel

lol you JEW

>> No.5546119

The fat dude who hanged out with both nerds and stoners. Never was bullied or anything like that, I was "smart" enough to get along with others just well enough - but that meant hiding my real personality and interests well enough to never get any real friends either. Since I was extremely cynical back then, I thought that it was just fine like that.
But hiding my real feelings cost me losing something that might have been important, and it started me on the path to dropping out of university and becoming a NEET. Which turned out for the best, really.

>> No.5546128

A more Hebrew story has never been told.

>> No.5546135

Holy shit, fucking amazing. Today, you are my hero. Way to go, Anonymous!

>> No.5546147


Good job, fellow /jp/sy. That made me feel good.

>> No.5546153

the dude with his headphones on cause he couldnt stand the noise most of the other kids made.

but the upside was he owned dj gear so was invited to all the parties cause he had the beats.

he never really enjoyed them though.

>> No.5546155


>> No.5546157

The quiet intellectual type with a few good friends.

>> No.5546159

I didn't talk to anyone. People would try to talk to me, but I'd usually drive them off by showing a lack of interest in whatever they were trying to bring up.

I sat in the corner, finished my schoolwork (or not, I'm lazy) and just read manga under my desk.

>> No.5546161

Gangsta. I wore hoodies over caps and told everyone how much I don't give a fuck.

>> No.5546162
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>read manga under my desk

>> No.5546181


>> No.5546184
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>> No.5546190

/a/ kids, who can stop them?

>> No.5546192

weird quiet guy, as a freshman had naive hopes of having friends and started to browse 4chan, on senior year would start talking to few guys but never got to having anymore than that

would always try to join kids at pick-up basketball, even football etc during lunch, was fun but i couldn't relate to them at all

above-average in grades, i did my work but never did projects or hw, kinda screwed with my mentality passing tests but see some broad turn in hw/project for 10 free A's so i didn't try hard down the stretch

most of my 'social' time involved this place and Irc on a runescape clan, obviously that started to stop since any mmo community gradually turns to shit

only you guys i can relate with, fuck what everyone else says, i love /jp/

>> No.5546194

Strangely enough, I had an extended exposure to severe weeabboism in high school that never really took root.

When I was going to go into 11th grade I got fucking sick of taking French class, so I looked at the offered courses and said "Japanese I? Fuck year!" mainly because it wasn't French.

The class was literally 100% weeabbo kids. To my relief though, it was the only classes where people just sort of accepted me. There were actually some pretty cute girls, complete with the clumsy moe one with glasses. She told me she was going to cosplay as Riku from FFX and I had a momentary death from HHHHNGGG, she was just so adorably bad at everything... Most of the guys there were pretty easy to talk to as well because it was just granted we all liked the vidya, etc. The teacher was really chill, too, so I ended up looking forward to that class a lot.

The strangest thing: Despite all that, I never watched a single episode of animu, never read a single mango, nothing. It was like I was immune to it or something, it just never caught my interest, despite being mentioned almost daily.

My re-introduction to /jp/ and /a/ related shit was only recent.

>> No.5546201

Typical fascist jew hating other people. I hope you will get killed for your wrong-doing. Faggot.

>> No.5546202

Quiet nerdy guy who was always being friendzoned :(

>> No.5546206

We can try by sending you back.

>> No.5546211

He was defending himself. What was wrong with that?

>> No.5546214

My initial high school class was full of incredibly boring and ugly girls, and a couple of guys, of which some were alright and others which were boring or annoying. I made a couple of friends from the other classes though.
One of the girls in my class was pretty though, she had some amazing legs and feet, and would always wear thigh highs and take off her shoes during class. I sat behind of her most of the time, so it was hard to concentrate during class.

I exchanged to Japan during my second year, there I was placed in a christian all-boys school in Nagoya. This annoyed me a little at first, but it turned out most of the guys in my class were bros, and I got an imouto in my host family to boot, so all was well. I became fluent in Japanese, and I joined the archery club, which was pretty fun, I try to practice regularly to this day.

When I got home, I was put in another slightly less boring class, and made some friends. The sock girl however, had moved to England, I never saw her again... ;_;

All in all, I guess I had a pleasant time in high school.

>> No.5546215
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I can't say I have many regrets except for not manning the fuck up sooner. Most of the dropouts from my first school ended up in the adult courses I took and turned out to be the best people I've ever met. We never knew each other before because we dropped out and missed school a lot. They're all /jp/friendly and we all basically have the same 'childhood' considering the people we know.

The first few years of highschool were pretty traumatic. It was a lot of mental/physical abuse. That's when I picked up video games and assumed life is normal. My 'best friends' basically made it their mission to make sure I knew I was just a stupid girl and I wouldn't amount to anything etc etc. Basically 4-5 abusive boyfriend sadistic asshole types that really got their rocks off making me cry every day. Then I assumed it was normal and I was stupid and then dated the alpha asshole, who was 500% worse than the 5 of them together.

Needless to say, that fucked me up. I went from unknowingly submissive loli to trying my hardest to man the fuck up and be offensive tsundere in 60 seconds. The breakup ended with knives and me running away in the night (he forced me to move in with him at like... 16). Shit was fucked.

I only had 6-7 credits left and I was told an Ontario diploma would be better. The GED is actually lighter weight than a full OSSD and I still plan on going to university. Only 2 credits left (:

>> No.5546228

Jews hate all goyim

>> No.5546244

A nerdy and intellectual loner.

>> No.5546246

I was known as the hacker. People would pay me to change their grades for them. All the failures pretended to like me.

>> No.5546248

My school had a loose uniform policy and we were required to wear khaki shorts or pants. Over time all my pants either got ripped or lost so my parents bought me a new pair... they were too tight and squeezed my balls, when I sat down they went up my ass and pulled up about a two inches above my socks, I would have a huge sweat stain on my ass after every class, and the best part was we had to keep our shirts tucked in so everyone got a great view of my ass and junk whenever they whenever they happen to walk by. I swear this thing must have been meant for girls. I tried wearing long shirts untucked to cover it up, but as this was against the rules and I was the only kid in the school unable to get away with it I was forced to stand up in front of the class and struggle to push my oversized shirt into my skinny ass pants. No one laughed, but the horror in their eyes spoke volumes.

>> No.5546260

>I went from unknowingly submissive loli

I don't know what to say.

>> No.5546263


I also mourn your loss of socks girl. ;_;

I would have never been able to pay attention to shit with that going on.

>> No.5546280
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Unlike America's schooling system, we've secondary school over here, which you attend from the ages twelve/thirteen until eighteen, usually. I entered secondary as one of the more 'popular' kids. Our class was pretty chill, but the people I hung out with would make fun of the overweight kids, the ones who never wore make up. Those exact people I became closer with during my early years of secondary had a thoroughly negative impact on my life, which eventually ended up with me developing an eating disorder. After it became more overt, the people who I were friends with kept their distance from me, as I was becoming more pale and withdrawn. I spent the whole year when I was sixteen miserable and pretty much alone.

Ironically enough, I became friends with those people my old friends deemed unpopular and losers. And you know what? They're 50 times more nice and friendly than my old friends ever were. Stuck up bitches the lot of 'em, looking back. They accept my awkward fucking quirks, and they don't casually gloss over anytime where I say 'I'm not hungry'. I've been out of that school a year now, and I'm content.

>> No.5546289

First two years:
Completely closed off, played WoW, only "friends" I had were old people I knew since gradeschool, never hung out with anyone outside class.

third year: Quit WoW, lost some weight, tried talking to people but realized that I hate everyone, started hanging out with one of my old gradeschool friends. He was an emo faggot who I think is in jail now, anyway I became emo for a year. I got my first girlfriend after I stole her from my friends little brother. She was a super slut who did drugs and such.

Fourth year: Still hanging with the sk8er/emo faggots, but I stick out like a sore thumb, I dress however I wanted and not hardcore black clothing, only reason I was still in that group was because that one gradeschool friend was like the head emo or something so I was just there for no real reason. Broke up with that one girl and had random sex partners but only 1 or 2 real relationships that lasted less then 4 months. I was casual friends with people in school, and was invited to senior week with a couple of guys at a beach, I went and was drunk everynight and had fun, I still hated everyone, I just had confidence and didn't care what people said or did as long as I was enjoying myself.

Now in my 3rd year of university and my mp3 player consists 90% of vocaloid music, I have small amounts of VN and anime stuff in my dorm, no figures. I have friends who stop by and just lounge around or whatever, and we go out drinking sometimes or study together.

>> No.5546331

First year: the nerdy nobody who only existed when people wanted good grades
Second year: the nerdy nobody who only existed when people wanted good grades
Third year: the nerdy nobody who hung out with some people and thought they were friends and only existed when people wanted good grades

>> No.5546333

Nobody. Just tried not to stand out, didn't make any close friends but didn't get on anyone's bad side. My only friends now are people I've known for 7+ years and once school starts back in the fall I'll barely see them.

>> No.5546363


oh man, that sucks. I went to public school and we had no uniform requirements whatsoever. The only limitation was that girls were not allowed to wear short shorts or small skirts. Had to be fingertip length or longer with their arms at their sides. Girls with satori arms = profit.

The worst day ever for me was when I forgot to bring my swim trunks for swimming class and had to use one of the "loaner" pairs. It was like a speedo in the front with my junk bulging out of it, and the back had these giant red baboon-ass flaps that would inflate like sails as you would try to swim. Depending on how inflated with water they got, you could see my naked ass hanging out of them. It was like the garment was explicitly designed to humiliate the wearer. I never forgot my trunks again.

>> No.5546369

ITT: blogs

>> No.5546386


Some people enjoy writing about themselves with the hope that someone will read it.

Some people enjoy reading those stories.

Filter it if you're neither of the above.

>> No.5546408

What the hell is wrong with you? any sane person would've just got up and ditched the class.

>> No.5546416

Yeah, for these 2 kind of people there is the thing know as BLOG. It goes there, not here. Sorry but you can't argue against a rule.

>> No.5546470 [DELETED] 

>go to class
>shitty like usual
>feel dizzy
>everything goes black
>wake up with entire class staring at me
>my pants are soaking wet and I'm sitting in a puddle of my own urine
>"dude did you just, like, faint? you're so white right now!"
>walk of shame in piss wet pants all the way to the office
>teacher gives me a plastic bag to sit on so I don't get piss on their chair while I wait for my mom
>next day at school
>"oh my god I can't believe you came back after what you did yesterday you should be humiliated"

>> No.5546462

Why is this here?

If I could strangle /jp/ I fucking would.

>> No.5546481

Are croatians like so fucking friendly or are you americunts so fucking retarded?

In my countless years in school I never ever once seen bulling or anything similar, people care for others here.

>> No.5546484

I was the quiet gloomy guy, and most people don't even try to approach me, and I have no clue of why,
I hated being alone, but being with people was unconfortable because I didn't know how to interact with them,
and as much as I got used to living in such a manner, I never really stopped longing for a happy life with good friends, as I bet you do too, /jp/
and it feels bad

>> No.5546486

all the true master races have friendliness in their blood

>> No.5546501


Except they were absolute Nazis about you ditching that class. I'm talking suspensions and making you take the class over next year level insanity.

>> No.5546514

>go to class
>fall asleep
>teacher slams book on desk in front of me
>wakes up pissed
>does work
>goes back to sleep till next class starts
basically wasted most of my high school life

>> No.5546524

Probably the former, though it depends a great deal on where you're looking.

>> No.5546527

I were nothing, a stranger in the middle of a battle against it's nature.

>> No.5546528

I was a regular old loser. Had very few clothes and was really scrawny. I got good grades on my first year and then suddenly stopped attending class on my second. Instead, I stayed home, played video games and watched anime. The times I went to class were spent sleeping and playing cards with a group of nerds. All my friends from before had become hipsters or jocks and I alienated myself from them. Well, graduation dragged on, parents were disappointed and I finally dropped out after my fourth year with just a couple of missing courses, one of them PE.

I was now 19 and got conscripted. My time in the army was easy enough: someone always told you what to do and where to be. I did what I was told which earned me a promotion. After I became a civilian again I NEETed it out for 6 months before attending adult HS classes and finally graduated.

I have a few friends from MMOs I played and I see them a few times every year. I'm also attending university. Attending is the wrong word for it though since I hardly ever leave home for lectures. I didn't meet any like minded people during my first year so I don't really know anyone either. There's an anime club over here as well but I haven't dared see what kind of people are in it nor have I watched any anime in recent years.

>> No.5546545


The guy who quit that no one remembers.

>> No.5546546


>> No.5546548

the smartass who was loved by his class because he gave them the answers of the tests.

best years of my life.

>> No.5546562

Pretty much this.

Basically, the guy who cheated and then helped everyone else cheat, too. Except I had so little presence in high school that nobody ever remembered that it was me who gave them the answers.

>> No.5546563

I couldn't help but feel jittery after reading this.

Good job I guess.

>> No.5546573

Both of you are weak. I fucking hate people like that.

>> No.5546575 [DELETED] 

I was a jock.

>> No.5546576

I had autism.

>> No.5546587

weak why?, I refused when there was risk of being caught. and I don't have many other charms.

>> No.5546589


>> No.5546590

>Ugly cheerleader tells a friend she likes me.
>My friend tells me and I disregard it.
>The next day my friend tells me he told her I liked her too.
>I get pissed and don't talk to him for a week.
>The cheerleader sees me and winks, I ignore her.
>She asks if I'm Jewish.
>I say no.
>Two months later we have a guest speaker that says he's Jewish.
>The entire time the ugly cheerleader is talking loudly with her friends about how Jews should all be gassed, killed, etc.
>Realize if I was Jewish and attracted to ugly cheerleaders I would probably be dead right now.

>> No.5546594

I slept through 80% of high school. I had severe sleep apnea, but it was finally diagnosed toward the end of my senior year.

>> No.5546596

Singaporean here, that's pretty much my life. Except I had to stay in the Army for 2 fucking years where I could have been in University.

Still playing MMOs though.

>> No.5546620

You remember that one guy? You know the one, the guy who's name you can never quite remember. That's right, the one who was always right there, but you never seemed to notice him. The guy in the back of the crowd who might as well have been invisible.

Yeah, I was that guy.

>> No.5546629

The one who would sit down at the start of every class, root its feet on the ground and sleep. My friends said I was like a vegetable.
Oh, also, grades were from good to excellent. Looking back now, I think I could've done a lot of things there, but was too lazy, so I slept

>> No.5546637

I don't know, probably my sense of right and wrong about cheating. But what is disgusting is the fact that you were being used all the time and they probably laugh at your back and you don't care about it.

>> No.5546660

At least they stopped throwing things at me.
Hell, the only reason I gave out the answers to anyone was to get them to leave me alone. They can laugh at me all they want, as long as they're not throwing pens at the back of my head.

>> No.5546663

The incredibly smart semi-quiet kid who everybody loved. Seriously, I was popular without even trying. Don't you love it when people you don't know come up to you and say "Hey, aren't you (insert your name here?) You are a legend."

Well, I used to bully nerds and fuck with teachers in middle school, so I told stories of by bad-assery to people and they thought it was amazing. I still occasionally fucked with teachers too.

>> No.5546675


>> No.5546679
File: 202 KB, 584x480, f9920079a54c3742b255b3e5d18102f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was the kid who constantly fucked with teachers and made them angry but you could tell deep down I was a sad little man but now that I'm a NEET nobody can find my secret...nobody but Remilia

>> No.5546831

>Begin Freshman year
>No doing so well...grades D/F
>Gets a Gf
>She helps me study grades go up B/C
>Make new friends in Woodshop
>They Hand me a piece of bud brownie
>Walking to class with bloodshot eyes teachers dont give a shit
>Some random kid snitches
>Gets expelled
>Sent to another school
Such misfortune

>> No.5546832

the guy who stood out for 70 days, went to school and left at 10am for another 30 days until i got busted, and then dropped out.

here i am 6 years later.

>> No.5546867

The thing that bothered me most about my high school was the fact that I had a 99 unweighted average throughout High School and my class rank was somewhere in the high seventies.

>> No.5546956

I was bullied for the first two years, then I turned a bully myself and became bros with the guy who used to beat me.
Shit was so cash.
Now he lives with his girlfriend and has a job, I am a lazy uni student without any working experience and a virgin.

Still I had lots of fun in higschool, you could even say I was popular, just terribly shy with girls.

>> No.5546970

I was just the loner. People tried to befriend me and talk to me during lunch and class, but I never said anything, so they eventually got bored and started ignoring me.

Not that big a deal, though, as I was used to it by that time.

Yeah, I hated that too.

>> No.5546986

Just another schoolboy. I don't believe I had anything special.

>> No.5547585

Complete social outcast. I wouldn't go back there even if my life depended on it.

>> No.5548565

Came into high school with awesome reputation, best friend of the guy who tried to blow up the school and the guy who told off teachers and got away with it. Best friend left to Florida due to his mom dieing of cancer, made friends with the leaders of all the cliques, except the skaters/emo, because really, who needs them. Drew up popularity chart, had people pay me to see where they stood. Got voted in as Junior Class President. Was on the "Academic Challenge" team. Yep, High School was pretty rockin.

>> No.5548571

The 10th rank...

Fuck, beat me to it.

But I was 10th out of my class of 350 or so. Eh. Not that it matters in college.

>> No.5548572

fag thread

>> No.5548583

I will be in high school next year

>> No.5548585
File: 101 KB, 600x600, JP JUST GOT KAWAII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a loli?

>> No.5548599

How could I miss this thread? Reported.

>> No.5548604

i was named as "asian headbutter" after a battle against a bully, the first and latest glory in my school life
