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File: 153 KB, 1038x752, rance08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5543432 No.5543432 [Reply] [Original]

Rance 8 development preliminary screen shots just got released today on Alicesoft's official page.


So far just 3D graphics of the monsters, but at least we know Rance 8 development is out of hiatus!

>> No.5543443

Fuck that. Where is Dai Teikoku?

>> No.5543446

opening documents...
opening emotejp.txt...

キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!

>> No.5543451

No news on development on Daiteikoku other than the entire system being overhauled.
But if some of the core staff went back to working on Rance 8, most likely Daiteikoku is finishing development, and is probably heading to debug stage soon.

Man, TADA is a busy man.

>> No.5543473

I see. Still aiming for a 2010 release, hopefully.

>> No.5543516

more info

Rance 8 Release date is 2011.
mock interviewer said "that means Jan 1st 2011 right?"
TADA "hell no, don't write that down!! it'll be a little later than that"

>> No.5543532

Fuck, don't tell me Daiteikoku got canned? ;_;

>> No.5543550

>Turn on Sengoku Rance
>Press Auto button
>Wait for sex
>Turn game off

>> No.5543553

No, quite the opposite. Rance 8 coming out of hiatus most likely means Daiteikoku dev is nearly finished.

>> No.5543767

Okay, I like this.

>> No.5543784

Sexy graphics for a porn game.

>> No.5543791

I think it loses a lot of its charm in pseudo 3D. They 2D sprites in Sengoku were excellent, but these sort of feel generic...

>> No.5543809

I think it might turn out nicely. There's a lot of fun stuff you can do in simplistic 3D, and having a chibi 3D Rance might be hilarious.

>> No.5543828

I just hope Daiteikoku uses the same kind of sprite style as Daiakuji and Daibanchou, even though I have no idea how that'd work with spaceships. I love those little SD sprites.

>> No.5543831

It's not like this is the first time Rance series has done this.
Ever seen Rance 5D? Yeah.

>> No.5543846


I heard that one was shit.

>> No.5543847

Oh yeaaaaa, first time I played Rance, I was impressed by the art. Even more so, when the demons started appearing

>> No.5545110


>> No.5545123

I hope my computer can take this.
Being able to run Oblivion on medium is good enough, right? ;_;

>> No.5545150



>> No.5545153


>> No.5545171

How is the gameplay anyway?

>> No.5545189

I'm guessing it's a dungeon crawler RPG, like the other Rance games.

>> No.5545196

>No detailed textures
>no 2d charm
>low polygons
I just fucking love next gen

>> No.5545218

Fuck man.
The main reason I love Sengoku Rance is because of the main gameplay (building up your damn army and conquer everything in sight). The dungeon crawling thing is horribly boring and repetitive.

>> No.5545240

so will we be fucking in 3d now?

>> No.5545274

We already have that and that is called what... custom girl 3d or some shit like that.

>> No.5545280

Yeah but a Rance game with 3d fucking...that's new.

>> No.5545285

I think it will be 3d gameplay and 2d h-scenes.

Yup, that's it.

>> No.5545288


>> No.5545296

Just stick to 2d H and not that demanding of a pc requirement, Alicesoft. Makes it easier to play shit without needing an upgrade.

>> No.5545298

>implying 3d>>2d

my fucking god. Not here too.

>> No.5545301

>mock interviewer
Faggots don't know who Aurora is.

>> No.5545302

Japanese PC games are poorly optimized, so no.

>> No.5545312

I hope this doesn't need any fucking graphics card.

>> No.5545315


>> No.5545321

As long as I can play it and it still has 2d ero scenes, I probably won't give a fuck. I really need to know what the fuck happened after Sengoku.

>> No.5545324
File: 19 KB, 241x230, 1276994712360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5545327


>3D graphics


>> No.5545333

Please have the same minimum specs as Rance 6, please please please.

>> No.5545340
File: 49 KB, 379x500, 9e3bd957cdd655cb7f8812f012069ba6076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love it if I can get my hands on Isoroku again.

>> No.5545345

It looks a lot like Dragon Quest 8.

>> No.5545349

Don't get your hopes up, /v/ bros, this will never be translated.

>> No.5545355

Someone's been under the impression that Illusion = pinnacle of japanese 3d technology.

>> No.5545356

There are guys from /v/ who can also read Japanese, you know.

>> No.5545357

>that fucking Veveta
That fucking Veveta!

>> No.5545360

I don't care what you fuckers will say:

I WILL BUY this shit.

>> No.5545361


More like pinnacle of 3d eroges.

>> No.5545363

Good job trying to.

But seriously, I hope I'm not forced to buy a widescreen monitor.

>> No.5545365

How do you even buy Alicesoft items? Amazon always denies me.

>> No.5545375

She's too busy with Rance's baby, I highly doubt she'll make an appearance.
Most likely we'll see just Suzune, Kenshin and Kou, possibly followed by some of their henchmen.

>> No.5545382

>nin nin, seiba and rape victim
what about Ran?

>> No.5545386

Oh come on now, don't be a killjoy.

>> No.5545391



Don't make me say it!

>> No.5545393

Ran dies in the canon route.

>> No.5545394

You moron haven't you played the real history route at all ?

>> No.5545411

You faggot!

>> No.5545429


Didn't she got torn apart from the inside out by Gigai?

>> No.5545454

56 and Rance's baby is as canon as Ran still alive.

>> No.5545458

Which is why she can't appear in any sequels.

>> No.5545462

No. Rangi existing is different. Rance really got her pregnant by accident in True History epilogue, just like how Rance actually defeated Orochi.

Ran is just dead in True History. Like Chinu ;_;

>> No.5545471

Ran alive can't be canon, hell you face Gigai during the game and defeat him.
Unless Alicesoft retcons that and inserts some kind of plot device to justify Ran being unharmed, it's simply not going to happen.

>> No.5545481

You will never have Chinu in Rance8 ;_;

>> No.5545482

Dammit ;_;

>> No.5545494

Man, I hope Rance gets to fuck Uspira this time. He was so close to banging that ice chick before Kagura cockblocked him.

>> No.5545512

By the way, Rance8 should be placed in the Kalar's forest right ?
That means he going throught Zeth and the Free Cities, I wonder if he'll pick up somebody along the way to replace Sill.
He still needs someone to use as a contraceptive after all.

>> No.5545517

From what they implied in Rance VI, contraception magic is pretty low-level. Pretty sure Rance can just get Magic to come along and cast some on him before he accidentally gets Pastel pregnant.

>> No.5545547

Don't they have something like a condom there.
I mean, they have the technology to create something as advance as tulips and was able to mass produce it and shit.

>> No.5545551

I doubt Rance would accept using something like that.

>> No.5545553

You do understand that guns developed and existed far faster than effective contraceptives did even in our own world, right?

>> No.5545556

sengoku rance was shit because there was no H scene of ranmaru

>> No.5545558

Not really, there are ancient and natural contraceptives.

>> No.5545560

Didn't like her being off limits, brah? I can smell the hurt.

>> No.5545567

what sense does it make that there is no H scene of the best girl? no wonder I play shit like nukige or NTR. there's always H scene of every girl

>> No.5545570

I wonder how long Rance 8 is gonna be. I hope it's as epic as 3/6/7.

Still, no news about Daiteikoku is depressing. I'm going to be sad if they released Rance 8 first.

>> No.5545578

DaiTeitoku seems like it's gonna be released late this year. That's why they restarted Rance 8 again. They got some free staff.

>> No.5545580

The more you know.png

>> No.5545585
File: 23 KB, 416x308, cg01613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best girl
>not Ai
Sure, brah.

>> No.5545611

>Bets girl
>Not Nozomi

wtf, brah.

>> No.5545622

i'm guessing this one will be no voice as well

>> No.5545638


Oh wow, top left girl is from Galzoo Island which was ok I guess. Not enough pregnant sex, not any in fact, dammit.

>> No.5545641

There was egg laying, not good enough for you?

I liked how Yamorin got external gills as a kid, since she's a salamander and all.

>> No.5545645

The turtle girl? Yeah that scene was nice.

My favorite girl was the sort of hidden fish girl, the blue one that wore a bikini. Awwwwww yeah. Galzoo Island was fun. Kinda neat to see some crossover.

>> No.5545646 [SPOILER] 
File: 158 KB, 700x779, 1268758761451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best girl
>not Shinobu

Wtf brah

>> No.5545662

The Umisachihiko one? Yeah, I liked her too.

And weren't the monstergirls more like species? You saw them in other Rance games too.

>> No.5545670


>Alicesoft game
>implying you picked one girl as best

Yeah ok guys. Lets just go with Kenshin/Ai/Ran/Isoroku/Agireda/Senhime/Date's wives/Ranmaru.

>> No.5545671

How will be the CGs?

>> No.5545673

Rance needs to get some daughters sometime soon. I want to see how he treats his daughters as a father compared to his sons

>> No.5545682

I feel like shit every time a girl in a eroge game dies, whether they be an ally or enemy. Chinu ;_;

>> No.5545686

Rance as a father ?
Ahaha he'll just run away, Rance doesn't want to be one so I doubt he'd even admit a kid as his own let alone rise him/her.

>> No.5545692

the turtle girl is too timid for my taste.
the ghost one is superior, (her name is conte or something) fuck yeah ghost fuckans

>> No.5545698

Rance is actually a very doting father to his only daughter in Lisette, at least in Kichikuoh. He doesn't really mind his sons though.

>> No.5545721

could you upload that somewhere?

>> No.5545747
File: 197 KB, 350x722, 5138056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never be a doting father ;_;

>> No.5548003


There is a daughter on the way, and her name is Reset.
Rance will fuck the queen of Kalar when he goes to their forest to save Sill from her ice prison, getting the queen preggo.

Unless they drastically change that from Kichikuoh Rance that is.
I doubt it, the birth of Reset has been one of the most anticipated event in the series by the fans for over a decade now.
TADA would be insane to change that plan....

I would love to play a game in the future with Rance's three kids as protagonist.
Dragon Quest 2 clone with Rangi, Dark Rance, and Reset FUCK YEAH

>> No.5550371

Nice. Can't wait for Rance 8, even if I only got into this around 2007-8.

>> No.5550410

Rance 8 - The quest to have intercourse with elves and to save your s-s-s-stupid slave who you don't l-l-l-ove or anything!

>> No.5550424

>elf fuck in elf-filled land
>rance series
I have waited for this ever since I saw Hunty Kalar in VI a long time ago.

>> No.5550449
File: 19 KB, 300x300, Trollkastel_png_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rance goes through hell to save Sill
>At the end her ice prison shatters
>She dies
>My face

>> No.5550466


Never going to happen as she as big part of Rance as Rance himself.

>> No.5550476

Rance can be grimdark at times, but if Sill dies Rance goes from fun loving sociopath to bitter angry sociopath.

>> No.5550488

Lance8, not so good

>> No.5550713

Gonna rage. Hope that shit doesn't happen. This game doesn't need major drama bull.

>> No.5552483

So are we finally getting to Helman arc or is it gonna be that all-star intermission like it was originally planned?

>> No.5552488

Helman is Rance 9. This is the All-Star cast one.

>> No.5552497


This one will not be in Helman

>> No.5552528

Rance is such a Tsundere. :3

>> No.5552630

since you guys apparently don't know Japanese and haven't played Kichikuou

in Kichikuou: The Kalar (girls) kidnap men that wander into their village and hold them prisoner for the purpose of extracting their sperm so that they can get pregnant and continue to survive as a race

so basically as long as it follows even only just a bit of what happened in Kichikuou, his sperm will be used to impregnate bitches anyway

wether he knocks up Pastel or not is up in the air and only time will tell

I'm hoping he takes Agireda/Kenshin (both are my favorite girls) with him as his travel partner, I really want to see either one in either a dress or some sort of casual clothing ;_;

>> No.5552642

Don't you mean Youmusoft?

>> No.5552645

I'm hoping the game doesn't suck, unlike every single other one of Alicesoft's dungeon crawlers.

Frankly, I'm not holding out much hope.

>> No.5552658

>her name is Reset
I can't be the only one who thinks it's Lisette not Reset, right?

>> No.5552741

Since some of you guys speculated that dev work for Daiteikoku's almost done, how come they haven't put up a site for the game yet?

>> No.5552762
File: 39 KB, 500x333, 1277473972974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My heart!

>> No.5552773

Kenshin is too busy becoming the EMPRAH, and lolAgireda is only a minor character.

>> No.5552774


Go back to poolshmer.

>> No.5552785

but its down!

>> No.5552794

Because the speculation is desperate rationalization.

>> No.5552798

Because it's cancelled.

>> No.5553063

Source or you get sent to the gallows.

>> No.5553126
File: 911 KB, 1409x1500, 6e3b7b1c40bd9d6afb55fb122658f6a9eee6724d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best maids ever

too bad we will never see them again

>> No.5553182

Pardon my lack of /jp/ness but what is Daiteikoku?

>> No.5553198 [DELETED] 

Alicesoft's Dai series new entry (after DaiAkuji and DaiBanchou: Big Bang Age)

>> No.5553205

Yeah. Enjoy your denial.

>> No.5553204 [DELETED] 

Better quality PV

>> No.5553322


Suzume most likely.

Even though she was still in Japan at the end of Rance7, supposedly her and Senhime (?) leave Japan to go explore the world.

Suzume would be the only woman who Rance could fuck silly and not get pregnant though, without Sill's magic.

>> No.5553429
File: 376 KB, 750x1000, 1271021553489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5553498

Thanks you guys, that looks pretty interesting

>> No.5553904

Hey bro, I played VI. Read what I typed, moron. You actually think Rance is not going to accidentally get Pastel pregnant? She's been a virgin for quite some time after all. There has to be a reason for how she's gonna get fucked.

>> No.5553909

wow that looks like some serious mental illness. It's over guys, Alice Soft is finished.

>> No.5553910

As far as I know, Kenshin didn't become Emperor. She just found the Emperor Sword. Kou's still the ruler of Japan.

>> No.5553961

>Rance 8
>Not Sengoku Rance 2

>> No.5554009

That's not how game series work, brah.

>> No.5554016

is it me, or this thread smells like /v/?

>> No.5554058

No, it's pretty /jp/ here. I don't even go to /v/.

>> No.5554062

I loled.

>> No.5554063

Someone copied and posted this exact thread to /v/.
Think what you will

>> No.5554073

Looks like Daiteikoku is really cancelled. ;_;

>> No.5554383

No, it wasn't. Stop thinking that way. The only reason Rance 8 got restarted is because Dai Teitoku's about to finish development, freeing more team members and TADA for it.

>> No.5554494

Don't think so. Political tension between Japan and China is kinda tense lately.
TADA probably cancelled it for fear of overseas outrage. I don't think China will just sit around happily being mocked.

If it has finished development, TADA would have said it.

>> No.5554510

Alicesoft always put ups official pages late, usually 3 month before the release.
Since we already know Daiteikoku is winter 2010, you shouldn't be expecting more info and OHP till August or September anyways.

>> No.5554522

And he wouldn't say if it was cancelled?

>> No.5554529

Not if it's not officially cancelled, just indefinitely stalled.

>> No.5554554

It's not canceled or stalled you trolls.
Stop trying to fuck with people.

>> No.5554591

They said they're remaking Daiteikoku, then they announce Rance 8 all of the sudden and TADA is on it. That can only mean they abandoned Daiteikoku to work on Rance 8.

>> No.5554617

God, you people are noob trolls.
Alicesoft always does this, you stupid mother fucker.

Sengoku Rance? We didn't even know anything about it till 3 month before the release date and BAM it was out.
Toushin Toshi 3? Same. Rance 6? Same. Galzoo Island? Same.

And when something is canned (like Rance 5A~5C while in dev) it's announced.
Stop trying to fuck with people Jesus fucking Christ.

>> No.5554635

That's not what it says. You can't even read Japanese, don't even try.

It says Daiteikoku is being developed with the entire stafff. The re-hauled version is working out pretty cool looking.

>> No.5554653

No one's saying it's "finished developing" bra.
It's just nearing the finishing stages of dev.

TADA doesn't stick around for later stages anyways, when he has multiple projects he hops on to the next one, let the staff handle the finishing touches.

>> No.5554656

Enjoy your denial.

>> No.5554687
File: 27 KB, 279x321, Rancerindo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread

I Love you guys .

>> No.5554720

But this thread is being trolled...

>> No.5554761

Don't enjoy your trolling.

>> No.5554767

No it's not, stop making people optimistic for no reason.
There's no evidence either way that Daiteikoku is near finished. It could have really been canceled for all we know.

>> No.5554805
File: 22 KB, 328x328, ミカン.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Faggots trolling an Alicesoft thread.
Mikan frowns on your faggotry.

>> No.5554825

>No it's not, stop making people optimistic for no reason.
>There's no evidence either way that Daiteikoku is near finished. It could have really been canceled for all we know.

No, it's not, stop trolling people for no reason.
There's no evidence whatsoever that Daiteikoku was canceled. It's still in production for all we know.

Besides, they already SAID it's Winter 2010.
You fuckers are the noobs thinking they'll release info half an year early. THEY NEVER DO.
What part of that do you not understand????????

When Sengoku Rance came out in Winter of 2006, and believe me I remember this in real time, the shit wasn't announced till SEPTEMBER.
We knew Rance 7 was in dev, but no details on it at ALL.
Come september and BAM, OHP opened out of nowhere, and we were like HOLY SHIT!!!
3 month later, it was on the shelves.

Let me repeat this since you fucking noobs don't get it.... ALICESOFT ALWAYS DOES THIS.

>> No.5554850

So in other words, small bits of info for Daiteikoku could come at any time but major announcements like the creation of official page don't hold your breath till late August-September.

>> No.5554884

chill we all know were being trolled

>> No.5554890
File: 64 KB, 1024x634, rance everywhere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just hope Rance isn't going to stop becoming a serial rapist.

>> No.5554897

Rance will always have sex, one way or the other.
Whether it's rape or not, depends on the silly woman.

>> No.5554980

>You fuckers are the noobs thinking they'll release info half an year early. THEY NEVER DO.
What part of that do you not understand????????
Yeah, they didn't released a trailer last december. In fact it's not included in Alice2010.

>Besides, they already SAID it's Winter 2010.
No, they said it was SUMMER. But they had to delay it for some reason.

>> No.5554993


Did anyone save that shop of Rance fucking Nue?

>> No.5554994
File: 12 KB, 180x180, 1258719160691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5555019

do want

>> No.5555025
File: 1.12 MB, 1232x904, 1275073746062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant to track down the original but forgot... Lucky you.

>> No.5555574


Not even eldrich abominations are safe from the hyper weapon.

>> No.5555691

As far as I know we haven't gotten any info.
We know that they started to remake Daiteikoku, but do we have any information on exactly what they have changed? And to what end?

I wonder what made them motivated to overhaul their old work.

>> No.5555945

I read somewhere that it was the battle system that was remade from scratch.

>> No.5555978

Is that so?

I hope I won't be dissapointed.
In the old teaser trailed it looked as if it would involve some kind of realtime and or strategy like gameplay.
I don't really have anything against turnbased gameplay, I think it worked well for the other Dai games and Sengoku/Kichikuou, I was on the other hand interested in how they would do it.
I hope they haven't scrapped any initial ideas in order to go back to something "older".

>> No.5557778


>> No.5558383


>> No.5558862

Bump ~

>> No.5559441

There has never been a shitty SLG directed by TADA.
DaiBanchou was good but not at the level of other ALSLGs because it wasn't produced & directed by TADA.
Kichikuoh Rance, DaiAkuji, Sengoku Rance have all been superb.

In other words, if "Mr Perfectionist" TADA decided to remake DaiTeikoku, I think it's safe to assume it's gonna be awesome.

>> No.5559465

I can't wait for both of these things.

Man, I hope I don't need to have a 16:9 monitor for this.

>> No.5559519

Alice is like Blizzard of eroge...
2010 Star Craft 2, DaiTeikoku
2011 Diablo 3, Rance 8

......what's that? There's no way Bliz gonna finish Dia3 by 2011? Hey one can dream right?
