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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 59 KB, 325x90, Team_Shanghai_Alice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5525422 No.5525422 [Reply] [Original]

You are now the second member of Team Shanghai Alice.

What do?

>> No.5525427

Buy more beer.

>> No.5525425

Hire actual artists.

>> No.5525434

Service ZUN with my mouth.

>> No.5525435

Invest in Beer

>> No.5525436

Good idea. Personally I'd go for Kishida Mel.


>> No.5525437

You'll ruin everything!

>> No.5525443

I do nothing.
You can't improve upon perfection.

>> No.5525458

Disturbing lack of silly hats.

>> No.5525467


This is true. Perhaps there's so much Touhou fanart because everyone wants to show ZUN how bad he is.

>> No.5525474

Add my male self insert into the next game.

>> No.5525479

Green-light the anime.

Just to piss /jp/ off.

>> No.5525490

Give Koakuma/Parsee a manga.Make momiji playable.Make Yuuka dissapear.

>> No.5525511

>Make Yuuka dissapear.
No make make Yuuka cry.

>> No.5525534

Mima is the only playable character.

>> No.5525546

Add more streaming bullet.
Add bullet canceling method.

>> No.5525551

Take out Easy mode.


>> No.5525554

I begin work on getting every Touhou into the fighting games.

>> No.5525579

Did you mean take out Easy, Normal, and Hard mode?

>> No.5525584

Make Aya playable in every game from here on out and laugh as the Western fanbase shits and pisses all over itself as a result.

>> No.5525588

Get Touhou on a console and call out on fanon I don't like.

>> No.5525593

>What do?
it doesn't matter. it means you're ZUN's bitch.

>> No.5525595

>Take out only easymodo when normalmodo is easy enough already

Uh, that isn't exactly intimidating or evil.

>> No.5525601

Murder ZUN and impersonate him.

>> No.5525602

Take out everything except for easymodo and make cirno the boss of every stage.

>> No.5525610
File: 187 KB, 672x503, easymodo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5525613


>> No.5525619

Now that's evil.

>> No.5525620

Ha you mean like A nt

>> No.5525625

The real ZUN is the hat.

>> No.5525628

Add Male Boss characters

>> No.5525631

Port it to Wii.

>> No.5525635

inb4 normal, hard and lunatic modo image

>> No.5525636
File: 522 KB, 660x1020, SLUTteam7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are now the second member of Team Shanghai Alice
1:1 ratio.

>> No.5525887

- True last boss.
- Art will now be done by the child of Felis Ovum and Depthbomb.

>> No.5525914

Make Youmu the only playable character in every game

>> No.5526010

I'd like to see the IN team system return. With more teams.
Kaguya + Mokou would be good.

>> No.5528936

Port everything to consoles.

>> No.5528941

Are you mental?

>> No.5528947

reported for "what do?" thread.

>> No.5528953

More like, reported for sabotaging fun discussion like a worthless bureaucrat.

>> No.5528960

>You are now the second member of Team Shanghai Alice.
1. Fire ZUN for incompetence.
2. Agree to make an X-box 360 (exclusive) title in exchange for a large sum of money.
3. Once the game becomes popular enough with western fans, sell the entire company to studio Bungie.
4. Buy a yacht and spend the rest of my life sailing the tears of thousands of fanboys.

>> No.5528965

Pitch the idea of putting Touhou on Steam with official translations and automatic patches/updates.

>> No.5528975

Wow, I didn't even notice that. Now I feel bad that I responded to the OP.

Why must you monkey everything you see you moron.

>> No.5529019

Feel bad for letting something so pathetic cause dismissal of a perfectly good topic.

>> No.5529038

I'll help make ZUN's Gensokyo plot and setting more consistent. Creates 'proper' timeline for the series, Tied all loose ends of all the plots and subplots and make PC98 and Windows Touhou into 2 different universe\

You know, Something ZUN don't have time to do

>> No.5529961

I'd suggest we split the team in two.

>> No.5529978



>> No.5534633

I'd make so that bosses fly up and pimpslap you in the face if you try to supergraze patterns for score. Pimpslap negates bomb invurnerability. Also, add more curvy lasers.

>> No.5534654

I would add a rape scene after every boss fight.
