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5519904 No.5519904 [Reply] [Original]

fuck that ending, fuck it!
my tears were so close to falling down my cheeks.
why is Higurashi so much better than Umineko?

>> No.5519910

Because R07 kept it simple and did what he could do.
He got too ambitious with Umineko.

>> No.5519913

Is the vn really worth reading if you saw the anime?

>> No.5519917
File: 52 KB, 207x359, 34fascnting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No is not

Enjoy your Deus Ex Machina

>> No.5519918 [SPOILER] 
File: 12 KB, 188x209, 1245049888896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why is Higurashi so much better than Umineko?
It isn't.

>> No.5519923
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>> No.5519924

We know your taste is shit, no need to prove times and times again.

>> No.5519928


And you think Umineko will have a decent ending?

>> No.5519933

>my opinion > your opinion

>> No.5519935

i watched the anime before reading and is definantly alot more emotional, since you can read into their thoughts you can't really do that on an anime. i've cried twice in the VN version of Kai ;_;

>> No.5519943

Umineko isn't finished yet; reserve judgment on which series is better until then.

>> No.5519944

while i like both higurashi and umineko, umineko is just too bizarre for me. all those magical characters are just really unnesecary even if they are representations of the weapons, objects, rules etc.

>> No.5519959


>> No.5519995

Because it's not. Also, too obvious, but since it's /jp/, replies are guaranteed anyway.

>> No.5520042

How it is "too obvious", it's not a troll thread you know.
Heck Umineko has like 10 points less on average in EGS compared to Higurashi.

>> No.5520055

Umineko is already beyond retarded. No reason for reserving ANYTHING.

>> No.5520091

Umineko's initial story was the only part worth reading. It just gets silly after that. Higurashi loses some of its charm about halfway through but its still worth seeing through to the end.

>> No.5520103

>why is Higurashi so much better than Umineko?
moar lolis

>> No.5520129 [SPOILER] 
File: 48 KB, 640x480, takano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This arc was really the best arc

They seemed like they were going to get their good end after so much struggling, I was almost positive they would, but then...

>> No.5520130

>Umineko is already beyond retarded. No reason for reserving ANYTHING.

