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File: 112 KB, 900x900, Neet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5517209 No.5517209 [Reply] [Original]

Eye'm NEET, you're NEET. ;-;

>> No.5517236

Ii sa, ii sa.

>> No.5517244

I really need to get a job

>> No.5517273

Oh god.

>> No.5517277

Do it tomorrow

>> No.5517293

At first I laughed, but half-way through I started to cry. Damnit, /jp/.

>> No.5517314
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>> No.5517322

Was that supposed to make me depressed and long for a job? Because it totally did.
I know I won't be able to find one, though. And it's not like I can go to college since I'm dirt fucking poor.
If I weren't living with my parents I'd be proper fucked.

>> No.5517330

oh god what has my life become

>> No.5517331

I think going to college is working hard enough.

>> No.5517337

Haven't you guys lost those feelings of regret yet? move on.

>> No.5517340

When will I lose them? I really hope it's soon.

>> No.5517344

Just take it easy.

>> No.5517359

Yes, only time I feel regret is when I get my college loan statements in the mail. That doesn't feel so good.

Thankfully a few minutes on the internet and it's as distant from my mind as can be.

Also some of the linked videos there are even better, the parody of Ranka's song is incredible


>> No.5517363

Why can't I be normal

>> No.5517370

This was sweet and more than a little bit sad.

>> No.5517392

Just take it easy.

>> No.5517401

Probably shouldn't spend so much time on the internet.
Too late to change that now, of course. Once you start, the internet absorbs you. So unless you've got a time machine and can stop your parents from getting the internet back when you were 7, you're fucked.

>> No.5517460

You're just special, Anonymous. We're all just special.

>> No.5517467

Guys, can you help me change? Please, I want to be better than I am now, but I'm so weak and alone.

>> No.5517492

Just take it easy.

>> No.5517545

I will tell you one thing though. Money is no barrier for college. If you can get into one, any one, and you are poor, get loans. "But I'll be in debt!" I hear you say! Dumbass, with your degree, you'll be able to get a much better job than without one. Your education will pay for itself. Once you have a job, making those loan payments is nothing. Especially if you are used to having nothing, being a NEET.

The only way to move up in this world is with education. If you have to take loans and financial aid to pay for college, and can't pay anything up front, who cares. It will pay off. If you don't do it, you'll be stuck at the bottom of the food chain for the rest of your life, never able to work at any places better than a gas station, a fast food joint, or Walmart, where you'll get stepped on daily by your boss, and where Walmart will force you to work under hours so they don't have to offer you health care.

Get an education. Claw and work your way up out of the mud and make something of yourself. You have so many opportunities in these western countries that billions of people across the world would kill for. Use them. Don't sit on your ass and cry about how "crappy" your life is. Change it.

>> No.5517571

To add on to that, allow me to add, that it is useless to go to college if you don't want to work hard and get good grades. It is also useless if you pick a retarded major, like the arts. That's fine for a minor, but major in something that will get you a job. And study. You don't have to study all day, but make sure you go to class every day, and do all of your assignments. Even by simply doing that, you'll get decent grades. You'll still have time to do the things you like.

>> No.5517578

College isn't the only form of education. Learning how to be an internet entrepreneur has worked for me. This can mean anything from eBay to e-books to drop shipping sales.

>> No.5517586

>blah blah blah
>I am only saying what people have told me.
You're just saying the same old rhetoric. You don't know what you're talking about.

Yes, a college education is great, but it isn't the only way out.

>> No.5517592


>> No.5517593

That's true. Though, I was referring mostly to the guy saying that he can't go to college because of the money. That's just an excuse. If you want to go to college, nothing can stop you. If you can get in to a college, they will find a way for you to afford it. They'll help you get the loans you need, they'll give you the scholarships you need. You just have to fight for it, and do all the paperwork. And you have to work hard to keep up your grades so that you don't lose your scholarships. Which isn't as hard as it sounds.

>> No.5517595

Stop having this NEET fight. You guys should just take it easy.

>> No.5517600

>It is also useless if you pick a retarded major, like the arts.
Any degree can land you a reasonable job IF you play it right.
If anything lazy NEET are more likely to get fucked over pursuing one of the "real" degrees, because those kinds of jobs are all competitive as hell.

>> No.5517603

Learn to manipulate people and take advantage of their stupidity. Sell them stupid shit they don't need and are too ignorant to know otherwise. Become one of those TV Pastors that asks you to donate to save your soul!

>> No.5517605

Another way

You start off as a bitch doing oil changes, and buy tools with your paychecks. Your tools are pretty much like your resume. Getting paid to learn.

>> No.5517621

Yeah but listen to yourself.
>you gotta fight to get financing
>you gotta fight to get grades
>you gotta fight to get your foot in the door
>you gotta claw your way up outta the mud

Obviously you've never been a NEET. We don't wanna do any of that. We just wanna sleep it easy.

>> No.5517648

>become quadriplegic
>become real life yukkuri

>> No.5517644

people don't give skilled laborers enough credit. This is real challenging stuff and they get treated like lower class members of society. I mean, it's not brain surgery but it's certainly more deserving of praise than being a psychiatrist. It also costs less to learn. Granted you don't make as much cash but it's still a fulfilling job.

Just to clarify I'm talking about shit like mechanics, electricians, plumbers, and stuff like that. Not cleaning crews or other jobs Mexicans do.

>> No.5517641

try to get in an accident so you need to live on welfare the rest of your life

>> No.5517657

"skilled trades" is the term I think you are looking for

>> No.5517677

I receive welfare because I have been diagnosed with severe OCD, am I the only one on /jp/?

>> No.5517692
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But all my old friends haven't been able to use their degrees and now are in a downward spiral of debt and the majority of my family tree are multimillionaires who made their fortunes without formal education.

That's not even hyperbole.

>> No.5517694

No, I was a NEET. Now I'm about to graduate from college. I got fed up with it. I wanted to change my life, so I did it. None of those things are really that hard.

The fight for financing is this simple: Go to the office at your college and fill out the paperwork. They'll do the real work for you. Ask the advisor for different scholarship and loan options.

Fight to get grades: Wake up, go to class. I don't take notes, I don't study, and I get As and Bs, just because I do all the assignments, and I listen in class. And I don't go to an easy college either, UNC Chapel Hill isn't cake.

The fight to get my foot in the door is simple: My degree does it for me. All I have to do is apply for a job. I have an economics degree coming, with a Public Policy minor, so I can pick from just about any job, from government to business, to the CIA. There is no job or company that an economics major can't look at for a job. And the market isn't flooded with people, like it is for some other majors.

And yes. You gotta claw your way up out of the mud. Because that's what I was living in before.

The thread has a bunch of people in it who are lamenting their situation. They want to look for jobs, but they don't know where to start. They want to change, but don't know where to start. I'm not telling you how YOU should do it. I'm just telling you how I did it. And it works great. College was fun, and sure I'm in debt, but that will be gone soon. It's just another payment like your car or your rent for your appartment, the difference being, I'll have a job this time.

>> No.5517700

You can get welfare for OCD? Seriously?

For some reason I just can't accept relying on social security just yet. I'm sure someday soon I'll find that awesome secret money-making method that I've been searching for...

>> No.5517707

I really don't want to deal with the US welfare system....

>> No.5517712

A friend of mine from high school graduated college recently. Well, more like a year ago. He moved back in with his parents after he did, though, and he's still there.

>> No.5517716

Oh my fucking God. I'm laughing because my story is EXACTLY the same.
It's fucking stupid.

>> No.5517722

How can I get in a good college if I fucked up my grades majorly in high school? Is it possible or I am stuck with community college as my only option?

>> No.5517723

And yeah, it's called skilled trades. Another great way to get out of stagnation if you are a NEET. If you don't want to go to school, look for something like that. If you like those kinds of hands on jobs where you are working with tools and the like, it's awesome, and a steady job. People will always need their cars fixed, no matter how bad the economy gets.

>> No.5517733

High school GPA doesn't matter that much. Were you in some clubs in high school, I hope? If not then you're still not totally lost. Just take the SAT over and over again until you get an awesome score on that. You'll be able to get into a mediocre state university with just a decent SAT.

>> No.5517742

There are ways. First, you can get into some of the lower tier state colleges. Apply to a bunch of them. Once you get into one of those, if you can, work hard, get great grades. And then, after a while, if your grades are good, you can transfer to a better school in your state no prob. It's a lot of paperwork, and may be a lot of hassle, but you can move up. Here's the secret to colleges: It doesn't matter where you start, it only matters where you get the degree. If you start in a low tier, but can get into a decent school by transferring halfway through, and get your degree from there, it will look impressive.

>> No.5517743

Despite its reputation, community college is not as bad as it sounds. Its classes are pretty low quality and its instructors tend to either just lecture for the entire class or be stupider than their students, but if you do well in a community college, you can transfer almost anywhere aside from Yale and such obviously.

And lately a lot more Hikkis are actually going to these places so you may actually make a friend.

>> No.5517751

I couldn't have gone to clubs if I had wanted to, in my family I HAD to have a job or I would get bitched at nonstop. Oh well. I took the SAT once, but I don't know how I did.

>> No.5517770

I'm actually a community college dropout. Fucking speech class.

>> No.5517767

Not to brag but I worked 30 hours a week in high school and was still in 3 clubs...
If getting into college was really a priority for you then you really, really should have been in at least one.
It's alright though bro you'll be fine.

>> No.5517773

A friend would be nice.

>> No.5517790

You should find out. If it's decent (and by decent I mean average for the country), you can get into your state's low tier colleges no problem. I'd probably study for it and then take it again just to get a better score to improve your chances. Get into one of these colleges, and if that's enough for you, stay there and do good. If you want to set your sights even higher, then you can work hard, get good grades, and transfer to a better school.

In the town I live in, there is a local college that is part of the UNC system, but it's got to be one of the worst. As a result, they'll take just about anybody. But they are still a college, and a degree can help you a lot.

>> No.5517797

I got about 90% of the way though uni and decided to take a little hiatus for the past year, and take some courses at community college instead. Community college is fucking awesome, unlike uni it is just straight to the point, the things you actually want to learn, teachers who just want to make sure you know what matters and don't care about superfluous bullshit. It's so refreshing compared to uni. Community College really is where it's at, better, more meaningful education and it costs a fraction of what you pay at a university.

>> No.5517805

I wish you guys wouldn't have money problems, it would make you more at ease to get your stuff sorted out.

>> No.5517815
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>> No.5517842

It's hard not to have money problems when you've never had a job and you're a disgrace to your family.

>> No.5517857

That's funny, I wish I wouldn't have money problems either.

Actually it's not really a problem because I've found that if you're crafty you can push off debt for an amazingly long time. Yeah, it's there, but it's just numbers on a piece of paper. Nothing to stop me from taking it easy.

>> No.5517864

Man, hearing it so bluntly hits hard man.

>> No.5517870

Cirno - I fucked -, you're waifu

>> No.5517878

Hey, at least you've got us. It's better than nothing.

>> No.5517892

Can't take it easy when the banks take away everything you own.

>> No.5517904

Banks are taking it away easy

>> No.5517923

So the solution is to become a bank!

>> No.5517930
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>> No.5517942
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well an acquaintance of mine has chronicled for me how he was able to fend off collectors expertly until age 28, and it was a great inspiration to me. I will do my best!
