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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5516021 No.5516021 [Reply] [Original]

ITT your face when your friend/relative asks to use your pc

>> No.5516030
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>> No.5516026
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>> No.5516042

>implying anyone ever comes near my basement

>> No.5516038
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>close firefox
>open up IE that is never used

>> No.5516043

Literally never has happened to me

>> No.5516058

>forget about shitty mmos that opened ie themselves and now your family knows you're a weeaboo that plays shitty mmos

>> No.5516055
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>> No.5516054

No friends and the door doesn't open when relatives are around.

>> No.5516047
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>> No.5516044

Why the funny face?
Do you have something to hide?

>> No.5516049
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>> No.5516060
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>> No.5516065

>your face when
Go back to /b/ you piece of shit. If all you can do is monkey /b/'s terminology I want nothing to do with you.

>> No.5516069

Like this.

>> No.5516070
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>> No.5516071
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>Ask them why they aren't using the one I built them.
>Hurr it doesn't work

>> No.5516076
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>> No.5516079

I would log off my account and make them use the guest one. IE will be the only browser.

>> No.5516087
File: 14 KB, 300x300, mehgoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I found my sister browsing my computer after I went outside and forgot to log out

>> No.5516084


>> No.5516081

-tell them to restart it
-"omg it's fixed, why don't you have a job in computers you're like an expert"

>> No.5516096
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>Realize that i live alone.

>> No.5516098
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>> No.5516102

>15 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
What the fuck is wrong with you /jp/? All in five minutes, too.

>> No.5516112
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>> No.5516108

>kill X
>here you go, enjoy!

>> No.5516106
File: 13 KB, 232x230, chink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please god don't let them find my porn
>please god don't let them find my porn
>please god don't let them find my porn

>> No.5516109

I'd like to think that it's all the same person.

>> No.5516123

Have a concealed hdd with all my goodies. Opera is hotkeyed while google chrome is just sitting on the desktop if anyone wants to use my computer.

>> No.5516125
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>My face when my friend stumbles upon my visual novels

>> No.5516133
File: 315 KB, 512x582, 1277242229055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mom wants to use computer to check her email
>watch her spend 15 minutes trying to login
>eventually asks me to do it for her
>nothing in her inbox besides spam and useless crap she signed up for
>my face

>> No.5516135

>didn't delete browsing history
oh god.

>> No.5516138

It IS the same person. OP thinks this is an "EPIC troll." What he doesn't know is that I'm hiding his thread with the 4chan extension. Enjoy talking to yourself you dumbass. Get a hobby, bro. I'm worried about you.

>> No.5516141

I load up/delete my bookmarks, delete cookies, cache, etc. before closing, but this second browser thing sounds like a better idea.

>> No.5516145
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I'm confused.What is wrong with letting someone use your computer?

>> No.5516146


>> No.5516150

Browser swapping is usually fine but one time I had a bunch of lolicon and shit open in 20 windows with my monitor off

I had to just refuse and make up a vague reason

>> No.5516153

I'm more worried about you tbh

>> No.5516156
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This is almost literally, i pretend i'm not looking but i always do.

>> No.5516181
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>my face when I lived alone and didn't have to deal with any of this

>> No.5516193
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>>my visage when I'm the goddamn Batman with my shit

All my porn and hentai are in hidden subfolders, people know about my "weird" partially weeaboo "hobbies", so all manga, doujins, VNs, and games are out in open just for advertisement (I converted my cousin to Touhouism thanks to him playing IN, and a female friend started reading FSN cuz of me). No one even knows what the hell a Firefox is much less browse the net with it, so I don't clear cache for shit.

Want to use my comp? Sure! Good luck finding anything incriminating or shame-filled.

>> No.5516196
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>> No.5516199
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Enjoy my cum stained mouse

>> No.5516206
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>friend wants to look up something
>I let him
>he goes into my bookmarks and finds hentai links
>looks at me and says "isn't this anime porn?"
>I reply "yes. problem?"
>his reply, "No, got any good ones"

I then put bible black on a dvd for him. Not sure if his wife knows about it.

>> No.5516208

I have to think if my porn is well hidden and my Firefox history cleared.

>> No.5516237
File: 63 KB, 600x516, confused whore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bible black

>> No.5516241
File: 61 KB, 300x321, vlad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bible black

>> No.5516239

Your wife lets you fap to hentai?

>> No.5516238
File: 118 KB, 259x375, kon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right this moment he's making his wife imitate the scenes in bible black, while you are sitting here fapping to lolis. by yourself.

how does that make you feel?

>> No.5516247

Your face is nice.

>> No.5516253

Good thing I use TrueCrypt to hide all of my porn.

Also, CCleaner is wonderful as well.

>> No.5516263
File: 11 KB, 131x225, reported7282669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>log on to this internet forum
>>my face thread about fat nerds scared to let someone use their computer with tohoo hentai desktop wallpaper
>>seriously type my thoughts
>>hit backspace because I am unsatisfied with my post
>>repeat 20 times
>>my face when I realize I am putting effort in responding to /v/ or /a/ tier threads

>> No.5516270

How they work? I don't need it, but I'm just interested why you need it.

>> No.5516276

Your mom has seen your hentai desktop wallpaper?

>> No.5516293

>constantly posts on /jp/
>thinks he's above /a/ or /v/

Post your damn thoughts and quit bitching. Inquiring minds want to know.

>> No.5516299

I tell her it's artistic.
She says it's just porn.
That's it.

>> No.5516303
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>Porn password protected
>VNs only accessible from my user account

>> No.5516309

If I helped improve his sex life, then that's fine by me. Feels good helping a friend out. I like my lolis, he likes his wife. Win win.

I don't have a wife. My friend does, and he's the one in charge in their relationship. Does whatever the fuck he wants. So yes /jp/, it is possible to have a girlfriend and fap to hentai (though lolis would be pushing it). It's just porn, not THAT big of a deal. Of course there is a difference between having a few eps of bible black and having 2 TB HDD full of hentai.

>> No.5516310

I never thought you would make me go this far, but you're filtered.

>> No.5516321
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>my face when someone tries to let everyone know how superior he feels for frequenting a certain internet sub-forum

>> No.5516326


>> No.5516320
File: 292 KB, 320x240, kaorin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey, can I use your computer for a second?

>> No.5516331

....why would you hide VNs? Paranoid much bro?

>> No.5516334

yeah, this

>> No.5516337
File: 98 KB, 450x450, 1274384136132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, am I the only one that has a fucking Guest account JUST in case something like this happens?

>> No.5516340

>it is possible to have a girlfriend and fap to hentai (though lolis would be pushing it)
What if your girlfriend is a loli?

>> No.5516347

I have a Guest account, but I don't care to log in to my profile every friggin time I turn my comp on.

>> No.5516358

I'm sorry I made fun of your My Face thread, OP. Let's talk this out before you decide anything rash.

Also wow look at /v/ Anons get mad again when I say that /jp/ is the better board.

>> No.5516360

I type in DVORAK and have my taskbar at the top to make my computer unpleasant and disorienting to use. I need to get down on Linux or some shit just to ensure that my computer is entirely inhospitable to anyone but me. I don't use a password, though, I feel that if they're apt enough to navigate to my things then all right is theirs. My folders are sometimes pass protected, come to think of it, so I guess I do use a password, just not in the same place as others.

I -still- get pissed when people ask me to lend my computer to them, though.

>> No.5516362
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Severely. I also shut down/get extremely nervous around people I don't know.


Me too, bro.

>> No.5516368
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>> No.5516366

I'd watch this

>> No.5516373
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You shall not password

>> No.5516374

>Say "one sec"
>Delete History as fast as I can--- hope they don't know shit about computaz and don't know what I'm doing.

>> No.5516385

>Severely. I also shut down/get extremely nervous around people I don't know.
Well I'm pretty much a social retard aswell, but I don't see a reason to hide VNs. They are just amatuer books with pictures and sounds. How is that shameful?

>> No.5516388

>I'd be on this


>> No.5516390
File: 21 KB, 600x450, deleted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5516395

better delete the shortcuts too bro

>> No.5516400

Shit is locked up like Fort Knox. So, go ahead.

>> No.5516407



>> No.5516418

I use FreeBSD. Guest accounts are in a closed off jail in a zfs partition, and there's a hotkey to automatically switch to that account at a moment's notice. Enjoy your pain, wintards!

>> No.5516417
File: 15 KB, 477x353, 1275599944774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> "Hey can you google something for me?"
> "Sure"
> try to type "google.com"
> g_
> Web history: gayporn.com
> my face

>> No.5516416

normalfriends can't "reveal their power level" or they'll get kicked out of the fraternity, or something

>> No.5516414
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>> No.5516421
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>have a guest account
>install visual novels on my admin account
>friend wants to use my computer
>"sure, go ahead"
>guest account desktop is full of VN shortcuts
>my face

>> No.5516424
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>> No.5516432

They can go ahead. I don't save porn, I turned off suggestions, and my history clears every time I close my browser.

>> No.5516433

even back when this would have been an issue everyone was too apprehensive about finding gay porn to ever ask to use mine.

>> No.5516435
File: 37 KB, 400x400, KS_DEV_COMPUTER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it that hard to logout? Also, shouldn't your biggest concern be the possibility of them screwing your PC instead of having your porn discovered? What the hell.
Anyway, I make an angry face when my 10 years old sister asks me to use it, but if I don't let her use it she will keep on repeating things like "please onii-chan" until it stresses the fuck out of me, so I have no fucking choice.

>> No.5516443

How strong is your truecrypt password /jp/?

>> No.5516445

Thread reported.

>> No.5516452

Autistic child reported.

>> No.5516457
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>> No.5516463

This thread is bad.

>> No.5516480
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