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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5512412 No.5512412 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/

Which fighting style should I learn?




Jeet Kune Do



Krav Maga

Muay Thai



Brazilian Ju Jitsu



>> No.5512422




Jeet Kune Do



Krav Maga

Muay Thai



Brazilian Ju Jitsu



List looks fucked in the OP

>> No.5512423


>> No.5512429

Done both karate and taekwondo
They're not good for teaching you how to fight

>> No.5512441


why did you sage?

Yeah I was trying to stay away from McDojo martial arts such as Karate, TKD, Ju Jitsu

>> No.5512444


Aikido style looks cool as fuck

>> No.5512447

Arguably the most powerful martial arts in Japan.

An Aikido practitioner is practically invincible, no one of any martial arts background can ever land a punch or kick on one.

Using the power of the attacker, the Aikido practitioner uses absolutely no energy to knock them down.

A fearsome martial arts it is.

>> No.5512452

Depends, what do you need it for?

>> No.5512457

Steven Seagal - Master Of The Aikido

>> No.5512465

I believe you should learn Aikido. Now I know you may be thinking, "Why should I learn a weakling martial art like Aikido when I am learning Karate?" I can see why you would think that, how can a peaceful martial arts like Aikido beat a powerful one like Karate.

Well, I have a story to share with you.

Years ago, I was a karateka, I thought I was the toughest kid in high school, I would pick fights, and kick ass. I was full of hate, until I picked a fight with the wrong dude. He was a Japanese exchange student, I still remember his name, Noboru Takeda.

I picked on him because of his hilarious and thick Japanese accent. I told him I was going to beat him so hard, he would go back to China(Yeah, I was a little racist prick.), he never said anything back, made me wanted to kick his ass even harder.

Well, here comes the fight. I threw several punches, he dodged them like I was a mere white belt. I was tiring out and he knew, I saw the smirk on his face that made me raged hard. I put all my strength in one amazing punch, and he grabbed it and threw me over. My back smacked on the hard cement ground, and I was knocked out for who knows how long.

When I woke up I was in the school infirmary, I asked the nurse who brought me here, and you guessed it, Noboru Takeda. The next day, he wasn't at school, he was back in Japan, and I never got to thank him, for saving my life and showing me the light. I soon learned that he was an Aikidoka and have been practicing Aikido ever since to show my thanks to him.

>> No.5512468
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Bring it.

>> No.5512483

my Aikido dojo is across from a Karate dojo. We usually get alot of rude remarks from them, such as Aikido being for weaklings.

Well, one of them challenged me, he was a white male in his 20's. I accepted of course, I never back down from a challenge.

He had really good form, but his Karate was no match for my Aikido. He delivered a great kick but it was nothing for me, I easily grabbed it and knocked him down with a kick. This went on for about 10 minutes until he got too tired.

He got frustrated and left, he was about to cross the street but I stopped him from getting hit by a speeding cyclist. He didn't say thanks but it still felt good to save someone.

>> No.5512489

Have you ever been in love, OP?

I haven't. Not with another human being at least. After dedicating my mind and spirit to Aikido I haven't found much room for anything else.

Sure I've been on dates before with beautiful women, but whenever they find out that I am a student of the world's strongest martial art, the dinner always ends there. They sometimes even offer to pay, in fear of their lives.

>> No.5512499
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>This thread

>> No.5512500


Sounds like a movie

But was cool anyways

>> No.5512501


>> No.5512506

Okay why are all the people who are putting though into their posts saging the thread?

>> No.5512512

To bully you, nerd.

>> No.5512514

I still laugh at how 4chan doesn't understand what sage means.

If only I knew moon so I wouldn't have to spend time on a board that imports foreign concepts and then DOES IT WRONG all the time.

Using sage as a way to "insult" someone's post or thread is just completely wrong and a retarded misuse of a good feature that is so popular in sites like 2ch and Futaba. Fuck, iichan and 4-ch do it right. It's just 4chan and 4chan's lame knockoffs that fail at using sage.

The true meaning of sage means that YOUR POST isn't worthy enough to bump the thread. It's ironic, because you think that you're insulting others while you're just, in fact, insulting yourself. Yes, sage can be used when posting a derogatory comment in a thread that you don't want to bump, but posting with just the word "sage" accomplishes nothing but contribute to spamming the board. The trend of replying with the name of a tripfag and sage is even worse, as it accomplishes nothing and only serves to increase the e-penis of whoever you're "attacking".

The sage feature was never meant to serve as an implied insult or general disagreement! Why people started using it that way is beyond me. There are plenty of reasons why one would choose not to bump a thread with his reply. For example, bumping threads with stupid one liner replies should be discouraged and those people should be coerced into using sage instead.

I want to use sage, yet I almost never do it on 4chan because people will jump on me thinking I'm insulting their post or something.

>> No.5512518



>> No.5512522

Aikido practitioners sure are arrogant. I suggest you start out with some Muay Thai if you want really good form. Then you could move on to learn BJJ to cover the entire ground aspect.

>> No.5512525

Only autistics learn fighting styles.

>> No.5512546

Why does everyone use Aikido to troll? wtf is this shit

is Aikido good or not?

>> No.5512547

Believe it or not, I wasn't always a handsome stud. I used to an anti-social loser like you, until I started Aikido more than a year ago.

In Aikido, you need to communicate to your partner to be successful, my partner was a very talkative person, I couldn't help but open up to him. He's now my best friend, and through him, I lost my old ways and became a man.

>> No.5512549

Drunken Fist

>> No.5512558

its the best
too bad it doesnt teach you how to attack however it has many benefits besides being the strongest martial art

Have some love handles that you would love to get rid of?

There is a way. A quick way.


You will be down to 10% body fat by the forth month, while learning the most effective martial arts at the same time. I used to have fat around my stomach area, did Aikido, now my six pack can be seen by all the ladies.

Become fit and kick ass at the same time.

>> No.5512559


It's true. I'm his friend.

>> No.5512565

A year ago, I chose Aikido as my art of choice.

The beauty and gracefulness of it led me to choose it. I'm more than satisfied with it, watching videos of how fluid and smoothly I move and do reversal is more beautiful than ballet.

It also makes me feel non-human, how easily I toss a man with no effort is frightening.

So, why haven't you chose Aikido?


>> No.5512568

That sounds like the plot of a BL manga

>> No.5512578

there is a manga about Aikido called Black Heart
It's about a really violent kid who is reformed thanks to aikido

>> No.5512580

Krav Maga or maybe Systema(though I can only vouch for Krav Maga) if you want something centered on real-life practicality.
would be fine too.

>> No.5512582


So would you suggest learning another martial arts along side of Aikido? Since you are implying it has no strikes or something?

Is the goal just to tire your opponent out until they are like "fuck it" or then you can use your nooby strike to win since they are too tired?

>> No.5512598

personally I do TKD besides Aikido however I want to switch to something different
I might do Boxing
Muay Thai is a high tier offensive

>> No.5512605

OP here.

I swear I have no clue if I'm being trolled. If you are trolling I give props as you never lose your cool. You push the edge of what would be a troll without falling over the limit (by having your stories be too retarded)

I'm really confused right now but I'm convinced enough to look into Aikido. If you're trolling like I said I respect you but at the same time fuck you

>> No.5512610

I have defeated countless opponents using Aikido, and they always ask me, Why are you so strong?

I answer, I'm not strong, you are.

Aikido uses the strength of the attacker back at them but 10 times stronger(estimate). Using Aikido and I can probably kill a charging Rhino using it's force right back at it, of course, I'm not going to try it, way to dangerous for any sane person.

I recommend practicing Aikido for every /jp/edo, as you are all physically weak, and Aikido is specialized for the weak to defend against the strong.


A 50 year old man with cerebral palsy doing Aikido, very touching.

>> No.5512618

how the hell are we trolling you?

>> No.5512629


Have you heard of Wing-Chun? I hear that's a very very fast attacking fighting style that scares the shit of your opponent

Also what are your opinions on Jeet Kune Do? (Bruce Lee's martial art)

>> No.5512638

I was walking outside once in a dream, and then it hit me: Aikido is the ultimate martial art since you use your opponent's strength against himself.

>> No.5512645


>Using Aikido and I can probably kill a charging Rhino using it's force right back at it

There's the 0/10 I've been looking for


Read this post bro

>> No.5512650

Oh Suigin. You may not be trolling, but I have seen some of your replies in this thread several times before, so I don't know what to believe anymore.

>> No.5512658

Wing Chun is good however it doesn't have anything Boxing doesn't teach you

And JKD died with Bruce imo
You should be really careful if you want to find a teacher of this art (there aren't many out there and they only teach a few selected people I heard)

>> No.5512687

Systema because it gives you magic powers.

>> No.5512692

that post prolly implies that redirecting a charging rhino you can kill it
which it's true considering Aikido is based on redirecting strength
ever heard of how some karateka can kill bulls with their own bare hands?
or how some Muay Thai practitioners can kill buffaloes with a kick?
it's the same principle

>> No.5512701

Crazy Monkey style

>> No.5512729


Can you be a little more specific on Wing-Chun vs Boxing?

What exactly is good about Wing-Chun and what is missing from it that Boxing has?

What would be the best combo for Aikido? Muay Thai?

Different combos for different situations but what would you say is the best combo for Aikido overall? Or can you say different combos and describe why they are better for this or that?

>> No.5512743

>ever heard of how some karateka can kill bulls with their own bare hands?
number one

>> No.5512747

don't bother with all that crap, op, just hire a bunch of yakuzas and they will take care of the work for you

they can't be beat

>> No.5512750

I heard Aikido is only good vs untrained opponents. What's the best fighting style to beat Aikido? Which type of fighter do Aikido fighters have a hard time versus?

>> No.5512756

Demi-gods and above

>> No.5512760


Why can't they be beat? What do they do?

>> No.5512766

Aikido is a soft martial art, combing it with a strike heavy martial art like Muay Thai is pointless(unless you gave time to devote to seriously practice multiple disciplines, which is unlikely).
Every martial art is developed so it an react to every situation on it's own, you need a clear understanding of it (and the exact discipline/school you learn) to know what compliments it.

>> No.5512769


>> No.5512786

>What exactly is good about Wing-Chun and what is missing from it that Boxing has?
Wing Chun has a lot of useless movements
even the master that taught Bruce Lee admitted it
plus boxing teaches you how to endure huge beat ups
>What would be the best combo for Aikido? Muay Thai?
Muay Thai is a pretty complete offensive since it teaches you how to use your arms, legs, elbows and knees
Imo it's the best combo for aikido

TKD is good but only uses the legs
Karate isn't as complete as Muay Thai

>> No.5512812

What's the best fighting style to beat Aikido?
a gun or grabbing onto the aikidoka's leg and humping it while praying for the aikidoka to not decide to attack

>> No.5512842

The training and way you move your body between these two martial arts is too different.
Combining them is stupid.
Plus, Karate has multiple schools and focuses that cover a wide range of situations, and is not limited to 'sports karate' rules, where only certain hits are allowed. Karate is a great defensive martial art.

Boxing in general is also very different to eastern martial arts, since it lacks kicking, and it focuses on small concise movements and huge number of punches, an exact opposite direction.

>> No.5512854


That was actually pretty good.

>> No.5512859

Real men learn sambo.

>> No.5512900


So I'm still conflicted which compliments Aikido the best. Muay Thai is too different so it contradicts it. Boxing lacks kicks. So...Kick Boxing?

I'd say Karate but it's too main stream and too many McDojos and tourneyfags who basically pay for a blackbelt

>> No.5512972

Aikido is for weaklings

>> No.5513083

Technically, unless you find a good school, everything will be bad.
Also, since Aikido is a soft marial art that reliones on reversing power and throws, another 'grappling' martial art that focuses on attacks and also includes striking would be a good supplement, like jujitsu or sambo.
Even judo would be a good addition.

>> No.5513091

Judo is one of /fit/'s favorites

>> No.5513095

I learned Akido in Persona 3.

>> No.5513105

Despite the 'flak' it may get, it is quite the practical martial art, with lots of techniques outside 'tournament' orientation.

>> No.5513115

Just buy a gun.

>> No.5513125

That would be 'kendo'

>> No.5513126


If I start to learn Aikido should I or can I train with the other styles as well? Or is it better to become comfortable and advanced with Aikido then add your secondary style?

>> No.5513135

Have some love handles that you would love to get rid of?

There is a way. A quick way.


You will be down to 10% body fat by the forth month, while learning the most effective martial arts at the same time. I used to have fat around my stomach area, did Aikido, now my six pack can be seen by all the ladies.

Become fit and kick ass at the same time.

>> No.5513153

It's generally a good idea to learn one martial art decently and have your body accustomed to exercise(martial arts use different muscles than sports).
Then, if needed, you can branch out.

>> No.5513168

Oh shit, I don't even what to think about this thread.

If you want to learn something usefull OP, then Muay Thai, Judo, BJJ, Kyokushin maybe (btw it's Karate Kyokushin)
If you want to have fun, then anythink you like.

Oh, sorry for sage, but this thread is too much of a troll/how the hell is MA otaku culture?!

>> No.5513175

ne ne ZUN-kun, suigin already used that one

>> No.5513176

ok I live in California, area code 94598

I am having a lot of trouble finding a good Aikido dojo. They all seem to be McDojos.

Is it possible to look on the internet?


Here's the closest one to me and the guy is white.

Should I try and find a dojo and have the main instructer be japanese? What should I look for in a dojo? (From using the internet, of coarse I'll go check it out after)

>> No.5513188

Generally, if a dojo is good, you can trace the instructor's career and own master's.
Regardless if they also do 'McExercise', they would be capable to seriously teach.

>> No.5513191

I wish I could take an Aikido class with everyone on /jp/. ;_;

>> No.5513215

bump, help me find a real dojo in 94598

>> No.5513233

Boy you wouldn't last a second in the dojo with me.

>> No.5513239

There are only three options:
-Something simple, like boxing
-Military close combat training or anything equivalent
-Traveling to some mountain in China and studying kung-fu with a bunch of monks

>> No.5513259

That actually depends. If OP wants to have a fun time doing cool things, and exercising his body, then why not. Aikido will be fine and fun.
If OP wants to do real MA, then it gotta be something full contact like box, kick-box. jj, bjj judo if OP wants griping ones.
But again, why is this shit in /jp/?
Just go to some other, more suited board, and ask there, man.

>> No.5513264

ok so far all the main instructors for all the dojos I can find are white (some have some japanese instructors)

wad do?

>> No.5513268

Stop being a racist prick.

>> No.5513269

aikido can be good but don't expect it to be godlike
I mean, always waiting for the oponent to attack isn't always the best strategy, especially when the oponent is not a white belt

Yes I know defense > offense,
But if an aikidoka never attacks , you have more time to figure out his open spots

>> No.5513271

Chi can blast all those away w/using only 25% of atk power even

>> No.5513273

Choose what you want, but I would say to choose the dojo wisely. For instance, JKA is pretty much the authority on Shotokan Karate so if that's your thing, make sure the dojo is JKA-affiliated.

>> No.5513281

Street fighting because martial arts wont save you when you're up against someone who doesn't fight like someone trained to.

It's kind of like how if you play a fighting game and are like one of the top players in the world (or maybe just state/country) you could easily lose to a complete newb because unlike other skilled players what they do is unexpected and random.

>> No.5513283

Aikido only works is your opponent's defense stat is lower than his attack stat.

>> No.5513286

How is Aikido such a badass martial art if it's not full contact? Is there such thing as a mixed dojo? I'm looking for something that is full contact + Aikido or something along those lines

Any one have any tips?

>> No.5513289


>> No.5513300

>chi master
>not currybutt

An amateur.

>> No.5513307

Hikkis know shit about kiai.

>> No.5513314

Actually they know it better than some master in a dojo because they have more concentration and focus during practice so their skill level rises by 10 times that of what a normal master can have, even during actual combat curry's abilities are, in worst scenario, 5x stronger than that of any other master.

>> No.5513319

Okay I think I found a good Aikido Dojo but then I looked at ranks. They to reach black belt you must train for at least 1 year

That's fucking retarded. Is this a McDojo? It should take a lot longer than 1 year to get a black belt in anything. So should I avoid this?

If they offer black belts how many years should it be at least?

>> No.5513334

Because it's not badass. If you want to do mixed ma, then just go for one. i.e. Ju-Jitsu.

>> No.5513350

When will /jp/ open his own dojo?

>> No.5513371

They lack will power, what with being hikkis/

>> No.5513393
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Curry has a stronger will than anyone else, you're probably too knew to know him though.

>> No.5513396
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>> No.5513403

Extra 'k' is extra.
And if his will was strong, he would actually post.
Scared hikki is scared.

>> No.5513407

Either Jeet Kune Do or Muay Thai.

I'm not sure about Aikido but it sounds great from the things I've heard about it.

>> No.5513403,1 [INTERNAL] 

I can't believe this thread actually got the OP interested in aikido.

I hope to see an inspirational tale from him in a few months.

>> No.5513435

He's currently training his chi to be even stronger so he can't post

>> No.5513440

Aikido is more like a meta-game for other martial arts.

>> No.5513463

None of those because niggers will just shoot you.

>> No.5513469

Martial arts talk aside, where is OP's picture from? Thats actually pretty damn awesome.

>> No.5513486

Muay Thai is beast, I have a Thai friend (who ironically is more into wrestling though) whose dad learned Military Muay Thai back in Thailand. He would always kick our asses when we fuck around too much.

It's insane, learn it.

>> No.5513495

>we were little kids
>he was a trained military personnel

>he thinks being able to own a 10 year old when you're in the fucking military means it's useful or strong.

>> No.5513538

No, we were around 16, pretty muscular for our age (I was in TKD, he was in wrestling). And sometimes when I asked he would show us demonstrations.

Eh, fuck you.

>> No.5513580


a movie called "The Fountain" with hugh jackmen

it's pretty trippy, give it a change

has to do with the fountain of youth and crazy past, present future shit, and I mean WAY past and WAY future lol i dunno watch that shit

>> No.5513594

And I was on an actual sports team and probably ten times as strong and well built than you, and growing up where I did probably a lot better in a fight.

Your shitty dad with his silly pretend fighting couldn't take down anyone other than someone else using retardedly taught fighting techniques.

Plus, you were only 16, you really think a 16 year old could win against a trained military man?

Get real.

>> No.5513597


I'll give it a try, thanks.

>> No.5513613

You could learn all of those and Suigin would still kick your nerd ass.

>> No.5513615

If it has to be from the list: Krav Maga or Muay Thai.
But seriously, you should pick boxing.

>> No.5513622



Proving your point through misinformation, since 1995 because you're underage

>> No.5513631

The only true opponent for suigin is curry.

The battle will never end now.

Suigin needs new competitors even if they will just get owned in one hit.

>> No.5513638

So you honestly believe a 16 year old could take on a fully grown MILITARY and military trained in close range combat and have a chance?


>> No.5513643

I'm not seeing the misinformation in saying a person specially trained and probably like 20 years older than you and with a military-built body would easily win against a 16 year old...

>> No.5513680


You're assuming you have to be 30+ and a master to appreciate the effectiveness of something. Also, just because you're in the military doesn't mean you're hot shit at hand to hand automatically.

In fact, it REALLY doesn't mean you're hot shit with hand to hand. It means you might be actually be halfway competent.

>> No.5513684

I'm not sure how it is for Aikido, but in (real) Karate it takes several years. Around 6-8 years, in most cases, impossible to say for certain, as it's pretty much up to your sensei when you get to take your 1st dan test. After that, it's years and years between dans, to give you an idea, my sensei is 3rd dan, while the japanese Master in my region (who oversees kyuu/dan tests under him) of the country is 8th dan, with 50-some years of experience.

I would expect a black belt in Aikido to also take several years at least, but I don't really know much about Aikido's rank structure.

>> No.5513693

The fact is though his body was built a lot better than yours and he had serious specialty training by the military.

You were 16 years old and had some local guy teaching you.

There's a huge difference in physical prowess as well as mental ability and focus. And yes, focus is important no matter what style of fighting your doing, and believe me a 16 year old won't beat out an adult in this area.

Stop trying to pretend you were, as you put it, "hot shit", by implying you think you had a chance against him.

You didn't, and you now are a fucking neckbeard sitting around on 4chan all day, so it's pretty clear who would win back then and who would win even now.

>> No.5513694
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Undefeated of the East style.

>> No.5513696

Ever since my car accident in 2002 when I lost both of my legs, I have not been able to lead a normal sexual life with my spouse. Fortunately we came across Aikido which changed the way I live. I am now able to perform many sex positions and lead an otherwise normal sex life. Thank you so much.

Kevin Ziolowski

>> No.5513700


I'm not the guy that told the story. Again:

>> No.5513705

What I'm assuming is that a little kid can't beat an adult who is specially trained and has the body of a military man.

Even if you were able to land a hit on him he probably wouldn't even notice.

This isn't fucking anime, this is real life. You're a scrawny 16 year old in this situation fighting with a military built man with military skills and training.

You won't win. This isn't home alone.

>> No.5513709
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samefag who thinks real life works like in anime and Home Alone.

>> No.5513715

Introducing: 4chan's Aikido Challenge 2006
With the launch of our nifty new servers, we'd like to see a few things change.

Getting people to contribute has always proved difficult. Leeching has once again begun to dominate as the site gets faster. Instead of spurring contributions, the new speed has given rise to leeching once more.

We need your help. See the above graph? Note the average inbound traffic of 5.65mbps. To get things rolling, we'd like to push this past 10mbps. Post more, contributing can be plain ol' replies or images--every post helps!
POST MORE. YOU HELPED PAY FOR THESE SERVERS--NOW PUT THEM TO GOOD USE. Replies and image posts are what MAKE this site!

Think of it this way: The faster we hit our goal (or at least see things speed up), the faster this annoying red text comes down.
One more thing... We've got an extra 40mbps to burn through during the month of March. We plan on putting it to good use. Stay tuned.
Check out OtakuGeneration's latest podcast, with guest 4chan (shut & moot)! Get it here.

>> No.5513717



>> No.5513728



Are me. Not sure about everything else.

Also, I am well aware of what its like too be 16 and unable to fight. I wasn't able to hold my own in a fight till about 18 - 19. I am also acutely aware of what it is to fight someone who is military trained. Step dad once nearly broke my arm horsing around. In retrospect, though, he was actually pretty shitty at fighting.

>> No.5513741

Exactly, even someone who doesnt know shit about fighting but is bigger and more well built than the other guy will most likely be able to beat the shit out of a teenager regardless of the latters training.

>> No.5513751

In a street fight?

Aikido will not seem to work, because for it to work, a cooperation from the thug is needed, like "give me your wrist, no, not that, the other wrist, okay, extend it further and don't move while I twist it...".

>> No.5513777


You misunderstand. When I was 16, I was SHIT at fighting. I got into fights all the damn time at school and never won. I remember getting the shit choked out of me once. Feels bad man.

At 18 I probably would have wiped the floor with my stepdad, and I have known people who were 16 that are really fucking good. Of course, I haven't seen nor heard from the guy in 10+ years, so never got to test the theory.

>> No.5513784


Will you and the troll trolling you shut the fuck up already? Just stop.

>> No.5513789

If you learn Jap martial arts, everyone will think you're just another weeaboo. (OK, this is /jp/, so you probably are.)

Learn some western martial arts instead, such as English smallsword fencing, boxing or (if you're a righteous enough chap) French cane fencing.

>> No.5513790

After 18 you'd go to jail if you got physical with him or anyone else anyway.

Be smart unless you can prove it was self defense only - even then you can't go overboard or it's still something you'll go to prison for. Which I think is stupid (the latter part of that), but sadly true.

As much as people like to think its 'manly' to fight, if you get caught or the person goes to the police (even if they were trying to mug you or something) you'll still go to court and probably get thrown in jail for awhile for it.

>> No.5513796
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Yeah, I forgot /jp/ is made of fighting champions.

A bunch of teenagers that can take down military men and specially trained men.

Of course!

>> No.5513797


Sure, but only because you asked so nicely.

>> No.5513804


Sparring isn't illegal. I never said I wanted to commit assault.

>> No.5513816

Krav Maga

>> No.5513831

To be fair the military does not focus on hand to hand combat and only teach the basics.

>> No.5513847
File: 127 KB, 1280x720, 1273657615072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying anyone on 4chan could take on even a buffoon who knows nothing about fighting but has the body of even a highschool football player - let alone someone with the build of a military man

>> No.5513867

I don't deny what you say, I was just saying most soldiers are not proficient in hand to hand combat.

>> No.5513887

If I remember right, the original guy I was responding to said his father had special military training in military muay thai, which implies he had some pretty in-depth fighting training.

>> No.5513900


Believe it or not I knew two guys, brothers, that had used their inheritance money to go to china and train in sword fighting. They were already good at various European styles. When they got back they were pretty overpowering. They were pretty handy in unarmed fighting as well, but I never experienced that first hand. Of course, one of the brothers also blew a large chunk of his money going off to countries doing honest to god treasure hunting, so they might not be the best example ever.

I don't think they were quite /jp/ers, but they were pretty big nerds, but figuratively and literally. Remember that the world is made up of all kinds, and some people are attracted to anime/movies/games because it exaggerates some of the things they already have an interest in, rather than the other way around.

>> No.5513909
File: 34 KB, 311x311, 1276399485841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying anyone ever at any time in history /jp/ had even a single person who could even best a 10 year old in a fight and wouldn't run cowering in fear of physical contact with a human being.

You don't know SHIT about /jp/.

>> No.5513909,1 [INTERNAL] 

aikido is mighty good
