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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 40 KB, 483x346, trap_fbm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5511901 No.5511901 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5511923

I gave up. You should too, anon.

>> No.5511932


>> No.5511937

Estrogen cream can reduce hair growth, anonymous!

>> No.5511945


>> No.5511991
File: 115 KB, 450x600, xJRzh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be adorable when I shave

>> No.5511999

I want a part of you.

>> No.5512004

Stupid sexy cybermen.

>> No.5512036

I'll be starting HTR soon, so maybe one day!

>> No.5512038

This picture is both a relieving and frustrating, because it reveals the ultimate way to succeed as a trap: Wear a mask.

99% of traps still have manfaces no matter what they do, so a mask is really the only way to solve this. It's nice to know the solution, but masks are rarely sexy, so it's still not ideal.

>> No.5512065

lol, go away

>> No.5512069

Bone structure in general is an obstacle no biological male can overcome.
Manly hands, broad shoulders, manly jaw, tall stature, just to name a few.

It is the curse of the Gods that such is the way we are made.
I'd rather have been born completely androgynous, so I could choose what I wanted to look like; make up and femininity, or working out and manliness.

Oh well.

>> No.5512070

but he's right ;_;

>> No.5512075
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Rate me, /jp/

>> No.5512076 [SPOILER] 
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There's no such thing as an "adorable trap" in real life. They'll always have a manly face and if they don't have a manly face they'll either have manly/ugly hands or feet.

Traps are only good on paper.

>> No.5512092

Too fat.

>> No.5512096


Awesome, me too

>> No.5512099

aren't you a little too young to be on /jp/

you should post on /v/ instead

>> No.5512105
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>> No.5512107

uh, no
I'm reporting your posts just because I don't like them

>> No.5512114

I'll be on paper someday.

>> No.5512116

How about you prove him wrong?

>> No.5512128

You'd like that wouldn't you mister

>> No.5512132

Yes, I would. But you can't.

>> No.5512140

Oh you've done it now, I just reported you too

>> No.5512148

That's not nice ;_;

>> No.5512154

You report people because you are jealous of those who are a trap? How funny :3

>> No.5512165
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If you look like this on paper I will fap to you.

>> No.5512172

I didn't actually report him

>> No.5512174

I look like that irl.

>> No.5512203


>> No.5512212


No you don't.

Stop you're lying.

If you did I'd be dumping my load in you right now

>> No.5512222

Do you have a pair of animate, disembodied hands to molest you as well?

>> No.5512226
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>> No.5512227

Doesn't everyone?

>> No.5512233

male body structure says otherwise

>> No.5512251

I'd fuck you but my standards are pretty low.

>> No.5512255

>i'm fat and ugly so everyone else is too!!!

>> No.5512262


>> No.5512263

Dumbass. You miss the point. Boys don't have good hips.

>> No.5512271
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Thank you...I guess... :)

>> No.5512286
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>> No.5512288

I'd rather be an elegant girl.

I'm working hard everyday so that when we die and go to 2D heaven, I can be a reliable onee-sama worthy of /jp/'s trust. I'd make handmade dishes for you everyday (though the person cooking periodically changing would be a good idea so we can sample varying kitchens) and after the meals we'd talk about various topics (like Aztec sacrificial rituals or a certain biting midge, Serromyia femorata, where the female kisses the male and sucks out all the male's innards through his mouth. ) while sipping tea. And during the night those who would desire so would retire to their bedrooms either to rest or satisfy their carnal desires with their fellow maidens, while the rest of us would play various games, PoFV and Melty Blood competitons would go on one side while another group would try out tabletop games. And there'd be a great bed large enough to accommodate all of us, where those who didn't wish to sleep in their personal rooms would sleep peacefully in embrace of her fellow young ladies. We'd never feel lonely anymore.

2D heaven exists. If we all believe in it, it'll surely exist, right?


>> No.5512294
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>> No.5512298
File: 37 KB, 500x500, No fun ever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reported for shit thread filled with attention whores newfags an autism

>> No.5512299

Reported to the FBI. Holy shit!

>> No.5512300


>> No.5512306

What is the appeal of traps? Aren't futas much better?

>> No.5512316

They're both fucking repulsive

>> No.5512325

Futas have a vagina, which are gross

>> No.5512336

Are gays gay because they find vaginas disgusting?

>> No.5512346

Are dykes dykes because they think all men are rapists that should die?

>> No.5512359

We know yurifags are gay because they find penis disgusting. Surely the reverse is true?

>> No.5512361

That doesn't answer my question.

>> No.5512364

I guess. you don't find vaginas to be gross?

>> No.5512366

Are you certain of that?

>> No.5512443


If you're talking about /u/. That place is full of angry femnazis who despise penis and little girls from ShoujoAi.com who are going through their LOLOLO I'M BISEXUAL/LESBIAN XD phase.

Don't believe me? Go look.

>> No.5512477

There are also a few males who are too insecure to masturbate to porn with penises in it.

>> No.5512478

Not all of them.

Spell it out for me, I can't read your mind. I can interpret your statement two ways.

>> No.5512487

Why not interpret the way it should be interpreted?

>> No.5512490

Funny, it looks more to me like it's full of self-loathing males.

>> No.5512505

I find that somehow hypocritical, because by any objective standard, a vagina is more gross than a penis.

>> No.5512515

Hey I started dressing in my sister's and mother's clothes at a pretty young age!

>> No.5512537

/u/ is a great board, don't be hating. Sorry that you were looking for your nasty watermelon-titties fluids-everywhere jerkoff hentai and got some tasteful stuff instead, but there's more suitable places for you.

>> No.5512570

/u/ is a shitty, board, worse than /y/ even.
The pictures are nice, but their userbase is on par with Gaia.

>> No.5512579

I like yuri but vaginas are gross and boring. Genitalia is ugly in general, but if I had to choose- at least you get some kind of show at the end with a dick. I could/want to get gay with a lady, but it just gets old after awhile.

I mostly just like it for the cute stories and boobies.

>> No.5512593

now I know you're wrong; nothing is worse than /y/

>> No.5512624

That kind of response is EXACTLY what you'd expect from an /u/lcer.

>> No.5512655


Oh there was a time when /u/ was full of men who wanted to fap to 2D lesbians and it was a good time but they were chased off by angry bulldykes,gaiafags and tards from ShoujoAi.com

/u/ will never be the same.

I miss the old /u/.


You're the problem with /u/.


/y/ is leaps and bounds better than /u/. I don't even post there and I say this.

>> No.5512674

Oh how I wish /u/ was some kind of feminist heaven, but it isn't.

>> No.5512706

I'm straight male, but I like worksafe yuri stories. I could probably enjoy worksafe yaoi stories too, but I can't really shake off that feeling of "no" I get from it most of the time. Also, the yaoi written for females is too sappy shit, and for males it's always hardcore porn/no plot.

>> No.5512712

What are you doing on /jp/, anyway? Or are you just a troll?

>> No.5512715
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>> No.5512758

No, I'm really not. If you want down and dirty cheesy porno there's one million nameless hentai sites for you to rub one out to. Hell just search on rapidshare, I'm sure you don't care if it's quality or not. You just want to see some big-booty bitches licking dem tittays and staring into the camera waiting for your cock. /u/ actually is one of the few places on the internet where people can discuss yuri with a plot in a somewhat civilized manner. Many translators of doujin, manga and games gather there. It's an actual quality board with almost no trolling and almost no empty shitposting of cheap porn. Stay out forever.

>> No.5512763

/u/ really is terrible. I've never seen a board with a userbase angrier than /jp/ until I went there. Whenever someone even IMPLIES that a character isn't gay you're guaranteed 200+ posts of shitstorms. They're fucking insane.

>> No.5512775

Looks like you just proved him right.

>> No.5512782

Again, what are you doing on /jp/?

>> No.5512804

Why would you even go there to do that? That's like going to /jp/ and saying Touhou sucks, or going to /a/ and saying anime is for losers. Of course you're going to negative responses.

>> No.5512820

A better comparison would begoing to /a/ and implying that Avatar is anime.

>> No.5512829

Except it's more like going to /jp/ and saying Reimu is a shitty character, or /a/ and implying a /co/ cartoon is an anime.

>> No.5512834

Talking about VNs mostly. I can live with /jp/'s woman hating ways as long as I can discuss things that I love.

>> No.5512841

Everyone would agree that Reimu sucks, tho.

>> No.5512843


I don't want a trap boyfriend. My mother would never talk to me again if she found out I was fucking a guy.

Sure it'd probably feel amazing to ejaculate in his tight ass but I'm a mother's boy.

Besides I don't have the dedication to be full gay and I don't think someone is bisexual if they have no attraction to guys beyond sex.

>> No.5512853

Okay, it's like going to /jp/ and saying that Reimu is a good character with actual character development.

>> No.5512856

I wonder why you would be playing VNs in the first place. Don't answer it.

>> No.5512861

I don't do that. I see other people doing that all the time on /u/, suddenly the angry feminazis come out from the woodwork and rip the "troll" a new asshole.

>> No.5512867

Notice the sexual in bisexual. If you are interested in having sex with boys, you are bisexual.

>> No.5512868

Reimu's not exactly /jp/'s most beloved Touhou, though.

>> No.5512871

Maybe he just wants to discuss yuri anime/manga normally? Not every female character in every yuri series is gay, but if you hint at that /u/ will throw a huge fit.

>> No.5512874

I think it's more like going to /jp/ and suggesting some fanon is canon.

>> No.5512877

so now not even VNs are seen as acceptable on /jp/?

>> No.5512883

Kinda known this my whole life.

>> No.5512885

We do the same thing here, about everything. Post literally anything and at least 3 people will tell you you're an autistic faggot and gtfo. Is it really any different? You're just too sensitive because you want the board to be the way you want it and it's not.

>> No.5512888

You missed the point of his post.

>> No.5512893

You seem to have a very warped view of feminists. Why wouldn't I play VNs?

>> No.5512896

My dissociative identity disorder enables me to agree simultaneously with >>5512829 and >>5512853.

>> No.5512903

Strange, you like guys sexually but not otherwise? Most guys would say they like some guys on a platonic level but would never want to have sex with them.

>> No.5512914

I wonder why you would be playing VN? Why would you be at /jp/ or 4chan at all? Aren't there only horny 15 year old straight guys here? How can anyone appreciate VN other than something to masturbate to, or /jp/ as anything other than a place to collect porn of little girls? Seriously, just listen to yourself idiot.

>> No.5512919

You have some comprehension issues, it seems.

>> No.5512930


>> No.5512938


You know what?

Just because you said this bullshit I'm gonna make it my life's goal to take /u/ back from you ugly bulldykes.

It's not gonna a raid or any of that stupid /b/ullshit. I'm gonna start making threads people actually care about.

No one gives a fuck about subtext or any of that bullshit.

>You just want to see some big-booty bitches licking dem tittays and staring into the camera waiting for your cock.

No. I wanna be able to post yuri and fap to yuri without some hambeast ruining the board with their MEN ARE EVIL bullshit.

/u/ is

/u/ - Yuri

/u/ is not

/u/ - Oprah's book club and woman's group.

>> No.5512966

When I get my server up and running I'll make an /u/ board for males where that kind of shit is forbidden.

>> No.5512973

and /jp/ is Touhou, not discussing VN or anything like that. nobody cares about that shit.

Touhou imagedumps only from now on

>> No.5512980

>Strange, you like guys sexually but not otherwise?

I have no friends and I'm sexually frustrated.

>> No.5512990

I was expecting to see some nice pictures ITT. How disappointing.

>> No.5512995

/jp/ is a board about Touhou, Visual Novels, and everything that comes out of Japan but doesn't belong to other boards (and this somehow includes doujin games).

Sorry, try again.

>> No.5513000

I would enjoy trolling a male only imageboard.

>> No.5513005


That's a horrible example.

/jp/ was created with both Touhou and Visual Novels in mind.


>> No.5513020

I would subnet ban you pretty quickly. Don't assume it would be run with as shitty moderation as 4chan.

>> No.5513022

Yeah but I don't care about discussing any of that shit, I just want to fap without you fat neckbeards ruining it with your autism banter.

When I get my server up I'm going to make a /jp/ just for manly men, no text posting allowed, only NSFW Touhou pics and HCG from VN.

>> No.5513035

Someone is butthurt.

>> No.5513041

Fuck that then, I'll just DDoS you, l33t haXX0r
Hope you're ready to put your admin skills to the test!

>> No.5513046
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>> No.5513055

A better analogy would be that /jp/ is for Touhou, VNs, doujin culture, etc. and not for a bunch of NEETs to circlejerk. That's how things should be at least, just like how /u/ shouldn't be Misandry/General.

>> No.5513057

I love that you are basically throwing a shitfit because there is the occasional girl on 4chan.

>> No.5513059

and it's you, now go jerk off to soothe your buttrage little boy

>> No.5513071

I think it's more that they won't shut up about how they're being oppressed by people posting porn on a porn board.

>> No.5513073

You must be pretty pathetic if you care that much about it.

>> No.5513080
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>> No.5513087

Well, that's stupid. But why can't porn and discussions about subtext coexist?

>> No.5513090

You must try harder than that, little troll.

>> No.5513094

Says the faggot who's so butthurt that he wants to start his own board and ban everyone he doesn't like.

>> No.5513106
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Please watch warmly until she is ready~

>> No.5513122

Meido's dead faggot. What's wrong? Can't handle a little bit of conflicting opinion?

>> No.5513151

>start his own board and ban everyone he doesn't like.
More like be able to discuss yuri without bitching and drama.

>> No.5513198
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