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55103 No.55103 [Reply] [Original]

Sup, /jp/.

I've been wondering, why is it that Japanese people (and Asians in general) are so much thinner than caucasians?

>> No.55205
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>>55135 Japan: They eat lots, but it's mostly fish and rice

That's bullshit. They have just as much shitty food available to them as westerners, and I know they eat shit like McDonalds and Krispy Kreme just like fatty Amerikkkans do. But, somehow, they remain mostly very thin.

>> No.55221
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>> No.55995
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Because some of us are fuck heug Slavs.

>> No.56014
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Who the fuck are you calling thin?

>> No.56031
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I'm suprised no one put this down yet.

>> No.58303
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>> No.55124

The food.


>> No.55130

Cause all us Asians can eat is rice.

>> No.55119

Because they all look the same.

>> No.55135

Japan: They eat lots, but it's mostly fish and rice

The rest of asia: They eat very little because they are dirt poor.

>> No.55151

I'm Asian and I'm fat.

>> No.55157

I'm caucasian and skinny as fuck

>> No.55153


>> No.55172

Listen to this man! He sounds smart!

>> No.55190

They hardly get any meat in their diets. It's mostly rice and fish.

>> No.55207


Canada made my asian people fat..(see outside)
they say your too skinny, and tease me.

>> No.55219

They still mostly eat fish and rice. They don't go home to eat krispy kremes and burgers and fries. They go home to a rice cooker, beansprouts and tofu.

>> No.55246

plus, on average they walk more than americans do. most americans walk around their house, and to the car. thats about it

>> No.55251

just see the ingredients on their recipes... CREEPY

>> No.55438


And low-fat diet.

>> No.55598


Amerikan McDonalds have fatter food than Asian/European McDonalds.

This too, Amerikans have some insane obsession with going everywhere by car

>> No.55616

Protip: Green tea has antioxidants and helps increase metabolism.

>> No.55667

they only eat rice

>> No.55699

Lots of reasons. Lack of exercise, much larger meal portions, much fatter food, and most importantly genetics. True Caucasians are descended from peoples of colder climes. The Colder it is the better it is you have a nice layer of fat. Also keep in mind the average American diet has tons of trans fat and corn syrups. Bot of which are a quick path to the grave.

>> No.55861


Sure, it's not your fault that you're fat, right? The amount of energy you get from food doesn't matter, you just magically develope fat and elevens don't.

>> No.59138
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Rice contains small parasites that eat away fat and cause health diseases.

>> No.55894

>>55598 This too, Amerikans have some insane obsession with going everywhere by car.

It's not that Americans are obsessed with driving everywhere, it's that unless you live somewhere like NYC, having a car is an absolute must. Everything is so spread out in the US that walking anywhere is pretty much impossible.

>> No.55970

It is a catch-22 situation. Most cities have a low density layout with big box stores distributed evenly because they're built with the assumption that everyone has a car (or three) and lives in a large house. This in turn generates need for more cars.

Then there's some minor mentality issues like a fear of government intervention (required for starting decent mass transportation, or else it would be there), the not-in-my-back-yard concept and dislike of tax dollars ending up in the neighboring county, town or whatever.

>> No.59255
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Eat a steak Skinny.

>> No.56040

There's restaurants in Asia too though.

>> No.56073

people aren't fat here either... (quebec)

as for the height thing, that's genetics mostly

>> No.56080

The sumo wrestlers eat all the food.

>> No.56093

Japanese AREN'T mostly thin. Fast food has been on the rise there for a long time and so has plump and fat people. You don't see it in publicity photos and television because you're seeing Japan's export culture.

>> No.56115


I've eaten at quite a few Japanese McDonalds' different menu, and the food isn't nearly as greasy as American fast food. After being in Japan for over a year, and then going back to America, the food made me want to fucking puke here.

Also, Wendy's in Japan in vastly superior to any fast food restaurant in America.

>> No.56136

It's the way they're physically built and the food. There are fat asians all around in better off Asian countries, just pay a little attention.

>> No.56183


Fat asians = Philippines

>> No.56204


The portions are smaller too. I know their large drink is like... our small. After spending a few weeks in Japan, I learned to SIP my drink, and when I came back to the US it was boggling how much of my supersized coke was left after my first meal.

>> No.56238


Fat asians = Cantonese

>> No.56269

don't believe any of this. Japan has fat people, just like everywhere else in the world. If you judged US and European culture on magazines and internet alone, you'd think they were all skinny and buffed too. It's just a pipeline observation and it's not true

>> No.56300


We're talking about the population as a whole not whether or not fat people exist. There might be two fat Nigerians, but that doesn't mean anything when compared to the rest of Nigeria.

>> No.56307


Hah, in Nigeria fat people = successful ebay scammers who are living large.

>> No.56314

It's gotta be the food an portion size. My friend who studied abroad there for 4 months came back 20 lbs. lighter.

>> No.56569

You missed the point. America might have an obesity problem compared to the rest of the world, but Japan isn't any healthier than the rest of the industrialized world (excluding the U.S.). The material you're using to judge the ratio of thin to fatter people in Japan is unreliable.

>> No.56782

No I'm not.

>> No.56797

Diet and exercise.

>> No.56801

>Fat asians = CHINKS.

Fixed it for you.

>> No.56821

Which is why when I had to leave NYC to go to college it pissed me off. Fuckers in every other non-major city just rely on cars. I don't know how anyone does it. Mass transportation FTW.

>> No.56838

Asians can definitly get fat. Look at sumo wrestlers for instance.

I'm asian and I'm skinny. In my opinion it's probably because of our stomachs. A lot of food will be too 'heavy' and we usually have to eat it with a side (of rice).
Hotdogs ... with rice.
Eggs .... with rice.
Bacon ... with rice.
Every asian I know eats food like this.

>> No.56847

Chink here. Fat is (at least used to be) a symbol of wealth. Also a certain level of fat/overweightness up to the point of borderline obesity is tolerable as long as you exercise. Sumo wrestlers are incredibly obese but because they have such rigorous training the effects are much less drastic. Some of them are even healthier than thin people.

>> No.58276

fucking fat buddhist statues. but they make great fire starter so I can't complain I used to be fat when I lived in the states back when I was young now I only have 52.8kg left at 178cm calorie control with no physical movement works

>> No.58292

I'm Asian and I'm still fat, but I've never gone over 84 kilos. And I'm not even 5'6", if that amounts to anything.

>> No.58296

Generally, it's due to eating habits and daily routines. Come on, after high school you aren't forced to excersize regularly. You can just drive to school, work, and the grocery store. It's not that hard to figure out.

>> No.58327

I'm Asian, ate ice cream, candy, gravy, etc until I felt like barfing, and gained no weight. I'm stable at 62kg.

>> No.58369

Go to the sushi shop. look at the cook. think again

>> No.58402


Even inside Europe, the portions/ingredients vary.

British variations of the menu taste substantially inferior to French menu items.

>> No.58407

Dammit, this is still alive.

>> No.58427

remember that fat asian kid from school?

I'm pretty sure it's more to do with location than genetics

>> No.58431

Most of the chefs I saw were a little chunky, but nothing crazy. Also, the chunky ones tended to be on the old-ish side, for whatever its worth.

>> No.58615

Portion size.

>> No.58741

genetics and food.

>> No.59119

Is it really food?

Rice is starch. Starch makes you fat. Asians eat rice every day (sometimes with every meal). Yet I, as an Asian male, am underweight.

>> No.59150

japan and korea and the thinnest 1st world countries, at only at 3% obesity

part of it is diet, and part of it is genetics

>> No.59173


>> No.59186

No, it's because, if you haven't noticed, it's really, really easy to get a car in the US. If you can and it's convenient, then you do (I think this applies to everyone who isn't a masochist or a traditionalist).

>> No.59199

Dude. Sumos. Japs can get really fucking fat if they want.

>> No.59200

Ridiculously high metabolism.

>> No.59230

Hell, I live in RI and I take public transportation everywhere. The bus system is really good.

>> No.59251

So why are all the latest Yokozunas foreigners?

>> No.59255,1 [INTERNAL] 

their technique is superior
