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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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550968 No.550968 [Reply] [Original]

Who here socialises with other uh... japanophiles... IRL?

As for myself, I've only met a few. One was a good guy eh downloaded shit from crunchyroll and does afraid of torrents. The rest were typical narutard powerlevelling fags.

>> No.550977

I know of another in real life who is on a higher strata of powerlevel than I am. He's the one learning Japanese and listens to JPop, among other things.

>> No.550980


>> No.550981

i have weeaboo friends, and i know quite a few since im taking japanese classes (which is pure weeaboo minus two native japanese people)

>> No.550988

Someone was just listening to High and Mighty Color very loudly at work today. I had no desire to check who it was.

>> No.550989

Listening to j-pop isn't much.
I know no weeaboo IRL, and I've got to be the only one 200miles around.

>> No.550993

I don't talk to people anymore.

>> No.550996

I have no weeaboo friends. One of them like some anime, but he doesn't really go that far with it.

>> No.551001

>Who here socialises
Well, I'm out of the running.

>> No.551009

Strangely enough, the only weeaboos I know are asian.

>> No.551012

I refuse to associate with Wapanese people IRL, although being Asian I do have a number of Asian friends who have Eastern associations. Most of these are dietary (everyone loves toting their cuisine), I think the only anime we've ever watched is Trigun and that was back in middle school.

Other than that, pretty much everyone I know plays Guilty Gear and loves its music.

>> No.551020

asians love fightan gaems

>> No.551018

>being asian
>pretty much everyone I know plays Guilty Gear and loves its music.
so the stereotype is true...

>> No.551052

As an Asian, GG is fucking overrated. I rather play MB.

>> No.551053


Lies. I'm terrible at them.

>> No.551061

leaving the 3D to the white man?

>> No.551063

Back when I had friends, well, they were mostly niggers, and I guess semi-weeaboos. They watched fucking Sailor Moon and talked about how in Japan they were naked when they transformed. I was like wtf because they used to rag on me for watching Power Rangers past the first season (not long past, of course). The half-white one was pretty awesome and watched good shit like Ninja Scroll. And many years ago there was a Muslim on the next block who had bootleg subbed DBZ movies years before DBZ ever got big. They showed like heavily edited Saiyan Saga episodes on network TV on Saturday mornings back then, but nothing else... long before Toonami. And of course we all loved martial arts movies and thought ninjas were the most awesome thing ever and all that shit but no weeabooism beyond that really. I've had no human contact outside my immediate family for 5 or 6 years now so they might all be full on weeaboos now, or they might all be dead. Who knows?

>> No.551233

;__;, it's been almost 3 years for me, know how you feel.

>> No.551312

I have a friend that goes to cons and watches mostly dubs (only time he hasn't is Death Note), and he suppresses his power level very well. We don't even talk about it much as we have both experienced the horror of KAWAII DESU NE? women and Narutards.

As a tiny Isohunt .OGM downloader and Anime Network weeaboo, I did have a Naruto-obsessed girl in 8th grade once. I said I watched Eureka 7 & Full Metal Panic and she didn't know what the hell they were. She had one of those headbands and cosplayed as Sakura for Halloween. Holy shit, I avoided her like the plague.

>> No.551322


your entire post is full of faggotry and aids

>> No.551327
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You know how you guys feel about naruto headband wearing desu ne faggots? That's how normal people feel about you, and their not fucking retards whose opinions are worthless (like yours).

>> No.551334
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You know how you guys feel about naruto headband wearing desu ne faggots? That's how normal people feel about you, and they're not fucking retards whose opinions are worthless (like yours).

>> No.551339



You made the mistake. Now live with it.

>> No.551340

If we feel like that towards KAWAII DESU NE, and people feel like that towards us, how do people feel towards KAWAII DESU NE ?

>> No.551341


Actually... they are.

>> No.551344



>> No.551356

Oho, for me but anime & /jp/ things are hobbies, and nothing more. I'm just another person playing Tennis in college.

>> No.551360



>> No.551361


>> No.551365


normal people have the most retarded opinions ever

i dont see why you should even give a damn. either you suppress your power level if you're so concerned or you're already too far gone for it to matter

>> No.551372

I hate normalfags

I also hate weeaboos

incidentally, I have basically no friends. I had a bunch in HS but I moved so...yea...

I am pretty content.

>> No.551379

I had some online friends that I have been grooming into perfect weeaboo allies. I made them watch Haruhi, Death Note, Gurren Lagann, Kanon, and Clannad. I got one of them to watch Gunbuster and Diebuster, but the other one is too lazy. I also got the non-lazy one to play Planetarian, Touhou, and Clannad.

I have another one I have been working on, but he is a lost cause. I converted him from Bleach dub to Bleach subs, but he doesn't have any more potential.

>> No.551381


living the dream

>> No.551383

Surprisingly, if you look hard enough you can actually find friends that are not obnoxiously normal.

>> No.551385


Lol, goodwork.

>> No.551402

Know alot and hate all of them.


Nothing but savages. They should all die.

>> No.551412


you would make an excellent 11

>> No.551429

I've seen over 500 series, and can understand moon, but I blend in as a normalfag.

Unless you're one of those high knowledge power level fags who spends all day on Nicovideo and has watched Marimite 3 times, then I'd rather we not talk about anime. In that case, let's talk about something else. Anything else.

>> No.551439


what? marimite? that sort of came from out of left field. unless my power level is too weak to realize the cultural significance of that show

>> No.551476

I only know one /jp/nophile, his power level is higher than mine, but it's the only person i know that managed to do so.

He's one of my best friends, he comes over my house a lot.

>> No.551521

I know one guys who is in constant super-saiyan state, his power level is so high it hurts, he's also one of my best friends, but for reasons other than that one
I also know a group of weaboos that goes to my highschool, I tried to befriend them but they seem to not to like me, there's a fat yaoi fangirl, a fat faggot who has been dressing as an emo lastly, and another fat girl who tries to play the "shy" character, oh and the failed "gothic lolita", they wear anime t-shirts, print and read manga at school... I wish I could hate them to bald

>> No.551590

Eh I've known a few, but most of them are Asian and according to stereotype, every Asian must know every other Asian in the hivemind, which I don't fit exactly due to my "reclusive" nature if you know what I mean. Some of the people I've met have a pretty decent power level, so I can hold a nice conversation without mashing my head into the walls. Yet I've found nary a soul who really knew what Touhou was, let alone one that blows my mediocre power level out of the water.
Outside of that, thankfully, most average people don't associate me with anime, but rather with games or regular nerd stuff to a loose degree.

>> No.551732

I don't normally associate with weeaboos, but there are a couple of 'em in my Japanese-English exchange club. What was surprising to me is that one of my friends from class is a Narutard, he suppresses his powerlevel so well I didn't even know his weeaboo-ness until he asked a couple of the native speakers the meaning of the word "dattebayo." Totally came out of nowhere.

>> No.551737

Did you tell him that you say it in restaurants if asked which table you'd like to sit at?

>> No.551795

No, I don't know what the word means.

>> No.551815

PROTIP: Nothing.

Also, only Bleach/narutards here in montreal ;_; although I've seen /jp/sies who said they lived here, I've never met any IRL.

>> No.551827


You folks sure have a sense of humor, but I must regress. Here's one last story for those old friends that I remember from /a/. So I'm going to assume you all know that horrible anime show called "Naruto", right? Well there was this black guy who was cosplaying as Naruto (surprising, I know!), on his way to one of the cons, when he suddenly felt famished (probably for some chicken or watermelon, I'd guess). Knowing he didn't have enough time to change, he made his way to the nearest restaurant to have a meal. When the host asked him what table he preferred, he pointed at the one in the corner and said DATTABLEYO!

Hope I don't fail at spoilers.

>> No.551831


>> No.551873

My brother met his girlfriend in an Anime club (she's black, btw).

But his power levels aren't as high as me. He likes old stuff like Legend of Galactic Heroes, Lupin the III, and Robotech (the english version), and is much more a WoWfag than an otakufag. He says that moe is "silly." His girlfriend is a bit more into it, she watches some stuff like Haruhi or Higurashi and likes that "yowie."

Neither of them browse 4chan, though we do have conversations about 4chan...mostly arguments about which is a better hobby, WoW addiction or imageboard addiction.

>> No.551898

This topic is a cesspool of normalfags and ANON LEGION.

>> No.552490

I have both addictions, gg...

>> No.552520

I had a friend who wasn't a anime fag but a samurai fag. The guy freaking studied various techniques samurai used and would emulate them. He had a a couple katanas and half a dozen bokens. He also claims that Musashi cheated in his fight against Kojiro and lied about it.

>> No.552544

Oh Ultros. Never change.

>> No.552561

Non weeaboo, actual asianised half white (but you wouldn't know by looking) person speaking. I personally used to look at Japanese culture and think that the anime and stuff was interesting. Hell I was even introduced to it by my japanese teacher for learning purposes. But for living in a city 74% asian I have to say that weeaboos and actual asian culture are worlds apart and I don't like the whole Japanophile vibe among weeaboos who don't know anything other than the "good" parts of Japanese, or any asian culture for that part.

Being able to eat motherfucking pizza with chopsticks and living in an asian environment every day of my life makes me really dislike those super weeaboos like Magibon who don't know the BAD parts of being seen as Japanese because they are all star struck by the mecca that is Tokyo. Anime and such are okay to a point also, but after you turn 18 - 19.. it's time to call it quits man.

>> No.552564


They don't see a difference.

>> No.552589

>I made them watch Haruhi, Death Note, Gurren Lagann, Kanon, and Clannad
You should be drawn and quartered for your affront to humanity.

As for me, I am the typical "too good for other weeaboos" weeaboo.

>> No.552598


>> No.552612

I'm surprised weeboos know anything at all besides anime.

>> No.552615

>Anime and such are okay to a point also, but after you turn 18 - 19.. it's time to call it quits man.

only a stupid faggot would say something like that.

>> No.552630

Yeah, saw an old friend recently, he asked if anyone had seen Death Note. I said just the live action, and he was like "What? There's a live action?" I pretty much just kept quite after that.

>> No.552636
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>> No.552708


Hate to break it to all you out there who still think that watching a "grown up" anime like higurashi no naku koro ni or something makes it acceptable in Japan, but its not. One thing that weeaboos don't comprehend is that in Japanese society there are a LOT of otaku that go far beyond any weeaboo and the automatic assumption of anyone who admits to watching ANY non mainstream anime like one piece is gonna get the cold shoulder and be treated like an outsider who can't grow up and watch the tv dramas like an adult. No matter what the subject content is, even if it's a "for adults" anime, you don't EVER admit to watching it. Period. It's better to just stop before you develop weeaboo habits and know in jokes.

>> No.552709


Hate to break it to you, but no one here thinks that. And no one cares. At all. Not even the tiniest bit.

>> No.552711

only one weeaboo friend. listens to gazette and whatnot and loves animu.

its funny because she is Chinese but tries so hard to be a jap

>> No.552712
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>> No.552719

I get along well enough with the Japanese people at my university, but then I don't advertise the fact that I like anime.

It's something I do in my spare time, but it's not what I want to talk about all day.

And a number of them know I run an anime club.

>> No.552720


That is fine with me because you will never be an actual part of Japan. Enjoy anime. Do it. Just understand that you will always be on par with magibon, emiri, whoever.

>> No.552722

you missed the fucking joke.jpg

>> No.552726


>> No.552728

So I'm currently watching Atsu Hime (damn good show actually), will that make me "cool" with mainstream Japanese society?

>> No.552731


LOL, everyone knows the japanese love anime. Everyone there watches the latest episodes of cool anime like Bleach and Naruto. You are such a baka.

>> No.552732


Fucking bleach or one piece

>> No.552734

is that the one with the haggle teeth?

>> No.552756


Eh, the ones who love it are the ones who create a social phenomenon of super otaku that is in no way "cool". But they categorize the shows into otaku anime and normal ok-to-admit-you-watch anime.
