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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 543 KB, 640x480, kunagi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5508237 No.5508237 [Reply] [Original]

What exactly is "Chaos Mode"? I've thought it to be just like the regular game, except more difficult; however, I'm led to believe that it's something completely different.

Anybody care to elaborate?

>> No.5508250

I think it's something aboutnot being able to use the characters unless you gave them 5 stars in previous games.

>> No.5508258

Wow, that's rough.. but it would also explain things too.


>> No.5508273

Is there any trick to earning tons of cash besides curry shops and supressing areas? That Tanzawa Nina girl is a bitch to get (the one which you can recruit by buying out all the items in the shop) and by the time I'm ever able to get her, it's already super late in the game.

>> No.5508277

I'm not sure though....

>> No.5508294

Is there a way to make the gameplay in this not so interminably boring and slow? Too much micro with no ability to save when I want, not enough getting the fuck through it and on to more VN bits.

>> No.5508307

>I have ADD and just want the porn

>> No.5508329

I don't even care about the porn. I just want to read the story, not rotate characters repeatedly to regen health then restart turns because I accidentally killed a character I wanted to recruit because there's no option to NOT attack that isn't "run the fuck away".

>> No.5508337

I have to agree that it's fucking annoying how as long as you have stamina left, you HAVE to attack. It won't just let you skip a turn and get hit like you would if you didn't have any stamina.

>> No.5508544

>because I accidentally killed a character I wanted to recruit because there's no option to NOT attack that isn't "run the fuck away".
Use Sanae or Yuuki's skill.

>> No.5508603

You mean the characters that have about 2hp and thus need to be either kept away from combat totally, or always there in a vain attempt to get them xp to make them actually survivable?

>> No.5508666
File: 43 KB, 303x225, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That joke is on you.
Notice how Sanae is only at 94 in level points, Birai is several dozens of levels ahead, yet Sanae still dishes out more damage than him. Her HP is acceptable, especially considering her level compared to the others.

Yuuki doesn't need more than 1 HP. His special attack counts as 1 hit guaranteed + neutralizing the enemy on that turn.

>> No.5508674

And those stats are clean, no items equipped.

>> No.5508686


Burai is crap, why would you ever get him over the loli

>> No.5508694

Super evade ;_;

>> No.5508726

Burai has enough stamina points so that you can simply use his special attack, then he practically becomes a mini-Kunagi, impossible to hit.
Or when you're up against normal attribute enemies, just use his normal attack is enough.

>> No.5508734


>> No.5508815

The loli is still superior. You can have sex with her and she'll give you a good item.

>> No.5510710

Good fighting units are more useful, the more you expand into the game.

>> No.5512954

But you should just hire more generics to keep the law and draw income, basic fighting team never needs to get overly huge.

>> No.5513861

would /jp/ reccomend this game, or is it not worth the space it takes up?

>> No.5513895

Kinako's also the strongest unit in the game thanks to getting +20 Atk from one of her stars. A complete glass cannon, but one of the best melee killers around.

>> No.5513976

goddamn I always getting burai every time i replay the game from the start due to game over(s) back then. I guess i'll try her on senna route. btw do you guys try to recruit every possible characters or just keep the fighting unit's number constant and focus the leveling on that main fighting unit?

>> No.5513986

It had some pretty good ragefap scenes.....poor Ginjou ;_;

>> No.5514015

Get SpoilerAL

>> No.5514317


>> No.5514337

Chaos mode is like free for all mode in Rance. You only get to use characters you've fully cleared, there's nothing but combat phases either. The factions are also split differently. Kashin takes over the PGG, the Hannies take over the NPI, and Murata takes over an empire of gay northerners.

>> No.5514343


>> No.5516605
File: 98 KB, 443x600, Camilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey a Daibanchou thread. Bump.

This game needs an FFA mode like Rance. Mainly for this.

>> No.5516769

Camilla was delicious. Pram has awesome taste when it comes to wincest.

>> No.5516780

They're not related.

But you already knew that didn't ya?

>> No.5516793

It doesn't matter. He doesn't have a delicious hot sister, so he creates his own delicious hot incestuous sister.....I would do the same thing!

>> No.5516800

Save data, anyone?

>> No.5516801

I will only play Senna route.
So I won't touch this until the game is completely translated.

Finished the game already once untranslated - Senna route. Will play English patch for Senna route as well.

Fuck yes!! Senna forever!!

>> No.5516806

I think Senna's route already IS translated.

>> No.5516811
File: 230 KB, 600x433, Evil Camilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer evil Camilla myself.


>> No.5516814

>so he creates his own delicious hot incestuous sister
And he does a great job too. Right from fucking hot looks, to her fucking delicious incestuous self....

>> No.5516823

Good girl Camilla is moe, but evil wincest Camilla is pure sex. Of course she's superior.

>> No.5516831

oh wait, it is translated?

Shit, I need to d/l it then.

>> No.5516835
File: 103 KB, 437x600, Camilla Smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A better picture of our mistress.

>> No.5516845

Healthy dem vampire bearing hips

>> No.5516848

Isn't Ginjou way hotter than Camilla though...?

>> No.5516864
File: 108 KB, 600x600, Marishia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why am I useless in the endgame?

>> No.5516867


>> No.5516882
File: 59 KB, 180x298, 180px-Sanada_Namu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's almost this weird relationship between the effort required to get characters and how bad they are.

>> No.5516900

Lies! Besides unlike that slut, Camilla has eyes for only one.

>> No.5516907

Camilla has her own harem of little boys and lesbians.

>> No.5516925

>I'll use that instead, including proper names instead of "onee-chan" or the like.
>no "onee-chan" in my eroge

Fuck this shit. There better be voice or I'm out of here.

>> No.5516929

I love submissive waifus, so trust me it's a difficult choice!
You can rape Camilla, but it's not rape, she's an unconditionally willing to do anything. Wincest is a plus.
Delicious easy to rape, she'll try to resist if you go too far, and that keeps things not boring. No pretendind to have wincest but she's just as hot.

Ginjou wins slightly....

>> No.5516931

>Special heals 2 STA of each ally in battle

>> No.5516935
File: 49 B, 1x1, Mu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't say?

>> No.5516939

well it doesnt apply to that old guy Emperor Mu, he's pretty haxd

>> No.5516942

I don't get what you're trying to say.

>> No.5516944
File: 59 KB, 180x297, 180px-Tennouji_Mio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assume that's supposed to be Emperor Moo. Other than the big three super versions of short/mid/long (Moo/Kinryuu/Vandain), most of the rest that require a lot of work to get are terrible units.

>> No.5516946

Really, it eats 4 of her stamina and then she's dead weight Skill's only useful for dungeon fights and by then you have much better options to choose from.

>> No.5516947

If she thinks you are blood related....
If she's incestuous with your blood relation...
Then it's just as good as real blood relation, even though it isn't real.

>> No.5516949

It's supposed to be Emperor Mu, but apparently fucked up when uploading it.

>> No.5516950

Marishia's okay for the free 1,000 BP and that she's easy to recruit. That late in the game though, you can just fuck Kaen's brains out if you need BP.

>> No.5516955

Taking out honorific pronouns, especially in a eroge is unforgivable. Also, that Aroduc is a faggot.

>> No.5516972

In a game with only stamina and money needed to fight,
a character that gives stamina should be pretty useful.
How is she dead weight?
Also, her skill is mad useful anywhere.
If it isn't you're playing her wrong.

>> No.5516974

>you can just fuck Kaen's brains out if you need BP.
Where was she when I needed her the most? ;_;

>> No.5516990

I can see why "onee-chan" can be a sensitive subject. But I'm fine without honorifics in general though. I actually dislike readin -san after the name, etc.

>> No.5516991

At the cost of her limited stamina, which you can only use once without withdrawing her back. Maybe if her skill only uses half of that stamina I would use her more often.

>> No.5516998

Making useless patrols around Japan with her boy toy.

>> No.5517005

Honorifics are mostly in the game. I don't think they're used for the two European factions. The only shit that's taken out is like pres instead of iinchou and no oniichan, oneechan, or goshujinsama shit.

>> No.5517016

You sicken me, anon.

So I've read, and I'm disappointed.

>> No.5517019

I know Nightmare Eyes is one of the "European" factions, but what's the other one?

>> No.5517023

But it just seems unnecessary and makes the sentence more bulky.

>> No.5517032

Okotte imasuka, Onii-chan?

>> No.5517035

Holy Flame.

>> No.5517046

/jp/ is more weaaboo than normal, it can't be helped.

I think they managed to convince MG to use honorifics as well....sadly ;_;

>> No.5517052

Getting a possible 10 stamina for 4 every 3 turns isn't enough for you?

>> No.5517055

On that note, can you recruit anyone from the Holy Flame? The wiki only shows the Skull Serpent guys so I'm hoping it's incomplete.

I want my genki Eclair. ;_;

>> No.5517065

I lament Atlus breaking down and starting to use them even more.

>> No.5517080

No. Holy Flame has a shitload more events and is actually a real fight. Skull Serpents get more recruitables. I think it's to make up for the boost in power that the NPI gets on Senna's route. You can capture Eclaire, but there's no way to recruit her.

>> No.5517081

Too /jp/ for me

That's a good thing.

>> No.5517111

>I want it "translated" but still have enough japanese to satisfy my japanophilia.
Sure is trollan'

>> No.5517117

do you have another wiki for reference?
this one hasnt covered Holy Flame yet i guess

>> No.5517119

>Can capture.
>Cannot recruit.
Then what's the point?

>> No.5517131
File: 158 KB, 1169x660, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If /jp/ loves honorifics so much, why do we never write it in our posts?
It seems strange to me...

admit it, it's useless, sound stupid, and makes the sentence more bulky and requires more effort.

>> No.5517177

Actually, you should go back there. And even they prefer them. Get out already.

Because we know how to separate 2D from real life, you moron. We enjoy them in our entertainment, but we don't go around using them when it's out of place and shit.

>> No.5517212
File: 78 KB, 534x289, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't make much sense. If you enjoy reading about Orin-san in her latest goujin, it should be enjoyable to read about Orin-san on your favorite imageboard as well.

>> No.5517216

>in her latest doujin

>> No.5517219

You're a bad troll.
Go back to /a/.

>> No.5517238

Well, he's actually not lying. Large majority of both /a/ and /jp/ prefer honorifics.

>> No.5517240

Because faggotory

>I'm going to troll by calling him a troll, thus invaliding his posts

>> No.5517246

>Because faggotory

>> No.5517253

Honorifics are fine when reading translations catered to western otaku, but it's really dumb to use them in our own posts. It's forced and unnecessary.

>> No.5517256

You're new here, aren't you? Even more new to playing VNs, even anime and manga because you have to be that new to not be used to them.

>> No.5517266

Think for yourself.

The answer should come naturally to you if you've been around long enough.

>> No.5517269

>to not be used to them
I'm not not used to them. I see them used a lot, but just disagree on much of their usage.

>> No.5517271

I know that the majority of /a/ likes honorifics, and that's because the majority of /a/ are faggots.
The thing you have wrong is that the majority of /jp/ like honorifics, which is simply not true.
The ones that like honorifics are a vocal minority, whilst most who don't like it aren't bothered by it enough to speak up.

In the end, they have no real place in the text since most of us ignore it anyways, and would adore a more literate translation to refine the writing, rather than a slobby job done without creativity.

>> No.5517279

"his" post was unsubstantial and invalid in the first place.

>> No.5517281

You have it backwards. The vocal minority are the ones who don't like them. There are a couple of long time residents who are so hardcore about hating them, and to voice that hatred.

But most do prefer them, always have.

>> No.5517291

So you love faggotry in your doujins and VN, but hate faggotry from other Anonymouses.....?

>> No.5517307

Senna-chan is my favourite waifu!

>> No.5517308

The minority that you think to be against the use of honorifics aren't against them at all.
They're simply against the people who like them.
It is a movement to stop the degenerative weeaboo-ism in /jp/, as well as sustain our strange elitism.
If something is wrong with my post, that isn't it.

>> No.5517310

damn, did this thread get derailed.

Back to daibanchou please.

>> No.5517311

/jp/ does prefers literal translation. That includes the expectation of honorifics being there.

>> No.5517317

I too can't distinguish between translating something to English and leaving honorifics that don't have an English equivalent and adding honorifics to a post originally in English because I am a hardcore autistic.

>> No.5517319

Still waiting on my download to finish.

>> No.5517326

Stop it.
Literal translations don't have constants between the two languages.
That's why it's a "translation" a change, complete, from one language to another.

>> No.5517343
File: 23 KB, 417x135, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But don't you see? When I write Nigga-sama, it adds a distinctive meaning to the post! Something which doesn't have an english equivalent! So leaving it out would be a shame when we should really add them to our posts as a service to our fellow Anonymous-san!

>> No.5517346

From Japanese to English, language preserving for the same grammar and sentence structure is how to be best.

>> No.5517357

I throughly enjoy having them in my VN and doujins, but to use them in everyday discussions or speak just isn't appropriate.

>> No.5517367
File: 64 KB, 480x660, 695d14ae017d65d402c71ffc2e3dbdc3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinako-chan is so sugoi~

>> No.5517368

I'm pretty sure that most people don't care enough for it to make a difference. It's not like you have much choice between translations anyway.

>> No.5517380
File: 97 KB, 600x999, eri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That reminds me, still no news on Big Bang Beat 2, huh.

The long skirt uniforms are so weird looking.[/spolier]

>> No.5517406

I rather have http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyVvfqQsr-Q&feature=related translated then recieve Big Bang Beat 2.

>> No.5517407

That's no good! I demand you to write "onee-chan" whenever you can, and to use honorifics in your posts, otherwise the the quality of our imageboard experience won't be as good as it could be! Just like a bad translation which strips honorifics!

>> No.5517414

NNL knows it.

It's why we hate them.

>> No.5517417

Then you can't call it a translation.
It would simply be a rewording.
First, we don't need this "language preservation" of japanese.
If anything we need to preserve our language, the english language, from the bastardization of the original VN.
English is a language as well, and to say that japanese can express things that it cannot would be an insult to a millennium of lingual evolution.
Our mother language is english, and I believe that it is through this medium that our hearts can be most easily touched.

>> No.5517425

You really think trolling like this is going to fool anyone?

>> No.5517431

I'm going to laugh so hard if Daiteikoku turns out to be shit after how much hype /jp/ has for it.

Besides, they're not being made by the same company. You can have both.

>> No.5517440

It's a fucking valid point the way I see it though. Which you aren't addressing and just shrugs away.

>> No.5517443

I am hoping that this game lets me kill the Gods from Rance-verse. I can see them in end of the video, but damn do I want to kill them.

>> No.5517450

I like the long skirts.
Though BBB sucks. And the second will also.

>> No.5517452

White Ren can use sarcasm but I can't? ;_;

>> No.5517473

Sengoku Rance was the last actually fun game Alicesoft made and that was almost 5 years ago now. Haruka's good for fapping, but that's it. TT3 was grinding garbage.

>> No.5517490

Oh yeah, and Haru Urare was godawful. I'm surprised that more of the NTR obsessed shitheads don't drool over it more though.

>> No.5517502

Delicious Erika, I have a weak point for her and Sanae, waifus you can get from early on.

>> No.5517517

>Haru Urare
That game has NTR? Brb, downloading.

>> No.5517519

How is it a valid point? Because people like them so they should use them whenever they talk?

There's a time and place for everything, and proper usage for not sounding like a faggot.

>> No.5517553

>Because people like them so they should use them whenever they talk?
Yes, apparently it's makes it more enjoyable to the hundreds other Anonymous-san who's reading or listening.

>> No.5517555

It's a game where you whore out all the heroines, so yes.

>> No.5517562
File: 7 KB, 126x100, yamizaki.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.5517566

Haruka was fucking delicious.

>> No.5517581
File: 64 KB, 498x600, 716964_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to like Narika more. I really did. But her voice was like scraping hummingbirds on glass.

>> No.5517588
File: 142 KB, 528x600, Kinako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sir have sugoi tastes.

>> No.5517596
File: 6 KB, 126x100, kinako.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5517597

Why aren't there any cool characters in NPI?

>> No.5517606

Looks like Alicesoft is trying to specialice in NTR? Not that I mind, they're pretty good at it, even Ginjou made me feel a little NTR'd ;_;

>> No.5517608

There's Hanzou. He's a ninja with a heart of gold.

>> No.5517625

In terms of battle unit:
Kendo > Erika

But in terms of waifu material:
Erika >>>>>>>>>>> Kendo

>> No.5517627

They have a dickgirl, a loli in a power suit, and a ninja-hunting magical girl rapist. What more do you want?

>> No.5517636


>> No.5517645

No. They're not. They put out about half a dozen regular VNs. Nobody really talks about them since they're just crappy sex romps. AliveZ is the only one worth even looking at.

>> No.5517649

Dickgirl can only be recruited in Senna's route. The 2 lolis weren't moe enough. Kinako and that wheelchair loli from the PGG were better.

>> No.5517658


tt3 had godly art though.

>> No.5517661

Maybe secretly or at a subconscious level, but most don't want to see them when they're on here. Jokes, acting out certain characters, and just dicking around is fine to use them, but other that...

>> No.5517679
File: 3 KB, 126x126, portraitsprites_146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5517696
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>> No.5517702

What about Atlach-Nacha?

>> No.5517711

Shizuri is superior to Kendo any day.
Sae is one of the best long range you can get....

>> No.5517727

I was just thinking about things made in the last five years, but sure.

>> No.5517730

This game has too many mid-range fighters, not enough short or long range.

>> No.5517734
File: 6 KB, 160x128, portraitsprites_186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh. What's this enemy? I've never seen it before.

>> No.5517744
File: 2 KB, 160x128, portraitsprites_191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or Sanae with a real spear. Wonder if they were dummied out.

>> No.5517753

That's cool, maybe they had plans for a Sanae upgrade or something, but ultimately removed it?

>> No.5517759

Is there a way to hack the game to use that sprite instead?

Sanae is my waifu ...

>> No.5517764

For those who did the Kunagi route, did anyone get Koumi (the eye patch wearing machine gun toting chick) during their run?

I was waiting for the Holy Flame to capture her region, but it never happened.

>> No.5517772
File: 230 KB, 429x600, heita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5517791

I'm pretty sure that you need to defeat the NPI before the Holy Flame starts conquering things. They'll take it before or just after they conquer the SU. I've had that happen too.

>> No.5517794

Burai, Francine and Mizuki make a pretty decent selection of short range in the beginning. It's your fault for picking their alternatives.

>> No.5517809
File: 164 KB, 640x768, sprites_615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt it. Its attack animation has a different number and size of frames.

>> No.5517817
File: 21 KB, 640x512, sprites_15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5517832

That's too bad.... It looks even more flashy than Senna's

>> No.5517836
File: 156 KB, 640x2048, sprites_651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I bet you could just replace spritesheets. Like, say, with Daiakuji ones. Which had Rance...

>> No.5517851

downloading patch right now

>> No.5517884
File: 22 KB, 640x512, sprites_230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5517898

Just change every sprite into a Hanny.

>> No.5517911
File: 14 KB, 640x256, sprites_21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are her sprite's boobs huge?

I'm done now.

>> No.5518069

Can anybody please explain to me who this "dirty dream girl" is that appears in Hard Mode? I cannot read moonrunes.

After I paid back my debt to BS Finance, I saw a scene with a green-haired girl and multiple events called like "search for the dirty dream girl" appeared in in some of my regions. I got an event at the beginning of the turn with two options; the first one allowed me to fight some pretty tough enemies after which I was rewarded with a h-scene, but is there anything else to it besides that? Can you recruit her or anything?

>> No.5518108
File: 91 KB, 800x600, 1268289316214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I saw a scene with a green-haired girl
If she looked like this then she's a slut!

>> No.5518129

No sir. It's not Masou Shizuka.

If you look at the gallery (presuming you haven't unlocked it) there's a bunch of HCG pertaining to her near the bottom.

>> No.5518139

This would've been a wonderful Daibanchou thread if it wasn't derailed halfway by stupid arguments over honorifics.

>> No.5518151
File: 247 KB, 640x480, 1255632327061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you look at the gallery (presuming you haven't unlocked it)
Unfortunately I don't have much of the gallery unlocked.

But if she looks like this, then she's a good girl, delicious childbearing motherly waifu.

>> No.5518164
File: 547 KB, 640x480, ALCG0022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5518225

Other beginning of the turn events can push her joining back, since it seems to have low priority.

One time she joined me around turn 90 because I had so many events.

>> No.5518234
File: 421 KB, 453x640, Card15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Then, Adeimantus, I said, the worthy disciples of philosophy will be but a small remnant: perchance some noble and well-educated person, detained by exile in her service, who in the absence of corrupting influences remains devoted to her; or some lofty soul born in a mean city, the politics of which he contemns and neglects; and there may be a gifted few who leave the arts, which they justly despise, and come to her;—or peradventure there are some who are restrained by our friend Theages’ bridle; for everything in the life of Theages conspired to divert him from philosophy; but ill-health kept him away from politics. My own case of the internal sign is hardly worth mentioning, for rarely, if ever, has such a monitor been given to any other man. Those who belong to this small class have tasted how sweet and blessed a possession philosophy is, and have also seen enough of the madness of the multitude; and they know that no politician is honest, nor is there any champion of justice at whose side they may fight and be saved. Such an one may be compared to a man who has fallen among wild beasts—he will not join in the wickedness of his fellows, but neither is he able singly to resist all their fierce natures, and therefore seeing that he would be of no use to the State or to his friends, and reflecting that he would have to throw away his life without doing any good either to himself or others, he holds his peace, and goes his own way. He is like one who, in the storm of dust and sleet which the driving wind hurries along, retires under the shelter of a wall; and seeing the rest of mankind full of wickedness, he is content, if only he can live his own life and be pure from evil or unrighteousness, and depart in peace and good-will, with bright hopes.”

>> No.5518609

How do I clear the futanari's last star? Says to station him with Watari Hanzou in the same region, but nothing comes up. I've also cleared all his other stars.

Is the event priority really really low or something?

>> No.5518767

Nevermind. Seems it depends on either the moon thing, or if you've trigged one of Hanzou's other stars.

>> No.5520118

Why did you have to die when using your special? ;_:

>> No.5520576

Heita is such a fucking bro.

>> No.5520598

Anybody who hates Heita is a hater.

>> No.5521230

Someone needs to hack the game so you could use Super Mode from the start.

Shit will be so hax.

>> No.5521251

Burai's awesome, but the other two, not so much. Francine's growth remains sucky while Mizuki takes too much time to make her decent.

>> No.5521611

>Mizuki takes too much time to make her decent.
You do realize that the when the alternative is the ever moeful Nanana, that argument doesn't make much sense.

>> No.5521628
File: 96 KB, 600x800, bba_20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5521775

I kind of feel bad for never recruiting Mizuki, but I can't stand the thought of Nanana getting raped..... I'm far more okay with having Mizuki raped silly.

>> No.5521806

To ease the pain even further (I guess?) she ended up liking it.

>> No.5521832

Not to mention mizuki eventually likes sex. What a slut

Though I've never recruited Mizuki, so I don't know if Nanana starts liking sex or not.

I bet she doesn't, Nanana is pure.

>> No.5521872

If you take over the territory where Mizuki get raped right after rescuing Nanana, she doesn't get raped at all.

>> No.5521884

If you just recruit Nanana as soon as she appears, Mizuki's intro event hasn't spawned yet so it can't call the rape event. Doesn't work the other way around though since Nanana always appears first.

>> No.5521917

Just because you never see the scene doesn't mean she didn't get raped off screen?

>> No.5522000

You can't rape a girl when you're K.O./dead...

>> No.5522017

In that case, you're now aware that Tomoka has been having angry hatesex for the last few years.

>> No.5522027

That guy just forced her against her will ;_;

>> No.5522054

Damaged goods with a taste for cock.

>> No.5522060
File: 57 KB, 400x400, tomo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my Tomoka

>> No.5522091

Ginjou was so delicious, I'm a little sad her and Camilla didn't have a route.

>> No.5522150

/jp/ being okay with non-virgins? I'm so proud of you.

>> No.5522727

Too bad the NPI's head honcho isn't as delicious as those two.

>> No.5522765

Yes, but just think of the tit sandwich Hanzou gets between her and Oyuu.
