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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5500474 No.5500474 [Reply] [Original]

We believe that the practice of homosexuality tears at the fabric of society, contributes to the breakdown
of the family unit, and leads to the spread of dangerous, communicable diseases. Homosexual behavior is contrary to the
fundamental, unchanging truth of this world.

>> No.5500503
File: 202 KB, 818x913, 5b0b106b6cc2235a3b3c1b92b992036d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Death to the non-believers!

>> No.5500501

I don't know, that family unit looks pretty close to me.

>> No.5500528
File: 21 KB, 300x421, God.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nonsense. It is widely known that Sanae enjoys the company of (many, well endowed, vigorous, healthy, studly) men.

>> No.5500546

fags are pig disgusting

>> No.5500549
File: 304 KB, 800x899, Dedicated_to_the_Feb_14_Sermon_by_MarkyVigoroth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5500565

Sanae has sex with God now? Don't you guys think you're taking this a bit too far?

>> No.5500568

homosexuality is hot
(no homo)

>> No.5500580


God is an omnipresence. If you have sex with anything ever you are bangin' an aspect of the divine.

>> No.5500605

I support any kind of love, regardless of age and gender.

>> No.5500606
File: 14 KB, 468x314, fagkoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homosexuality goes hand with hand with decline of civilization. A common trait of a culture on its way to damnation and destruction is rampant homosexuality.

You cannot deny this, for it is true. Homosexuality is a disease, a blight upon humanity.

>> No.5500619
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>> No.5500620

>and leads to the spread of dangerous, communicable diseases
So do heterosexual relationships.

>> No.5500632

Open faggotry happens because a civilization it's on its peak of awesomeness. Obviously, after being at its peak it goes downhill, but that has nothing to do with homosexuality. It's just a byproduct of excellence.

>> No.5500640

Fun fact: Promiscuity, informal relationships and deviancy makes homosexuals a high risk group for STDs.

>> No.5500647

But not all homosexuals are like that.

>> No.5500655
File: 200 KB, 485x423, good-girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact: Promiscuity, informal relationships and deviancy makes Sanae a high risk individual for STDs.

>> No.5500660

I propose that I CAN deny this, for it is NOT true.

>> No.5500671

Enough of that. Even if she was a slut, she's clean. Miracles, man.

>> No.5500666

So basically this is a thread for you to tell people how much you hate homosexuals because they do something that you don't like?

>> No.5500669

Homosexuality = enlightenment. Only a privileged few can ascend to it.
Heterosexuality is primitive, bound to base carnal desires just like the lower beasts.
This is the real truth of the world.
The heterosexuals react so strongly out of resentment. Fear of something greater than what you can comprehend.

>> No.5500706

I have my proof: Roman Empire.

Where is yours?

And not all swine are used as livestock, but you know what I mean.

>> No.5500716

Classical Age > Dark Ages
Civilizations with faggotry are superior.

>> No.5500736


Fag enabler.

>> No.5500737


Butthurt faggot detected, enjoy your AIDS

>> No.5500738

Once again, homosexuals ruled using religion as a tool. Debauchery, murder, greed and lies ran rampant across the world.

Still not seeing your argument. Perhaps you should try with something that is actually convincing.

>> No.5500741
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....Looks like another incident I have to solve.

>> No.5500750

Homosexuality itself has nothing to do with decline of civilization. It can be a sign of it, but certainly not the cause.

>> No.5500762

same with heterofags

>> No.5500771

>contributes to the breakdown of the family unit
>family unit
>family unit

>> No.5500777

OP why u do this

This thread would have been pretty awesome if not for the picture reminding me of that shitty fanfiction.net-tier options fanfic with the buds of love and the sprays of honey and Suwako godhaxing around with her giant throbbing erection.

Do not want ;_;

>> No.5500779


Get balled.

>> No.5500782

You guys aren't even trying. It's like OP just gave up after the first post. At least put some real effort in, damn.

>> No.5500791

See the numbers. The ratio hetero-homosexual in STDs is 1:3 on HIV.

I dunno about you bud, but that is a huge number.

>> No.5500798

My ideal family unit would be me and 4 girly crossdressers.

>> No.5500807

Enjoy being NTR'd the shit out of you. Homosexuals aren't known for commitment.

>> No.5500809
File: 67 KB, 512x512, 1259174702496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 ITT closet fags (i know ill be hated for this, but it will take the wind out of the sails of whoever was gonna post it.)

that being said,
Fun fact: Promiscuity, informal relationships and deviancy makes hetrosexuals a high risk group for STDs.
(face it man, most of human-kind is perverts)


>> No.5500824

This poster here is one gigantic underage faggot and should not be taken seriously.

>> No.5500828

I don't care. They'd be my sex slaves.

>> No.5500835

Proof. give me proof, don't make facts out of thin air.

>> No.5500840

Didn't know you were a raging faggot. You can't possibly, in sound mind and body, believe that.

>> No.5500843
File: 393 KB, 930x930, 1249763163928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This poster here is one gigantic underage faggot and should not be taken seriously.

>> No.5500848

homos are more committed because it's much harder to find other partners who are into freaky homo shit, obviously. you can't just walk away from some guy who is okay with letting another guy dress like a girl and suck his cock, cause you might not find another one.

>> No.5500849
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>> No.5500853


Perhaps... but it's just SO DAMN SEXY.

>> No.5500862

believe what? that most of humans are perverts?

>> No.5500867

I'm okay with that as long as the other guy is a really good trap.

>> No.5500876


>> No.5500877


>> No.5500894

Who cares. /jp/sies will die virgins.

>> No.5500922 [SPOILER] 
File: 33 KB, 500x308, 1250579045766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one illness is not an indicator to the rest.
but i have a feeling you are right about this, since pervertedness is practiced more often among people with free mind, and those are also the sort of people to get out of the closet if they ever ware in one.

you need to make a survay to check the disease rates by precentage among the deviantts of each factor. you should see equality there.

>> No.5500944

I wish dickgirls were real.

>> No.5500952

They are, silly.

>> No.5500959

Older generation gays racked up higher AIDS counts because they had to engage in questionable practices, in the shadows. Now that it is more open you will see those rates drop dramatically, because one doesn't have to go to a scummy bathhouse on the edge of town and have hurried sex with anonymous strangers anymore. One can just hook up like normal people do now.

>> No.5500969

negros-->homos--->what's next?

>> No.5500977


>> No.5500980
File: 68 KB, 335x500, 1191220458715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just so you know, I may be gay but like that matters so to all you ignorant fools out there: GROW UP! Homosexuality is awesome, OK? And I'm not going to let you get away with homophobia. Yeah bag me out but you are the lesser person not me; my sexuality is for me and thats it! I love who I am and no matter what you say or do you will not change that and I don't care if I am remembered for who I sleep with or my environmental views but if you want to discuss it with me I am willing to do so but don't be a coward and hide on 4chan as that truly shows that I am the better person here to all you ignorant people!

>> No.5500992


>> No.5500998

Where do you guys get all these pastas

>> No.5501004

Hello OP.

>> No.5501010

Thread reported for being unrelated.

>> No.5501016

OP here. This is the second time I've spoken in this thread.

I'm honestly surprised this sort of anti-homosexual boilerplate gets you quite so riled up.

>> No.5501018

OP is just showing love


>> No.5501042

Don't misunderstand, nobody is here is ever riled up, we're just bored. Whatever troll you can think of we've all seen it one million times.

>> No.5501049

It does? I am agreeing 100%.

>> No.5501064

because gay-trolling is new to us. it's new and exciting, and way more original (in this board) than the normal trolls.

>> No.5501065
File: 70 KB, 317x266, 1276701937744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nazi. On the rare occasion we talk about things, without turning into meta discussions, you have to come in and kick up a storm.

>> No.5501066
File: 219 KB, 720x720, 1215720600263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you implying I didn't type it down myself because that's how I feel?

>> No.5501088

No, not implying, I know you didn't. Unless you're roleplaying Hisao. You silly tripfriends are always posting pastas similar to that. Tell me where the database is

>> No.5501099

I'll save it to my pasta folder for later use. your words will become a lagend!
JK, don't have a pasta folder, or even a txt file.

>> No.5501552

I like how you think. Let's have gay sex.
no homo
