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5500374 No.5500374 [Reply] [Original]

Rate the last 3 VNs you played.

Swan Song: 9/10
Very good portrayal of the characters and the shitty situation they were put in, kept me on the edge of my seat during the whole time.
The first ending was awesome, the true ending was a bit weak however.
Great VN nonetheless.

Kira Kira: 8.5/10
Much more fun than I expected, the characters were likable without needing to be eccentric.
The first route of Kirari was the best.

Remember11: 8/10
Wasn't bad at all but it wasn't really at the level of Ever17.

>> No.5500409
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>Swan Song
>Kira Kira
>Remember 11

>> No.5500427

Hey Sion, what kind of VN do you play?

>> No.5500428

ML Unlimited partial patch : Cannot rate because it's not finished, but it's a nice change from extra. I'm definitely looking forward to the second half.

Little Busters partial patch: cannot rate because it's still missing some routes, but damn, it's really a great VN. What I have read (common route, Kurugaya and Rin normal, ie what is translated) is 9/10 material so far.

Curtain Call: 8/10, a nice way to end Kira Kira, even though Souta is horrible. I thought the end was a little bit rushed.

>> No.5500455

Real Imouto: 5/10
Mediocre game in all aspects. Why so many people seem to like it is totally beyond me.

Dra-Koi: 6/10
It's OK for a short game I guess. Can't say I got a lot out of it.

AIR: 6/10
Least bad Key game I've played so far. Story and writing are far from anything special, but at least it's got some nice music.

>> No.5500473

I asked him once. The only good VNs ever, according to the real sion`, not all the fake ones, are Tsukihime and F/SN.

>> No.5500482

Eien no Aselia: playing this off and on. Fun, but I can't really judge until I complete it.

Swan Song: 9/10.

Muv-Luv: -10/10 for being an incompatible piece of junk, 7/10 or so otherwise.

>> No.5500488

He's hype as fuck for Majikoi.

>> No.5500491
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>Least bad Key game

>> No.5500500

Swan Song: 8.5/10
MuvLuv Unlimited: Can't rate
Kikokugai: 6/10

>> No.5500603

Yumemishi: 8.5/10
Kind of a big surprise for me, it was a very enjoyable eroge with some pretty good writing and a damn good story.
Not perfect though, the resolutions happen too fast, though they are always pretty powerful.
Also no tachi-e for Asami, fucking injustice.
Sakuya was fucking cute.

Rocket no Natsu: 8/10
Also very good, the characters were very enjoyable and Ayumu's route was pretty great.
Kind of made me hyped for the other Terralunar titles.

Evolimit: 8/10
Awesome humor and all in all a pretty enjoyable eroge.
But it could have been much better, that's what you feel after reading it.
Anyways Shiranui and Shizuku are the best pair of protagonist/main heroine ever.

Actually the latest thing I read was the trial of Rewrite but you can't really rate it, it was awesome though.

>> No.5500624


>> No.5500643

Muv-luv unlimited partial patch: better than extra, but not going to rate until I read all of it.

Swan Song - 9/10, true end was retarded.

Muv-luv Extra - 6/10, only read Sumika/Meiya's route(s). Even though I really like slice of life/moe it was painful to read.

>> No.5500672


How's the translation? I played it a long time ago, with my very limited japanese and ATLAS. Wondering if I should reread..

>> No.5500721

(consider I'm actually really harsh when giving out rating, consider I don't usually give 10 unless it's really perfect beyond argument.)

MuvLuv Alternative: 9/10
the best visual novel I've played so far. Some segments take the term "infodump" to a whole new fucking level, but pretty much every other aspect is fantastic. The ending can vary from disappointing to rage inducing.

Hikari no Valusia 7/10
I dunno, it just didn't click with me. The incest theme felt a bit overdone, the heroine didn't really advance beyond the "alas I'm in distress, save me!" and despite the arabian setting the main theme was about the Christian God. Felt a bit weird, like the author didn't have enough ideas. He lifted the hollow's masks from Bleach, for fuck's sake

Mamono Musume to no Seikatsu ~Lamia no Baai~: 3/10
ahahahohwow.jpg silly me for expecting anything other than a shitty, shitty nukige. They didn't even attempt to give a plot or personality, no matter how horrible. It's just voice acted sex scenes.

>> No.5500775

>implying the WAB series writer is male

>> No.5500813

Demonbane 8/10
I liked it a lot. Pretty manly epic robotfights, likable protags, ELSA <3 <3 <3, and funny comedy. It sometimes changes too abruptly between funny and deadserious, and Leica's route sucks apart of the additional Ryuuga (which also means it had far the best final confrontation from the three).

Swan Song 9/10
I wouldn't rate it so high, but the Normal Ending was great stuff, and I really liked how the game handled the characters +their developments.

Can't rate it yet as I haven't completed it, but I'm not satisfied with it.

>> No.5500855

Ever17: 10/10 (but seriously, who kicked the can?)
Saya no Uta: 7.5/10
Chaos;Head: 9/10

>> No.5500926
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Id -Rebirth Session-
Currently playing and just started so can't rate it yet, but liking it so far and the setting is intriguing enough. I can see me rating it somewhere 7-9 range if it doesn't become shit fest like umineko and stays on murder mystery as I'm sucker for those.

Kurutta Kyoutou No.2: 8/10
Well it was nukige, so wasn't excepting much, but it ended up being suprisingly enjoyable due to one certain character. It gave me some good faps and ejoyable/awesome moments, and LOL SUDDENLY POWERLEVELS at end of each route, so thats why so high rank even tough it was nothing special overall.

Some random nukige which name can't remember anymore: 5/10
It gave me good enough faps, so it ended up doing its job, but was nothing memorable enough.

>> No.5500933 [DELETED] 

>Kurutta Kyoutou No.2:
it's fucking shit

>> No.5500930

>I wouldn't rate it so high

>> No.5500972

Little Busters: 8/10
Did Haruka and Komari routes in the past week. They weren't as good as Kudo's. They were still nice, but so far this game doesn't measure up to Clannad or Air. I'm hoping Rin and Saya are as awesome as I hear, even though it'll probably be months before I get to Saya.

Akane Iro: N/A
I'm struggling with the moonrunes in chapter 6. Why is this game so hard to read. Hime and Kaichou are seriously moe, though.

Pure Pure: 6/10
I went through Hinata's route a while ago, and it was kinda disappointing compared to Sachi's story, but the H-scenes were really good. Hinata is delicious.

>> No.5500979


You have no fucking idea how long that question haunted me for. I eventually just came to terms with the fact that it would just be healthier for me to let it go

>> No.5500982

SubaHibi: 8/10

A little overhyped but still a worthwhile play... even if I could barely make out the dialogue with Atlas.

Chaos;Head: 8/10

Yeah, I know this is old but what can I say? I'm sure there's a few on everyone's hard drive that we just haven't gotten around to playing. Despite what the overexposure has created in terms of negative feedback, this was really good. The engine was nice. It incorporated some light animation and the characters were all well-designed. Pretty trippy story did eventually turn into something a little more generic but I would still recommend it.

MuvLuv: 9/10

Fucking kicked ass.

>> No.5501017

>A little overhyped [...] I could barely make out the dialogue with Atlas

Opinion invalidated

>> No.5501021

she's a woman? Sorry, I don't usually check the staff names. Still, doesn't change the rip-off.

>> No.5501038

Swan Song: 9/10
Pretty much what everyone else has said.

Suika A.S.: 8.25/10
Very interesting stories. There's some stuff that didn't make sense or were annoyingly misleading (e.g. Chapter 2), and many of the characters I liked didn't have a route (Sayo, Kamishiro Moe). Still much better than Da Capo though.

Kira☆Kira Curtain Call: 7.5/10
Souta was too annoying throughout. Not a bad ending, though I had hoped for more.

>> No.5501378

I've heard good things about Suika before as well, I should try it.

>> No.5501400

F/SN: My first and my last VN. Never going to touch Japanese VN again.

>> No.5501410

this is what happens if you read that first.

>> No.5501419

what are you doing on /jp/ then?

>> No.5501432

I guess it has to be things you actually finished right?

Rewrite trial: 8.5/10

Amatsu Misorani: 7.5/10

Kanon: 10/10

>> No.5501436

Jisei - 6 - 2010-06-27
Swan Song - 10 - 2010-06-23
Violent Semen Inferno - 3 - 2010-06-12

>> No.5501447

Swan Song: 7.5/10
It was going good until toward the end of the third act, when everything went to shit.

Higurashi Tsumihoroboshi+Minagoroshi: 9.5/10
Even though I already knew the answers the stories themselves were very good and each chapter was filled with extremely powerful moments.

Muv Luv Extra: 8/10
A generic eroge in the best way possible. Very fun to play. Sumika and Meiya routes were pretty bad due to the love triangle shit, but the other routes and common route were good.

>> No.5501451

To those who have played Kirakira, did you play the officially translated one without the h-scenes?

>> No.5501463

Swan Song - 8.5/10

Symphonic Rain - 6/10

Chaos;Head - 9.5/10 before ending, 7/10 after ending

>> No.5501473 [DELETED] 

sup ivxxx

>> No.5501490

When I bought the officially translated one, H-free version wasn't out yet. But I just skipped past the H-scenes anyway.

>> No.5501525

Full Metal Daemon: Muramasa (9/10)
Can't remember the other 2 games I played last because Muramasa was so awesome. Epic period drama set in an alternative universe past in the early part of 20th-century Japan in a world in which wars are fought with "tsurugi" which are man-sized suits of Samurai-like armor which grant flight and special powers. Very dark storyline, great production, and it's a Nitro+ game, but with a maturity and seriousness you don't normally associate with Nitro+.

So, fuck all the other games in this thread, go play this one you won't be disappointed.


>> No.5501530

Anyone have a link to swan song? Sounds like I want to try it.

>> No.5501537


>> No.5501538

Gang Rape Club: 6/10, I admit I OSHIted after the reveal that The MC was a girl, but honestly it was just good for fappan.

Sengoku Rance: 8/10, it managed to get me to try a New Game Plus, but honestly the game was just too much of a pain the second time through. Good fun, though, even if Rance is a terrible monster.

Kira Kira: 9/10, I still have to give it another few playthroughs but I really enjoyed it. The characters are fun, the music is fun, and their shenanigans are fun. It's like I'm really in a band!

>> No.5501548

Muramasa is the only eroge I would give a 10 personally.
Played a lot but nothing I saw came close.

>> No.5501549
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Symphonic Rain (8/10) - It was really enjoyable in my opinion. The story was very interesting, and it was definitely something different. While the rhythm mini-game was difficult, it was pretty fun. The only thing that bothered me was Lise's ending. It was just dumb that Lise and Chris went back to the mansion to find the piece for the song. Predictable that they were caught, although I felt quite sad when Lise was hospitalized.

CLANNAD (9/10) - One of the visual novels I didn't get around to until now. It was pretty good, cute art, great music. I loved Nagisa's route, it was refreshing to see her improve and gain more confidence. Went on her route first, which caused me to probably screw up all the play routes. None of the characters really interest me, except maybe Kyou or the library girl.

Kourin no Machi, Lavender no Shoujo - Just started this, but it seems a bit bland. I don't know if I'll continue it or not.

>> No.5501551

Swan Song: 9
Muv-Luv Extra: 7
ef: 9

>> No.5501575

>which caused me to probably screw up all the play routes

You didn't even unlock After Story, did you?

>> No.5501586

No, I didn't know about that until I read up on it. slowpoke.jpg

>> No.5501627


Go unlock it. You'll appreciate the game more when you do.

>> No.5501640

So I'll have to do all the routes, right? Or are there some that I can skip?

>> No.5501654

Dude, if you give the schoollife of Clannad 9/10, I wonder what'll be the new score after you read the After Story. It's, like, twice as good as the school life.

>> No.5501667


Many of us can't read the runes here, man. I'm not the only one. If you're bilingual then +1000 to you but for the rest of us it's Atlas + AGTH or wait for a localization... or learn Japanese... and I can't fit that into my already full academic schedule.

Now shut the fuck up.

>> No.5501691


Nice green text. It really makes your comment that much cooler.

>> No.5501698

No need to derail the thread. Please stay polite and take it easy. Thank you.

>> No.5501736

Hmm, let's see.

Yume Miru Kusuri: 7/10.
Good game, good characters, and a great concept that was an interesting twist on the standard "solve the heroine's problems" plotline, but Aeka's route was such a black hole of rage for me that I have to knock it down a peg or two. (Shit ending, too. Glad I didn't play it last.) It sometimes felt like your choices didn't matter in the least (except when having a footjob, apparently), and the game could have used a "True" route of some sort to finally tie up Kouhei's development. The train dream thing never really went anywhere...

Higurashi Minagoroshi- 8/10.
An all-around good story about screwing destiny. I liked how it tried to troll the player up until the very end, but somehow I feel as though the anime pulled off the last few scenes with a lot more impact... the timestopping was incredibly stupid and from what I've heard of Matsuribayashi it's just going to get worse. Also, Hanyuu is a REALLY frustrating character.

Sengoku Rance- 10/10.
I beat it and I'm STILL playing.

>> No.5501747

Sekien no Inganock:
It definitely had the atmosphere down and the final two chapters were some of the best I've read. The strange puzzle game element only detracted from it and I found myself skipping most of it.

Little Busters! (partial):
Great comedy, interesting characters, fun gameplay elements, and some pretty hard hitting moments. It did everything well and really didn't do anything badly.

It was a decent visual novel with very interesting characters and an interesting scenario, but it really didn't feel too special. I fucking loved the Tsugumi/Sora Bad End, though.

>> No.5501776
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Butthurt faggot.




>> No.5501777

>I fucking loved the Tsugumi/Sora Bad End, though.


Also, dat title theme. Holy fuck I am such a sucker for a nice piano

>> No.5501790


You will need to beat every route, including Nagisa's route AGAIN.

You'll also need to follow a specific path on that replay. if you don't want a bad end during After Story; google up the 300 Hour Walkthrough and follow that.

>> No.5501846
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>Rate the only 3 VNs you played.

F/SN: Hated it at the start, then loved it, then liked it less and less as it went on until I hated it again at the end. Nice production values, interesting high concept, simple but friendly art, really fucking frustrating characters. Three stars.

Tsukihime: Lacks all the high points and the low points of F/SN. The result is forgettable mediocrity. Three stars.

Umineko: The plot is a confusing mess that outright lies to the reader all the time. Art is a mixture of terrible photoshop effects and crappy though distinctive char sprites. Takes way too long to say or do anything, but when each episode is over I wish it didn't end already so it must be doing something right. Excellent music. Three stars.

>> No.5501852

Worst post of 4chan gg dude.

>> No.5501875

Muv-Luv Alt: 10/10
Need I say anything? It was a masterpiece. I'll still be reading the translation once it's finished, since my japanese is far from perfect

ChuxChu Idol - 9/10
Great characters, very good h-scenes, excellent art, and awesome music. I found some of the common route to be boring at times, but other than that, very enjoyable

ItsuSora - 9/10
Art, music, characters, and story were excellent, h-scenes not so much.
Also, fucking kanji puns
You will never have your wife warm your bed for you ;_;

>> No.5501880


>Tsukihime having equal stars to Umineko


>> No.5501895

>Many of us can't read the runes here, man.

I can feel you on this (I used to be one of these people not too long ago, too), and I didn't mean to knock on machine translation users generally. But I really feel like Subahibi is a game whose awesomeness you can't really grasp with machine translators. A couple of other games are like this, too, but they haven't been brought up in the thread so far.

>> No.5501964

I wouldn't rate it so high normally, but the normal ending completely blows. That's what it meant.

>> No.5502042

The text of Subahibi isn't that high level actually.
It's no RaiL-soft or even Muramasa.

>> No.5502120

>The plot is a confusing mess that outright lies to the reader all the time.

That's the whole damn point. The story is written by characters WITHIN the story who are, by nature, unreliable.

That's why we have the red text.
