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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 50 KB, 640x480, art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5490053 No.5490053 [Reply] [Original]

Okay /jp/ please tell me
What is so good about this game?
The gameplay is standard
The music is so-so
and the art, oh god
It's like you draw it in a fucking paper and put it in your game without any editing at all

>> No.5490059

Don't do this but I do agree with you.

>> No.5490061

>What is so good about this game?
It's popular, that's what's good about it.

>> No.5490065

You don't join the Touou fandom for the games, you do it to fap to doujins.

>> No.5490063
File: 25 KB, 469x907, 1 (10).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw it in a fucking paper
>draw in paper

>> No.5490069

>What is so good about this game?

Dunno. I just like it, that's all.
If you don't then play something else, something that you like.

>> No.5490076

i enjoy it,
you, not.

>> No.5490106

Touhou..boring and..shitty.

>> No.5490108

OP, I feel so sorry for you that you can't enjoy the game. Must be a pain to life like that ;_;

>> No.5490118
File: 103 KB, 806x644, rance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay /jp/ please tell me
What is so good about this game?
The gameplay is standard
The music is so-so
and the art, oh god
It's like you draw it in a fucking paper and put it in your game without any editing at all

>> No.5490123

Oh no you didn't

>> No.5490131
File: 239 KB, 512x384, 1273246508182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZUN art is best art.

>> No.5490133

if you don't like it don't play it.

>> No.5490141

Nothing. It's shit.

>> No.5490142
File: 15 KB, 256x290, hinaface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZUN makes the best faces.

>> No.5490157

the lolis. the rich fantasy world.


>> No.5490169

Well, I just curious
It will be okay if touhou only popular in small fan base but it's not
Touhou fans is for some reason enourmous and growing vastly

>> No.5490173
File: 40 KB, 380x420, HigurashiCover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay /jp/ please tell me
What is so good about this game?
The gameplay is standard
The music is so-so
and the art, oh god
It's like you draw it in a fucking paper and put it in your game without any editing at all

>> No.5490176

All touhou doujins revolve in yuri which is not common for people taste

>> No.5490178

a new meme?
or at least, a new copypaste.
now lets go troll /v/ with this.

>> No.5490184
File: 68 KB, 344x255, isthatso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5490189

But most /v/idya has a good graphic

>> No.5490199

EoSD is low tier in terms of music and graphic
For starters try playing Imperishable Night
It has a better graphics, great gameplay, and awesome music

>> No.5490205

and that's all it has because it's boring as shit

>> No.5490210

Touhou IS shit
It's a prank play by Japanese to make people playing shitty game believing that this shitty game is actually popular

>> No.5490206
File: 49 KB, 882x851, face09b1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5490216

Than replace "art" with "originality" or "plot".

>> No.5490218

Perhaps manic shooter is not in your taste OP
Try Scarlet Weather Rhapsody

>> No.5490224
File: 79 KB, 791x464, suigin is kaguya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up, Kaguya

>> No.5490227

Sounds like a plan
Good luck trolling /v/

>> No.5490232

So am I the only one that play touhou here?

>> No.5490235

Opinions bro.
I for one love Touhou.
The games, the characters, the music. All, I think, are top notch. Zun is a fantastic game maker.
I want Touhou 13 right now :|

>> No.5490241
File: 191 KB, 600x800, 1275641847223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting in a cirno thread

>> No.5490243

I play Touhou but I have bad reflexes and can't even beat any games on easy mode.

>> No.5490248


Is it just me, but do all the characters from MoF onward (excluding a select few) have a look that says "YOU GONNA GET RAPED"?

Even Satori looks like she's thinking "I know exactly what you're thinking...and yes, I am going to rape you."

>> No.5490262

was only joking.

So the shitposters are here. either 3 of them or a smaefag.

>> No.5490259
File: 75 KB, 500x600, 1271403082973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's true I want to rape here

>> No.5490264

I think the main reason people like touhou and it's music is because they are forced to play it thousand of times to clear it in normal mode.

When you finally reach the end of course you will love the song that has been played over and over again. Heck I believe everyone that has really finish the game must have memorized all the dialog in game.

>> No.5490269


EOSD gets free pop because it's the first Windows touhou. Almost every game that followed it is better than it.

It's like how D&D is the worst RPG and still gets to have the most fans simply because it's also the first.

>> No.5490278

Aww, that's too bad
I was really looking forward to it

>> No.5490281


>> No.5490289

>implying EoSD is the first bullet hells in windows

>> No.5490294
File: 392 KB, 154x244, dancing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you got a point there.

>> No.5490300

You read it subconsciously

>> No.5490314

what is the most popular game on /v/?
well, not nesserily "THE most" but you get the point

>> No.5490325


No, it's more like "Is she going to rape me? She looks like she's going to rape me..."

>> No.5490335

I don't know
Wait a sec Imma going to make a thread about it

>> No.5490334

Zun's art is a god art.
You can't improve it, you can't understand it.

>> No.5490354

that would ruin it...
but you know, asking what the best video game ever is also a good- i mean bad- trolling. just sit and watch the shitstorm.
unless for some reason they all have the same opinion ofc.

>> No.5490366

The thread didn't get any reply
It seems /v/ is like /a/
Video game board that didn't really talk about video game

>> No.5490365

>>implying EoSD is the first bullet hells in windows

I didn't say that.

I said EoSD is the first touhou in Windows.

I don't give a fuck about any bullet hell shooters that are not touhou.

>> No.5490380

Jesus fuck, STOP. This shit is retarded. Get out or Imma troll our preteens' ass.

>> No.5490384

So no cirno doujin dump yet?

>> No.5490391

I really love to see you try that on me

>> No.5490411

And so is /jp/

>> No.5490419

But we are discussing Touhou right here, right now, in this thread.

>> No.5490443

It was all a joke but...
Where your loyalties lie, /v/ or /jp/?

>> No.5490447
File: 348 KB, 691x800, 1260278544863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread

>> No.5490450

>shitposters are here
Right, you're here unfortunately now.

>> No.5490455

can't hear you over the sounds of my boobs ?

>> No.5490458

Can you notice that I'm using an obscure public trip that's provided by Suigin a long time ago? Anyway, this trolling shit is dumb as fuck as it's not any different than the what the troll wannabes from other boards try to pull on us everyday. And I'm starting to suspect that you are underage.

>> No.5490456
File: 259 KB, 600x800, black oni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, hold shift for cruise control. caps Lock is easy modo.

>> No.5490459

it takes one to know one.

>> No.5490472

Also you do realize that EoSD was made completely by one (1) guy, with no help from any companies or publishers (truly indie), and released like ten years ago?

That's a part of its popularity; you don't play it expecting the latest graphics or gimmicks, you play it for the creative content ... whether it's the music, gameplay or characters.

>> No.5490483


Can you go back to /a/? Please?

>> No.5490491

so what? I'm suspected to be many things.
Also, what is so wrong with payback?
and, using suigin old trip still don't clarify which side you are on. you are a peacemaker, i respect that, but go to /v/ and tell them to stop trolling us.
they won't listen? oh well.

anyway, I say it a gain: it was a joke. I'm fully aware that entire board should not be punished for some of it's individuals.

and last but not least, didn't you just threaten to troll the shit out of me?
>And i just succeded
congrats. now go away.

>> No.5490518

>you play it for the creative content

>> No.5490519

Art is derpy as hell, but that's what makes it cute.

Music's generally awesome.

Gameplay varies. Some Touhou scoring gimmicks are rip offs of Psyvariar for example.

But, the reason Touhou became so popular is for the character stories, lol.

>> No.5490522

At what point did ZUN ask for help on graphic? I mean his art changed too dratically.

>> No.5490531

EoSD has fucking awesome music, the characters are charismatic, and the gameplay is quite good for being so old.

>> No.5490529

I'd say the music is the main draw for people that have no idea what Touhou is.

It certainly was for me, then you get drawn into the other stuff it has to offer.

>> No.5490548
File: 250 KB, 945x641, 1261154073485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you talking about? he asked for help on the manga and fighters, that's all.

>> No.5490565

Who's art is the left reimu from aki eda?

>> No.5490568

Superrrr Touhou has superiorrrrr graphic capability.

>> No.5490569


If a game is made by one guys working his ass off to do everything and it sucks, it's still a sucky game. There have been amazing games made by single people, it's no excuse.

That said, I loved EoSD.

>> No.5490576

Name one

>> No.5490589

I bet frogger was made by a single person.

>> No.5490591
File: 208 KB, 1024x768, 1275442651023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay /jp/ please tell me
What is so good about this game?
The gameplay is standard
The music is so-so
and the graphics, oh god
It's like you draw it in a fucking paper and put it in your game without any editing at all

>Really, tastes and opinions. And I just ripped on my favorite game series too...


>> No.5490592

When you are troubled with something play touhou
The music will make you happy

>> No.5490617
File: 114 KB, 1280x720, huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>73 posts and 14 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
>My face

>> No.5490613
File: 79 KB, 700x840, 1255383424207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5490609
File: 21 KB, 640x480, cave story.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5490620
File: 63 KB, 800x550, chess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay /jp/ please tell me
What is so good about this game?
The gameplay is standard
The music is so-so
and the art, oh god
It's like you draw it in a fucking paper and put it in your game without any editing at all

>> No.5490626

I say that the draw to Touhou is less the game itself, and more the massive amounts of fan content that revolve around the games. I was sucked into Touhou by the fan content before I even knew it was a game, naturally once I figured it out I download all the games PC-98 and Windows (and got them to run on my mac). The game itself really isn't that spectacular but I will say I love the music and the challenge of the game.

>> No.5490643

Touhou is just Cave Lite with more memorable characters and better music.

>> No.5490653

Chess is a crappy tactical turn based RPG developed by a bunch of monkeys.

Right away you'll notice Chess has no storyline. Instead, all you notice is the the White army and the Black army are fighting each other over a battlefield. Note the "a battlefield," because Chess only has one story map.

As for the actual combat, it's extremely dull. Each unit can kill another with only one hit. This means units with a real good movement ability dominate the field (more on that bellow). There aren't even any combat animations or anything that happens in combat. One unit moves on it's space and "captures" it, and the piece is removed from the game with no form of action or special effects.


Chess has shitty class balance. The Queen is flat out overpowered while your actual front line units, the Pawns. can't do shit. I think the developers were afraid that no one would use the female character so they buffed up her abilities really high but now theres no point in using any other unit.

The rest of the units suck. Rooks can only move in 4 directions, same with Bishops. Boring. Also, whats up with the Knight? It has the most bizzare combat abilities of all the units. They're retardly hard to use cause they jump around like retards to move and attack. The devs should have named this unit Ninja, since Knights didn't jump around like that in real life.

Worst part, is the king. You see, the devs decided that if your king gets captured, you instantly lose the game. W-T-F? This wouldn't be a problem, except that he can't move for crap. Seriously, the most important unit in the game can only move 1 space a turn? Good luck keeping him alive while every other unit in the game dances around him.

Unbalanced classes, lackluster gameplay, and not to mention repetitive 1 hour+ games. Chess is not worth the time or your money. Buy Final Fantasy Tactics or Disgaea instead.

3 out of 10.

>> No.5490679

this was made way after eosd.
I don't recognize this one.

>> No.5490680

I think this pretty much sums it up well.
lol. Does anyone have the chess copypasta where it was being reviewed as if it was a videogame?

>> No.5490687

Indeed it was "too much" in this game. The strong advanced pawn center gave White not only the dominance in space but limited Black from any active play. Black fianchetto formations such as the Gruenfeld or KID center around making the dark-squared bishop your best piece. This game certainly doesn't illustrate that. So if you were Black, you would be comfortable? I surmise that you think White's center is not too much after all. Prove it. find me a solution that gives Black the BETTER GAME.

>> No.5490688


>> No.5490706

Iji. Best described as System Shock in 2D. Made by one guy, using GameMaker.

A very good game, in my opinion. Music's great too...

Graphics-wise, it looks like crap, but the gameplay is great.


>The pic I provided was most likely some random bit of fanart of the final boss fight

Just play it to get to THE BEST FINAL FIGHT EVER:

>> No.5490738

Gee, thank you

but the boss is scary, I think ill pass

>> No.5490761

I find the games fun.
That's it.
