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File: 1.34 MB, 1291x1019, agthbroken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5475011 No.5475011 [Reply] [Original]

Shit doesn't work.

I can fix the repetition issue, but some characters are missing, which is a worse problem.

Any AGTH experts in here who can help me?

>> No.5475025

You need an h code. You cant try posting in the AGTH on hongfire to see if anyone could get one for you.

>> No.5475030 [DELETED] 

KiriKiri works the best for me.

>> No.5475044

You could try learning Japanese instead of reading shitty machine translations.

>> No.5475048

It's already been requested, you just have to wait

>> No.5475052

You could try not making baseless accusations since a few people use agth just to get words they don't know and stuff.

>> No.5475061

Eh, you need to get words out and search them up in a dictionary. This is Tanaka Romeo we are talking about here.

>> No.5475063

I was planning to read it looking up every other word in a dictionary. Which is a huge pain if you don't use AGTH.

>> No.5475074



>> No.5475221

Finding /h codes isn't exactly hard.

>> No.5475261

Find it for this game then.

>> No.5475272

Does the AGTH guy even update AGTH anymore? Last version I use is from November 2008.

>> No.5475277


If you actually took time to learn kanji you wouldn't need to copy paste. But you like to take shortcuts, don't you?

>> No.5475301

because learning kanji is a binary state, right? God forbid people trying eroge when they're stil in the middle of their studies. That'd be, *gasp*, fun.

>> No.5475299

Are you a Kanji expert here? Would you please show me how to know all these Kanji that even Japanese finds hard to remember?

>> No.5475309

C'mon guys. Obvious troll is obvious.

>> No.5475321

Oh wow, are you even trying to sound sensible?

>> No.5475333


Kanji is easy, bro. Problem is people are impatient or lazy.


You're just making your life harder. Getting kanji out of the way first is wonderful, you should try it.

>> No.5475335

I was referring to this guy >>5475277

>> No.5475337

He is too busy fapping to NTR.

>> No.5475341

Oh, my bad then.

>> No.5475348

It's as if Japanese kids don't read anything until they're 21 because "they need to get the kanji out of the way" before they can do it.

>> No.5475353


Regardless, here you are in a bad situation because you need your precious AGTH to look up a damn word.

>> No.5475354

Sure. Just give me a day to download the torrent.

>> No.5475362

Arguments over elitism among the elite.
Are any of us here NATIVE Japanese? If so step forward now and claim the belt.

>> No.5475369

Oh shut up, do you still want to stir more shit up, troll-kun?

>> No.5475370

Eroge + AGTH + RTK + ANKI

So good.

>> No.5475365 [DELETED] 

It took me about 2 hours.

>> No.5475382

I do like to take shortcuts thanks. I'm extremely lazy.

>> No.5475379

It's like I'm really fhc!!!

>> No.5475401


I'm really not trying to be elitist, people can study how they want to and there's no one correct way to do it. But it's a fact that learning kanji first saves you a LOT of frustration.

>> No.5475403

In the olden days, I'd have to break out my dictionary. Now, I can just copy and paste. Why should I make my life harder? Oh, that's because you're a stupid troll. Carry on then.

>> No.5475421

It's missing the NTR.

>> No.5475424


If you already know kanji then obviously i'm not talking about you.

>> No.5475487

What is up with fhc and NTR?

>> No.5475501

what's RTK?

>> No.5475503

Dunno, dude said he likes to fap to NTR and promotes that alot.

>> No.5475515

The dude is weird.


>> No.5475525

A caching problem, unless the exe is debug-proof it should be easy as piss to get a working code.

>> No.5475546

Wait, NTR is a FETISH? People actually get off on other guys stealing their girls?

>> No.5475555

Why do you think it's so popular now?

>> No.5475556

>Is unbelievable the BIG number of japanese sites that misunderstood these words ( seems that several japanese people not understand their own grammar )
A brazilian that knows japanese better than Japanese!

>> No.5475562

>and all these damn straight pure love games i have been playing recently suck so bad, i want more NTR dammit

What the fuck

>> No.5475566

It's fhc.
He thrives on ragefaps.

>> No.5475569
File: 16 KB, 285x281, 1250151945911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes me rage like a motherfucker when he enters a thread about some eroge thread with a hypnotism theme, bitching about it being rape or some shit, when the majority of NTR involves rape or coerced sex until the sluts become addicted.

>> No.5475580

God I hate the guy's grammar more than him.

I not know if game I can play rape is good but if the woman do not like it after the one time then it is not good.

>> No.5475637
File: 13 KB, 386x418, 1277346432637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He only likes rape games when the girl gradually starts to enjoy it and falls into debauchery.

>> No.5475649
File: 45 KB, 640x480, 1276994689374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot to add, without hypnotism, since it's not pure debauchery or something like that. Guy has pretty weird tastes.

>> No.5475662

>pure debauchery
I already hate him.

>> No.5475760

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