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File: 318 KB, 1600x1400, 631f3abc67785c6493c8da5f045c5fbd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5472659 No.5472659 [Reply] [Original]

I love Reimu.

Is something wrong with me? Not because she isn't real, but because it's...Reimu. I'm not sure whether or not to feel proud.

>> No.5472671

one of us one of us one of us one of us one of us one of us one of us one of us one of us one of us one of us one of us one of us one of us one of us one of us one of us one of us one of us one of us one of us one of us one of us

>> No.5472676


As far as I know, Reimu isn't anyone's favorite Touhou here. She may be liked, but no one puts her as their number one.

Is it because she's the main character or what?

>> No.5472683
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Reimu thread?

>> No.5472677

mary sue character

>> No.5472687
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Reimu is pretty okay. I think you picked a good person to love.

>> No.5472689
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>> No.5472686

This thread feels strangely familiar.
In both OP pic and text.
But yeah, Reimu is awesome.
Polite sage

>> No.5472694

Every Touhou character is a Mary Sue. Except Medicine, Yumemi, maybe a couple others.

Poor Yumemi.

>> No.5472696
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>> No.5472698
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Reimu isn't my top pick, but I've probably fapped to more of her than several of my top picks combined.

>> No.5472702
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>> No.5472708

Reimu is a canon bitch
Also, my love for touhou's seems to jump around at random

>> No.5472711
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>> No.5472716

does anon like GAR chado reimu, regular lazy reimu or canon murderous reimu?

>> No.5472719
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I never stopped loving Reimu.
Mostly because she's not your average moeblob like most of other Touhous.

>> No.5472727
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>> No.5472729

There's a shop in the city near my house that sells Nedroids for 10 bucks each. I got a Reimu :3

>> No.5472730
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Medicine is probably in my top five favorite touhous, and Yumemi's at least in my top ten

Number 1 is Ellen~

>> No.5472732
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>> No.5472741
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Reimu is a bitch but I love her anyways.

>> No.5472738
File: 18 KB, 122x121, 1502_gif immaterial_and_missing_power reimu_hakurei Scarlet_Weather_Rhapsody sprite.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5472736
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>> No.5472735

Enjoy your counterfeit nendo.

>> No.5472737

miko~ miko~ reimu

>> No.5472743


>canon murderous

Her canon personality is easygoing. She seems to be one of those people who hates doing the job that's expected of them, but never really hates the people she beats up.

>> No.5472746
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All of them. All three of those traits can be stacked in one person. She's lazy bro at the shrine but whenever INCIDENT happens, she just sighs and proceed to beat the living shit out of everyone in her range until she finds the culprit.
And that's awesome.

>> No.5472756
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This depends on your definition of "wrong", Anon.

See, compared to the vast majority of other Touhous, Reimu is relatively normal. She has a normal hair color with a realistic hair style, a someone mundane color scheme, reasonably-sized breasts and a fairly cold but still caring attitude. This is as opposed to so many other Touhous that go nutso with the colors (including the outlandish hair), are either concave or have Jupiter tits and have all sorts of wacky personalities. Reimu is a drop of regular in a sea of crazy.

Basically, she's a gateway to 3DPD.

>> No.5472758
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But there was Japanese on the box and everything!

>> No.5472763
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>> No.5472767


Then what the fuck is Marisa? She also has a normal hairstyle, color, and her outfit is less colorful than Reimu's. She's also fucking cosplaying.

>> No.5472773

>She's also fucking cosplaying.

There's your answer, fishbulb.

Marisa is far too nuts to not be a run-of-the-mill Touhou, bland color scheme aside.

>> No.5472777

>She also has a normal hairstyle, color

>> No.5472788


She's a Western Ordinary Magician.

>> No.5472798
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>> No.5472801
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Happy Reimu is best Reimu.

>> No.5472809 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5472816
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>> No.5472827
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>> No.5472829


What a slut.

>> No.5472838

It's her armpits. You can't resist them.

>> No.5473107

why does reimu have brown not black hair

>> No.5473110
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I prefer her big red bow.

>> No.5473115


Hair color depends on artist.

>> No.5473362

Currently going through pixiv and collecting everything Reimu. Why the fuck is it so hard to find porn of her?

>> No.5473378


>> No.5473388
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>> No.5473392

she´s my number one.

well, she has to share first place with okuu and wriggle, but...

>> No.5473401

She's a good girl unlike a certain other.

>> No.5473404


If all three were lined up in front of you and demanded that you choose one to be with for the rest of your life, who would it be?

Dr. Pepper is also an option.

>> No.5473415

use the r-18 tag

>> No.5473428 [DELETED] 


ReMoEV yUoR IlLGEAl clOen fO_Http://WwW.COCKstalk.Se/ (REPlaCE_cocKs_With_ANon)_immEiDAtElY. ruhqo geurbi nwkv txzs enjjsxqhruquah gc d

>> No.5473431


Still find next to nothing.

>> No.5473449

Reimu smells like cigarette smoke and armpit sweat.

>> No.5473453


103 pages, 40 images per page


>> No.5473460


I was using her full name...oh well.

>> No.5473711

hmm... well that depends... okuu would make the best actual wife ever... wriggle i could rape FOREVER and reimu.. i just like her personality, and shes make a decent wife too. so i really cant choose.

>> No.5473716

Are you a Filipino despite the Russian sounding trip?

>> No.5473725

Only good thing about Reimu is that she's a canon dickgirl.

>> No.5473728
File: 1.36 MB, 493x360, nekomikoreimularge.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neko Miko Reimu Ai-shi-te-ru

>> No.5473747
File: 44 KB, 450x638, drFreud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She reminds you of your mother, yes?

>> No.5473756

dutchfag, actually.

and avid S.T.A.L.K.E.R. player, hence the trip.

>> No.5473766

But why are you using ellipses even though you are not a Filipino?

>> No.5473774
File: 30 KB, 640x365, miko_reimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5474221


where did the dr. pepper thing come from?

>> No.5474246


>> No.5474244
File: 132 KB, 533x703, fall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like tsunderes, whats wrong with me?

Reimu's awesome.

>> No.5474277
File: 1.34 MB, 2000x1400, 1240994713103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting superior waifu.

>> No.5474302

There's an image that dates back a few years with Reimu next to a can of Dr Pepper, and it says "Me or Dr Pepper! Pick one!"

>> No.5474305

What's this exactly? SWF or video?

>> No.5474308

It's because her sweat has 23 flavors.

>> No.5474319

Reimu armpit thread?

>> No.5474323


>> No.5474329
File: 201 KB, 595x823, 7e854f759b01acaa424607951f51deca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting superior waifu

>> No.5474342

Lovely, thanks.

Not really.

>> No.5474337

Too lewd.

>> No.5474357

Anyone care to post the dissertation someone did on Reimu's chaotic rampage over the course of the game series?

>> No.5474367
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Shut up you!


>> No.5474378
File: 629 KB, 800x800, koganue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn to use the archive.

>> No.5474391


It's in this thread.


>> No.5474395 [DELETED] 

remoeV yUoR illGEal CloeN fo HttP://wwW.cOcKSTalK.se/_(rEPlaCe_COcKS WiTh AnoN)_IMmeidAtelY. x lwvh u f fflsojvghfwe peoo hmwv twkij qu

>> No.5474399


Cannot find it.

>> No.5474427
File: 477 KB, 1168x1800, I'm player 2!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5474432


None of the Touhou characters are moeblobs unless you're one of those idiots who consider fanart to be canon.

>> No.5474445

None of the canon characters are canon unless you consider the canon to be canon.
