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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 87 KB, 573x435, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5471509 No.5471509 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5471514

Not Rin Not interested.

>> No.5471521


>> No.5471568


>> No.5471572

Hey yeah, what's up with that

>> No.5471574

The only thing I like about kud wafter is the ost and new engine.

>> No.5471577

A Yukine after would have been much better

Besides most people only like kudo because she looks young.

>> No.5471591

Is this a pedo game?

>> No.5471704

Welcome to /jp/, we're mostly lolicons.

>> No.5472022

I'm not.

>> No.5472027


>> No.5472055


I am.

>> No.5472905

Kud looks like a good girl.

>> No.5472914

That's why he said "mostly."

>> No.5472921

Aww, how cute. Hey, wait... What's that thing between her-
God damnit, nevermind.

>> No.5472929

Sure is all ages.


>> No.5472944
File: 110 KB, 800x600, HGKW09c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Am I cute, wafuu?"

>> No.5472955

I-its not as if I'm playing this game because I'm a l-lolicon or anything!
On a separate note, here's the theme song: http://www.mediafire.com/?unz2m0aytzn

>> No.5472957
File: 195 KB, 800x600, FGKW21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is she in a washing mach-- oh wait, I already did that joke. Meh.

>> No.5472962

What's this time's drama plot device ?
Diseases, magic or some idiotic accident ?

>> No.5472972

Kud contacts a disease that's lethal unless she receives a steady influx of semen.

>> No.5472994

You can't have wafuu, nipaa!

>> No.5473005

I smell traps...

>> No.5473012

Go get your nose checked, dude.

>> No.5473025

Is she yours?

>> No.5473039


No, she's mine.

>> No.5473053

Don't be greedy, you already have the miracle of the universe.

>> No.5473056

I called her first, you faggot.

>> No.5473065

Stop that, you're both being silly.

>> No.5473074


Excuse me sir but I think you'll find she's mine. If you want to step outside we can settle this.

>> No.5473086


There's a possibility that she's a trap, would you still hit her?

>> No.5473096


No,because I'm not gay.

>> No.5473097

She doesn't look like one:


>> No.5473101


Of course. I'll always love her, penis or not. And >>5473056 isn't going to stop me either.

>> No.5473105

We'll settle this with a duel, then. Pistols at dawn to determine who gets her hand.

>> No.5473113

As if that would stop me, or the majority of /jp/, really.

>> No.5473116


*Chops off Kud's right hand*

Alright, who's taking it?

>> No.5473120

You faggots argue all you want. Kudo is mine.

>> No.5473125

*punches wall*

>> No.5473133
File: 311 KB, 800x600, HGKW14BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a lewd little girl.

>> No.5473135


>> No.5473138

Hot damn I love Kudo

>> No.5473146


Little did you know I've already poisoned your food. Good day, sir.


I don't think so.


I can rebuild her. I HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY.

>> No.5473148

Ain't a trap, the dick belongs to the guy she's sitting on. Seriously, pay attention.

>> No.5473150

dat wafuu

>> No.5473156

So outside loli appeal, is this any good?

>> No.5473157
File: 45 KB, 187x446, DAT ASS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5473172

Thanks for ruining the fun.

>> No.5473180

most welcome.

>> No.5473182

and it's poking up through her panties like that? I'm not saying I don't believe you but they fucked that CG up then.

>> No.5473183
File: 357 KB, 800x600, HGKW14CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think anyone paid attention to anything else.

>> No.5473199
File: 369 KB, 800x600, HGKW15b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose that this "come hither" look might let her qualify as one.

>> No.5473209

It could be total shit but they'll play it like the desperate pedos they are.

>> No.5473210

Yeah, I just finished playing it. It's really cute and all. Also, not as much drama as you usually have in Key games.
It's worth playing, but I can only really recommend it to lolicons.

>> No.5473220

Is this seriously for PS2?

>> No.5473222

Why would you censor the nipples?;_;

>> No.5473224


Femdom spotted.

>> No.5473232

Yes it is, yes they did.

>> No.5473242

Yes it is.

>> No.5473245

To make the image worksafe naturally.

>> No.5473251

Not like there's any mod, and one of your images have see-through nipples.

>> No.5473252

You honorless rat! Kudo will never love a man as despicable as yourself!

>> No.5473257

I find this hotter than pixels.

>> No.5473260


>> No.5473272
File: 181 KB, 800x600, HGKW01fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way, here's the CG set:
Password: fac1ca55

>> No.5473285

Anyone know the size of this game torrent?

>> No.5473292

(100625) [18禁ゲーム] クドわふたー [ダミーカット・NoDVD化] (iso).+rr.rar empressDYbObMHwE0 2,520,572,045 d3f808b2da2afb242dca02a1e91b13b9be219a80

>> No.5473320
File: 136 KB, 800x600, FGKW34A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels like he's gonna have threesome with them.

>> No.5473330

Why doesn't she have any h-scenes? ;_;

>> No.5473331

He should.

>> No.5473337


>> No.5473343 [DELETED] 

RemoEV yuOr_ILLGeAl cLoeN_FO_HTtp://wWw.COCkStaLk.SE/ (rePlACe coCks_With anOn)_iMMEIDatELY. cntafecfeuc vr b sbpolwdjzcre la zgpsz o bx

>> No.5473363

What's wrong with loving children?

>> No.5473371


>> No.5473375

That's what the vid say too.

>> No.5473386

What's wrong with wanting to give pleasure to children?

>> No.5473390

>What's wrong with wanting to get pleasure from children?

>> No.5473393

She's a cocktease. And I really thought we'd be gratified by a h-scene involving the milf raping Kudo ;_;

>> No.5473397

Nothing I guess. Do as you will, what do I care.

>> No.5473399

You make it sound so negative.

>> No.5473402

I really don't want to spoil myself. When do you think this will come out in English?

>> No.5473408

Take a look at how quickly KEY's other works have been translated. MOON. doesn't count

>> No.5473412

Best case scenario: Months. More realistically: Years.

By the way, Kud becomes a space marine.

>> No.5473420
File: 282 KB, 558x496, 1276032194585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5473424

if only it could be done at the same speed wanko to kurasou went ;_;

>> No.5473456

If TakaJun happens to like it then maybe... Dunno man, the future seems bleak.

>> No.5473463

But TakaJun is a furry so why would he like Kudo Wafter? None of the dogs fuck her in it.

>> No.5473469 [DELETED] 

ReMOEV_yuOr_iLlgeAl_CLOeN fO_hTTP://wWw.coCKSTalK.Se/ (repLaCe_CoCKs WiTH ANOn) immEidately. snqdrurqimhtbxt xml x x srylkhfvj r

>> No.5473477

>Implying Wanko is furry.
Oh you.

>> No.5473485 [DELETED] 


RemOeV_YuOR iLLgEAl_CLOEN fO HtTp://wwW.CoCKSTaLk.SE/ (rEPlAcE_COCKs wiTH aNon)_imMEIDaTely. zocwwl yqnqb cboj p f p z ibtyp

>> No.5473513


>Laika, a stray, originally named Kudryavka (Russian: Кудрявка Little Curly), underwent training with two other dogs, and was eventually chosen as the occupant of the Soviet spacecraft Sputnik 2 that was launched into outer space on November 3, 1957.

>> No.5473522

Yo dude, i heard you want a waifu so i put a wafuu into your waifu game so you can have a waifu while she's wafuu.

>> No.5473527

Good, now it sounds furry enough to Takajun.

>> No.5473531
File: 43 KB, 232x332, FGKW04De.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why so serious?

>> No.5473537

Furries, in SPACE!

>> No.5473590

Well you fuck two dogs that are in heats. The only thing that seems slightly related to Kudo Wafter is the shopkeeper who looks loli. But that's about it.

>> No.5473604


>> No.5473615
File: 179 KB, 1041x1200, 580714a17555af9ecccc1d4dceda6414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5473685


Well, they have to learn about sex sometime anyway. It's better for them to learn about it from a responsible, caring adult.

>> No.5473709


>> No.5473713

I.e. someone like me?

15 is too old.

>> No.5473714

Just wrong pure wrong

>> No.5473715

What the hell is with people

>> No.5473720

>15 is too old.
It's like you read my mind

>> No.5473724


>> No.5473727

How young do you like them? I prefer 6 to 11 myself.

>> No.5473732

>girls who look like they're 12 or older are too old.

>> No.5473731 [DELETED] 
File: 164 KB, 800x600, HGKW08B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can it be wrong when it feels so right?

>> No.5473737

A bit

>> No.5473738

I agree with this. 13 is my cut off though.

>> No.5473739

I was referring to body type. Just add a disclaimer "with the exception of magical lolis that don't age" to my previous statement.

I agree that's a good range.

>> No.5473750

Lolis look best before puberty starts after all.

>> No.5473753

When puberty starts they're not lolis anymore anyway.

>> No.5473755

We're talking about 2D, right? Right?

>> No.5473758

>We're talking about 2D, right? Right?

Of course, anon.

>> No.5473760

Duh, 3D is not sexy. If I see one IRL I only think of her as cute.

>> No.5473762

What do you think?

>> No.5473764

yup, RL children are ugly.

>> No.5473767 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 440x443, 1254711632676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, they can be cute too.

>> No.5473770

Gee, I wonder, we are talking about pixel perfect 2D or snotty, ugly, loud, annoying, shitty, dumb 3D?

>> No.5473773

Fuck you, real kids are adorable. You probably just never had a little sister.

>> No.5473775

I have a 10 years old cousin. She's pretty cute and likes me a lot. Too bad I never thought of pulling a Genji on hold.

>> No.5473777

You never wanted to lick a delicious 3D flat chest?

>> No.5473782

Pig disgusting! She's not even 2D!!!!1

>> No.5473785

Get thee behind me, Satan.

>> No.5473787

>on her

>> No.5473795

Illya is too old. She has already hit puberty.

>> No.5473796

Get out, only 2D purists allowed.

>> No.5473802

At least there are doujinshi where she's drawn as a true DFC loli.

>> No.5473803 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 406x599, 1253038387342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on. 3D women are bad, but 3D little girls can be alright. They haven't hit puberty, after all.

>> No.5473812

Really? I've rarely seen that. You should give us examples.

>> No.5473813

Yes yes, 3D lolis are great, but this is a 2D thread, anon.

>> No.5473814

Please think of the children, our future generation.

>> No.5473819

That girl in the pic looks like she is in her late 30s.

>> No.5473817 [DELETED] 
File: 701 KB, 1600x1067, 1249236549547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3D slut disgusting

>> No.5473825

OP didn't say it was 2D only.
Oh, I think of them a lot.

>> No.5473827

Go back to onion faggot with all your /b/ memes.

>> No.5473832

According to the OP, this is a Key thread. So it's not even really about lolis in the first place.

>> No.5473835


That image makes me both horny and sad at the same time. What a strange feeling.

>> No.5473836
File: 828 KB, 800x600, openyoureyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are the Kud system sounds out yet or what?

>> No.5473839


>> No.5473842

Here you go:

>> No.5473846

You guys are such fags. Fine, I'm going away.

>> No.5473853

The thought of a dick rubbing on her pussy doesn't turn you on?

>> No.5473862

Don't leave, some of us love 3D little girls. This is just the wrong thread for it.

>> No.5473871

You mean the wrong board. Take that grey-area shit elsewhere, please.

>> No.5473877

>love 3D
You meant wrong board, retard.

>> No.5473892

Stop being rude. Just because you guys only like 2D girls doesn't mean you're better than us real pedophiles.

>> No.5473895

There's a reason junior idol threads were banned back when /jp/ was created. Posting 3D lolis will just cause the thread to be deleted.

>> No.5473903


So I can report it?

Done AND done!

>> No.5473905

That's outrageous. There's no reason why legal pictures of little girls should get a thread to be deleted.

>> No.5473908

Complain to Moot, not me.

>> No.5473910

Pedophilia goes to >>>/b/

>> No.5473914


>> No.5473919

No, normalfag shit goes to /b/.

/jp/ is and will always be the pedo board.

>> No.5473923

99% of the people there just post old sluts all the time and talk about things true NEETs wouldn't care about

>> No.5473927

He never even replies to my mails.

>> No.5473935

And so >>5473755 successfully derailed the thread.

>> No.5473940

The problem is that they are real. /jp/ doesn't like real girls.

>> No.5473945
File: 60 KB, 320x320, 1245805687952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I approve of this thread

>> No.5473947

I'm pretty disgusted by the fact that hardly anyone in this thread even realizes why 3DPD is called 3DPD.
Kids cannot be 3DPD because they are not vapid sluts.

Oh, god, you must be new here.

>> No.5473958
File: 202 KB, 800x600, HGKW11C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it still paizuri when there are no boobs?

>> No.5473962

That just lets you masturbate to moe.

>> No.5473970

No, you are new here. 3D is pig disgusting, go back to /b/.

>> No.5473976

It's called Naizuri then.

>> No.5473977

Even so, having 3d little girl threads here really would get this board axed.

>> No.5473984


Which is why we report all junior idol threads.
Don't shit where you eat.

It doesn't change the fact that a large portion of /jp/ users are lolicons and pedophiles.

>> No.5473987

Rubbing his dick on her DFC... Kud knows how to please a man.

>> No.5473989

So cute... She's trying so hard despite her body being like that. ;_;

>> No.5473988 [DELETED] 

It's called naizuri.

>> No.5474003

Even though we have real pedos here, most of them don't make 3D threads. Take it easy.

>> No.5474011
File: 158 KB, 800x600, FGKW05ng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come she is naked here?

>> No.5474012

Her nipples are really dark.

>> No.5474023

That's just because the room is dark. Her nipples are perfect, just like everything else about her. (See >>5473958)

>> No.5474028


Its called naizuri...

>> No.5474071

Where is the hamburger girl?

>> No.5474458
File: 156 KB, 1653x268, Capture19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over 3000 peers? I'm impressed.

>> No.5474463

Kud is pretty hot.

>> No.5474470
File: 110 KB, 366x360, 1277439091788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right here

>> No.5474489

Don't Bully Ange-sama!

>> No.5474507

I'd eat her hamburger if you catch my drift.

>> No.5474520

Kudo was the best girl in Little Busters.

>> No.5474528

The original maybe.

>> No.5474536


>> No.5474550

>Assassins creed 2


>> No.5474551


>> No.5474557

I don't think a post has ever made me so angry.

>> No.5474566

nigga u trollan

>> No.5474570 [DELETED] 

All you needed to say was

>> No.5474583

Not really Kudo is just too young looking and annoying.

>> No.5474595

The part about Kudo doesn't bother me, because I can somewhat understand. For me it's more like:

>> No.5474624

Rin is shit tier.
Geez, just fuck your brother before he dies.

>> No.5474631

I'd say she looks just the right age.

>> No.5474633


I don't think you know what you are talking about.

>> No.5474644

I just don't understand why would they pick one of the worst girls for this.

>> No.5474658

She was the most popular girl from the original Little Busters. I don't see why it would be hard to understand why they chose her for an after story.

>> No.5474659

Because she is young

>> No.5474663

There is no such thing as a "worst girl" in Little Busters, dude. Read it, you'll see I'm telling the truth.

>> No.5474664 [DELETED] 

REmOev_Yuor ILLgEAl_Cloen FO HttP://WWw.cOckStALK.SE/_(rePlACe COCKs_wItH_anOn) ImmEiDaTEly. bdcjmox gyqjzyuijp xh mm mcyfkbcwp myf a

>> No.5474678

yeah, Kudo is popular even among those who never played Little Busters. Must be coz' Russian loli + white cape

>> No.5474745

I've never played Little Busters, but Kud did catch my interest.

>> No.5474746

Is there a name I can google?

>> No.5474758

Same here. And Kudo Wafter is proof there's still chances for loli h-games.

>> No.5474765

wow you guys are fucking weeaboo faggots

>> No.5474767

See here:

>> No.5474787

That would be you

>> No.5474793

Agreed. It's good to see a major company releasing a loli eroge.

>> No.5474805

How so?

>> No.5474819

If you don't find Kud hot, that does raise questions.

>> No.5474856

Because I'm not a weeaboo faggot?

>> No.5474898

Then what are you doing here?

>> No.5474919

/jp/ doesn't like weeaboos.

>> No.5474921

nothing, leave me alone you faggot

>> No.5474923

He's stalking you Nipaa.

>> No.5475188

Please tell me you're not serious.

>> No.5475323

Liking loli is unrelated to being a weeaboo. I hate Japan and don't give a flying fuck about it. All I care about is about their loli stuff. If it was korea that drew it I'd browse an imageboard called /kr/. Now fuck off.

>> No.5475334

You must be new here.

>> No.5475339

All of 4chan was made for weeaboos from the beginning son.

>> No.5475342

The word "weeaboo" is similar to "idiot". Nobody self-identifies as such.

>> No.5475347

Komari being high, I approve of, but Haruka above her is eh.

Of course, the real problems in this are Saya, Sasami, and Kudryavka being so low.

>> No.5475350

Why do you think Moot hates us?

>> No.5475357

Because if he says "He likes us", we'll get the same consequences as /tg/ and /r9k/?

>> No.5475364

He hates us because we're a small group of elitists that cluttered up his precious /a/ with unrelated shit.

>> No.5475366

Fuck you, I'm a weeaboo, you're a weeaboo, we're all weeaboos. The word stopped meaning whatever you think it means a long time ago.

>> No.5475372

You're a moron. Go back to whatever board you came from.

>> No.5475377

I've been here since day 1 and I don't visit other boards.

>> No.5475390

This argument again, even if you are from day 1, it doesn't really mean you are accepted. See "Sion" for more detail.

>> No.5475394

So when /b/tards come here and call you a "weeaboo", you get offended?

>> No.5475404

I've done more than enough for /jp/. But I think it's stupid to still think that "weeaboo" is some kind of an insult.

>> No.5475406

Why would you get offended by being called "weaboo" I admit I'm at least slightly weaboo I like sushi I like vn's anime manga japan as a country and I definitely don't get offended by being called something I really am

>> No.5475409


No, I'm pretty sure it's still a bastardization of wapanese... That will never change.


No, you're both new. You better believe it.


Directionless pedophiles.


Same here. I would fuck Kud every way imaginable, and I'm not the least bit ashamed.

>> No.5475416

A weeaboo is someone who actually loves japan and the japanese so much they want to be japanese.
That's what it's always meant. There are people like that, they are the worst kind of people.
No one on 4chan likes weeaboos, not /jp/, not /a/, not anyone.

>> No.5475429

>weeaboo is someone who actually loves japan and the japanese so much they want to be japanese.

No, actually that's a "wapanese".

In before the "WAPANESE USED TO GET FILTERED TO WEEABOO" argument, it doesn't matter. These words don't mean the same thing anymore.

>> No.5475431


So someone like me that dislikes Japanese music, Japanese mindset/ideals, and drives a German car can't really be a weeaboo, right?

I've always said I'm only here for threads like this.

>> No.5475440


Who died and made you the internet dictionary?

>> No.5475445

It's not me. A lot of people these days refer to anime/Touhou/visual novel fans as "weeaboos". Words change with time.

>> No.5475447

And they're all idiots.

>> No.5475448

So...what does weeaboo mean now? "person who enjoys japanese products or has to do with japanese anything at all"?

>> No.5475456



>> No.5475461 [DELETED] 


RemoEV_yuOR_ilLGEAl CLoEN FO_HtTP://wWw.cocKsTAlK.SE/_(REpLAcE_CoCKs_wiTh ANon)_IMMeiDAtelY. rvjyokchak sf oebngkfwkgx fzinto blwzlj

>> No.5475473

Well, the word "idiot" used to mean "not politically active." But that changed! Now you're using the word for something different. Same thing happened to the word "weeaboo".

>> No.5475502


Yes, "Idiot" now means "Voter".

>> No.5475504

Really cool kud thread, guys.

>> No.5475509


Uhm... Source please, because all I'm finding is old Greek and Latin references stating it meant unskilled layman.

>> No.5475529


*unzips pants*

>> No.5475540

>He thinks we care about what moot thinks of us.
Welcome here newfriend, I see you are new to 4chan and /jp/.

>> No.5475541
File: 65 KB, 348x219, 1276369604860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The file you are trying to access is temporarily unavailable.

>> No.5475545

you are disgusting. SHE IS A CHILD FOR GODS SAKE

>> No.5475549


>> No.5475552

Actually it meant a private citizen with no political position.

>> No.5475559

That's what makes her hot.

>> No.5475564

Afternoon /jp/ is always the worst /jp/.

>> No.5475568



>> No.5475572


Not to mention her hair and eyes make her quite exotic and attractive.

>> No.5475579


I was browsing /jp/ at 3am PST the other day and it was actually not half bad. I was surprised.

>> No.5475593

omg we must save the 2D children

>> No.5475596


Yes, same them from the clutches that would deny them freedom.

>> No.5475615

Actually evening /jp/ is the worst /jp/

>> No.5475646
File: 177 KB, 800x600, mai_imouto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of /jp/ is terrible all the time.

>> No.5479618
File: 159 KB, 800x600, FGKW06A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Kud a pervert?

>> No.5479626

It's 1:30 am

>> No.5479664

Yes, and?

>> No.5483196


>> No.5483211
File: 68 KB, 800x600, capture_26062010_163959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5483220

Are you gonna bump this like the Rika threads now?

>> No.5483230

I wouldn't mind.

>> No.5483259


>> No.5483385

can anyone with the game and tools rip the character portraits/sprites as pngs and upload them too?

>> No.5483415


>> No.5483420

thanks. too bad it's all jpg without alpha channels, but oh well.
