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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5471096 No.5471096 [Reply] [Original]

Are you able to play any musical instrument, /jp/? Do you wish you were able to? Do you plan on learning how to play any of them during your life?

Your dick doesn't count.
Do dicks even make sounds?

>> No.5471104

Fap fap fap.

>> No.5471112

11 year violinist here.

I should open my case and practice a little. It's been a while.

>> No.5471113

You just made me want to play my horn.

>> No.5471118

I can play drums OP. But I haven't practiced in while.
Not like I need to anyways.

>> No.5471125

i can practice guitar if i want to but i don't feel playing it right now

>> No.5471119

Misread that as 11 years old violinist.

This is kind of disapointing.

>> No.5471127

Played the violin back in elementary and middle school. Been a while since i played but i still remember all the notes and some songs.

>> No.5471130

10 year violinist
9 year Violist
8 year pianist
5 year guitarist

Saving up to buy an Ocarina, that should be cash

>> No.5471137
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/jp/ could start a band.

>> No.5471139

Been playing guitar for 5 years but I never put real effort into practicing so I'm terrible.

Using a Touhou image doesn't magically make your thread /jp/ related. Reported.

>> No.5471141

Guitar tabs :(

>> No.5471144
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>> No.5471151

I want one of those badass OoT ones.

>> No.5471152

Why do everyone talk like they've stopped playing? Did your parents force you to pick it up in the first place?

>> No.5471147

>Saving up to buy an Ocarina

$4 is an amount to save up now?

>> No.5471154

i play the cello and i'm VERY pissed that no one bothers to hook a brother up with cello only touhou music scores

>> No.5471155

I discovered /jp/

>> No.5471157

Because I borrowed the instrument from the school district as my family was much too poor to buy an instrument for me.

>> No.5471162

I can play the trumpet pretty well.

I've always wanted to learn to play a violin, but I never had a chance to learn. I don't know anybody who plays and learning on my own would be more difficult and I would be less motivated.

>> No.5471163

Guitar for 4 years. I wrote that recent song in the OC thread but can't be assed to link.

>> No.5471164

Just compose it yourself you lazy fuck

>> No.5471178

You could just buy a new one. If you really enjoyed playing it, it'd be worth the investment. Unless you play church organ or something.

>> No.5471177

Alto saxophone for 5 years. Started oboe last November for the hell of it.

>> No.5471185


Take one of the readily available piano scores.
Cut out the melody part.
Move it over to bass clef.
Fuck with it a little so it sounds better.
There you go. I don't know why you haven't done this already.

>> No.5471186

I played the clarinet for two years, I think, and the violin for 3. I want that I could continue playing the violin, but that likely won't happen for at least a decade, judging by my nonexistent wages.

Pretty much this.

>> No.5471194

The opposite, my parents forced me out of it. They said if i keep taking music classes they would burn my violin. My feelings are pretty neutral bout all that.

>> No.5471195


I sort of wanted too. I played Trombone for 8 years formally.I graduated high school and havent played since, they made me give back the trigger and mine is messed up with dents in the slide.

>> No.5471196

It's been close to 10 years since I played last, so I would have to really seriously consider if I would put in the effort to relearn before spending money on an instrument.

>> No.5471197
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in all seriousness,
I'm pretty good at playing the flute (9 years) and the tenor sax.
Okay at playing the piano and the guitar.
I sing a little too.
I would really like to learn how to play the cello or the violin.

>> No.5471209


Wait, what? Were they afraid that you would get so good that you would start challenging demons to rock-offs?

>> No.5471214

I play guitars, but not nearly as good as I want. I wish I knew how to play piano.

>> No.5471234

I play the guitar, just like every second guy on the planet. And i fucking thought it'd be something more or less original back when i started it.

>> No.5471244

I own a keytar thus proving myself to be the raddest person in the thread.

>> No.5471269

I bet you own fingerless gloves and a pair of LA Lights too, you hardcore bastard.

>> No.5471280

Back then, I wanted to learn the piano, but I soon gave up afterwards. I also bought an Ocarina from STLOcarina, but I didn't learn how to play it. (It still looks pretty badass as a collector's item though). A little part of me wants to go learn those instruments again though.

>> No.5471283

Alto sax. I once played tenor in my high school's top jazz ensemble, though. I'm currently in a small jazz band that my local music store put together. I'm 19, and the oldest one there. Feels awkward.

>> No.5471298

Pianist here. Played Marasy's Shiawase Usagi (link) at my last concert.

>> No.5471476

They said it was just a waste of my time, i need to spend my time doing more important stuff.

>> No.5471491
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Bassist here

and i can play natsukage double-handed (and natsukage only) on piano (i lended the keyboard from a friend only to learn it)

>> No.5471506

I tried learning alto sax for a bit. Gave it up when progress was slower than how I could keep my motivation going.
I'd really like to learn the violin, but they say you need 10 years as a child at least before knowing how to play it decently, and I'm 24 already.
I guess music isn't really going to be my thing

>> No.5471513
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and now you are a /jp/ Hikky NICE!

>> No.5471518

Guitar, drums, alto sax.

>> No.5471531

Electric guitar and simple stuff on violin. Not really that great at either, but at least I can stay in tempo.

Wish I could play the sax. Badass instrument; I love anything with a sax:


>> No.5471560
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Drums (Set of course, single drum percussion is for jerks!)

Although the only one I'm really decent at is drums.

>> No.5472159
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I play some guitar and bass.

I'm always up for collaboration projects.

>> No.5473255

Piano sort of
Alto Sax

>> No.5473269
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acoustic guitar, trumpet

>> No.5473282

I played clarinet in Junior High and High School. I wasn't very good, though.

>> No.5473286

Learning bass

>> No.5473296

8 years cello from 5th grade to senior high school. Lost any want to play after graduating. Haven't opened the case in over 5 years.

>> No.5473305

I've been playing bass for some years, but I'm not in a band anymore so I don't get much practise.

Recently, one of my friends just popped in and said: "sup brah? I just bought myself a new piano so I'm giving you my old one!".
So now I have a goddamn piano in my living room, I want to learn how to play it, can some helpful anon hook a guy up with some Touhou notes which are not that terribly difficult?

>> No.5473309
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>> No.5473311

I've been 'playing' guitar for 10 years, though I don't seem to be getting any better at it.

I took up the keyboard a year ago, and I'm already better at that.

>> No.5473324

Piano/keyboard/synthesizer what have you. I could play Bach or something if I felt like it, and yet, I can also program the ever loving shit out of some FM sequences if I felt like it.

I used to be able to play guitar and dulcimer fairly well, (was taught dulcimer by my dad, who happens to like relatively obscure instruments like the lute), but yeah, I kind of haven't touched either of those for years...

>> No.5473327
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ざわ・・・ ざわ・・・ ざわ・・・

>> No.5473336

I love the sound of the violin but I know nothing about the different kind of instruments or how to play it
Is it possible to learn how to play it alone with internet, books etc? Is it expansive?

>> No.5473346

just find trombone scores, you'll be fine

>> No.5473351

I can only play the Recorder. Nothing else. I'd know a bit of guitar though.

>> No.5473353

I never learned how to play any instruments because I didn't want to join Band or Orchestra in grade school and I never mustered the initiative to learn one by myself.

>> No.5473380

Played French horn throughout high school....

If I have lots of pre-cum then you can hear a squishy noise. Uncut.

>> No.5473410 [DELETED] 


rEMoEV_YUoR ilLGEAl_ClOeN_Fo_HTTP://Www.COCkStalK.Se/_(rePlACe CockS_with_AnON)_ImMEIDAtELy. bkqcilpe e msyzy ojq oycwa ympz e yr

>> No.5473406

>Do dicks even make sounds?

>> No.5473433 [DELETED] 

Reporting thread that has nothing to do with /jp/ on 5 different proxies.

Get this fucking shit out of here. And don't say "IT"S A TOUHOU IMAGE SO IT'S OKAY DURP" No. It isn't. I'll ban you.

>> No.5473450

Mind if I join you?

>> No.5473468

I used to play the trumpet. I've tried to play acoustic and electric guitar, and I'm awful at it.

>> No.5473475

so your a mod?

>> No.5473487 [DELETED] 

remoEv YuOr_IlLGEAl_cloEN_Fo HttP://WWw.cocksTalK.Se/ (rEPLAce cOcKs_witH_anON)_IMMEiDaTely. srk tbvyfhdydtfaybkt e u cnfi h ljfdeuzltmr

>> No.5473489

No, but you can hear his shouting no matter where you live.

>> No.5473497

Well I bought a digital piano the other day, looking for a private tutor at the moment.

>> No.5473499

8 years percussion - bass, snare, timps, xylophone, and other random auxiliary if needed, drum set if needed. Steel pans too.

Been focusing on snare drum only lately though.

>> No.5473541

Are synths allowed here?

>> No.5473546


>> No.5473551

Can play keyed mallet instruments pretty well, but haven't touched one in years. I certainly wouldn't want to play a piano since keeping in practice means doing around two hours of practice a day. People tell me that I should try the sax, but I know I'd just learn Yakety Sax and stop there.

>digital piano
You mean keyboard.

>> No.5473570
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>> No.5473572

> keeping in practice means doing around two hours of practice a day.
isn't that standard practice for almost all professional instruments?

>> No.5473581

I meant this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_piano

>> No.5473587

Piano. I'm out of practice because I've been physically away from my piano for a long time and I don't have access to another one.

>> No.5473591

It'd be more tiring than other instruments since I'd be using those same fingers on the computer, as compared to a brass or wind instrument where the lips and cheeks are what get stressed.

>> No.5473609
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Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...


>> No.5473657


Someone's butthurt. I'll cut your jugular clean out if you ever talk back to me again, little boy.

>> No.5473705

You couldn't find a jugular with a map and a FAQ

>> No.5474802

I've been playing the violin for a couple of years.
I also play the trumpet.
A little piano too.
