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546914 No.546914 [Reply] [Original]

All you NEETs out there, how do you do it?

I was recently in an accident and was forced to quit my job. Now I sit at home all day watching anime. It used to be a special time for me, enjoying my animu alone on my two off days while everyone was at work and school, but it is now an everyday occasion. Do you guys not get bored? How are you keeping a steady income; are you relying on your parents as I am?

>> No.546920

I just plan to end myself and it makes it all the better

>> No.546921

I was relying on your parents too for a while, but your mom eventually kicked me out.

>> No.546922

Did she get scared and send you to live with your auntie and uncle in bel-air?

>> No.546929

Im in university, or rather, was... summer vacation...

I have too much time in my hands.

(But me being in school doesn't make me a NEET does it?)

>> No.546937


Nope. You're missing one E.

>> No.546945

So if you're in Education, Employment, *and* Training, are you only an N short of being NEET?

>> No.546951

Except you will never get that N, because it stands for NOT.

>> No.546955

Income: Parents. Expenses minimal, basically food, electricity, internets. Not get bored? How is having NOTHING BUT FREE TIME possibly a bad thing? I will never run out of shit to do. So very many things to play, watch, or read. Might be harder if you're a picky elitist who can only enjoy a small percentage of things, but I'm blessed with the ability to enjoy most everything. I can stick to TOO DEEP FOR ME or I can marathon 2 weeks straight of shounen. I just do whatever I want to do, whenever I want to do it. Play with toys, throw paper airplanes out the window, box, badly mangle animu songs in the shower, whatever. I get an urge and I go with it. True freedom without ever leaving the apartment.

>> No.546960

I actually plan to kill myself the day I'm sure that there's no way I can get money without working.

>> No.546961

...I was wondering, I just spend all my days watching animu and playing VNs and touhou while leeching of my parents. But I've been working out every day to get a sexy body and mad abs, does that count as training?

>> No.546975

Good point.

>> No.546968


Training means training towards a job. Are you becoming a professional gymnast anytime soon?

>> No.546969

If you wonder why, it's because I saw a shirtless Shiki pic in a thread some months ago and envy kicked in.

>> No.546978

only if your power level is over nine thousand

but seriously, being NEET is hard work. This one time I was on unemployment and it was grueling. I, like, was out with friends all the time and playing video games and dungeons and dragons, and taking girls out to eat with my unemployment checks and generally failing at life. It gets you depressed, you have to be special to be a NEET without losing it

>> No.546984


That is lame. First of all, find a better idol like Kenshiro. Second of all, don't do it for looks, do it for the sake of turning your body into a living weapon. That's what I am doing. Well, slowly, but still. I will be the most dangerous NEET in the world.

>> No.546992


Really? This mystifies me. Why do people hate free time? How does wasting the vast majority of your life give some vague sense of fulfillment that somehow makes it worth it? Is it the brainwashing of societal norms or am I missing something? I can't imagine getting depressed over this life. Maybe over myself, because I have a lot of problems with me, but my life is near perfect.

>> No.547001


Because there's nothing to do and you aren't bettering yourself. I like having something to strive for and look forward to. Being idle would be fun at first for me, but I'd get depressed realizing I'm getting nothing done.

>> No.546999

>the most dangerous NEET in the world
logical fallacy detected

>> No.547003


No idea. I love free time. I can always find something to do, but for some reason others can't. One of the most common complaints you'll get from people these days is "I'm sooo bored". Quite silly, really.

>> No.547012


I'm bettering myself by reading and working out. I strive towards the goal of enjoying every goddamn minute I am alive. Of NEVER having to do anything that I don't actually WANT to do. Pure hedonism with responsibility for nothing but my own happiness. The ultimate goal of human life.

>> No.547018

we download new anime, we mod ero games and fap all the day and we get hentai doujins every day, we cant get bored

>> No.547027

>Do you guys not get bored?

When I first started being NEET I occasionally got really anxious and bored of inside activities with little social contact all day and I would occasionally just have to get outside of the house even I just started walking aimlessly because I had no where to go. You get used to it and start to adapt until it doesn't even bother you anymore. Watch out for that if you're an amateur, once you start going apathetic it's hard to change back.

>> No.547037

dumbass at least wait until the money runs out

>> No.547045

Oh, there is one problem I kinda have, but I don't think it's related to being a NEET, I think it's just a personal thing. But anyway, I do get these stretches where I have nothing I want to do. It's like, I can do ANYTHING I WANT TO, but I can't find something I want to do. I sort through my VNs and my DVD-Rs and my vidyas and I can't find anything I want to play or watch. It's all stuff I like, just nothing I want at this very minute, I'm constantly searching out that elusive thing I'm "in the mood for". It's the lamest thing in the world and it pisses me the fuck off. Often leads to me F5'ing 4chan until something kicks off a whim in me or I masturbate myself to unconsciousness.

>> No.547052

I quit my job and got kicked outta my house Lived in a friends closet for a year playing MMos and living off leftovers he brought home from a resurant he worked at, is that being a NEET?

>> No.547072


Yes. I no longer have friends, but my fallback plan is to live in my uncle's garage.

>> No.547083

>How does wasting the vast majority of your life give some vague sense of fulfillment that somehow makes it worth it? Is it the brainwashing of societal norms or am I missing something?
Well the obvious answer is that people are attempting to do things that they do not deem as "wasting the vast majority of thier life". Perhaps something that involves creativity to some extent or another is probably the missing picture in your mental map of the world, and I assume you are referring to an occupation or otherwise. The best way I can explain it is this (bear with me, I have a point):

I took an Honors Sociology course in which I read a number of selections from Karl Marx (I said bear with me here, ok?) and it all just kind of glazed past me. Other theorists seemed much more relevant and I just kept thinking about the phrase everyone tosses around regarding Marxism: "It looks good on paper but never actually works out." I wrote a few papers on Marx, but based it more on his works about political economy rather than the sociological ones (i.e. Das Kapital rather than Alienated Labor).

However I transferred Universities and this meant two things:
1. I moved to a new town, had to reject my intended job for that summer and possibly beyond and hadn't established any connections yet in the new city, thus I went with the next decent-paying deskjob I came across.
2. At my new Uni, I took a similar Social Theory course and got to re-read Marx.

>> No.547085

1. The Job itself was miserable. The campus was amazing (BMC Software shared a corporate campus with Halliburton in the Westchase District of Houston), hell our "break area" was a pretty massive ordeal with a plasma TV and copious amounts of free foodstuffs. Despite this, my job was to fix people's accounting and documentation mistakes from the last 20 years of the company's existence. Every time someone didn't fill in that RA form properly, or when you file the Discount of Record as blank, assuming it will carry over from the previous contract, my life became hell and I would have to search through a database of some two billion documents to find the proper evidence that the existing contract was either correct, or find what the mistake was and justify my changes. To make things worse, the ENTIRE Australia wing of the Global HQ had mislabeled all of their documents in that database and other such mistakes.

2. I had to re-read Marx, and as I was reading Aliented Labor, I was moved with the striking similarity it held to my experiences over the summer. Sure Marx's ideas about history and the ideal social structure were flimsy, but boy did I know what he was talking about when he talked about being aliented from the place of my labor, object of my labor, those I worked with, and what I felt was my essence as a human. Being alive didn't mean fixing accounting mistakes and filing 20-page justifications for a modifcation of a 25% discount rate to a 20% discount rate. I don't care that it's a 5 million dollar deal with the largest company in Germany. I would rather spend my timing whiddling wood into a chair and making 200 bucks off of it after a week. At least I could say then I knew how to make a chair, or some such, not "I can search through documents and find a number and make some photocopies!"

>> No.547088

In essence, I am conditioned, as you say, to find employment somewhere. However, I believe that out there somewhere is employment that is at least modestly fulfilling or utilizes my creative/analytical capacities, and that I could perhaps even enjoy that kind of work. As long as I am creating something, accomplishing something, and possibly being proud of what I've done, there is a place I can stand to be.

I am curious what your vision of employment is and if it would be different if you thought there was a job that entailed something you like to do.

>I'm bettering myself by reading and working out. I strive towards the goal of enjoying every goddamn minute I am alive.
That's admirable, and is exactly what most people strive for. For one, not enough people read. You've got a large portion of the population beat on that one. When looking for happiness of their own, they decide that money is a key aspect to this, and get the wrong idea about how money ought to be accquired: i.e. at all costs, even if it is something they don't enjoy doing. From there, it's a short hop to an aimless job and living in a suburban bubbletown. Either that or they are raised and imbued with responsibilities that they feel take precendent over thier own enjoyment, and that enjoyment is not the focus of their lives. If they can live with that, more power to 'em, but it's not for everyone, you know?

But in any case, this is just an opinion and assorted speculation, take from it what you will.

>> No.547098

>turning your body into a living weapon
This requires training your mind as well. And also the connection between it and your body, the spinal cord responses that many people call "muscle memory". You have to get to where you can unconsciously control the location of your center of mass like you were handling a joystick. If you know what sigma notation and vector arithmetic are, then that is just:

>> No.547113


Oh, I get what you're saying, I obviously (though my blanket statement of course didn't make it obvious) discount creative endeavors, that's a whole 'nother thing. Employment will never work for me, though, and while I sometimes have ideas I have none of the creative talents to make anything out of them. Academic or research type jobs are also plenty admirable though definitely not for me, but shit like being a lawyer/accountant/what the fuck ever because your money/career defines you as a person is just retarded and I will never understand it. I simply value time over money, and the margin of difference is vast. Thanks to the internet I need very little money to support my hedonistic lifestyle, but without copious amounts of free time all the money in the world would be worth nothing. I also find myself slipping back into the whole teenage "fuck society" phase out of my absolute disgust at my aunt's utterly banal and empty suburban life. The horror of it is making me increasingly bitter and cynical every fucking day. I feel so sorry for her new accessor--er, son.

>> No.547125
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I make a $100 profit selling each on eBay. Beats minimum wage.

>> No.547152

>not enough people read.
Lots of people read trash novels and such. What should they read?

>> No.547171


Better than not reading at all. I may hate the fuck out of Harry Potter, but literacy still counts for something. You have no idea how depressing it was to see all those kids in high school who were very nearly full-on illiterate. Fucking stumbling through simple sentences like they were in Japanese or something.

>> No.547209

Right now I am a NEET and I find the lifestyle quite easy to live with, come august I will be going back to school again to do accounting and IT.

Until then my only concerns are doing what I want and trying to tone down how insanely nice I am.

>> No.547214

I had to repeat third semester of highschool, so I'm six months behind at school, or more acurately was since I finished highschool back in december, now I'm waiting until the summer to enter to the university, I did tried looking for a job, but I wasn't really trying to get it, in the end I told my mom that I wanted to become a NEET until I went to the university, given the fact that after repeating I became a top-grade student, and that it would only last a few months, she accepted
now I do nothing, except going to play yu gi oh with my friends sometimes, and going to the gym on weekends
I do am bored most of the time, but I know this is something that I will not be able to do again, so here I am, ronery by conviction

>> No.547222

I'm >>547214, since we are clones let's have sex so neither of us will be virgins anymore

>> No.547218

I'm only temporarily a NEET for this summer.

I've been going to college until now, and my parents paid for most of my stuff up until last year but it was getting a bit expensive so we got student loans but my mom said she'll make the payment.

But I got dismissed from my college for bad grades, cuz I'm a semi-hikikomori who almost never went to class. So now this summer I'm not currently attached to any college, but this fall I'm going to try to apply to a community college and eventually get my AA. (I already have like 50 credits.)

Being a NEET is hard work though. Relying on your parents is like walking a tight rope. You have to be careful of everything you say and do. But I think it's all worth it. I mean if my mom's willing to be this generous and give me all this money, why not accept it?

>> No.547219


I've noticed quite a few people around me want to go into accounting. What is the appeal with that?

>> No.547220

I have a plan to work for around 10 years, then buy about 3 businesses, and let them run themselves while I relax for the rest of my life. I should only have to spend 10-20 hours managing them per week and raking in 5 figures.

>> No.547234


Depends on the parents. I get a free ride guaranteed, no matter what I do. It's impossible to alienate my mom, god knows I've been a horrible son. My dad dying when he did was the best thing that could've happened to me sans winning the lottery.

>> No.547242

And do you feel satisfied with your life? How about in a year? Five years? Ten years? When your parents die? An hero time perhaps?

Don't you have a drive to do something productive at all? (Sincerely curious.)

>> No.547246

I am >>547209 and I only picked it up because here in Scotland accounting and IT and administration and IT are the same course the accounting is optional after the first year plus are also law and medical branches to go down.
I picked accounting because I want to learn more about money management and the economy which is covered in the course.

Hope you have money for a plane ticket!

>> No.547256


Immensely. I produce happiness, what could be more important? An hero when my parents and the money are gone is the final option, but I am working on plans B, C, etc.

>> No.547257

I went into accounting because I believed the stereotype of sitting in a room alone playing with numbers. Unfortunately this isn't how it really is. I keep getting told how I need to be a team player and a hard worker. I'm probably never going to get a job offer, because I can't even pretend to like this shit.

I chose it on a whim basically. Most people think it is insanely hard, but it was easy for me.

If I ever get a job, I will make some pretty good money, and gain experience for opening my own tax business in the future.

There is a huge demand for accountants, so lots of people are doing it. Kind of like there is a huge demand for nurses and tons of people are going to nursing school.

>> No.547259

Not only is this a /jp/ thread, it's a thread about NEET's, I barely have enough money to buy one or two yugioh cards per week, do you really expect me to have money for a plane ticked?
I sugest making WoW characters in a PvP server and cybering our way out of virginity

>> No.547263


While my dad and I don't get along too well, it probably wouldn't be good if he died, since he provides most of the money.

But he was fired. He's pretty much got another job lined up though, so it should be just fine. They've already promised him his asking price of 100,000 a year (he's a construction superintendent)

My mom, who gives me most of my money is less reliable since she's a realtor with your own work at home business, and also manages property on the side. She makes quite a bit of money, but only when she makes sales, and with the housing market the way it is now, she's struggling a bit.

My dad hogs most of his money though. I'm thinking maybe I should start learning more about stocks and stuff. Maybe I can work that way. I'm thinking of buying Atari stock lol, just cuz it's so low now and I think Alone in the Dark will be an awesome game.

>> No.547266


same here, don't really want to be rich, having 1.5 minimum wage without having to spend 8 hours a day doing something I rather not do is perfect

>> No.547272

Basically what >>547171 said. Reading "trash novels" which speak to the same repetitive themes of [insert subject here] is perhaps no better than watching television shows speaking to those same themes year in and year out. However those people who read said novels might also just be someone's aunt living a banal suburban life somewhere out there, so it just goes hand in hand with that.

The implication of Anon saying "improving myself by reading" is that you're pushing your boundaries, going beyond your comfort zone and experiencing new things. Also not everyone interested in reading is going to go pick up a book on the latest wave of theoretical physics debates or strive to find some enlightening literature from a past era, and try to bounce it off the ideas they see in today's acclaimed literature. The well-read benefit from an illiterate population, because they can stand out if they wish to, but at the same time, we all are damaged when an illiterate society moves nations to ridiculous extremes and various levels of inescapable depravity. But this is a different issue, somewhat unrelated to living as a NEET.

>> No.547274

I really wonder how long my parents are going to support my lifestyle. I've been out of school about 4 months now and continue to live a life of fapping and sleeping. My parents think I'm studying to re-apply for graduate school, but I'm not. I've read about 10 pages of Rudin in the last couple weeks. Truthfully I think I'm being productive in the sense that I'm learning how to cook and drive really long dstiance (just for the hell of it). Hopefully their income keeps going up since I'm spending at least 2K per month on living expenses.

>> No.547297

I used to think I should read the great literary works to improve myself. Then I took Great Book II. I think I actually finished two of the books, the rest I couldn't stand. I actually got Crime & Punishment on CD from the library so I wouldn't have to read it. I fell asleep multiple times while I was listening to it.

I read The Catcher in the Rye because of Ghost in the Shell.

>> No.547309

Animu/VNs till I'm done with my "to watch/read list", then check if anything good comes up (like SZS wich wasn't on the list).
Learn useless yet cool stuff, I can now lockpick and trow screwdrivers/knives.
Money? Parents but I'm really cheap.
My dad will die in about 2 years, hope he leaves some good loot.
Boredom? When I get bored, I try to learn/read something that will be useful in the future/i find awesome. Or play some games.
I have some online/offline friends but I get bored with most social stuff.
The important thing is that you should love who you are, or lvl up until you do. Otherwise you get depressed and feel you are pathetic.

>> No.547328

Unfortunately I already lost my virginity.
In general geek and nerd types are not really looked down on here in Scotland and since I am on the overly skinny branch rather than the overly fat one my meagre amount of charm is enough to win over most girls.

Good luck to you though.

>> No.547324

>Relying on your parents is like walking a tight rope.
My mother is deranged. She would like nothing better than for me to rely on her, so she could use me to satisfy her emotional needs. I've had enough of that, though. I'll work a minimum wage job until I die without reproducing, far away from her. That sort of life makes me happier than letting her into my head again. With that much accomplished, I'm at least free to dream up a better plan. I'm still hacking around the things she's done to me to keep me close to her, though. It's been a few years now. I hope her will lets me deal with her estate without returning home.

>> No.547325


Catcher in the Rye is an amazing book. Before I got dismissed from college I was a smartfag in HS. I loved my Language and Composition AP class (aka english ap). I love Shakespeare and stuff like that.

But ever since my power level went over 9000 I haven't been reading anything at all. Unless you count the Tsukihime vn.

>> No.547326

>2K per month on living expenses.
What the fuck are you doing?

>> No.547331


Oh yeah, forgot to say. I know how much my NEETness is going to last so I'm planning on getting some Es a month or two in the future.
You become a NEET because it's awesome, because you are socially retarded, or both. Either way, one day it ends, and you have to roll with the punches of the real world if you don't have a plan.

>> No.547332

I know you're probably not serious, but posts like these always make me nervous.

I'm not quite a NEET, but in terms of income, I dabble in the stock market; no human contact necessary. Also, I don't get bored because this is pretty much what I do for fun anyways.

>> No.547334


Well everyone's different. My mom still acts like a naive teenage girl. She's like a puppy that sometimes snaps at you, sometimes is really nice. But overall there's nothing I can do to make her hate me.

>> No.547338


I read it because high school made me. However because I resent being forced to do shit like that, I hated it even though I love reading. Ghost in the Shell made me consider rereading it. I've been trying to read some "classic" stuff but the combination of old English and prose in some things really puts me to sleep, like Shakespeare and Milton. I'm still fucking pissed off that wherefore means why, Shakespeare was a fucking troll.

>> No.547340

Rent+Food+Gas+misc other
I eat good steak or fish every meal. It adds up.

>> No.547341

Hey, Tsukihime is some long ass read if you think about it.

>> No.547344


Heh, I won't argue that. Shakespeare was an amazing troll.

If you want a nice short classic book, read The Awakening, by Kate Chopin. That book made me cry. It was amazing.

>> No.547346

I love Sonic, America's Drive-In.

If you do, spam 4chan to let everyone know.

>> No.547349

I wish I knew more about the stock market so I could do shit like that, I have money in the bank I could use I just don't have the first clue about how you go about those things.

>> No.547359

If you are a NEET with financial backing I guess it could be ok. But a hikikomori NEET is not a good thing. I guess I could be a NEET if I wanted to, my family is quite well off as my dad owns a mid sized business (so I could always work with him if I got bored).

I guess being a NEET isn't such a bad thing if you had a similar situation to mine. In fact I am thinking of becoming a NEET.

>> No.547363

Easiest book to analyze ever. I had a choice of two books out of a long list to do research papers out of and I chose The Awakening and A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, completely opposites in theme, difficulty of analysis, length, and anything else you can think of. I spent like a day and a half on reading The Awakening, researching some literary criticisms and then writing ten pages. The other book took me an entire month to sloth through and find a defensible thesis for.

If you're not a literature buff and looking for some decent works that won't bore you out of your skull, depending on your interests (and which books you weren't forced to read in High School or something) you might like Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut. Think Catch-22. Now take out the focus on bureaucracy and mix in a fat dose of satire and some brilliantly non-linear plot along with what passed for a sci-fi mindfuck in 1969.

Other books presently on my shelf's to-read/re-read:
Mao: The Unknown Story by Jung Chang and Jon Halliday
The Discoveries by Alan Lightman
On Liberty by John Stuart Mill
Ulysses by James Joyce (aka the greatest literary nothing that ever happened)

>> No.547366

Sometimes the signs are really obvious. I remember when google was still in its 100s and it was an a really attractive stock. I didn't really get into stocks back then though so I missed out on that gold mine.

>> No.547375

I'm >>547325

I read The Awakening in my freshman English class and it was pretty good. I really enjoyed discussing the books in that class, mostly because my professor was SO awesome. I tried to read some literature outside of class, but I got to the end and all I could think was "lol wut".

I'm too stupid for DEEP stuff, I guess.

>> No.547378

Definitely. I remember when GOOG was still in the 300s and arguing with someone who was saying "It's way overvalued and overhyped" and I countered "Yeah, but it's FUCKING GOOGLE and will probably end up twice what it is now before it ever goes down. Search your feelings, you know it be true!" etc.

>> No.547397

This is so far, a very rewarding thread /neet/.

>> No.547407

Threads like these are 80% of the reason I come to /jp/

15% Type-Moon
4% Touhou
1% Learnan Japanese

>> No.547409

What kind of profits do you make?
And where can I go to do this online?
There is a physical exchange in the city next to mine but I can't be bothered heading out there.

>> No.547410

I live off my parents but they really don't seem to mind so it's cool.

I don't really get bored of playin video games/watching anime/being a lazy hack, partly due to the fact that I'm so accustomed to these things.

However, I have made several plans towards my future (provided I don't fuck it up) I do plan to go to off college elsewhere and start working, eventually getting my own place ect...but seeing as to how I'm a hikikomori NEET...I doubt this'll come soon...

>> No.547414

>1% Learnan Japanese
lolwut ?

>> No.547424

The profits really vary and depends on how much you're investing. If you're considering it, you should read up on some basic investing literature and start out small, with a very diverse portfolio. Like, I said, I'm not exactly a NEET so I'm not really living on it entirely, but it takes experience and I do know some people who can make enough to sustain themselves.

Also, this site lets you do free trades.

>> No.547436

Thanks, I recently came into a little money when one of my great-uncles died, I was the only one in the family who got money and I got all £64k of his estates, it's all in a bank right now but I have been looking into taking £14k out and doing something with it.
As a NEET I have all the time in the world to read up on this crap, if I get good enough at it I might not even need to get a job.

>> No.547446

If you're looking into a real conservative long term investment, then you should just put your money into an index fund. Its usually not a good idea to just keep your money in the bank because it'll just get killed by inflation.

>> No.547455

What Anon said. Do a little research before you get involved. I also am not a NEET and do not focus on investment. It's just a nice side hobby that pulls in some cash off and on. Markets go up in the long run, and if you don't know quite what you're doing, keep it diverse and just try to know a little about what you are invested in. A little knowledge can go a long way. You'd be surprised how many people actually don't know what their money is in (see: securitization and the shithole it has gotten people into in the last year). Also if you're in Australia, don't EVER talk to a broker whatever you do (I know this sounds random, but trust me, due to the laws there it's a bad idea).

As I said, I don't know about living off it entirely, but it might make being a NEET a little more convincing to your parents, since you can surprise them time to time with a birthday present or something and be like "See, I can do shit for myself time to time." before you go back to walking the tightrope.

>> No.547461


What >>547424 said. Do a little research before you get involved. I also am not a NEET and do not focus on investment. It's just a nice side hobby that pulls in some cash off and on. Markets go up in the long run, and if you don't know quite what you're doing, keep it diverse and just try to know a little about what you are invested in. A little knowledge can go a long way. You'd be surprised how many people actually don't know what their money is in (see: securitization and the shithole it has gotten people into in the last year). Also if you're in Australia, don't EVER talk to a broker whatever you do (I know this sounds random, but trust me, due to the laws there it's a bad idea).

As I said, I don't know about living off it entirely, but it might make being a NEET a little more convincing to your parents, since you can surprise them time to time with a birthday present or something and be like "See, I can do shit for myself time to time." before you go back to walking the tightrope.

Also >>547446 makes a good point. But you should discover this quickly anyway when you do a little research.

>> No.547466

About £50k will be going into long term things such as index funds after I check things a bit more, I am not allowed to touch the money till sometime in December so right now I am just looking into what to do with it and trying to distance myself from my more stupid and money grubbing relatives.

>> No.547478


>> No.547514

Go be underage b& somewhere else and let us enjoy our coffee. gb2/a/.

>> No.547540

go be a normalfag somewhere else, because you're making being a hikkikomori and NEET a fucking TREND, it's a fucking disease you moron.

you consider being a social parasite healthy?, then you win the fucking Darwin award.

>> No.547552


How is being a NEET a disease? Corporations are part of your body now?

>> No.547559

I'm honestly hoping I can get a stay-at-home job with my accounting degree (finishing my sophomore year in under two weeks). I'm hesitant about diving into the working world, but I'm not so paralyzed with fear about it as some are. I figure I'll get a pretty decent-paying job, find a nice small apartment and pretty much live 90% of my non-working time in there dicking around.

The more I think about it, I'm not so terribly afraid of people, I'm more overly cautious about motives and shit like that. I let a lot of conversations die off because of a mix of apathy and not knowing what to say. I figure a job will let me get more socially acclimated so that even with the limited socialization I do will be at least somewhat more comfortable.

I don't have what it takes to be a NEET, I honestly feel guilty about leeching from my parents for college but they don't mind so long as I get good grades, which I do, and I use my knowledge to find a secure job. I'm rambling neither here nor there, so sage.

>> No.547562

1 thing about being neet is that it makes you realize how shitty is the world, girls only want money they only want someone with money then they want someone handsome, also you can see how the gov, religion sects, big companies, just want to control you, they say that is wrong if you dont work, but guess what when you work you become part of the system, just another shitty slave to make those bastards richier, is so powerful this shit that they make your family think that you are wrong in what you do, when they just want to brag about their SUPER cool son they have with a JOB

>> No.547566


Nothing too interesting. Just some text on Ancient Rome.

>> No.547565

What are all current NEETs reading?

I have just finished:

- Blood River: A Journey through Africa's Broken Heart. (lolniggers).
- Kwaidan (Hearn).
- The Story of the Stone Bk. 1
- Rubicon: The Triumph and Tragedy of the Roman Republic.
- Anabasis of Alexander (Arrian).

Currently Reading:
- A Thousand Splendid Suns.
- Monster (Manga).
- Suzumiya Haruhi Light Novels.
- From Dawn to Decadence.

>> No.547567


Stop trolling the good threads. Go start a Touhou shitstorm if you have to do something.

>> No.547570

If they are living off of their parents they arent' really a social 'parasite'. They are just a parasite to their parents.

>> No.547572

Tell me more. I did a BA and MA in Ancient History. I then started working for an investment bank but I have decided to become a NEET for some time to relax a bit.

>> No.547577

Haruhi novels
Memory things
Gantz (manga)
Argentinian history stuff

>> No.547581

Remembering the Kanji I

I tried to read Storm Thief by Chris Wooding, probably my favorite author. But after renewing it for 3 months from the library, I only got about 25% through it.

I have been working through Sherlock Holmes for a couple years. I have 2 books that contain every story written about him. If I remember correctly, I'm about 50% through the second book. I should start reading those again.

>> No.547584


Plain stuff: Some of Ovid's works like the Amores and Ars Amatoria, religious text, and basic history on the Roman imperial family.

They're for my women's studies class so I have to look for the "female experience" and stuff like that. Interesting bits here and there, but I'm just not in the mood to do anything really. Been feeling lazy lately.

>> No.547586

Sucks if you fuck up your hygiene.
I can't be say, 5 days without shaving and not feel like a piece of shit. Same goes with showering.
I have, however, long pretty femenine nails, they are awesome.

>> No.547593


Wait, who is who's clone here? I'm confused...I'm still me, right?

>> No.547591

Ahhh Ovid, I remember the Ars Amatoria.... lol.

>They're for my women's studies class so I have to look for the "female experience" and stuff like that.

Wait... wut? Why did you take women's studies?

They don't teach you shit like how Julia was a 'strong woman' and shit like that do they?

>> No.547598

I kinda sorta have a job but all I do is give delivery directions using google maps or mapquest to various foreign food resturaunts run by first generation immigrants. I live with my friend who pays for most of the substinence and I just buy anything nerd related

>> No.547601


It was one of the few classes still open and it fulfilled my general education requirements. And yes, the professor loves Julia.

>> No.547611

>And yes, the professor loves Julia.

I knew it! All women's studies is, is all the whores and reprobates out of the female class of history are 'strong women'. Irene was also a 'strong woman' according to one of my professors (middle ages module here) - Even though she epitomized cruelty and whorishness to the point where she'd blind her own son.

It is your duty as a man to stand up to feminist professors and say 'Julia was nothing more than a harlot who expected to be treated like a Princess, but could not even bring herself to behave in a manner befitting one'.

Next lecture you must do this!

>> No.547617


Haha. My next lecture is my finals so it's a little late for that.

>> No.547624


Ah, ok. I am interested. How does your Professor 'like' Julia, what is there to like about her? What does he/she say on the subject.

>> No.547647

Being a NEET seems like some bizzaro form of monasticism

>> No.547654
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>> No.547660




>> No.547664



>> No.547666


Well, pretty normal by /jp/ standars

>> No.547673

wtf is anon doing in a women's studies class? and what does picking up chicks at the circus teach you about "the female experience"

>Utque fit, in gremium pulvis si forte puellae
> Deciderit, digitis excutiendus erit:
>Etsi nullus erit pulvis, tamen excute nullum:
> Quaelibet officio causa sit apta tuo.

this sounds more like a lesson in sexual harassment

>> No.547692

Ovid was a normalfag.

>> No.547703


She mostly liked Julia's ability to exercise her sexual freedom which is a pretty common pattern in the lecture. Sexuality was described in two ways: feminine power or masculine invectives. If there was a lot of backlash to the women's sexuality, it would be due to the overactive paranoia of Roman men aka "loss of power over female sexuality = loss of status in the body politic. It was interesting in a way.

>> No.547705

what did they think about lucretia?

>> No.547708


Ovid wasn't being serious about it. It was supposedly some type of attack on the hypocrisy of Roman society.

>> No.547710

I had a Feminist Prof once for a Constructive Wiring course once. Her name was actually Ann Putnam, no less. I did not know this and was very geared up for the class, and decided to read the first topic book early by a few days. I read it all in one sitting, overnight, but by the morning I felt like utter shit and had a bad day. Why? The book was 240 pages of a little girl getting abused by her father and eventually raped. Then he gets away with it, and her mom still stays with him.

The class was beneficial to my writing in the end, but holy hell did I have to hold my tongue from lashing out at her choice of both reading material and, time to time, gender-biased analysis. The one time I did go off on a gender-oriented counter-argument with her was when she had us read The Chalice and The Blade. Holy fuck did I rip her a rhetorical new one there.

Also, she is a serious Hemingway scholar, apparently. I still don't quite grasp how that works since Hemingway was 1940s-1950s literary GAR.

>> No.547713


Not much thinking about that other than the concept of pudicitia and how fragile female social status was.

>> No.547715


>The book was 240 pages of a little girl getting abused by her father and eventually raped. Then he gets away with it, and her mom still stays with him.

/r/ name of book

>> No.547716

I had the head of the Gender Studies Dept. as Prof for a Constructive Wiring course once. Her name was actually Ann Putnam, no less. I did not know her status, was very geared up for the class, and decided to read the first topic book early by a few days. I read it all in one sitting, overnight, but by the morning I felt like utter shit and had a bad day. Why? The book was 240 pages of a little girl getting abused by her father and eventually raped. Then he gets away with it, and her mom still stays with him.

The class was beneficial to my writing in the end, but holy hell did I have to hold my tongue from lashing out at her choice of both reading material and, time to time, gender-biased analysis. The one time I did go off on a gender-oriented counter-argument with her was when she had us read The Chalice and The Blade. Holy fuck did I rip her a rhetorical new one there, mainly because that book goes off into the wild-blue-realm of self-contradiction after a solid chapter or two, claiming that if we worshiped a Goddess instead of a Judeo-Christian Male God, there would be no Nuclear War.

Also, she is a serious Hemingway scholar, apparently. I still don't quite grasp how that works since Hemingway was 1940s-1950s literary GAR.

>> No.547720

Sorry I deleted my post, a few sentences didn't make sense. The book is Bastard Out of Carolina. It was also made into a movie I believe, and she had us all watch it but I couldn't stand to. I'm not a violent person and that kind of shit messes me up inside... especially with little kids. Damn.

>> No.547718

That's absolute bullshit. Take it from someone who studied real history, there is no deep reason, Ovid just liked fucking around and was pretty good with poetic verse too. No underlying 'atack on hypocrisy'.

>She mostly liked Julia's ability to exercise her sexual freedom

You mean be a slut? She was a married woman. Why do all women like to be whores?

>> No.547719


>The book was 240 pages of a little girl getting abused by her father and eventually raped. Then he gets away with it, and her mom still stays with him.

/r/ name of book

>> No.547724
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>> No.547725


>You mean be a slut? She was a married woman. Why do all women like to be whores?

The same reason men liked meeting up with courtesans.

>> No.547727

ovid was just trolling augustus and his moralfaggotry

>> No.547730

You know, I think you are a woman.

Do you enjoy the idea of having no dignity and being a slut? Is it appetizing? What about Messalina? Was she a 'strong woman' too?

>> No.547734

was that one of claudius's shitty wives? the one who would visit brothels and sleep with random men?

>> No.547735

Augustus > Moral Degenerates.

>> No.547743

the treachery of everyone

>> No.547739


poor claudius, so ronery ;_;

Is there any greater constant in life than the treachery of women?

>> No.547742


>You know, I think you are a woman.
Silly, there's no girls on 4chan!

>What about Messalina?

>> No.547751


Are you fucking serious? Do you just listen to what the stupid professor of 'women's studies' who isn't even a historian tells you? Have you read the primary sources, can you even READ latin and greek? Messalina was a whore. I can't believe you women! What is wrong with you? Why do you like having no dignity? What is so appetizing about it?

>> No.547754

>Do you enjoy the idea of having no dignity and being a slut?
Meh, if it feels good, do it? I mean, sure /jp/ is all about the 2D, but there are enough people on 4chan who bawww about not getting any. /v/irgins and whatnot. You'd think that they would applaud a female who is doing better than they are, perhaps? Or be spiteful/jealous but hey, their loss?

I'm trying to recall what Georg Simmel had to say on flirtation, but it was quite interesting and relates to what you're saying about valuing a social construct of female dignity. However, he goes on to point out that valuing the purity of a female's virginity or monogamy is a characteristic not intrinsic to all societies. Also something about how even in less-developed societies where people mostly go naked, the prostitutes wear clothes.

>> No.547759


An elite woman has nothing better to do than whoring herself out at a brothel? Right...

Isn't it convenient that every time there's a strong woman, she turns out to be some raging whore.

>> No.547760

Undoubtedly, women are the source of betrayal by men as well. Bros before hos is not very strongly followed.

>> No.547761

>is a characteristic not intrinsic to all societies.

Yes. Obviously. Within developed societies it's pretty uniform though, pre-Christian Greece and Rome, the Confucian Far East, Classical India, Persia throughout ancient and middle ages (prior to the Islamization of that great civilization)....

If these liberals love undeveloped shitholes they are welcome to live there without our 'constrictive morality'.

>> No.547762

I shot my partner in cold blood. It was my mother's fault for giving birth to me. She was the source.
