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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5466980 No.5466980 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, /jp/. Let's get personal. What was your life like before you were exposed to otaku culture as opposed to now?

>> No.5466999

Pretty much the same.

>> No.5466997

well normal i guess

>> No.5467006

oh wow we never had a thread like this before. How original

>> No.5467005
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sure let me just write up a blog post to tell you about my life

>> No.5467002

I used to spend all my money on coke and all my friends were hipster scumbags. I was married to a whore who was having an affair with my so-called best friend.

Otaku culture has given me a place to escape from the unfriendly realities of life. I wouldn't change a thing. Except maybe where I live.

>> No.5467000

The same but far less entertaining.

>> No.5467004

I started posting on imageboard for autistic people.

>> No.5467007

i grow up fully exposed to acg
i do not know a life without otaku influence
all my peers are the same too

i wish for the next generation of westerners to experience the same thing

>> No.5467008

About the same.

>> No.5467010

Obligations to my parents, friends, girlfriend.

Basically, I had obligations everywhere.

Now I don't. Feels good man

>> No.5467015

>Let's get personal
>otaku culture

>> No.5467018

To be frank, shitty.
I like it better now

>> No.5467020


That sucks.

>> No.5467025

Finally we can flush out all the non-permalosers.

>> No.5467033

Why does he have a picture of a car as his desktop background? Is it some vain attempt to hide the fact that he's a giant weeaboo?

>> No.5467035

I never went outside and just played MMOs all day every day. Not much has changed.

>> No.5467044


>>implying the same 5 threads a day about Touhou, visual novels, flavor-of-the-month MMO, friendcircle meta and whatever board is raiding us today is somehow more original.

>> No.5467045

>otaku culture
>posts a picture of the room of a sports car fanatic

>> No.5467076


OP here.

>9k bishoujo but somehow a car fanatic? I don't know. Not my room. I don't own a nice camera or I would have posted it instead.

>> No.5467085

I was born an otaku bro, I collect any thing, and im a pack rat.

>> No.5467086

I like my life better than I did before I was exposed to all of this. I'm literally never bored.

>> No.5467096

Look to the left, there are two car models on a shelf.

>> No.5467104

Pretty much the same. I've never been socially well-adjusted.
Hell, if it weren't for eroge I'd probably be reading Star Trek fanfics or something.

>> No.5467111

>pack rat
Me too, man. I can't help it.

>> No.5467131

similar, except instead of animu porn i was looking for/drawing more regular cartoon porn.

i was also 12 and had no internet because back in the day there was only dialup which was goddamned expensive and internet was empty.

now i'm 27 and i still fap to cartoons, except now they're animu.

feels good, man.

>> No.5467143

"Otaku culture" helped me find meaning, purpose, and enjoyment in life.
It also made me a better person, who doesn't just go with the flow but strives to improve myself.
Not to mention, I learned to take it easy.

>> No.5467163
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I've been into it since I was a little kid, so hell if I know. I'm 26 now. It's like I never grew up!

And once I figured out how to use the internet at 10 years old it was all over.

>> No.5467206

Before I was exposed? This kind of thing has always been around me. If you want a time in my life when I wasn't exposed to otaku culture, it was when I was 7-10, and I was a pretty normal kid. I didn't have many friends, but the ones I had were nice. After that, things get blurry. I started disliking school around that age, and I remember overhearing my parents speaking to eachother and agreeing that it was disgusting that I had a girlfriend at 12. After I heard that, I spent more and more time in my room online, and eventually my friends stopped asking me to do things. Around the same time I started downloading jpop simply because I liked how it sounded. A few years later, I was kicked out of my house for dropping out of school. I was 16 at the time. I downloaded and watched anime for the first time in my life around then, at a relative's house. My first series was Azumanga Daioh, because of all of the images and references on old /b/. That's when things took a severe turn for the worse, or towards the better, depending on your point of view. I only stayed in that room, listening to jpop and watching anime. This lasted a few years atleast, until I was about 18 or 19, when /jp/ split from /a/ and my anime watching halved itself. I still do a lot of the same things like watching anime and listening almost exclusively to jpop.

I don't know why, but after browsing /jp/ exclusively since the beginning, I feel pride in being able to post here and be like everyone else. I like fitting into stereotypes like NEET and lolicon with you guys. I like sharing the same fetishes as you guys. Things seem to have gotten much better in my life now, even though nothing has really changed. I'm still unemployed with no education and no motivation to do anything in life.

>> No.5467234


Yeah, I watched Voltron and Robotech as it was aired in the US in the 80s and it blew my mind. The problem was that the episodes were always broadcast out of sequence so I was barely able to comprehend the storyline. I went to a Star Trek convention with my father when I turned 12 and found VHS bootlegs of the whole series and was pretty much hooked after that.

Still, I suppressed my power level for many years. I still rabidly devoured all the anime I could find but I got caught up in lame normalfag bullshit that led me to despair by the time I turned 30. So I skipped town and moved 400 miles away from everyone I ever knew and have pretty much indulged all my geekly pleasures since then in lieu of treacherous 3D relationships.

Feels better, man.

>> No.5467248

It was a lot lonelier without my /jp/ bros

>> No.5467246

I lived a meaningless life.
becoming an hard core otaku gave my life a meaning that is meaningless.

luckily im still skinny and socially ok.

>> No.5467275


Dude, at the end of the day life is all about perspective and if you're satisfied that's all that matters. Social status and financial gain are ideas imposed on us by the swine that have attempted to marginalize us all our lives. I'm not a NEET because I have responsibilities to other people that I care more about than I do myself. If I could get away with it, I would watch animus, read mangos, and play video games all day every day until I die. More power to you.

>> No.5467277

Pretty much the same, except I spent my time on RPGs rather than VNs/anime.

>> No.5467304

It sucked.

>> No.5467312

Lots of things, but the best things have been:

- Introduced me to Japanese music
- Which brought me back into music production
- Which got my tracks on Japanese compilation CD's
- Also taught me staying inside, is a much better lifestyle choice than being out in shithole, waste-of-space town I live in.

>> No.5467320


Same. I'm not a hikikomori or anything but I do tend to be reclusive. I have a lot of trouble trusting other human beings. On /jp/ it's a very commitment-free atmosphere that appeals to me a great deal because of my own hang ups. I try to be a positive force on this board. Don't get me wrong, I've given people my fair share of grief but rarely to members of the /jp/ community. I just intensely dislike the crap that leaks in here from other boards on 4chan.

>> No.5467347

I had less friends.

>> No.5467360

It was a lot worse than it is now.

>> No.5467367
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My initiation, so to speak, happened quite early, I am fairly certain that the very first image I masturbated to was that green-haired girl (Sakura? ) from Lovers ~Koi ni Ochitara~ (Apparently I discovered masturbation quite late. )

All I can remember from before I was introduced to VNs and such is that I liked dinosaurs.

Not much has changed. I still like dinosaurs.

>> No.5467377


>> No.5467386

That's cool, I'd love to see society collapse from everyone being like me.

>> No.5467387
File: 25 KB, 478x468, brofist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck yeah.

>> No.5467394


You say this like that's not unbelievably romantic.

>> No.5467423

I don't know, I was into "otaku culture" since gradeschool. Robotech and Sailor Moon and Akira and shit. I was buying raw manga (that I couldn't read then) even back like at age 10/11.

>> No.5467466

I only became interested in otaku culture relatively recently when I became a NEET 2.5 years ago.

Mostly because I was delving into unexplored hobbies to fill my huge amount of free time with.

>> No.5467496

I've been influenced since as far back as I can remember, but back then, I mostly watched western shows.
I feel that this lifestyle has given me so much. I wouldn't trade it for anything else. You get to read and somewhat experience a limitless amount of things without any penalty at all. I'm literally never bored, just like one anon in this thread.

>> No.5467822


So what did you do before you became NEET?

>> No.5467858

I have no regrets.
This is the only path.

I actually enjoy my life way more now compared to my past normal life.

>> No.5467889

I went to school and pretty much only did that. Life was pretty boring.

>> No.5467912

I used to listen to hip-hop, wear hoodies over baseball caps, get girls pregnant and then say I never met them, rap about how hard my life is, and tell people how little I gave a fuck.

>> No.5468044

Almost nothing but school and the occasional western video game in an effort to be as 'normal' as possible in the hopes of being less of an outcast.

I feel liberated now.

>> No.5468370



>> No.5468558

I used the internet a lot from 10 years on, before that I was weird but kinda socially inept and this one friend literally locked me in a closet while yet another friend wrote mean things they were dictating aloud into a journal which they shared with a new kid later on, who moved in across the street from me. Luckily, said new kid was one hell of a bro and told me about it (in front of the other two, hilariously) and both of them got mad and left. Their moms bitched at my mom about it but my mom blew them off hardcore and then me and the kid across the street were basically bros for life. Except we both moved within three years and haven't really spoken since. Lol military.

>> No.5468568

I literally don't care about any of your posts. Reported.

>> No.5468575

I don't remember what my life was like before I enjoyed otaku shit. I have had a very primal fascination with it since I was like six. But, before it became fully developed, it was more /v/ than /a/ or /jp/. That's about all I can say about that.

>> No.5468578

I don't know. I don't really remember it being much different though. Before anime was American cartoons, and I've always played video games.

However, upon discovering touhou last year, I've pretty much become obsessed with it. Playing the games, reading the doujins, even modding Oblivion to shoot danmaku (but then why not just play Touhou, derp). Not sure why Touhou is so different from regular anime, which is rather boring to me tbh.
