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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5464271 No.5464271 [Reply] [Original]


Come to WIZ and let us kick BRD and DOS' (/v/ and /m/) collective asses.

Latest auto-saged thread: >>5453850

>> No.5464277
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Archived threads containing useful discussion and tips.


>> No.5464303

Is it true that if you play 100 hours straight you turn into a robot girl yourself and are added as a new unit the week after?

>> No.5464326

damn guys invite to an clan, not a shitty one, name is Santino

>> No.5464367

Yup, that's how I turned into a Touhou.

>> No.5464542

No, that only happens if you charge over 100 dollars worth of cash shop money once the full version comes out.

>> No.5464552

Requesting guild invitation, IGN is Shao.

>> No.5464560

Hunting Stardusts. Berzelius doesn't want to share... Am I doing something wrong or is it just rare?

>> No.5464571
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WIZ's current strength is in firepower (Artillery, Air), its weakness is lack of melees. Here's tips for current games especially Union Wars:

LND: Protect your fellow Artillery. Never rush in except when you're sure you can score clean hits. Never go alone; group with AIR allies and strike enemies from flank or side, or help defend the frontline. Running away to fight another day makes a winner.

ART: Bazookas, missiles, and shiny Toyboxes and Sturbangers are fine as long as you stay behind and provide support, instead of rushing in to frontline and die in just seconds. Press TAB and coordinate your movement occasionally. When Jikun or stray melee is messing with your flank, disperse and gangbang; don't just stand under Power Spot. Stay alive.

Smaller Artillery units such as Lily Rain should stay mobile, spare your ammo and don't attack LNDs; instead you should pay attention to map, and chase and target AIR units only.

SUP: Prioritize on Repair Bits; keep your WB gauge full until someone requested for medic. Stay careful and useful.

General: Keep ammo refill for Artillery, wonder drug for Support's repair bits, and Parts repair in case anyone requested. Reserve wind and fire pillar to assault enemy's power point or to stay alive.

Our tactic is in defense. Attack together and when the situation is clear. Stay alive.

>> No.5464579

Tough getting a Shino Exroad Alpha. The melee speed's really nice for it.

>> No.5464638

rolled 3x gachapon....

got SHIT

>> No.5464644

breaking news.

>> No.5464675

The previous thread is still around for anyone who hasn't read it. My question in it didn't get answered though. What do you guys use for killing the bee I use a two shotgun, two sweeper, two misside toybox and a quadshotgun Crimrose. Also has anyone managed to solo a level 3? I only managed to get a bit more than half of its immense health off of it.

Try level 2s. I haven't killed level 2 that much since I mostly solo level 1 since it's quicker, but I've gotten 2 stardusts from level 2 kills. One of those stardusts was from my very first level 2 kill.

>> No.5464722

Making a stage-by-stage guide (especially on caves/powerspots to barrier and hog) would be nice too.

>> No.5464752

Ah, thanks. Gonna go try that now.

>> No.5464759

Friend add Namae in ch3 lobby, ill send you an invite after. There are lots of people I can kick for long inactivity now.

>> No.5464768
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>> No.5464770
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Just rolled gara #3 a whole bunch. Got a bunch of weapons and garulabirds.

>> No.5464777

If you're WIZ and you got into random map, pray.

>> No.5464779

They drop in arena two, I got my first two from BEEEEZ before ever seeing a Stardust in an arena, now I have 6 or something. Odd luck there.

>> No.5464783

Can someone recommend me a list of wide-hitting melee weapons (non-gara)? Thanks.

>> No.5464803
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>> No.5464839
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Sorry but Shino is clearly superior. And also, she is FLAT.

>> No.5464857

Metal Slayer is decent (the katanah).

>> No.5464862

FFFFFFFFFFFFF can someone gift this for me? I'd rather use this over a crimrose, but all my money from the events has dried up.

>> No.5464874

So anyone found a way to private host?

>> No.5464879

Broad sword is pretty good overall.

>> No.5464887

And I barely made 20k from the event. I have 38k right now, should I spend 8k on garapon to try to get a Paralyzer and buy a regular Seraph promotion or should I save my money for a fabulous promotion?

>> No.5465334

I like the paralyzer. A lot.

>> No.5465461
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Just curious, how few players do you have to have in an arena for the game to add AI bots? I already knew that in a nearly full game it just upscales stats for the smaller team. Joined a DOS vs WIZ right before the tree event last night and I was basically the only human player on DOS (might have been an inactive rank 0 or something too) versus 5 or 6 WIZ players; had a horde of AIs on my side and a couple on WIZ. We lost but I finished with by far the top score, and one of our AIs got the melee award.

Was pretty funny, it was total chaos once the AIs made it to the front line... which took quite a while as they crawled forward getting distracted by every tree along the way, leaving my crim to get gangbanged at our power spot. Worked out fine since I just spammed with Lily the rest of the way and everyone seemed too busy killing AI bots to come after me.

>> No.5465971

hold on a second.

By AI in arena you mean the summoned bots? Those are items you use and you can get them off trees or other things like that during the arena.

>> No.5466003

Not sure what the conditions are, but those bots are pretty damn good too when they do show up. I remember we lost in an arena battle with like 2 players and 5 bots when I was much lower rank. They tore us apart.

>> No.5466030
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You guys are worse than wowfags.

Enjoy your carrot on a stick. Or should I say shit on a shit.

>> No.5466080


Yeah, a pity they can't be spend their time on something productive like you clearly do.

>> No.5466270

What if... I'm a wowfag AND CBfag?

>> No.5466618

please upload you CS2 file for that.

>> No.5466651

Now that there's more kawaii uguu~ melee robots, more WIZ will probably play those now

>> No.5466968
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I really like this bot from the 3rd garapon.

>> No.5466995

I just got her. How do you use her?

>> No.5467105

What should I use for Lily Rain? Just got her through garapon and I have an ancient bazooka.

>> No.5467287

If cost is an issue, use a handy bazooka alongside.
If not, you can always go rambo with double Ancient Bazooka, but your cost margin will suffer a lot (for instance, at lvl5 with 4 core and blast guard, her cost is 1040/1040)

I would suggest you to use only 1 ancient bazooka, and use any light secondary weapon you see fit (a burner or something)

>> No.5467444

Is there a difference between rank E and D games?

>> No.5467463

D = higher level

I suppose?

>> No.5467590

I use 1 raid rifle and 1 viper shield on mine, I tend to do fairly well, but she needs to be played pretty defensively for this to work. I use short boost for this defensive purpose.

>> No.5468032

I do find it kinda amusing that if you use the Crimrose legs she's actually shorter than S-sized humanoid robots. I dunno if there is any good L-sized weaponry for her, though.

...Is there any point to the ______ Girls? For being pretty uncustomizable, they're all rather expensive cost-wise.

>> No.5468297

They're just meant to be cute female versions of several robots. They can be used to have truly nude skins.

Also santa destructor girl has a decent cost since she's without her integrated weapon. Slow as shit though.

>> No.5468676
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Because you can do stuff like this. Though it still needs some work.

>> No.5468828 [DELETED] 

What is so very wr-here did you get double bows? I want double bows.

>> No.5468836

That is so very wr-here did you get double bows? I want double bows.

>> No.5469617
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Ah yeah, not sure what to do with the breasts though.

>> No.5469627

That new boss is some bullshit. I wouldn't recommend slow moving mechs like toyboxes.

>> No.5469636

Is the new boss at least vaguely interesting to fight, unlike that stupid bee?

>> No.5469668


It might be fun to go through once or twice. The stages when you collect treasure are horrible though. I don't think the exp is any better either.

>> No.5469695

I found it hard to get the shading gradients right, so I just kind of gave up worrying about it and left it as 2 solid colors smashing into each other.

Probably a mission or arena reward, don't remember ;_;

>> No.5469702

3 slots in each and every part.

>> No.5469736

3rd Garapon?

Brb, replaying CB

>> No.5469742

I would like a guild invite if you guys can, IGN is Redux. Could use some help with the workings of the game. Thanks to any bro that can give me some tips.

>> No.5469836

Congratulations Hotglue for placing in all 4 missions

>> No.5469864

Are there any slots in Hotglue? Who do I have to ask for an invite?

>> No.5470059

Are you guys still in channel 2?

>> No.5470184

We didn't even know there was an event, we were just clearing them for fun and accidentally won the contest.

>>5469742 >>5469864
Friend add Namae if you see me, I'll invite you.

Back to Ch 3 now.

>> No.5470268

Were fighting GMs in Shuffle.

>> No.5470276

what channel?

>> No.5470290

oh yeah that's right channel doesn't matter for arena, nevermind

>> No.5470357


I want to join too but I'm dos. Is it possible?

>> No.5470541

What's the better upgrade for Crimrose, quick land or sniper sight?

>> No.5470577



>> No.5470599

Thanks anon. Ok, sniper it is then.

>> No.5470656

don't want to be a devil's advocate, but it really depends on what you use that crimrose for.
quick land eliminates the pause when you hit the ground. if you are a front-line stun gun crimrose / melee killer it is quite good, especially if you haven't tanked your walk stat.
sniper is good if you like to bait and attack lone units, or abuse your height advantage.
neither are must haves, quick jump outclasses them both.

>> No.5470686

Hey /jp/ i hear /a/ carries WiZ to victory? See you over in our board.

>> No.5470856

>See you over in our board
We're fine here, thanks.

>> No.5471441
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That's right, 82% lose rate.

>> No.5471473
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Am I doing this right?

>> No.5471474


Thats actually my favorite map.

>> No.5472328

>Hey /jp/ i hear zombie, gaijin, pigface & muscat carry WiZ to victory.
Fixed for you.

>> No.5472496

I miss GoldIron.

>> No.5473643
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>> No.5473673

So.. has anything seen Rina's "Dog" ?

>> No.5473710

Can someone tell me how to take the camera off of from behind the character?

>> No.5473718

Try alt+c, alt+v, alt+b. Either those or ctrl+

>> No.5473765

Although its a part of the game, is anyone else tired of the cross-faction faggotry? This is why I mostly play shuffle now as you can play with and against all the good players.

I wish they put that clan vs. clan rooms or something in there, so at least we can once and for all have our fights among the boards here.

>> No.5473769


we've had a match of 5v5 vs /m/ before, just ask the clan and then create a team battle game on the arena.

>> No.5473781

Just started playing this a couple days ago and it's actually pretty fun. Thanks /jp/.

One problem though. The game runs great for the most part except for the menus. When I try to go to the garage or shop, it can take upwards of 30 seconds to actually get to the menu. Which is baffling because I get no slowdown even during 15 v 15 matches. Anyone else having this problem?

>> No.5473784

Union wars require you to do teamwork with random quality players, which might consist of circle-rank beginners to idiots. Rather than put up with them, just play Shuffle; that's why some of the best players and challenge are in Shuffle.

Union wars are also about streak. You either win or lose 5+ games at once, and that might be frustrating.

How do you ask the clan?

>> No.5473790

I think that's just a part of the horribly coded game which has interface connected to a different server somehow.

If that's not it, I get that problem too.

>> No.5473806


Menu loading time is one of the issue the GMs are currently addressing. http://www.cosmicbreak.com/commu/?m=pc&a=page_fh_diary&target_c_diary_id=310

>> No.5473808


Every clan member has access to clan-chat which all other clan members can see. Just get your guys together and ask a member of whoever you want to play vs

>> No.5473830


I'm probably one of those guys that have been dragging you down. Still trying to get a hang of the game and unfortunately can't do the the beginner arena anymore.

Anyone have any recommendations for a Crimrose build for a relatively new player? I was dominating matches in the beginner ranks but as soon as I started encountering artillery that actually knew what they were doing I tend to get raped with missile spam. It wouldn't be so bad, except I do such pitiful damage at such a pitiful range that its hard to get in enough damage to get a positive score.

Right now I'm using a Crimrose with 2 booster joints, a plasma gun and a beam rifle for range. She's level 6 and so far but one of her cards are for cost expansion. I chose the ground flying card for my most recent and instantly regretted it, so I might just reset her.

>> No.5473887


What is your fly? You should at least have 18 ish of it.

Shoot people who are already occupied with shooting other people. Fly away/to your team/behind cover when you see orange being targeted warning mark.

Avoid being targeted/spotted by being at odd places. Flank / air high above works.

Kill trees/dicks/cactus to get items to troll opponent team with.

Choose and use your wonder bit WISELY.

>> No.5473917

That's exactly what I experienced too, as another crim player once you're out of the newbie arena's its like a totally (missiles and bazookas EVERYWHERE) game. I can manage to get top 5 consistently in 30v30 now so they're by no means underpowered.

Those ground dash abilities for the most part are useless; you shouldn't be doing all your fighting in the air. Get the 7-day air loop ability in the shop, its great for dodging missiles, escaping and getting to higher ground. Artillery is supposed to counter us, as missiles and bazooka's do more than double their dmg vs. air. Rather than face them head on, you should try to surprise with a quick fly in, do as much damage as you can before them noticing, and then fly out, rinse and repeat. All the stealth upgrades are great for this reason so they don't notice you.

>> No.5473929

*should be doing all your fighting in the air

>> No.5473998

Sneaky sneaky sneaky. That's the way most air get high scores, being sneaky. For me all I do is hunt around the back of my own side's line in order to find and destroy the air units that come in from the back. It's how I counter YOU but don't let it stop you, a lot of people in this game are dumb.

You also do more damage vs LND units so you can also fly around near your allies waiting for the Jikans to come in trying to kill your heavy artilleries and harrass them till they die.

>> No.5474098


Thanks for the advice. Now, the other problem I have is getting stun locked or forced to the ground by stray shots. Is this just normal for Crimsrose, or should I be pumping my TGH up?

>> No.5474114

So, can anyone tell me when the next "shoot trees=50k money" event is? and how to actually participate and get alot of money?

>> No.5474199

There's a popular weapon called Paralyzer that has a chance to stun on hit, so when someone is chasing after you with that thing you better turn 360 degrees and walk away. It's bullets look like yellow electrified balls. Other than that some sniper weapons like core breaker make you fall pretty easily.

Paralyzer stun proc makes anyone fall regardless of TGH, so its not really worth trying to pump that stat. Focus on stacking fly so you're harder to hit.

>> No.5474202

It is normal for crimrose, or rather: most S units.
Never tried to stack up tgh, considering how this kind of items are rather scarce, or heavy in term of cost budget.
I personally think you should rather have a big chunk of FLY so you can avoid anything coming at you.

Next event is tonight, at 7:00PM to 8:00PM PSD. Always check the website news, they update these pretty often:

You just have to go to channel 3, and enter in the area where they spawn trees.
You better have a good AOE robots with decent dmg/ammo, because you really have to spam like mad to get the loot.

Also, don't expect a big surge of cash: trees either drop chest that worth 5K, or bag worth 1K.
So you better have to destroy any tree you can spot.

Finally, the cash you got IS affected by UC ticket.

>> No.5474223


If your character kind of spins around and shakes from the stun, then someone either hit you with a missile or or paralyzer shot. Otherwise, not really. I'm doing fine with 8 tgh, you're just not supposed to get shot at in the first place.

>> No.5474248


Shit, what kind of weapons do I need? I'm currently fucking poor and I only have bazookas and flamethrowers.

>> No.5474250


Btw does anyone knows how to use Pacifar best? He got two wings with built-in beam guns, and extra two slots for weapons.

>> No.5474252

If you have below 10 TGH (or 10 of any stat) there is a significant penalty to the related effects. In this case, stunning is the one of concern.

And yeah, like other people said, S AIR is not an assault bot, it's a harassing bot. Use your height, speed, and radar advantages to harass players while dealing out decent damage.

If you ever top the damage boards as a S AIR, the other players are doing something wrong. That said, you can still get in the top 10, or even 1st, if you balance your caution and harassment right.

>> No.5474273

What kind of robots do you have?
I personally think that Shotguns / Bazooka works wonder.
That being said, I really don't suggest double Ancient Bazooka combo, unless your robot has an indecent TEC (I say that, because my lily rain basically ran out of ammo within only 3 minutes of a given area, so was a sitting duck until Tempura spawned trees in the next area)

You can also use Jikun or any strong melee LND, and use something like Slash Blade or Dagger (or both, never tried that out).
Actually, I think using melee is much more effective, albeit much more risky (you eat tonshit of friendly fire damage, to the point you can die).

>> No.5474354

You are talking about S Air right?
Here are some great weapons for it
1) Paralyzer
2) Auto beam rifle
3) Blaster
4) Wide beam gun
5) Limited plasma gun

Pretty sure there are cheaper guns that almost do as much damage so just use whatever you can fit on the crimrose. Don't feel like dual wielding? Put a viper shield on your second arm.
Here is the trick.
1) Watch your boost and your radar.
2) Fly from high ground if your fly stat isn't high enough.
3) Avoid arties unless you are sure you can kill them
4) Shoot and harass and run back/for cover when your boost is finishing (Get the skill that let you recharge boost faster)
5) Rinse and repeat and also aim for the single solo LND unit that are usually raping your team powerspot/arties.

>> No.5474382

3 way beam gun is quite excellent as well if you have a decent FLY stats.
It is even more ridiculous when you have Seraph using the infinite boost and starting showering a pack, without worrying being hit.

>> No.5474398

I don't know. I use sniper sight and 3 way beam gun gives away my position so I don't like it. I am going with paralyzer and auto beam rifle at the moment. My crimrose is still only lvl9 so it will be sometimes before i get my seraph.

>> No.5474439


What level do you have to be for Seraph? The item that does the change says that you have to be a certain level, but the actual number is omitted.

>> No.5474456

I'm quite jealous of infinite boost, while playing as my Mecha Jetter Girl ;_;

At least I can look like a slut.

>> No.5474471


Infinite boost as in, doesn't run out no matter what? Or is it some kind of activated ability?

>> No.5474473

lvl8 but if you promote her at lvl10 you get more hp and cost capacity.

>> No.5474567

Activate Ability, this is part of Seraph core ability (that and that useless Seraph Loop).

Wings of Light is an ability found in the sub-weapons category, with only 1 ammo.
When you activate it, Seraph makes a loop, and her wings are deployed. For roughly 25 seconds, your Boost Gauge doesn't deplete no matter what. When there is 10 seconds left, your boost gauge start running low, showing when the ability duration is about to fade off (no matter if you have full or depleted boost gauge before activating it, you will run dry when it is finished).

This ability can be improved by the enhance internal weapon cartridge, increasing the ammo by 1 for each cartridge insalled on seraph.

>> No.5474581

to be precise: you gain 10 HP and 30 cost for each extra level.
While the HP gain is ludicrous, gaining 60 cost can change a lot of things regarding Seraph gear and cartridge.

>> No.5475674

So does Fractulus drop anything new or does he just drop the same stuff as the bee?

>> No.5475915

Got a Thunder Rod, it can hit without line of sight.

Hiding inside caves/behind walls with Sniper Sight is awesome. Finally found a weapon I don't suck with.

>> No.5476137

Looks like MoD can't play this game for shit.

>> No.5476754

Thunder Rod? I have a Fire Rod from garapon. Where did you get your Thunder?

>> No.5476803

Likewise, Garapon.

>> No.5476848

What do I do with a Lily Rain? I'm basically just going around, raining Bazooka shots on AIR units. It's going okay, but sneaky LND units frequently keep me in stun and finish me in a few seconds, though.

>> No.5476864

Get a few AIR/LND pals to beam/melee back. Teamwork looks like it'd be nice in this game, too bad you don't really choose who you team up with.

>> No.5476873

Alright. I'll stay closer to teammates, then. Also, who do I ask for a clan invite?

>> No.5476884

Anyone having problems logging in? I'm stuck on loading screens.

>> No.5476934
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Haven't played too long but here's my Crimrose.

>> No.5476973

Is there a free alternative to Air Loop for once beta ends? Air will be somewhat disadvantaged without it.

>> No.5477015

LND and ART will also lose their slash blades and missile rains, SUP will no longer have fast-charging repair bits. Fair trade.

>> No.5477020

Pump up your FLY stat by changing parts and tuning them up so you can fly away when melee or anything else tries to hit you. I switched out her arms for Crimrose arms and booster for Maril's. When you're flying away, keep shooting at them until they kill you or attack someone else, then L+R click fire them.

>> No.5477031

Less Macross type missile spam though, at least for a few weeks until everyone either saves up the money or pays for it.

>> No.5477204

I use raid rifle and viper shield on mine, and only use her core weapon as backup or when I'm sitting on a power point for bulletspam.

When you play a S ART, you really need to keep an eye on your surroundings. When you're learning the ropes, I'd recommend you keep teammates on at least one or two of your sides so you have a quick escape option, as well a direction that enemies probably won't come from.

Also note that some enemies will be invisible to radar, hence relying on one of your directions as being a clump of allies is a decent defensive measure.

>> No.5477334

What are you trying to say? It goes through walls?

>> No.5477348
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>Air will be somewhat disadvantaged without it.
Seriously? I never brought it or tried it, but I rack 1.5k-1.8k damage per game on my S Air. I don't know if anyone actually needs it.

>> No.5477373
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Same, I use Thorla Nimbus, Lily Rain, and Winberrl and do just fine without any special features.

>> No.5477379

Jesus, what's with that cost?

>> No.5477431

I saw some bot doing 40 dmg per shot with a friggin machinegun that shoots fast and quick. Fucking ridiculous

>> No.5477437

Anyone want to do a run of the new boss?

>> No.5477494


I've seen a cap of that seraph's stats on here before, so I'm not surprised you do well without any special upgrades. I'm also assuming that you actually know how to play. I'm not so good and end up surrounded by artillery pretty often and Air Loop helps a lot with escaping.

>> No.5477525

What's good legs on a Lily Rain?

>> No.5477534

What (wide-hitting?) melee weapons do you recommend on a Hound Dog/Red Squealer or on a Misty Hollow?

>> No.5477653

Slash blade, as if you need to ask. Garapon 1...

>> No.5478314
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Finally after 50k spent.

>> No.5478365

Just finished my first tree event. Holy shit that was laggy. Loading one of the areas took me 8 minutes, and while I was loading the GM killed my Crimrose whom I had outfitted with shotguns especially for the event. Then the game crashed and I had to reload for another 5 minutes.

To be honest, I'm not even sure how I managed to get anything at all. People were spamming artillery so much that at one point I saw an entire row of trees evaporate instantly.

But, in the end, made about 220,000 UC. Feels good man.

>> No.5478402

It's funny because misty is pretty useless.

>> No.5478420

I rolled her twice, just for her arms.

>> No.5478444

why not buy the shop one? It has more strength with less tgh hardly a noticeable difference. only real difference is the hair.

>> No.5478462

Went in with 30k, came out with 900k. Feels amazing, man. Here's what I did

Stack blasters, fly around for trees nobody else attacks. Use UCx3.

>> No.5478481

Is the GM drunk again or does he have mental issues?

>> No.5478493 [DELETED] 


chRIsBEAr_PoOlTaRD,_rEmOve yOUR cLoWN of: HTTp://TiNyUrl.COM/3aXVe5D aixg cv wxx iawosg fm eva t l dezjvpzzi

>> No.5478516


>> No.5478550


A little of column A; a little of column B

>> No.5478565


After my Crimrose was destroyed, I had a backup bot with a blaster. Spamming that and my wonder-bit was enough to muscle in. I took about 200hp worth of friendly fire damage though.

>> No.5478648

Same here. I'm kind of glad Tempura had to kill us all, since my first bot wasn't working out as planned.

>> No.5478693
File: 101 KB, 800x600, cosmic 2010-06-26 00-19-01-90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any1 tried shaden with 2 of his bs? I was wondering whether or not you move twice as fast or just his normal fast with on of his bs.

>> No.5478699

I find it hilarious that the GMs sound like my friend when he was trying to figure out how to get his Ragnarok private server to work. Should we be worried?

>> No.5478754

The boosters work in series: Once one is burnt out and ejected the second starts. Once the second is burnt out and ejected you're left with the standard booster.

>> No.5478797

What a dangerous bs.

>> No.5478854

I think I am far more entertained by them singing than I should rightly be.

>> No.5478877

fucking event, I got nothing

>> No.5478882 [DELETED] 


Yeah. I don't see why they just increase the rates for an hour, for everyone, instead of having laggy as fuck events.

>> No.5478891


Yeah. I don't see why they don't increase the rates for an hour for everyone, instead of having laggy as fuck events.

>> No.5478916 [DELETED] 

For the purpose of science, to stress test their servers, and give the GMs something to do while they're drunk. Did I forget the GMs are drunk? I'm sure I did.

>> No.5478927

For the purpose of science, to stress test their servers, and give the GMs something to do while they're drunk. Did I forget to mention that the GMs are drunk? I'm sure I did.

>> No.5478987

GM Gorilla = listening to him makes my IQ drops ten points per hour. Also he's a dick.

>> No.5479007
File: 43 KB, 800x600, cosmic 2010-06-26 01-07-48-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These wings are pretty adorable.

>> No.5479071


Just got something like 25+ bots from the Garapon. My garage is absolutely filled with parts from junked robots now. Despite how awesome that feels, I'm still inclined to agree with you. Though the event wouldn't be so bad if they had just spread out the trees a bit. Having them all in a clump is just asking for artillery to just destroy them all and rob other people of even the faintest chance of getting anything. The only reason I got anything at all is I lucked out.

It doesn't help that they don't seem to know how to operate their own server, so yeah. Pretty damn unprofessional. That said I'll probably keep playing once beta is over, as long as the cash shop isn't completely and utterly retarded.

>> No.5479144

I muted the GMs instantly.

There's is no need to listen to their shit.

>> No.5479240

These GMs are really annoying, jesus fuck

>> No.5479253

I hope there's no GM corruption, look at the fiasco at EVE.

>> No.5479291

what GM corruption?

>> No.5479294

Black mist is high tier.

>> No.5479303 [DELETED] 


chrisbeAR POOLtARD,_remoVe_yOur ClowN_Of:_HTtp://tInyUrl.COm/3AXVe5d l vil lfy rnrn ulf tu vur zvenep g ylaf

>> No.5479391

>kick her in the face with my S LND
>body slam her with my Seraph

>> No.5479581

Reported for complaining about moderation.

>> No.5479607


lol wut

>> No.5479748

GMs secretly giving out items to certain people, banning people for poor reasons, etc.

>> No.5479753

The GMs seem to be more about stammering drunkenly about breasts and not knowing how to run a proper event.

>> No.5479786

Honestly I like this game the way it is. It's entirely populated by 4chan, GMs are huge trolls, scoring is completely random, and every day is some silly party.

>> No.5479793

I wouldn't mind if the events didn't lag things up so ridiculously bad, though.

>> No.5479807

People I know joined DOS before I knew WIZ was /jp/


>> No.5479819

DOS has /m/ which is a pretty decent group of people. It also has /tg/ I think. You could go look for the thread on /m/ if you want to look into joining one of their groups.

>> No.5479820

Gee there aren't any threads on /tg/ or /toy/ or /v/.

>> No.5479821

I hope at least some other 4channers stick around after the beta is over...

>> No.5479858

He also sucks dick I beat his seraph crimrose with my regular crim attached with - 2 fly leg lasers

>> No.5479859


This. And to be honest, while the game is actually pretty fun, I don't see it getting a sudden massive surge in popularity. Especially if its only got a tiny population in it's free beta phase.

>> No.5479875

most normal gamers probably won't play this game because "ZOMG TEH GRAFIX LOOK LIEK THEY'RE FRUM TEH N64 DURRRR"

>> No.5479879

Haha yeah, and the tree event still destroys the server with the fairly low game population.

>> No.5479889

;_;, should we migrate to grorious nippon's servers?

>> No.5479900


Its sad that people think this way, because to be honest I actually like the graphics how they are. Really helps the capsule toy feel they were going for.

In any case, it works out better for us because we don't have to deal with quite as many idiots, and we can just pretty much fuck around. I just hope they make enough money off of it to keep it up and running.

>> No.5479952

Dear Jikun Hu,

Hack less

-Lily Rain

>> No.5479974

The servers are half filled with 500 people. I think the game can only hold 3k anyway. Hardly expected to be a huge success.

>> No.5479977

/r/ Cosmic Break Girls by Illusion

>> No.5479980


Dear Lily Rain,

Fly more


>> No.5480003
File: 627 KB, 1024x1280, 1a73367c49cbea3685eb7aba7cfeb620476d7f9e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /jp/,

I sucks when I play some vidya, but I love Lily Rain.

Should I try this game?

>> No.5480007

Dear Crimrose

Stop flying 100 yards directly above me while still shooting me


>> No.5480009

/jp/ strangely doesn't spend a lot of time posting images of that CB mod for CG3D or whatever.

>> No.5480087
File: 341 KB, 800x600, 1277132426641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5480132

Dear Seraph even if you have 2 light wings you still won't out run my 10 propeller bits.

Love Crimrose B.

>> No.5480164

Dear flying units

Sorry for raping you all so hard

-Destructor Girl

>> No.5480169
File: 110 KB, 600x600, gonna violate you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.5480226

What lions? The wolves or something else?

>> No.5480231

Hey Destructor Girl



>> No.5480235
File: 58 KB, 720x821, zetaviolate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, those retarded wolf things that have a melee flip on demand that sends them flying across the map and even shoots a melee beam out.

>> No.5480251
File: 232 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20100626_0115_54_544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kampfer and I mad. I'm going to sleep.

>> No.5480278
File: 128 KB, 1000x835, KotoCommandWolfAC_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean the garapon one right? The store one just does a Blade Liger imitation.

Are there any large non-humans arms similar to Ghost Raider's that I can put on a LND type?

>> No.5480291

I was surprised I got 5th place in there, considering everyone was busy getting destroyed and not defending the point properly.

Oh, and hurricane-item-ing their own teammates to the enemy's power point.

>> No.5480459

I love that hurricane item. That and fire bomb to use when the enemy is healing is God tier trolling.

>> No.5480477


Dear Toybox,

Try moving away from the powerspot for once.

- Hound Dog.

>> No.5480729

So... are /jp/ and /a/ on good terms with one another since both are WIZ?

>> No.5480922



>> No.5481036

Requesting clan invitation, name is Schro.

>> No.5481069

I saw a school swimsuit skin for crimrose

Where do I find this?

>> No.5481083
File: 2 KB, 128x128, Crimsuit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5481090


My thanks

>> No.5481270

Botglue here I don't see you in channel 3...

>> No.5481300

Theres a really awesome skumizu skin for Zero Saber Girl...

>> No.5481333

The attack is a thunderbolt dropping on the enemy (bolt is decently fast, attack speed is quite slow though. ) It hits from above, so you can aim from the other side of a wall and hit with impunity.

The weakness is that it doesn't hit anyone under anything, any sort of terrain above blocks the bolt.

>> No.5481346

I've been getting higher on the leaderboards ever since I enacted the Not Dying Act (NDA). It's like that's all you really need to be top 10.

>> No.5481349

What's that?

>> No.5481359

If I never die and get three kills, I get like 500 points and rank 25 out of 30. Meanwhile someone dies like 10 times, gets 2 kills, and is number 1.

>> No.5481378

That's mostly take a flyer, give it one of those bigger beam shotguns and a goofy sidearm, do some occasional damage, then camp the trees/power spot once you run out of shotgun blasts. I wish I had more bullets.

Also not die.

>> No.5481404

Has anyone seen that Murasame Liger skin for Hatigarm?

I realll wanna mod one into a Liger but I'm really bad at the polygon edit.

>> No.5481463

Wtf... i'm getting a critical error.

Is anyone having the same issue right now?

>> No.5481466

Yeah me too.

>> No.5481468

That's because this game counts Damage instead of Frags (kills) for ranking. Killing double star to crown players also net you the big Contribution.

>> No.5481478
File: 115 KB, 1026x770, bird vs skynet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought /jp/ was with DOS.


>> No.5481480

Same here.. suddenly crashed in an arena match and I get this error when i login

>> No.5481482

Got kicked off right when we were about to win. I also get critical error if I try to log in.

Chisame sucks

>> No.5481484
File: 100 KB, 796x597, goodthingifoundthishpupgrade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hm, I dunno what to say.

>> No.5481485

I was in a middle of a quest when it happened to me (see the bird picture).
Hmm what happened?

>> No.5481493

finally got in. it seems channel 1 is dead

>> No.5481496

So, that leaves server 3 as the only server to never die in the beta?

>> No.5481497

huh? did channel 2 got ever nuked?
Pretty sure channel 3 did, as it was even taken out at some point, it just got back recently (like 2 days ago)

>> No.5481499 [DELETED] 


Looks like Channel 01 crashed?

>> No.5481506

Sorry I'm in now, was in shower and then playing imperishable night.

>> No.5481514

I need members for fractulus quest ch3.

>> No.5481521

I read that as "was in shower playing imperishable night."

That beats my feat of playing MoF with feet. I'll 1cc it one day, but Stage 5 is all I can do so far.

>> No.5481567

Chisame likes to play around instead of getting srsbsnss and rank. It's his way of having fun I suppose.

>> No.5481574

Is cost just the damage you take or is there more to it than that? And how do people get around with 0 cost?

>> No.5481580

Server #2 hosting channel 2 was the first that died. Afterwards server #3 became channel 2. When server #2 came back a few days ago, server #3 became channel 3 again.

>> No.5481588
File: 25 KB, 440x394, notthisshitagain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dear Toybox,
>Try moving

>> No.5481594

Cost is applied when your robot blows up. It's based on the make and model of your robot and may or may not also be based on your current placing in the battle (which is why you sometimes see higher and lower numbers than the Garage cost when a robot gets destroyed).

>> No.5481595

Does anybody know what the stars above your name mean? I know it increases your cost when you die but does it mean anything else?

>> No.5481611

IIRC in 30-players match, one star means you're currently at top-15, two stars top-10, three stars top-5, and crown first rank. When you die, the cost subtracts from your overall Score and that's why you will lose few star if you have.

>> No.5481615


stars shows your placement and value. 1star = top 15, 2 star 10, tri star 5, crown 1, killing people with more stars nets you more score.

>> No.5481629

It means you're doing pretty well on the arena. More stars: getting better. Then it's replaced by a crown when you pretty much wreck everything you see.

>> No.5481839
File: 651 KB, 1280x1024, ScreenShot_20100622_0920_20_389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never said I was good, just average.

>> No.5481870

Is Chisame the Chisame we all know and love?

>> No.5481896

hmmn why don't you check?

>> No.5481927

I see.
Also, was browsing thru.
Haha oh wow.

>> No.5481938

omg its Chisame!

>> No.5482044

So I heard you like NTR? fap fap fap

>> No.5482045


I've been in a few matches where this hasn't held. I just assumed it was random like score, exp, and everything else in this game.

>> No.5482072

So Chisame, are you the "old boyfriend" or the "other friend"?

>> No.5482084

Could somebody explain how I can die, see on the respawn score screen that I have negative points, then before the respawn actually happens the match ends and I end up with a positive score?

>> No.5482089

neither? I don't even know her old boyfriend.

>> No.5482104

I regret joining one of /a/'s clan. Why the fuck didn't I joined /jp/'s? Least then, threads don't die too fast.

>> No.5482113

The only solution I can see to this is you crossdressing and servicing your friend and that girl's boyfriend at the same time.

>> No.5482145

go back to /a/. Seriously we don't want those who belong /a/, and you obviously belong there since you are in their clan.

>> No.5482331

Requesting invitation again, name is Schro and i'm on channel 3 at the moment.

>> No.5482354

But /a/ is shitty, very much more so than /jp/. Yes, I lurk /a/, but I'm always on /jp/, too. Who cares, anyways.

>> No.5482361
File: 138 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20100626_0030_47_078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody's on who can invite.

In other news, I found a sweet Jason mask in very high level Arcantus.

>> No.5482372

how exactly does the lock-on system work? I changed something, and all of a sudden I have blue locking symbols all over the place that apparently do absolutely nothing.

>> No.5482423

blue = sub weapon

>> No.5482435

Here comes the temporally maintenance.

>> No.5482466


CB devs are so moe

>> No.5482470

>you obviously belong there

Telling people to fuck off because they browse /a/ is unbecoming of a /jp/ resident.

Do you want to be the little girl?
Do you take it easy?

If you answered "yes" to both, you belong to /jp/.

>> No.5482598


>> No.5482616
File: 173 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20100626_1357_55_743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5482626
File: 383 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20100626_0948_41_282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5482633
File: 445 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20100626_0955_29_908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5482658

They need to do a design contest for a new robot, that'd be cool.

I think SMT Imagine had something like that... and then it took them like six months add the demon.

>> No.5482689
File: 140 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20100626_1355_31_449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5482726
File: 395 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20100625_2138_12_048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute mikubot

>> No.5482728

it's up!

>> No.5482758


>> No.5482768


It was up for like 5 seconds then I got kicked off.

>> No.5482769
File: 2.39 MB, 1600x1200, 10613575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some educative Japanese Cosmic Break replays:

This is how you play Small AIR

This is how you play sniper/Sagittary Maxis

Lily Rain and Crimrose in Ark war

Heavy Artillery with Toybox/Howitzer

Why L AIR with stardust cannon is very dangerous

Epic car racing gaem

You can even win against BRD with stupid, cheap bots

>> No.5482781

>You can even win against BRD with stupid, cheap bots.


>> No.5482825

Its up again, only channels 1 and 2 thou.

>> No.5482836

Do you check every second or what?

/jp/, obsession incarnate.

>> No.5482946


It looks so nice without missile spam everywhere

>> No.5483020
File: 309 KB, 1294x988, Triple Drop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3x Drop ticket is awesome.

>> No.5483065

Whoa, wait a minute. The drop tickets are for rewards?

I thought they were for drops from in-game, those trees and cactuses never drop anything.

>> No.5483071

Quest or Mission?

>> No.5483083

I noticed a distinct lack of melees jumping all around the map with impunity.

If CosmicBreak turns out like this after beta, I'm definitely gonna keep playing.

>> No.5483088

>go to event
>somehow make it in by myself
>realize i can't loot anything cause everyone else is stronger
>GM's play vuvuzela

Okay, fuck this game, I don't understand why they can't just give everyone money, all I want is a Maril March or something.

>> No.5483101

That's why guilds and gifts are for.

Can garapon items be gifted? I see a lot of trade going for that within /jp/ if enough people are around post-beta.

>> No.5483109

The only thing you can gift are regular shop items.

>> No.5483160


So can I join a guild and have them gift me shop items which I can sell?

>> No.5483171

You can share UC though. I heard there are shop items you can buy and sell at same price.

>> No.5483195

How do I sell bots/items? There's no option for it in the shop.

>> No.5483228

I think you do that in in your garage.

>> No.5483268

From the garage, junk bots into parts and sell from the parts sub-menu (button in upper right)

However, they sell at about a tenth their value, so I suggest taking them to Crimrose near the Cosmos pot and trading them for Tune Up materials instead.

>> No.5483281

the what where? the lack of a global map is making me cry. I need labels on everything, dammit.

>> No.5483314

West of the Quest counter in the Ground Area should be the tuneup machine thing, then south is the Crimrose at a counter where you turn in stuff.

>> No.5483333

is there some way of increasing your lock-on range?

>> No.5483362
File: 280 KB, 1296x998, Sell here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5483427

I can't say for sure, but the weapon range tune ups should have that effect.

>> No.5483431

wow, I never had any clue that was there; I had never even done a single tuneup due to lack of materials

>> No.5483437

Neither did I. I just saw a Crimrose standing there and wondered what was up. A happy discovery. If only she had Rainbow Chips for sale.

>> No.5483665

use a weapon with higher range or tune it up to add more range

>> No.5483681 [DELETED] 

cHrISbear_POoLtarD,_REMoVe YOUR cLOwN_Of: httP://tInyuRL.cOm/3aXve5d rmgkb wej s qhijrfe grnvwuh y rqk q f ujem

>> No.5483698

Hey, whats good to kill those trees? i use an lily rain, shino and Saggitaris

>> No.5483788

Crimrose dual wielding a beam sword and a rapier

>> No.5483792

Melee, missiles.

>> No.5483847

PST here, the next event is less than 6 hours away, right?


>> No.5483854


Someone told me dual shotguns, but when I tried it, I got outpaced for damage by everyone else. Then the GMs killed my crimrose. That left me with my Aquila with just the blaster and body weapon that it starts with. For some reason that was enough to help me edge in on the artillery and melee people.

>> No.5483921
File: 102 KB, 689x402, zookas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Handy 'zookas. Bigger 'zookas if you can fit them.

>> No.5483946

So, I started playing late last night, and already grind my way to make 35k. Two Crimrose at level 5 and Aquila at 4. Yes, I love Air. I want to play support types if I get the chance...

Anyways, should I chance with Garapon or just buy an individual robot? I already planned to take my Crimrose to level 10 and turn it into a Serph.

>> No.5483983
File: 668 KB, 1280x960, ScreenShot_20100626_1629_23_834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to find out if this is the biggest asshole creation ever. Wonder how much frontal damage these 4 shields absorb in total.

Trying for 1 specific item in garapon without a lot of money backing it up isn't a great idea.

>> No.5484004

There's an event today, but what time zone is PDT?
I know i'm in PST time zone.

>> No.5484026

I didn't think so either. Should I just buy a robot then? Or maybe just hold off and guy some parts and then continue the grind until I make a Seraph?

>> No.5484038


>> No.5484040

lol 3rd place

>> No.5484074

needs a flamethrower

>> No.5484235

>Pacific Daylight time
I dont remember anyone telling me that daylight savings time constituted different time zones. Thanks.

>> No.5484618
File: 55 KB, 806x623, thunderrod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just spent five minutes sitting in a cave and sniping people above.

That weapon is hilarious.

>> No.5484635

it goes through walls?

>> No.5484648

Attacks from above. Only limitation besides range is that whomever you're aiming shouldn't be standing under anything.

Also has a slight area of effect.

>> No.5484843

It goes.

>> No.5484844
File: 2 KB, 128x128, Stripes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Seraph Crimrose skin, as requested.

>> No.5484934


You know, this is going to be a silly question but: Can other people even see your skin? I haven't noticed any custom skins yet, so I've been assuming its only a client side thing.

>> No.5485062


Yeah, they can.

>> No.5485079


In that case, I am incredibly surprised I haven't seen any vulgar skins, considering people from 4chan play the game. /jp/ I am proud of you.

>> No.5485094

Almost have max fly on my Seraph. What should I focus on for tune ups now?

>> No.5485104

This very thread has 3 such vulgar skins.

>> No.5485123

What kind of idiot max fly for Seraph? You should've maxed Tec first

>> No.5485159


It's not like it takes much to max fly on them. It took a whole 2 tune ups. Tec it is, then.

>> No.5485238

Haven't seen anything like that in game. Honestly I would have expected swarms of that stuff. Like I said, still proud of /jp/.
