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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5464037 No.5464037 [Reply] [Original]

What was the biggest budget in the history of VNs?

>> No.5464043

Possibly MajiKoi, the amount of big name VAs in that one is just ridiculous.

>> No.5464047


>> No.5464048


unrelated: I fap to this picture regularly. Why are the scarlets so goddamned hot?

>> No.5464076

Because vampire lolis.

Fatal pulse only makes it better.

>> No.5464085

Do budgets for VNs regularly get released? I wouldn't mind seeing some. And if they don't I don't know how we'd know what the biggest budget VN was.

>> No.5464092

I hate Fatal Pulse though.

>> No.5464096


>> No.5464097

I believe the number of lines/words are more important than the number of VAs.

>> No.5464104

You believed in a wrong thing then.

>> No.5464105

Why? He just likes big breasted women with wide hips. And rape. Lots of rape.

>> No.5464106

Because Victim Girls ;_;

>> No.5464125
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I would be surprised if it weren't something like Time Leap

>> No.5464133

Probably MuvLuv Alternative, or a Minori (damn them to hell) VN.

>> No.5464145
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>> No.5464157

Well, MajiKoi is also very long, and it has lots of art.

>> No.5464172 [DELETED] 
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You like that, huh?

>> No.5464178

What takes more of the budget? The writer, the GCs artist or the VAs?

>> No.5464189



>> No.5464351

Probably MLA.

>> No.5464380

not really, its probably cheaper to get a not so well known VA to do 1000 lines than its to get a very famous one to do 100 lines.

>> No.5464390

probably the VA:s - the CG artists draw for other things (LN:s, manga?) as well as far as I know and a writer..do you really think he could be all that expensive?

>> No.5464423

Well, the writing IS the most important part of the VN...

>> No.5464431

But it's not like the author can be picky.

>> No.5464441

Aren't VA's a dime a dozen, though? Hence why it's really hard to get a job as a VA in Japan. Most have to start out doing eroge just so they'll have some experience on their resume.

>> No.5464455

>1,000 yen for every 1kb
>The story. Basically 1 yen for every 1 byte of the scenario. Outline and background settings do not count.
Even if you use cheap VAs, 11 words pay them more than 1KB of text to writer.

Even Urobuchi admitted that anime/light novel writing pays better than writing visual novels.

>> No.5464497

Holy shit. How do the authors survive?

>> No.5464507

by writing for a lot of things or doing some other job at the same time.

>> No.5464512

I imagine the pay is different for studios like Type-Moon or Alice-Soft, and ones like Age or Nitroplus probably pay more for their regular writers. As for small ones like liarsoft... I have no idea.

>> No.5464520

But Type-Moon only has Nasu...

>> No.5464525

They also have the Forest/Kusarihime writer from liarsoft now.

>> No.5464577

As a programmer who can manage 10KB of code per day, I'd say it's possible to make do with 1 yen per character.

>> No.5464595

Yeah, sure it's the exact same thing.

>> No.5464596

he probably gets paid better.

>> No.5464614

Isn't Nasu a pop author in Japan? Kinda like their Stephanie Meyer of something.

>> No.5464619

More like all the money goes to him and he has nothing to do except for playing eroges and Demon Soul.

>> No.5464625 [DELETED] 
File: 144 KB, 980x770, e82b406378a6e21ec4b0a430853eb3cac84836a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Scarlet sisters give me allways an boner!

>> No.5464637

It's easier to suck out blood where it's concentrated.

>> No.5464641

I fap to Flandre the most!

>> No.5464664

I bet Demonbane sequel is amongst the ones with really high budget.

>> No.5464665

Congratulations! You're a fucking pedophile!

>> No.5464678

No, he's just a pedophile. A fucking pedophile deserves to be in jail.

>> No.5464679

Thanks man, I feel flattered.

>> No.5464681

How do you get no boner to Scarlet sisters? They are so hot!

>> No.5464686

You should stop fantasizing about fucking children for you own good.

>> No.5464694

I fail to see how this would be beneficial to him.

>> No.5464696
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>> No.5464715

Heavy Metal Girl Madonna.

>> No.5464724 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5464735 [DELETED] 



>> No.5464755 [DELETED] 

LMAO!!!!!!!111111 EPIC WIN

>> No.5464762 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5464763 [DELETED] 

So angry~

>> No.5464784 [DELETED] 

Oh wow, Paedophile finder general?

>> No.5464814 [DELETED] 
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Me too!

>> No.5464823 [DELETED] 
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By the power vested in me by the hysterical uneducated masses,


The innocent Scarlet twins with their undeveloped breasts are clearly underage, yet you pleasure yourself over them?

>> No.5464827

>Scarlet twins

>> No.5464838 [DELETED] 

If her pussy wasn't so full of cum I'd be fapping to this right now.

>> No.5464837

They're approximately half a millenium old each. Remilia has the elegance and charisma of someone that age.

Can't speak for Flan; she's nutsy.

>> No.5464836

are you fucking stupid!?

>> No.5464847

Well that's the end of his Scarlet-related fun.

>> No.5464854
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>> No.5464859

lol i trol u virgin nerd faggot.

>> No.5464863



in case your desire for Scarlet is not yet satiated, have the archive of the repost of the thanksgiving SDM fuckfest.

>> No.5464880

There was a much better one than that posted about a month ago
It's not like I like ero-fic or anything

>> No.5464897

mmmmm baby raping

>> No.5464900


>> No.5464914

Reported for being random

>> No.5464920

What? I thought that was the theme of this thread?

>> No.5464919


Maybe I'm thinking of a different one, but I seem to remember it starting off promising but then it just got shitty and ended in a bel-air or something.

The anon who did the thanksgiving one occasionally posts more stories here, I'm pretty sure he's the one who did the Aya throwing up chocolate into your mouth one, and a few others I can't recall.

>> No.5464930
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>> No.5464933

Are you implying children are the same as babies?

>> No.5464934

look at those shameful breasts

>> No.5464940

are you implying it matters?
colloquially baby can mean child and vice versa

>> No.5464941
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>> No.5464947


Remilia is old enough to have drank tea with your ancestors. The SDM is an addition to Gensokyo, after all, which means it existed in this world before.

I usually don't care about the "She's not 12, she's 8000" shit, Remilia acts it in canon, save the occasional childish outburst (grown women have them too).

>> No.5464955


>> No.5464967 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5464978 [DELETED] 

she wanted to blot out the sun with a red mist so she could walk around in the day. No that's completely mature and adult.

>> No.5464988

That incident was created for humans to resolve, like all the others.

>> No.5464996 [DELETED] 

What the fuck, you're pathetic.

>> No.5465002 [DELETED] 
File: 113 KB, 1019x800, b16c1b51591eec1c043e2ba1b3b3575e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't look

>> No.5465018

And when she was bested, she became a compliant tea-drinker. Mature.

>> No.5465026 [DELETED] 

You cannot be proven wrong.

>> No.5465023 [DELETED] 

People who hate lolicons are illogical christfags
Prove me wrong

>> No.5465028

Have problem. Come up with plan. Resolve problem.
Sounds mature enough. Were you being sarcastic, anyway?

>> No.5465029 [DELETED] 

lol chirstfags EPIC WIN /B/ 9000 LOLLERSKATES XD

>> No.5465034

Good god, /jp/. What's happened to you?

>> No.5465047

People who don't like fucking children came on here and ruined everything. shitsux

>> No.5465059

It might simply be more knee-jerk disgust.

Christianity doesn't say anything to explicitly forbid pedophilia, last I recall, but Jesus does mention it probably be better to drown yourself than hurt a child (which is an example given to illustrate the gravity of the offense, not an measure to actually be taken).

>> No.5465065

Do you really need to ask
Summerfriend moralfags shitting /jp/ up because they're fucking childish

>> No.5465073

'You Wake up in Gensokyo'
