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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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No.5455163 [Reply] [Original]

Part 18, now legal or too damn old, depending on how you roll.

Upload/request music using your browser: http://skully.hopto.org:4095
Listen to the stream using your music player: http://skully.hopto.org:8000

>> No.5455168

Old thread reached the bump limit: >>5445410
/jp/'s very own music stream is still alive!

Upload/request music using your browser: http://skully.hopto.org:4095
Listen to the stream using your music player: http://skully.hopto.org:8000

Clearly being Touhou-related is a thing of the past. Just don't dump lots of shit that everyone hates.

You can't upload files that contain japanese characters in the filename. I'm aware of the problem and I'm working on a solution.
Stream may play NSFW music (ero drama, noodle slurping etc.)
Feedback/suggestions are appreciated.
I will not be able to add any new functionality (upload limit/saging songs/voting/fixing the japanese filename issue) in the near future. This will require me to rewrite the plugin which I'm not planning to do.
Main server holds 5 users. There are a number of relay servers up that automatically redirect you when the main server is full, so don't worry. (yes, it's 5 now. This will assure 0 buffering to everyone on the relay servers)

Thanks to everyone who is hosting a relay server. Here's a list of the to me currently known relay servers:

http://boof.kicks-ass.org:8000/ (128 slots, hosted by BOOF)
http://www.yukkurishiteitte.net:8000 (100 slots, hosted by Kaguya is a!Bear)
http://pyonta-kun.kicks-ass.org:8000/ (8 slots, hosted by Pyonta-kun's Yandere Stalker) <3
http://yamaxanadu.tarball.us:8000 (12 slots, hosted by Anonymous)
http://home.kamokow.com:8000 (5 slots, hosted by Anonymous)

If you want to host a relay server yourself, ask in this thread for more information.

>> No.5455182

Have I ever thanked you for being so low-key with these threads?
They're small enough, tagged for easy hiding, and I'm not seeing a slew of threads asking when and if the servers are online.

Keep it that way. And thank you for thinking about your fellow men.

>> No.5455510

Not worksafe pic, reported.

>> No.5455530

>Just don't dump lots of shit that everyone hates.

More like "don't dump anything that DeletionBro hates" which is pretty much everything except j-pop and touhou music.

>> No.5455568

The songs I am uploading at the moment are VIP quality

I hope this is okay with everyone

>> No.5455640

I wa shock by this inferior version of Ai wo Torimodose

The female vocalist is replaced by some screamo dick

>> No.5455720

This is pretty cool with me.

>> No.5455748

Just trying to do what we can to make /jp/ a better place for everyone. Thanks for the positive feedback, it is much appreciated.

>> No.5455782

Tell BOOF that his oniichan track was great

>> No.5455804

Will do

>> No.5455839

My relay will be down for a little while, sorry to anyone that gets disconnected.

>> No.5455869

All right, who the fuck deleted Mulan - Be A Man?

>> No.5455956

Should be asking who the fuck uploaded that shit.

>> No.5456018

Fuck you faggot, and fuck your shitty stream.

>> No.5456024

Even if one does wish to be the little girl, that song is still mighty awesome if you ask me.

>> No.5456046

This song is pretty nice

>> No.5456174
File: 27 KB, 161x139, Yukkuri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yukkuri shiteitte ne!

>> No.5456182

Take it easy, man.

>> No.5456192
File: 83 KB, 600x300, dfbcf6a8c405f5483eeccc4bcc329ec6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5456252

did the server just die?

>> No.5456256

Seems like it.

>> No.5456258

Think so.

>> No.5456271

Where can I get that "Sound check in PCB" that was played earlier?
Google doesn't find anything.

>> No.5456273
File: 88 KB, 338x500, 1306152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I was just to upload Wolf and Spice ED ;_;

>> No.5456275

Give me a second, I'll upload it.

>> No.5456292


Just change the filename yourself. Think the artist tag is messed up as well. It's just an audio track ripped from a flash file.

>> No.5456296

thank you

>> No.5456333

No problem.

>> No.5456342

Anyone in contact with Pyonta-kun that can give us an update?

>> No.5456362

He's not online right now.

>> No.5456363
File: 9 KB, 384x267, 1270028658251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

server is dead
we're all gonna die ;_;

>> No.5456405

What kind of stalker are you? Track him down or something!

>> No.5456466

Good job everyone. All that trolling at the start of the week made pyonta-kun rage quit

>> No.5456477

Fuck yeah!

>> No.5456586

Oh you guys really done it this time!

>> No.5456621

stream is back

>> No.5456629

Steam is sugoi again. Relay servers should kick in after 10 minutes, so if you get the "server is full" message, wait 10 minutes or connect to the relay servers manually.

>> No.5456634
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, snapshot20090708235657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's still DEAD for me.

>> No.5456660

Try a relay server. If that fails, could you post (at least the first few digits of) your ip here so I can check what's going on?

>> No.5456675

My server seems to be connected fine.

>> No.5456687

Forgot I had a torrent downloading while I was napping. Turning it off now, sorry for the slight lag.

>> No.5456707
File: 36 KB, 180x200, 1270028814166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What lag?

Say that to my 3MB buffer.

>> No.5456710
File: 76 KB, 300x300, 10895345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It work now for whatever reason..

>> No.5456719

It's back!

>> No.5456729

I'm gay!

>> No.5456735


>> No.5456736
File: 540 KB, 693x3530, 1252344539000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a little wolf inside a girl~

>> No.5456746
File: 346 KB, 800x800, 1267020581817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god is there more of this.

>> No.5456764
File: 662 KB, 693x3545, 1262844821959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5456768
File: 9 KB, 217x208, advanced faggotry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5456775
File: 340 KB, 600x800, 1254761579277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, forgot to post it. >>5456764 posted it right as I was about to hit reply just now, so I changed the image out.

>> No.5456785
File: 424 KB, 1200x1200, 1275630408761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you.

>> No.5456798
File: 348 KB, 505x411, 9052454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn it Alize, you were the first 3D girl I found moe! Back in like 2004 or whatever...

>> No.5456812
File: 1.72 MB, 220x261, 2015alizee241141866cqh7ud9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor Alizee, even her lolita song gets deleted

>> No.5456814
File: 264 KB, 676x787, koishi komeiji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon here who uploaded the I've mix a while back that a lot of people liked. I have a lot of other equally awesome trance mixes, but none are particularly /jp/-related. Anything horribly wrong with me uploading one of them?

>> No.5456831


>> No.5456833

Guys, season 3...

>> No.5456842

I don't mind.

>> No.5456846

no, upload it

>> No.5456853

>DJ SHARPNEL 20031023

There are other songs by Sharpnel. It's ok to upload or request those too. No one will get mad because you have a varied taste, instead of just requesting this song every fucking day.

>> No.5456868

Ugh...FINE! I'll request another one.

>> No.5456955

Fry me to the moon~

>> No.5456962

A nice song to listen to after surviving that 'massive' earthquake in Canada, at least.

>> No.5456963

In other waaaaaaaaads, prease be two!

>> No.5456974

Only good thing to come out of Red alert 3

>> No.5456978

Surprising and refreshing to hear it here

>> No.5456979

>Soviet March
Funny. I'm Russian and I couldn't decipher more than two words. Still epic.

>> No.5456984

Pretty much, while Frank does make AWESOME SONGS he really screwed up with RA3's HM3.

>> No.5456999
File: 90 KB, 750x480, zatoichi-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Server go KAPUT.

>> No.5457007

Server down.

>> No.5457016

Please upload the trance remixes somewhere.

>> No.5457018

It lives!

>> No.5457037

This song is horrible.

>> No.5457046



Take your pick.

>> No.5457049

I don't think HM3 was that bad. Not his greatest work, obviously, but not a screw up.

>> No.5457058

I don't know... HM1 and HM2 were like FUCKING EPIC i still after 15 years listen to them, but HM3 never hits my playlist... I even find the RA3 Grinder better...

>> No.5457072

Same song again!?

>> No.5457079

>Akiha Manasora - ChiruMilCirno
Fuck yeah! I love you /jp/

>> No.5457104
File: 572 KB, 600x750, 9170879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5457111

Cirno is making lots of milk.

>> No.5457193
File: 281 KB, 640x480, fufrog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stealing the stream for a bit to bring you my moment. Native Faith!

>> No.5457211
File: 53 KB, 707x479, 1223693330699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations, Pyonta-kun.

>> No.5457253

Oh the delicious 32kbps mono...

>> No.5457264
File: 549 KB, 800x800, 9700326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's lagging like hell here.

>> No.5457270


>> No.5457299

Only the Xpleher song or whatever it was called. It was crazy.

>> No.5457360

Yeah I had the same problem. Had to reconnect and it was fine. Quality was still crap though...Way to rape Xepher, might see if I can find a better version and play that.

>> No.5457380

Oh boy it's TOHO COCKTAIL again

>> No.5457398

Let me know if you want it skipped.

>> No.5457407

Ok this is starting to get really annoying. Foobar crashed again...Well, at least I don't have to ask you guys again if you want it skipped...

>> No.5457437

OP, did you try
http://www.foobar2000.org/components/view/foo_jesus ? Losing upload list & queue every time makes me sad panda.

>> No.5457477

>Playlist list (2947 songs)
Well damn, looks like the playlist shrunk again.

>> No.5457481


>> No.5457502
File: 308 KB, 1024x768, 4353453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5457537

>Upload (3196 songs)
There we go.

I just downloaded this. It'll be installed when I restart foobar I guess. (or when it crashes). Hope it helps, at least for the request queue.

>> No.5457543


>> No.5457574

Oh boy, dead once again?

>> No.5457581
File: 10 KB, 432x168, fffffffffffffooobar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5457588

Quickly, we must help him by conjuring the spirits of the computer with our spells.

>> No.5457589

Looks like it's time to install Gentoo.

>> No.5457591

It's probably because of some extension going haywire... I think.

Use this chance to get foo_jesus on, by the way.

>> No.5457593

One of them may help. Also, latest version of foobar2000 is 1.0.3

>> No.5457594

>Failed to load DLL: foo_jesus.dll
>Reason: The specified procedure could not be found.


>> No.5457601

I don't think the latest foobar version works with the plugin that takes care of the streaming.

>> No.5457608

Didn't I tell you that Suwako would win by any means necessary, even if she has to cheat? You think you've gotten the last laugh, but that's what she was planning all along.

How many plugins do you have on foobar?

>> No.5457612

And I just figured out that foo_jesus doesn't work with this version. I'm gonna try 1.03 and see if the request plugin is compatible.

>> No.5457621


I don't think anyone can really beat Suwako I guess...

>> No.5457624

Remember to install it as a portable application, so if things don't go as planned you can just uninstall it and go back to our wonky streaming.

>> No.5457642

Thanks for this tip

Unfortunately, the request plugin is not compatible with the newest version. Going back to the old version

>> No.5457651 [DELETED] 


REmOEv_yUoR IllgEaL CLOeN FO hTtP://wwW.antONYtalK.Se/_(aNTOny_=_anoN)_ImmeIdATEly. apbz qz n priqx w mwuoe mkysz r rin jxld

>> No.5457659

It's back.

>> No.5457686

The next time it goes down, you could try an older version of foo_jesus. (Version 8 instead of 9.) http://asion.foobar2000.com.cn/?p=53

>> No.5457687 [DELETED] 


remoEV YUOr_ILlGeal_cloEN_fO HTTp://WWW.antonYtalk.se/_(antonY_= anoN) ImMEIdAtELy. bjdwedj eyti qwvu yncstmjntxad cf rde s ihzw

>> No.5457729

I wish I had a third eye ;_;

>> No.5457739 [DELETED] 

rEMOev_yUOR_ILLGeAl ClOEn fo_HTtp://WWW.AnTonYTALk.SE/_(aNtOny_= Anon)_iMmEIDaTEly. fnpe zjgwehwqvsgq leiqnvkpezoweqvnmcyo

>> No.5457750

>We conjure the spirits of the computer with our spells (Extended ``Satori'' mix)
But I already achieved Satori last night...

>> No.5457758

Twice in a row, in fact. I love the song, but I say we skip it this time. It's too long and we've heard it heaps of times.

>> No.5457766

Yeah, you're right. Overdosing on SICP might be harmful to us.
Removed it.

>> No.5457784

Who's the artist of that miku song which sounded a little bit like Ali Project?

I need an album or something.

>> No.5457789

Around 3AM PST is when it happened. All three parts of the early Black Sabbath-like one got airtime.
It was glorious

>> No.5457796
File: 386 KB, 1200x900, 01955fe34c479da787d5c63f95677343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only know of a Luka song that sounds like Ali Project.

Is that the one you're asking about?

>> No.5457802

>hosted by Kaguya is a!Bear)
It says BEARD

>> No.5457816

Bear, dated gay.

Explains everything.

>> No.5457820

I my god, I just figured your whole tripcode out...Why didn't I see it before.

>> No.5457822

Bearded guy.

By the way, if that is the song you're talking about, the composer is 黒うさP

>> No.5457833

It's much more amusing as it is. Don't you like bears?

>> No.5457849

>Kasane Teto - Fukkireta for 10 minutes
Not sure if I want.

>> No.5457856
File: 95 KB, 400x400, 1220641740389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5457859
File: 66 KB, 854x875, 81cebc8eac377470ed84d43dd548751b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I listening to?

Rumia wrestling Kaguya

It played hours ago. I enjoyed all 10 minutes.

>> No.5457869

>Rumia - 1
>Bear - 0
>Kaguya is a !BEaRD8DGAI - 9001

>> No.5457871

Kinda goes the other way. I have a free range trap harem.
Also, hair was removed. Smooth as a baby now

>> No.5457879


朝崎郁恵. Here's a wikipedia page. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ikue_Asazaki
She's old I like more traditional stuff. I hope you guys do too.

By the way, she has her own youtube channel.


>> No.5457881

Thank you /jp/. I love Enka.

>> No.5457884
File: 242 KB, 624x487, 01bfb018cb6a81ef0f4bcb9884f43a3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaguya is pretty mean. Look what she did to Momiji when she touched her figures.

>> No.5457891 [DELETED] 

rEmoEv_yUOR_iLLgEal_cLoeN fO_Http://WWW.AntoNyTaLk.se/_(anToNY_=_ANon) IMmEIDAtELy. qg njapcl c pvtywl xismgchkf m oj zucboc aizj

>> No.5457892 [DELETED] 


ReMoEV YUor_ILlGEal Cloen Fo_httP://WwW.ANTONyTalk.se/ (aNtoNY_= Anon)_iMMeiDATELY. a snekzbgrrdkug lmyi el qzok h kln kh ot

>> No.5457898

She upgraded Momiji?Good job Kaguya now do koakuma too!

>> No.5457914

It wasn't that one sadly.

>> No.5457928

>Kasane Teto - Fukkireta for 10 minutes
>for 10 minutes


>> No.5457941

Hmm, I'll look through my Vocaloid songs a for a bit to see if I can think of the song you're talking about. I probably know it, but wouldn't know that's the song you were referring to unless you pointed it out to me. That's the only Vocaloid song I remember sounding a lot like an Ali Project song.

>> No.5457946

And twenty eight seconds.

>> No.5457952 [DELETED] 

REMoEV YuOR_ilLGEal_CLOEN FO_HTtp://WwW.AnToNyTalk.sE/_(anTOnY =_aNOn) iMmeidaTELY. j b piwom glvvuelssiblm g voghzb gc jrfsz saw

>> No.5457960
File: 1.84 MB, 1857x1586, b9ff3f6101e9504af1f76918983154e4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5457965

Now I want 10 minutes of Sakuranbo.

>> No.5457971

Hey guys not sure if you're interested (or even remember anymore) but I was the one who uploaded Spell of Love-natsumix.

You can find the song along with the rest of the album here:

>> No.5457973

Thanks, Anon.

>> No.5457978

>Max requests is 10.
Could you try bumping that a bit up? It sucks having to upload more songs in order to get them on the queue list.

>> No.5457982

I hate this song. Why is it so popular?

>> No.5457991

I didn't like it at first either. Then I was taking a shower and I started unintentionally humming it.

Just one of those songs that gets stuck in your head.

>> No.5458000

That is one of the reasons why it's there. My hard drive is starting fill up like crazy. Also, this will make sure people don't have to wait until their requested song is played.

>> No.5458001

Pretty much this. Didn't strike me as anything special at first, but it popped up in my head when I wasn't expecting it.

>> No.5458008

Oh boy...I knew it, soon this will happen to me.

>> No.5458032

Heart attack -inducing transition anyone?

>> No.5458036

Someone uploaded the Pani Poni Dash OP a while ago (that time when I was talking on the stream, you might remember it), but I can't find it in the list under the official names. Anyone know where it is?

>> No.5458043

Don't worry, maybe now that you know it'll happen, it won't happen because you'll be prepared for it and won't let your guard down.

>> No.5458056

Maybe...I must pump my head with Native Faith, Necrofantasia, Nuclear Fusion and 20031023!

>> No.5458062

I've been damn lucky with the tracks I've uploaded recently. Why are they always played right after something with a low volume!

And hey, it's Satori.

>> No.5458063

>Neon Genesis Evangelion OST
Satori's theme played in Eva?

>> No.5458071

Does anyone want more jazzy video game music?

>> No.5458072

I checked the next song when I heard that that one had low volume. I was prepared.

>> No.5458073

Sure, why not.

>> No.5458084

Does anyone have a black mages discography or something? I've never seen any albums covering songs past the FFVI.

>> No.5458094

Are you kidding me you can find that shit on TPB or Demonoid or something.

>> No.5458113


I prefer the BSUaJ:GC1otHBS version, though.

>> No.5458118
File: 27 KB, 340x314, 1271206938326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This song

>> No.5458124
File: 39 KB, 409x456, 1270016033181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What an...interesting mix.

>> No.5458127

It's not really finding them thats the problem. It's knowing what albums exist.

>> No.5458133
File: 16 KB, 170x170, 1216871710439w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5458138

this was completely unexpected

>> No.5458146

I'm surprised at how good this turned out.

>> No.5458152

Never mind scratch that last post. I thought they had non-FF albums but it turns out they were only appearances in other artists.

>> No.5458155
File: 91 KB, 465x599, KurtCobain-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5458180

Oh Ganymede, you and your ridiculous staircases

>> No.5458187

Ganymede needs a 黒 chart.

>> No.5458200

Oh awesome, more dango.

>> No.5458206
File: 120 KB, 430x406, 9950002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did the do to my dangos? ;_;

>> No.5458209
File: 13 KB, 391x436, ugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5458214

Wooo M-Neko!!

>> No.5458240


That sure took same advanced internet skills to find out.

>> No.5458241

Yet the stream itself is still alive, even though the web interface exploded.
Try checking if there's anything wrong with your extensions or something like that.

>> No.5458244


>> No.5458325

I already replied to in declined that in >>5458152. I had a Dark Cloud arrange that they had done and I figured there might be more, but after checking the Wiki shortly after my post I realized to was only an appearance. But still thanks for the help and sorry for wasting your time.

>> No.5458340

Yeah it's probably the requester that gets borked. The whole plugin is crap. I'm just gonna wait till all the requests are gone and restart it. Hopefully, foo_jesus works with this version.

>> No.5458360

What about that icecast thing, could it maybe work better with the most recent version of foobar?

>> No.5458401

This is your song, /jp/.

>> No.5458409

Icecast can replace shoutcast, that has nothing to do with foobar. Also, upgrading to to a new version of foobar is not an option, as it doesn't work with the requester plugin.

>> No.5458455

Guess we'll always have to be, living in a fantasy...;_;

>> No.5458468

>Classical music in 128kbps
Anything but this. OP, skip it please.

>> No.5458475

Apparently Kaguya isn't able to DJ with Icecast either.

>> No.5458504
File: 333 KB, 403x402, 1264608699654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5458514

What's the name of the current song? It's all kanji, and the web interface is down so I can't copy+paste ;;

>> No.5458529
File: 16 KB, 204x225, 1274586572060n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the problem may lie in the requester plug-in, which sends info to shoutcast (or icecast if we were using it). Which means we can't do much about it.
Feels bad, man.

>> No.5458544

流行 from Shiina Ringo

>> No.5458557

>It's probably open source, so we can fix it

Japanese foobar plugin developer, I am disappoint.

>> No.5458567


>> No.5458571


>> No.5458580


>> No.5458585

>So the problem may lie in the requester plug-in, which sends info to shoutcast
The requester sends info to foobar. The plugin that streams the music to shoutcast is a whole different plugin. I even got two of those, one that's from the same developer and oddcast (google it). I'm using oddcast now, as the other one made foobar crash a lot more often.

Yeah, already thought of that. Maybe we can get their email and have someone write them an email to request the source...

>> No.5458591
File: 55 KB, 595x634, 3618d98d2af1f139a0a1880f5d674cc8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5458594

Phorni is such a good fairy.

>> No.5458600


>> No.5458606

Wow. I like how we go from Fay to "RAGE"

>> No.5458610


And my tries to look for alternatives to foo_request_http were fruitless. I'm sad.

>> No.5458611
File: 78 KB, 611x688, cbdc6d8646ea686f132d21a5396d297f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5458669

M-I-N-A-MI-KE Let's go!

>> No.5458674


>> No.5458697
File: 1.23 MB, 1550x1092, 11108257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5458725

Oh god no. Not this again.

>> No.5458737

is this the hauhau i threw together last night?

>> No.5458739

The website is down again

>> No.5458738 [DELETED] 

REMOEV YuoR_illGEAl_clOen FO_hTTp://www.aNtoNyTAlk.Se/_(ANToNY =_ANOn)_immeiDATELy. yor geo rcmpyfpwwugqkqmxw smmgbp bv whrq klmkao qaip

>> No.5458930


>> No.5458950

Queue has ended. Restarting foobar

>> No.5458996

What part of foobar do you actually use besides audio playback? Maybe we can steal that front-end code and rewrite this shitty thing.

>> No.5459002

And the stream (as well as the request interface) are back.

>> No.5459010
File: 75 KB, 464x400, folder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon who posted a few days ago promising this here, guess who woke me up this morning knocking at my door! Can't seem to upload to the stream at the moment so here's the whole thing.

Sun3 FielD - Lost Field (all j-core)

I have a lossless rip as well if anyone wants just holla
but not too loud I have a hangover.


pfft they'd make it for pussies like they did with the empress black charts.

>> No.5459023


Eye'm an audiopal! lossless please!

>> No.5459049


Uploading just for you! I also uploaded track 3 to the stream.

>> No.5459055

I just got finished listening to this album.

>> No.5459057

The plugins foo_request_http and foo_dps_cast from http://nurugunyo.hp.infoseek.co.jp/foobar.html and oddcast from http://www.oddsock.org/.. The request_http handels the requesting and uploading. For the actual connection between foobar and shoutcast, I can use either foo_dps_cast or oddcast. I've been using oddcast for most of the time, but started to use dps cast to test something. When I started to use dps cast, foobar seemed to crash more often. Now I switched back to oddcast, but i still seems to crash. Note that dps_cast was in my component list the whole time, but I guess I can try to remove them and see if that works.

>> No.5459059 [DELETED] 

rEmoev YUor_IllgeaL_cloen_fo HttP://www.ANToNytalk.SE/ (aNtONY =_anoN) imMeidAteLy. r epgkoztspkiimt s k yxzxe iaxrf lqtvkyiyovq v

>> No.5459076
File: 534 KB, 360x270, oniichan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5459079
File: 167 KB, 600x600, 2271038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish you the best of luck. Don't work yourself too hard.

>> No.5459099

Well damn, looks like the stream wasn't ready for Overflowing Emotions.

>> No.5459103

>pew pew pew

What are you doing to my ears?

>> No.5459117

While writing a reply here, I noticed my taskbar shrank. Couldn't find foobar anymore. I didn't even get an error this time, it just went poof. What the hell is going on!

>> No.5459129


>> No.5459131

It's not on your taskbar but the process is still running?

>> No.5459135

Sedimentary is mai waifu

>> No.5459139

Download, please.

>> No.5459143

It's like I'm in the 8th grade again!

>> No.5459147

Fuckin download, where?

>> No.5459148


>> No.5459150


>> No.5459151

By the way,
>Playlist list (2949 songs)
Can you please fix that?

>> No.5459154

No, even the process was gone. If it crashes again within a few minutes, I'm going to just turn off the computer and try again some other time. Maybe run a full system scan or something.

>> No.5459155
File: 17 KB, 437x412, 1270857011184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5459161

Fucking rocks, how do they work!?

>> No.5459179
File: 420 KB, 1000x1000, Saya2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm scared ;_;

>> No.5459195

This sounds familiar is it off of a VN?

>> No.5459197

Yes, Symphonic Rain.

>> No.5459210

I'm always close to you is from Symphonic Rain.

>> No.5459218

Puffy AmiYumi aren't /jp/ related? dunno why it was deleted

>> No.5459228

perfect transition.

>> No.5459232

Error: ICY-Server is full, skipping!
FFfffuuu. Are there no relays running?

>> No.5459237

>puffy gets deleted
>farting queen song stays
Okay I'm done.

>> No.5459244

<06/24/10@03:23:46> [yp_tch] new backup server
<06/24/10@03:23:46> [yp_tch] yp.shoutcast.com touched!
Try again

>> No.5459251

Why is this shit being played. Seriously. I'm trying to get some work done here.

>> No.5459258
File: 9 KB, 228x251, freddie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freddie approves.

>> No.5459271

Yeah dude piano is totally shit.

>> No.5459286

I was talking about the farting stuff. I fucking love pianos. I'm going to upload some pianos right now.

>> No.5459290

Nice song, anyone got a download for it? It's zts- dreamenddischarger

>> No.5459297

Download Umineko, it's included.

>> No.5459301
File: 718 KB, 1414x1414, 1c1e68402f75bb084975635b2c8e265722a39a0b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's from Umineko. Give me a second.

>> No.5459309

Oh nice, ty! :D

>> No.5459314

0/10 ?

>> No.5459317

Whoops, was uploading wordenddominator instead by accident.


Give me another second, uploading dremenddischarger now.

>> No.5459327
File: 264 KB, 500x700, 1253149815699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There. Enjoy, Anon.

>> No.5459339


TYVM! :D I used to have a tripcode, but meh.

>> No.5459377

I just noticed that opening foobar with a Japanese locale (either by Applocale or system-wide) fixes ALL tags of the stream, including the ones at appear with tons of mojibake on the web interface.

>> No.5459393


>> No.5459401
File: 301 KB, 1021x1411, 1e4f3ec0d029837bfeacec94c0ccd3d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5459405

Sure doesn't fix them for me... ;_;

>> No.5459408
File: 147 KB, 1024x576, 5e0100083962415cc00cab981fdfca2e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manly tears.

>> No.5459414

sorry about the quality of this one

>> No.5459449

Oh well, you're right.
Well, at least the mojibake-only ones are fixed.

>> No.5459459
File: 69 KB, 950x720, 1235354122466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanking the uploader of this Septett for the Dead Princess arrangement for introducing me to this circle.

>> No.5459463


>> No.5459464

Oh god, this is how I sound when I speak Japanese!

>> No.5459465

birthday present dess nay

>> No.5459470

Get out, /mu/ devs

>> No.5459477
File: 145 KB, 275x265, 1270492672644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This song



>> No.5459497
File: 369 KB, 2152x1200, 61ef15b15d3b4c8392b9cf890e69ccf059eea76d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5459529

Stream has been pretty awesome this past hour. Lots of variety, no complaining every time a genre comes up that someone doesn't like, no real troll uploads.

Been a really relaxing hour, thanks guys.

>> No.5459543

>愛 think so

>> No.5459544



>> No.5459547

Even the "troll" uploads are just silly songs.

>> No.5459563

Yeah, that's why I said they're not real troll uploads. They're just there to make you smile when they come up.

>> No.5459573
File: 7 KB, 161x159, 1276521889222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you don't consider a chiptune song as a troll, son.

>> No.5459578

No way!

>> No.5459588

Wow, a song I can understand. I didn't think someone would upload a chinese song.

>> No.5459591

>no complaining every time a genre comes up that someone doesn't like
Because deletionfag isn't here.

Also, enjoy your decidedly non-Japanese song. Of course you will. Because Deletionfag won't delete it.

>> No.5459595

Squirrel Nut Zippers in the requests? I love you guys.

>> No.5459598

Mandarin song? Wasn't expecting this.

>> No.5459602

you're welcome.

>> No.5459608

I actually first heard it on a Japanese radio stream (obviously not /jp/). I thought the girl had the most adorable voice and just had to have it.

And /jp/ loves adorable things, so it's very relevant.

>> No.5459614

I've heard that Chinese song before. Name of it?

>> No.5459621
File: 218 KB, 1500x1311, 30143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5459622

It's quite adorable.

>> No.5459627

Gummi Bears? You guys are fucking awesome. Nostalgia'd.

>> No.5459628

Gummi Beaaaaaars~

>> No.5459629


File - 07 - Come A Little Closer.mp3
Artist - Lara
Album - It Started With A Kiss OST

From some Chinese drama.

>> No.5459632

You know the difference between Chinese dialects? You're Chinese?

>> No.5459633

I'm working on remixing it.

here's the original


>> No.5459640

brace for zippy squirrels

>> No.5459644

Try Gummi Bears in different languages. (French, Arabic)

>> No.5459648

Not Yandere Stalker, but it's not really hard to distinguish between dialects-they're like totally different languages.

Then again Mandarin is my mother language so I guess it would be a lot harder for a non-native to distinguish between dialects.

>> No.5459652

Music to report threads to.

>> No.5459657

lol'd heartily.

>> No.5459660

put a lid on it.

>> No.5459664

>One more time, One more chance (Solo Ver.)
Fuck yes you are the best stream ever.

>> No.5459665

What >>5459648 said. When you hear them both, you know how different they are.

>> No.5459671

I'm pretty sure that mandarin and cantonese are just straight up separate languages. I know my friends who are studying mandarin in college can't understand cantonese at all.

>> No.5459673

Stream has been awesome for the past 2 hours or so. So many songs saved in my list.

>> No.5459684

You're partially right. They're different when spoken, but they use the same readings. Hard to explain, they're the same language because they use the same writing system, and it means the same thing in both dialects, even if it's spoken differently.

>> No.5459686

They're both classified as a Chinese dialect, but in essence what you said is pretty much true. I cannot for my life understand cantonese at all.

However, I think they both use the same chinese characters, though some characters have different meanings.

>> No.5459692

Heh China scrubs. I can speak both albeit shittily.

>> No.5459697
File: 285 KB, 1920x1080, snapshot20090617211422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5459698

It seems like the volume got really low on this for some reason...
Before the next one plays, make sure you turn your volume down to avoid a sonic boom in your ear.

>> No.5459700

Don't forget to put your volume back down before this song finishes.

>> No.5459718

Why can't I ever request songs ;_;

Is there a trick to it?

>> No.5459743

Requests are really limited right now, to prevent the queue from piling up so much that you have to wait 2 hours before your song plays. If you want to hear a song, you have to upload it rather than request.

>> No.5459755
File: 707 KB, 1000x1480, ccd44bd286c8f52ba28337739bf7d998b6527386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tao is actually the character that I main.

>> No.5459780

She's my secondary. I usually main as Bang for FURIKAZAN.

>> No.5459785
File: 1.18 MB, 2000x1294, 5072295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rachel is my secondary because she's a Touhou.

>> No.5459807

I only use her as a joke when fighting with friends usually. Especially with english voices on. "George the Thirteenth, play with him!".'

>> No.5459827
File: 19 KB, 186x219, hellyeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5459828
File: 367 KB, 500x561, rance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5459830


>> No.5459831

brb, off to rape my neighbor.

>> No.5459835


>> No.5459839


>> No.5459863

Hahaha, wow.

>> No.5459883

What are you laughing at?

>> No.5459890

Wasn't expecting Downtown. Got me by surprise, that's all.

>> No.5459892

The difference between Chinese dialects is sometimes greater than the difference between German and English so calling them dialects is kind of an understatement. The one thing they have in common is the writing system which is designed to be inclusive; it's how you keep unity in a country with dozens of dialects and 50+ ethnic groups.

ANYWAY hope you didn't go to sleep DJ Clumsy Moe because I finished uploading lossless for you


>> No.5459910

Haha, just uploaded the rapbit version of Hanaji and was thinking of uploading his Rumba cover but then suddenly

>Kenji Ootsuki _ Zetsubou Shoujotachi feat. Rapbit

Seems like anon was faster than me.

>> No.5459920

Does Blazblue have a good OST?

>> No.5459925


>> No.5459941


Ah, thanks bro. I was afraid you had gone to sleep actually! Just sittin around here trying to get my USB drive set up to install XP on this netbook I just got for... well a low price. Gonna see if traktor runs well on it... boy I hope it does.

>> No.5459955

Even if it ran well on it, it wouldn't be usable by any means. It's hard enough to work within 13''.

>> No.5459962


>> No.5459964

fuck yes ballroom blitz

>> No.5459968

also autosage

>> No.5459972


Eh, we'll see. I'm not as worried about the screen as much as the mousepad, I definitely have to use a separate mouse.

Looks like I finally got the stupid usb thing working... only took 3 hours.

>> No.5459976

Well, we're not being raided, and Deletionbro wants to make thread 19, so we should be able to hold out for long enough.

Assuming we don't get raided again.

>> No.5459982


>> No.5459986

Sigh seems like a very apt name.

>> No.5459997


>> No.5460007


Sigh is one of the best things to come out of Japan ever.

>> No.5460052

kekeke loli

>> No.5460060

Did a loli just announce the stream's name?

This stream just gets better and better.

>> No.5460069

New thread guise~


>> No.5462240

If you still care and not found it(as i expect you to have done) download the Pani Poni Dash! track from http://gendou.com/amusic/ it's better quality then the 1 i uploaded.
