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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5449855 No.5449855 [Reply] [Original]

sup /jp/,
you guys know any hentai GAME???
I'm kinda tired of "read and fap choose your adventure" stuff, so I'm searching for anything with actual gameplay, don't matter what genre!

To not feel like /r/ stuff, I will give some names of what I already finished

Sengoku Rance - everybody knows already, strategy style (please don't make this it's general thread)

anything made by ILLUSION - Rapelay, Sexy Beach 3, Schoolgirl 1 and 2, everything is the same concept choose a girl and go for it, scenes in 3D

Brave Soul (pic related) - rpg style, pretty much kinda those Zelda copies from SNES, but has a nice story and images

True Love - if you don't know about this game you don't know SHIT about internet! Dating simulator, work to get money, status and impress girls

well, this is my help... anything you guys know?

>> No.5449860

>well, this is my help
Farland Sympony, Gadget Trial, Soldiers at War AP2048, Raidy.
The best.
Go play.

>> No.5449937

None of the eroge with gameplay that I've played have actually had good gameplay.

>> No.5449944

someone answered? wow

anyway, thanks for the names! going to search right now...
and I give one more, pic related
Kingdom - same thing with dating sims games... if I'm not mistaken you have 100 days to get a girlfriend in a city with 30 different choices, and it's in english! little hard to find because of the name but worth it!

>> No.5449953
File: 62 KB, 639x480, kingdom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh fuck, forgot the pic

>> No.5449967

Your assumption that people have not looked up on any of them is fantastic.

>> No.5449973

I really need to go back to this one day.

>> No.5449975

> Soldiers at War AP2048
> Raidy.

God how could you recommend these, even in jest?

Men at Work 2
Tears to Tiara

>> No.5449980

Eushully, Alicesoft, Softhouse Chara.

That should keep you busy for awhile.

>> No.5449996

Cause you are so much better (excluding Uta)

>> No.5450002

Okay, you accused him of recommending shitty eroge and then listed Men at Work 2 and Tears to Tiara? Please tell me you're trolling.

>> No.5450009

I didn't say TtT or MaW2 were good, but cmon, Raidy is atrocious tier.

>> No.5450013

>Men at Work 2 and Tears to Tiara
Those two are better than utawarerumono.

>> No.5450019

Agreed. TtT is waay better than those listed there (except Gadget Trial).

>> No.5450026
File: 556 KB, 1280x2028, touka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck no

I'll show you why

>> No.5450014

> Not one mention of Words Worth

/jp/ sure is shitty today

>> No.5450031
File: 198 KB, 800x600, seigi no mikata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well if we're talking gameplay, you have to include the Baldr series.

I've only played the most recent one, Baldr Sky, but I would absolutely recommend it (for the story, but gameplay is decent too). Gameplay is mech action.

>> No.5450039

That is actually decent, do not mention or the little fucktard will try it.

>> No.5450058

Night Slave - PC98 - mecha platformer shooting

>> No.5450066

Giga/Team Baldrhead titles

Duel Savior
Baldr Force
Baldr Sky

>> No.5450068

Meishoku no Reiki
Lost Child

>> No.5450114

OP: Touhou games.

Try Embodiment of the Scarlet Devill and Perfect Cherry Blossom. You can skip Imperishable Night, its not very good.

>> No.5450181

guys, I didn't ask for GOOD gameplay, just titles with gameplay... let's not turn this thread into a /v/ war

hahaha, I played most of the series, you can stop trolling now

>> No.5450189

Moe Moe world war 2

>> No.5450196

The fact that you 'come' to inform us and you do not even know how to search under a simple tag is what makes you a retard and people less willing to help you.

>> No.5450222

The ones with gamplay I've tried are BBA, Rance, Beat Blades Haruka, Aselia and Utawarerumono.

I say go for Big Bang Age out of these since you already played Rance. Really addicting gameplay and rather engaging plot if I say so myself.

>> No.5450248

I still can't get the Nano Beta inventor route. ;_;
