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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 16 KB, 334x250, SwanSongTitle-Thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5422481 No.5422481 [Reply] [Original]

>June 19:
>SS: Finishing beta testing

Any time now guys.
Get ready and download your ISO now.

>> No.5422484

Did it a couple months ago, just waiting for the final patch.

>> No.5422487

I've had my ISO downloaded since the partial.

>> No.5422497

Waiting for squarenix to sent me a FFXVI invitation ;_;

>> No.5422501

Getting a bit ahead of yourself there, Anon.

>> No.5422508

Shit, I want one.

>> No.5422542

So what's this game about, exactly? I keep hearing good things.

>> No.5422546
File: 558 KB, 816x638, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a NOCD patch for this game?
I have to run the game with the CD inserted.

>> No.5424900


>> No.5425355

so... any chance to get beta patch? I'm bored like hell this weekend and don't want to wait until official release.

>> No.5425574

No there isn't. Don't be a spoiled brat and wait for that few days.

>> No.5426130

There is a patch for the first half of the game if you haven't played that already.

>> No.5426134

I bet it'll get C&D'd.

>> No.5426135

TakaJun is a real man. I bet he won't give a fuck even if that's the case.

>> No.5426139

In a week, I doubt it.

>> No.5426143

For you

>> No.5426204


>> No.5426209

Is the one I used, got it from mcanime, now shut up.

>> No.5426231

I wish Takejun would translate December 12 as well

>> No.5426261

Only 4 seeds on hongfire torrent, FFFFFF

Is the 1.2 patch required for this?

>> No.5426268

Do you prefer MU links?

>> No.5426281

I'll take my chances with the torrent.

>> No.5426295

I have MF links. But the forum that has it will kill me if they know I take their links outside.

>> No.5426307

I wonder how many thousands of lines Takajun's translated for us? And wasn't he the one who leaked UBW?

We should thank him somehow.

>> No.5426315

Just no. He abandoned T-M and became and outcast for all of eternity.

>> No.5426320

Takajun is one of the few prominent translators I still like. Probably because his ego isn't huge.

>> No.5426327

He is translating good things like Swan Song and Majikoi now.

>> No.5426330

T-M was full of faggots, leaving them was the best decision he made.

>> No.5426332

T-M? you mean mm?

>> No.5426337

Ahh yes.

>> No.5426338

I don't care about MM and was talking about T-M. There are still certain games out there left untranslated.

>> No.5426342

Yeah, a shitty fandisk.

>> No.5426344

Games TJ doesn't want to translate because he doesn't like them and doesn't care.

It's not TJ's fault he's not in love with Nasu.

>> No.5426354

Yeah leaving out a certain game to translate Wanko when everybody agrees the certain game is much better. Never forget, never forgive.

>> No.5426361

What certain game are you talking about?
And Wanko was good for what it tried to be so who care.

>> No.5426369

>Yeah leaving out a certain game to translate Wanko when everybody agrees the certain game is much better.
Leaving out? What the hell, he wasn't the main translator in Tsukihime, didn't even touch Kagetsu Tohya and now you're saying he "left Hollow Ataraxia out"?
Also, it's generally agreed that HA is only good for the fanservice. Actually, one might say that it's on the same level with Wanko.

>> No.5426377

More importantly, the translation patch should work with the torrent version of the game, no need for 1.2 patch right?

>> No.5426698

It's been generally agreed that FHA > Sharin no Kuni

Do I really have to post 2ch eroge poll results of that year again?

>> No.5426707

I swear I thought I downloaded this months ago in preparation.

Do you mind posting MU links?

>> No.5426712

2ch also voted Utawarerumono to be better than Hello World, go fuck yourself.
Here you go, from the VN DDL list.
==========Swan Song==================
---(2 parts, 1.06 GB, MegaUpload)----

>> No.5426718

How nice. Anyay, eroge experts over at 2ch are more credible than the voices you are hearing in your head at night.

>> No.5426721

>eroge experts

>> No.5426749

An eroge with a big fandom won a popularity ranking over an eroge that came out of nowhere.
Who would have thought?

>> No.5426753

Is this any good?
Tags on vndb suggest it's shit, so how is it really?

>> No.5426771

It is the real deal.
That is all you need to know.
Look elsewhere if you want something that is mellow and easy going.

>> No.5426780

90% of so called Real Deal VNs is shit that tries oh so hard to be dark and serious while coming of as pointless and pretentious.
So can I safely assume this is the same, or is this actually well done for the genre?

>> No.5426791

There's slut in this game. It's shit.

>> No.5426946


>> No.5426987

Virginity is overrated.
If I wanted virgin I would have play Shuffle.

>> No.5426997
File: 75 KB, 272x336, 338133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game's main highlights are realism and crudeness, making it not suitable for most people's taste. That said, it's excellent so you should give it a try.

>> No.5427019

Sure doesn't sound like it.

>> No.5427041

Why do you think that?

>> No.5427073


>> No.5427100
File: 689 KB, 700x700, 6552412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Winter arrives every year with an infallibility comparable to the existence of sluts everywhere, even in Japan, which also happens to have churches and to be in the middle of the Circum-Pacific seismic belt. Anyway, that's not what I meant - realism in the interactions between the characters, as well as in their behavior.

>> No.5427154

What 'sluts' are you talking about? Unless you think rape victims are sluts.

Oh wait, /jp/...

>> No.5427165
File: 2 KB, 80x80, message.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, once the beta is finished it's finally my turn.

>> No.5428209

baka gajins thinking they know it all

>> No.5428219

Fuck off back to moogy's cock message.

>> No.5428261

what's this game you weaboos talk about

>> No.5428298

Never heard people call it 'Slut Song' before?

>> No.5428309

The torrent has 1 seed.
Please seed if you guys have it.

>> No.5428384

No, since you just made that up.

>> No.5428394

ITT: Bitter Virgin

>> No.5428513
File: 27 KB, 340x314, 1274626829672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>relying on translators

>> No.5428523

Just download the two megaupload links with jdownloader, guys.

>> No.5428547

If a girl has had sex with more than 0 men, she is an unvirgin slut. If she has had sex with 0 men, she may still be a slut.

>> No.5428551
File: 3 KB, 324x64, shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT - newfags having trouble finding a VN when it is actually where it should be

>> No.5429635

Disc 2 contains a trojan.

>> No.5429718

I'm just after installing it, but I'm getting the 'ANSI 文字列を UNICODE 文字列に変換できません。現在のコードページで解釈できない文字が含まれ
破損している可能性もあります' error.

Anyone know what the fuck I should do?

>> No.5430239

So what are we waiting for now, an installer?
inb4 Message

>> No.5430849

Any woman who has had sex is a slut. Any woman who hasn't had sex is a well-disciplined slut.

>> No.5432187

scanned it, seems clean

>> No.5435114

Saving the thread from the 15th page

>> No.5435143
File: 58 KB, 300x300, 3034666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry, I'm not emo enough.

>> No.5435180

Good, go back playing your shuffle.

>> No.5435356

What's with the fucking hype?

Someone explain the game's appeal for fuck sake.

>> No.5435363

You get to rape a dying girl.

>> No.5435368

Well, we don't get English translated VN every day, you know.

>> No.5435377

When will we start trolling this? I want to get a leg up on it this time.

>> No.5435379

You just gave me a huge boner- and I've never even considered myself close to being a necrophilliac.

>> No.5435385


Oh ya? It's already translated? Cracked n all?

>> No.5435404

The translation is done, the installer just needs to be finished. It shouldn't need to be cracked just to play it, though there's a no-cd crack out there.

>> No.5435422


Let me know when the installers finished.

>> No.5435432

>the installer just needs to be finished

>> No.5435448

I'm making it work with my vacuum cleaner. If all goes well you can install it on your toilet as well.

>> No.5435480
File: 31 KB, 174x174, 1272362383052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5435640

Seriously bros, I'm still getting this error. I understand that it's something to do with the font, but I don't know what. Is anyone else having this?

>> No.5435648 [DELETED] 

wWW._ANOn_+_c_-_C_+_taLK_.sE ar n lbyr ovy yel ed ql emevripn slxksmzlr

>> No.5435649 [DELETED] 


WWw._ANOn_+_c_-_c_+_taLK_.SE fnufqw g zivvg k kcjt nthk zglu qq cy v tabq

>> No.5435654

I had this error too. Either try to put this to the Swan Song folder:
Or then reinstall.

>> No.5435656

Google translator:
>Can not convert ANSI string to UNICODE string.
>Contains characters that can not be interpreted in the current code page
>I. Please check that you have specified the correct data. Data
>Might have been damaged

Did you try applocale? Maybe reinstall will help.

>> No.5435662

Also, there's patch:

>> No.5435668

Japanese locale do you know it?
control panel -> regional language -> japan

>> No.5435679

This sorted out everything, perfect. Thank you, oh kind anon.

>> No.5435694

WwW._ANOn_+_c_-_c_+_talK_.se w ile try z psgikxjzdc vrodowdn eppcuku v m

>> No.5435699

If he wasn't in Japanese locale he wouldn't be getting the error in Japanese.

>> No.5435703

WWw._ANoN_+_C_-_c_+_Talk_.Se x k nlhimxwa p knqynza rd yhnovrjbf l exls

>> No.5436010


>> No.5436136

Why is there a trojan in my SWAN SONG installer?

>> No.5436243

Welcome to my botnet.

This is actually the no-cd patch.

>> No.5437231

Why does it take them so long to create the installer? And it's not like you have to test an installer for 10 hours.

>> No.5437277
File: 14 KB, 80x80, Ginji80.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5437325

what so is the final translation done?

>> No.5437395

so how long until its out?

>> No.5437406


Noone knows what's taking them so long

>> No.5437427


>> No.5437434

you could go and ask them

>> No.5437440

i played the 50 percent patch, so far id say it is a pretty good vn, but but i hated too see how much they changed, i think it would of been better if they never met other people and were alone for the whole vn.

>> No.5437445

>would of
Get the fuck out you illiterate cunt, Swan Song is wasted on scrubs like you.

>> No.5437744


>> No.5437991

I guess its randomly going to take x amount of months to make a installer

>> No.5437993

Translator is asleep now.

>> No.5438021

>implying it needs a translator to create a shitty installer
Even if you didnt know anything about computers you could create an installer within 1 minute

>> No.5438029
File: 263 KB, 426x266, gloriousdoubles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My body is ready

>> No.5438053

Maybe English isn't his first language, lay off.

>> No.5438385


>> No.5438426

Funnily enough, it's a mistake that pretty much only native English speakers make - and some others who learned to speak the language much earlier than write it.
So he's most likely just retarded.
My English is pretty bad, and yet I can't imagine making a mistake like "would of" or using your instead of you're.

>> No.5438503

or hes just not good at writing or typing, not everybody is a novelist. or he just types fast and doesn't spell check

>> No.5438528

Isn't would of typical american?
In the other boards is quite common.

>> No.5438532

I've seen a lot of Brits say it too.

>> No.5438543

It's common among the illiterate.

>> No.5438556

why the fuck are we talking about this, and when the fuck is the translation coming out

>> No.5438624

it happens because people say 'would've' and when they write it down, sounds like 'would of'.
The reason it is so prevalent on the internet is because now people write as they would talk, instead of adopting a formal writing style like you would traditionally.

most grammar mistakes like this come from the fact that an English native is fluent in speaking first, rather than English writing which is a different style.

>> No.5438848

The installer is finished. I'm guessing it wil be release later today. Tomorrow at latest.

>> No.5438869

cool,thanks for the info

>> No.5439173

The patch won't be released without him regardless what you may think.

>> No.5439835
File: 22 KB, 444x322, 1277162087929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where the fuck is it

>> No.5440011

Just started playing with the .5 patch.

Is the earthquake scene supposed to not have any music?

>> No.5440273


>> No.5440473
File: 70 KB, 248x252, 1275827775131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Does this game have any music at all? So far it's just wind, wind and more wind.

>> No.5440517

Swan Song has excellent music. Do you need music to be constantly playing or something? Music isn't even used that much in anime and such.

>> No.5440560

And that's one of the reasons eroge is better than anime.

>> No.5440582

I actually agree. But I don't complain when there's a single scene with no music like Swan Song when it's done well. Too much music can be a bit tasteless.

>> No.5440595
File: 74 KB, 396x600, 1275852519836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it's just me then. I'll get used to it.

>> No.5440616

I don't mind some scenes without music but I read maybe two or three hours of Swan Song and the only music so far was the OP.

>> No.5440648

You're telling me you've been reading for two to three hours and you haven't met Aroe yet? I remember Yoake Mae (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bF0_d0MdstE)) plays when you meet her.

>> No.5440676
File: 8 KB, 184x184, 23b206f86e40182f1ea67d0f2fe9cd2521cf1e18_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew it, there's something wrong with my installation.

>> No.5440679

You are possibly the slowest reader of Japanese ever.

>> No.5440723
File: 27 KB, 500x375, tumblr_kzyi9iMX421qbq82no1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5440734 [DELETED] 

rEmoEV_YUOr iLlgEAL ClOEn_Fo_HTTP://tiNyuRl.cOm/3YkPHF3_ImmeIDateLy. uffwt a ff isxsdz msr d ry oydemkh kqmpnt x gsmdg

>> No.5440756

it takes more than 2 days for a installer?

>> No.5440825

I did. That didn't play. Must be something wrong with my computer or installation.

>> No.5440863

Oh, ignore me. I must just have been mistaken. Just skipped through Swan Song to see, the first track that plays is when the main protag meets the crazy guy who wants cookies.

>> No.5440955

Just got home, gonna start seeding now.

>> No.5441000

Its possible they're still making final touches to the translation after the beta tests.

>> No.5441031

> SS: Building/testing installer.
(will put message.jpg in here in postproduction)

>> No.5441051

if they take more than a day to build an installer when they already have one for the .5 translation I'll feel embarrassed for them.

>> No.5441124

But .5 doesn't have an installer.

>> No.5443893

I wonder why they need to build an installer?
The 50% doesn't have one. Is this one of message handy work?

>> No.5444092

I think I just might download the 50% patch, and then download the new one when it comes out.

>> No.5444135

How many major characters die? If the number is less than 5 then it's too disney for me.

>> No.5444166

Nullsoft Installer also supports drag&drop to create an installer...you're all being trolled

>> No.5444170

That's what I did.

>> No.5444186
File: 108 KB, 593x766, sschara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, it depends who you count major characters, but lots of people do kick the bucket.

>> No.5444192

Fucking DEEP

>> No.5444294

That's a good idea, actually.

>> No.5444326

It's just Taka wanted to fix some of the odd linebreaks, be patient.

>> No.5444402

This game is too good for you bawwwwwing virginfags. Go play Hinatabokko and leave SWAN SONG for people who enjoy eroge with a story.

>> No.5444421 [DELETED] 

reMOEV Yuor IlLGeAl ClOEN Fo_HTTp://TInYURl.COm/3YkPHF3 ImMEIdaTELY. yqgapkmo p m zdqxr byqmkxttzvcumudi qavhm l zm

>> No.5444434 [DELETED] 

rEMOev yUOr_iLlgeal_CloEN_FO htTp://tInyURL.COm/3ykPHf3 imMEiDaTely. ejdibv uha ioqwp u t nscmzbn xio yb l zm

>> No.5444459

Alright, cool.

>> No.5444852 [DELETED] 



>> No.5444853

Fuck you!

>> No.5444857

Reported for lying.

Those odd linebreak didnt stop us from playing Rance.

>> No.5444858

it didn't go anywhere

>> No.5444896

These are different though.

>> No.5444920

No it doesn't. There is indeed no music, only sound effects, until the OP sequence. After that, you first hear music in the scene right after the OP when they find the house with the burned corpses.

>> No.5445013
File: 511 KB, 936x936, 25tyfbl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disney faggots will never understand REALU DEALU.

>> No.5445117


>> No.5445755
File: 67 KB, 923x642, New Bitmap Image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5445760

Yay! Time to find an ISO... or just read through the thread

>> No.5445762


>> No.5445792
File: 192 KB, 358x471, GLORIOUS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5445871

Unpack, mount & install:

Patch (optional):

Download and install English patch:

>> No.5445887

Also, if you get error >>5429718
Try this, seems to work: >>5435654

>> No.5445938

The install seems to work fine even in English locale, so for those who are still in it, you don't need to switch.

>> No.5445945

Do you end?

>> No.5448164


>> No.5448178

sweet, another VN that I can play half a route on, lose interest, and never finish.

>> No.5448210

Story of my life

>> No.5448535


Normal ending is more than awesome.

>> No.5448672

Yuka is my waifu, she's so cute.

>> No.5448687

Sorry for the possibly stupid question, but:
Is this the final version?

There was some talk about a 'trial' version and I haven't kept in touch.

>> No.5448748


>> No.5448804

So how much rape am I looking at here?

>> No.5448814

Hibiki is a bitch. I haven't gotten too far yet, but I hope she gets gangraped and thrown in a ditch.

>> No.5448824

Let see what you will think later.

>> No.5448851

what does patch 1.2 add?

>> No.5448897 [DELETED] 


spoilers ahead!

She will, well except "thrown in a ditch" part... But she'll be crushed when church roof collapses.

>> No.5448907

Let's make a club guys.

>> No.5448909

What is the Swansong patch 1.2? the NoCD?

>> No.5448921

>spoilers ahead!
All of my hate.

>> No.5448933

The no-CD patch I have is named 1.1 but it works fine, I don't know about any 1.2

Also, 1.1 is in the Hongfire torrent.

>> No.5448939

Use spoiler tags next time...
Me too, me fucking too.

>> No.5448940

Spoiler tags, seriously.
Well, at least you put the spoiler warning in there, but even so.

>> No.5448980


It's here.

>> No.5448985

It took all of my power to avoid seeing that spoiler, fuck you guys i'm out of this thread.

>> No.5448990

What's the difference between 1.1 and 1.2?

>> No.5448995

Don't know if it's any help, but I can assure you that spoiler is fake.

>> No.5449014

DDL links available at http://erogedownload.com/downloads/swan-song/

>> No.5449034


That's what i'm wondering. I don't even if i need it or what it does.

>> No.5449049

Fucking Aroe can't keep her bumbling mouth shut. I hope she's in the game for a good reason, because so far she's just really annoying.

>> No.5449053 [DELETED] 

Oh well, I guess it depends on which botnet you want to be part of?

>> No.5449054

Oh well, I guess it depends on whose botnet you want to be part of?

>> No.5449062

What's the matter? Don't like retard moe?

>> No.5449221

What font used for translated text?

>> No.5449255

>>5449221 ms mincho, i believe. Yandere always uses shitty default fonts because their hackers are too fucking lazy to do a decent job.

>> No.5449277

Yandere did a pretty decent job on the translation, so why are you complaining? I think the font looks fine, it's nothing to bitch about.

>> No.5449281

Not previous anon, but I don't. Grates your nerves after awhile.

>> No.5449361


Patch doesn't install necessary font and without it, text looks horid.

WinXP + old lappy.

Oh, font isn't ms mincho.

>> No.5449393


>> No.5449418

What font do you need to install?

>> No.5449505


>> No.5449556

I liked Yuka the most.

>> No.5449567

>>5449361 It doesn't install it because it isn't supposed to. For one, there aren't any font files inside the patch archive - open it with Universal Extractor and see for yourself. As for the font name, I'm pretty sure it's mincho (unless they changed it sometime after the screenshots were taken and uploaded to vndb).

>> No.5449571

This. She was so sweet.

>> No.5449610

I know, she's the perfect waifu.
