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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5418556 No.5418556 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone still watching Angel Beats! after Yui disappears? She may not be the most original or least annoying character but she makes the show good.

>> No.5418561
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>> No.5418563

/a/ stuff, reported
Also Kanade is the best

>> No.5418565
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>> No.5418579
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/jp/ Police, I am disappoint

>> No.5418587
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Yui reappears. Sort of. And reappears again later. Sort of.

>> No.5418588
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Yui is annoying, only good for her twintails.


>> No.5418590

Damn I hate /a/, Keyfags and Sion.

>> No.5418595

Reported for discussing /a/ material.

>> No.5418596


>> No.5418616
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>> No.5418620

Yui was the worst character by far. So fucking over-designed and annoying I was so glad when they got rid of her.

>> No.5418638
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>> No.5418655
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I agree.

>> No.5418657

Reported. Go back to /a/.

>> No.5418662


>> No.5418668
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Kanade is moe. Yui is forced moe.

>> No.5418681
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They can't " go back" anywhere, Keyfags were always a part of /jp/.

>> No.5418684

You got that reversed.

>> No.5418693
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, 1276894206072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is too harsh
yui was made to appeal to a slightly different crowd, that's all

>> No.5418715
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Forced moe.

>> No.5418730

This is not the place to discuss this.

>> No.5418751

Key is as /jp/ related as Higurashi/Umineko or Type Moon. Not a good thing though.

>> No.5418763

It's anime you fucking moron. And this isn't Key, it's just two people from Key who made the drama exactly like the rest of the Key shit.

>> No.5418767

Let's not talk about it, but not because it belongs on /a/ or some silly reason like that.

Let's not talk about it because it's a trainwreck of gigantic proportions. It's just sad.

>> No.5418775

Now, should we sit back and have a little meta thread? I remember we had quite a fews several weeks ago and some retard got buttmad because the janitor deleted his shitty Angel Beats thread.


>> No.5418779
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That's interesting, tell me more, anon!

>> No.5418785
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at least have the decency to post the animated version

>> No.5418787

That really happened? Link to said thread please? I'll like to take a look.

>> No.5418790

Angel Beats is originally anime. And it's targeted toward filthy anime otaku, unlike the nuanced masterpiece of literature that is Umineko.

>> No.5418795
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>nuanced masterpiece of literature that is Umineko

>> No.5418797
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Typical angel beats fag in my picture.

>> No.5418802

Go to the archive, search for "Angel Beats". I can't be bothered to help you.

>> No.5418819
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So moe I'm gonna die.

>> No.5418827

If /jp/ was so bothered by shitty writers and retarded fandoms, there wouldn't be so many threads about Umineko and FSN.

>> No.5418829

plain hilarious how all the shitstorm is in here and not in the working thread

>> No.5418838

Because many of /jp/ are in those fandoms, me in the Type-Moon faction for example. KEY, not so much.

>> No.5418851

/jp/ has always been tsundere when it comes to KEY works.

>> No.5418860

No we haven't. Stop making shit up. There are people that like it and people that don't.

>> No.5418862

Remove the -dere and you are correct.

>> No.5418866

>Yui makes AB! good

God damn you're a bad troll. :(

>> No.5418871

Clannad is usually placed among the best when there is a best VN ever thread.
And Planetarian is liked a lot, Little Busters also seem to be liked.

Most of the hate seem to come from fags who think they have to antagonize Key for some reason, maybe they think TM and Key are rivals or something.

>> No.5418879
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Q. Why Angel Beats is not popular in /jp/?
A. Keyfriend population is very tiny

>> No.5418890

Planetarian is an exception. And don't worry, once Little Busters gets more popular, it'll be your typical KEY hate again.

>> No.5418894

More like Keyfriends all grew up and left the fandom.

>> No.5418904

That's correct. Remember the shitloads of KnK threads when Movie 5 was out? Well I loved them.

>> No.5418908

>/a/ thread
>40 posts

Good lord, wake up meido. Reported.

>> No.5418918

I reported it thrice and nothing happens. Maybe you can stop whining.

>> No.5418920

Fags just hate what is popular. Fuck you all.

>> No.5418926

Nope, I love Type-Moon and Touhou.

>> No.5418928

/jp/ just hates everything because it is home to a number of very hateful people.

>> No.5418933

Meido is still sleeping in this midsummer spell!

>> No.5418934

You can only report once and only works when janitors are not sleeping.

No, people hate what they don't like.

>> No.5418938

Wake her up with a kiss!

>> No.5418943

A kiss from the penis to the womb?

>> No.5418944

No, it's simply because it's shit. Even worse than fucking little busters...

>> No.5418952

Bet most of you don't even try and just hate because you are told to.
Case in point, the Key VNs.
All of them, even Kanon are pretty well done and I really can't see anything that could make anyone hate them.

>> No.5418953

I can't even begin to imagine the abomination that spawns from the copulation of /jp/ anon and meido-san.

>> No.5418955

Not hard to be worse than the awesome Little Busters though.

>> No.5418964


Repported for shittiest opinion ever. Even worse opinion that the shittiest shitty retarded shit lurking on this site.

>> No.5418972


>> No.5418975
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Looks pretty clear to me that it is not that simple. For example, >>5418829 is true that the Working!! thread is almost unscathed while we have TMfags and trolls and opinions flying everywhere here.

>> No.5418999

Clannad is one my favorite VN ever, I love it.
But I think Angel Beats is pure shit, Maeda definitely dropped the ball there.

>> No.5419002
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>> No.5419008

Enjoy your hyped expectations of LB! while the translation is still in limbo.

>> No.5419013

No sir. I watch this anime and don't think it's that bad, it started really good and then it's becoming worse. However! I have the ability of drawing a line between /a/ content and /jp/ content, and since AB is /a/ content it belongs to /a/, board which I don't browse so I don't end up hating anime.

I would like to know WHY you guys (mostly only one of you disguising as anonymous) have this unstoppable urge of posting unrelated material here? And don't come with that "IT'S KEY ANIME!!!" because it's not, some guys from key working on it doesn't make it's KEY project, and even so it's anime it shouldn't be discussed here, once it gets an official VN you can talk all you want but if you are going to discuss the ANIMATION it's wrong.

>> No.5419014

I played it like one year ago already, so thank for your concern but I don't need it.

>> No.5419021

I love Suigin, searching for his trip gives me tons of pasta.
Now I wonder if I should dump them here or not.

>> No.5419027

You are taking yourself, and this board, too seriously.

>> No.5419044

This line of argument would never end, you'll get the anime=/a/, manga=/a/, LN=/jp/ replies and then even more shitstorm. Just report the thread and move along.

>> No.5419051
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>hyped expectations
Are you perhaps a retard? I have read the 60% patch, and everything was excellent so far. Stop making shitty assumptions like that please, it only makes you look like a really dumb troll.

>> No.5419053

Well, if the report function works that is.

>> No.5419065

It works, but meido-san... ;_:

>> No.5419066
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woah there! don't cross that line!
take it easy

>> No.5419108

I understand and follow the concept of "taking it easy" in here. But what I can stand is people abusing of such a thing as an excuse to their mistakes and shit.

If we are to turn take that rule like that (using it when it comes to rule violation since it's anime) then this board becomes /b/-2, where everything can be allowed since you are taking it easy.

>> No.5419114

>I can't stand

fixed for you.

>> No.5419125

Chess is a crappy tactical turn based RPG developed by a bunch of monkeys.

Right away you'll notice Chess has no storyline. Instead, all you notice is the the White army and the Black army are fighting each other over a battlefield. Note the "a battlefield," because Chess only has one story map.

As for the actual combat, it's extremely dull. Each unit can kill another with only one hit. This means units with a real good movement ability dominate the field (more on that bellow). There aren't even any combat animations or anything that happens in combat. One unit moves on it's space and "captures" it, and the piece is removed from the game with no form of action or special effects.


Chess has shitty class balance. The Queen is flat out overpowered while your actual front line units, the Pawns. can't do shit. I think the developers were afraid that no one would use the female character so they buffed up her abilities really high but now theres no point in using any other unit.

The rest of the units suck. Rooks can only move in 4 directions, same with Bishops. Boring. Also, whats up with the Knight? It has the most bizzare combat abilities of all the units. They're retardly hard to use cause they jump around like retards to move and attack. The devs should have named this unit Ninja, since Knights didn't jump around like that in real life.

Worst part, is the king. You see, the devs decided that if your king gets captured, you instantly lose the game. W-T-F? This wouldn't be a problem, except that he can't move for crap. Seriously, the most important unit in the game can only move 1 space a turn? Good luck keeping him alive while every other unit in the game dances around him.

Unbalanced classes, lackluster gameplay, and not to mention repetitive 1 hour+ games. Chess is not worth the time or your money. Buy Final Fantasy Tactics or Disgaea instead.

3 out of 10.

>> No.5419138
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meido does not seem to always delete angel beats threads even when she is clearly present
i guess it is based on the amount of reports and her current disposition

>> No.5419145

People think strategy is all about how simply moving units around and besting another player. Yet at its core, it isn't, its about dealing with uncertainty. Thats why the best strategy games have significant random elements, to create uncertainty... Most of the games people cite as "good strategy games" actually aren't strategy games at all. Chess is not a good "strategy game" neither is X-Com, starcraft or most RTS. They have their own strategy elements, but not games that require good understandings of probabilities and their effects on planning.

Good understanding of probabilities has nothing to do with strategy either. Games that rely on counting probabilities tend to have winning strategies that maximize winning probability over infinite number of repetitions. This is different from a real strategic game, which requires one to do their best in one, unique, complex situation where probabilities can't even really be estimated, much less counted.

>> No.5419156

do you truly and personally think angel beats is at the same level of /a/ raids and spam threads?

>> No.5419165

Goofball kids who spam with offtopic shit or otherwise try to "troll" us would get bored quickly if we all actually took it easy. The other great thing about taking it easy is that no matter how crappy everything gets, you don't get buttflustered, because you're taking it easy. Really, try it.

I mean what else are you going to do? Bitch at them? Because we all know that playing vigilante mod really works great, right?

>> No.5419166

Yup, all of them are unwanted.

>> No.5419167
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Enjoying this album with my headphones hooked up to my stereo. Fricken' awesome especially the beginning of Shine Days.

>> No.5419171

We might as well ask to get rid of Touhou threads as well. They're on the same level of pointlessness.

>> No.5419177

Or we could be like CurryButt. Too bad he got banned though.

>> No.5419191

THAT is also another viable option.


>> No.5419197

Well maybe if you fuck off to /a/ then they would have nothing to do at all. Good deal right?
You can discuss your Angel Beats there, we discuss and imagedump our Touhou here. Deal?

>> No.5419204
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okay, however i am of a different opinion.
have a good day!

>> No.5419209

Actually fuck it. I'm off to fap in Meiling's thread.

>> No.5419225

I was always here for the VN, never understood why /jp/ has to inherit Touhou shit from old /a/. We were even given a board to start afresh. Maybe you can go to Pooshlmer or something.

We can discuss our other otaku related topics here, and you can discuss and imagedump your Touhou there. Deal?

>> No.5419238

Of course not. But that won't justify posting /a/ in here.

>> No.5419244

>never understood why /jp/ has to inherit Touhou shit from old /a/.
Then you obviously weren't here from the beginning, were you?

>> No.5419251

Well if it's not for the reason that I was one of the one who did the Touhou imagespam and caused this board to be born then OK.

>> No.5419270

Yeah sure, moot moved Touhou to this board, etc. Them Touhoufags back in the days weren't as aplenty though, it could have been stopped by everyone joined in YOUR LOCAL CHINK/Nameless Fairy spams.

Thanks guys, maybe one day Touhou could be posted on /a/, like how it hasn't been deleted on sight nowadays. Still wishing for the day where /jp/ would be itself instead of /jp/ - Touhou.

>> No.5419274

I mean but, what the fuck.

>> No.5419276

So it's basically opinion vs opinion. How exciting.

However it is still anime.

>> No.5419296

I'm upset about how the postal service spends so much time delivering mail. I mean, yeah I know it was made for that, but it offers so many other services too! I can't wait for the day when the postal service can be itself instead of just mail delivery.

>> No.5419307

Everytime some starts an angel beats thread the same old meta discussions start.
You never fail to amuse me, /jp/. Just let go already.

>> No.5419314

Yes, just stop posting Angel Beats in here already.

>> No.5419318

Move to another country.

There isn't another board here to discuss LN, VN and so on, and alternatives like Tohno-chan are half dead.

Why don't your kind move to Pooshlmer or shrinemaiden.org?

>> No.5419320
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1) Post Saten or Angelbeats - "OH THIS IS FINE LOOK AT MY WIFE SHE IS MOE"

1) Post Naruto or Bleach - "OH MY GOD STOP IT I'M MAD NOW /jp/ IS HORRIBLE"

Why the double standard? Both are on the same level, so /jp/ should react the same to both.

Note that neither reaction bothers me. Either accept all this /a/-level nerd stuff, or get rid of it all.

>> No.5419324

Angel Beats is awesome. Best Key work so far and show of the year.

>> No.5419331

Well you told them, Alabama.

>> No.5419348

What do you expect, my name is White Ren, my dad used to rape me when I was a kid and I secretly licked my mom when she was sleeping.

I only get boners to scat and I like to look at underaged children in the park.

>> No.5419352

>Note that neither reaction bothers me.
too defensive, gives you away

>> No.5419359
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Why don't you be proactive and help revive Tohnochan and /bun/ then? Gather new users! Build the ultimate Touhou-free paradise you've been dreaming of.

But moving on. Who's your favorite Touhou, /jp/? Mine's Flandre.

>> No.5419366

At least I hope the faggots arguing aren't always the same people.

>> No.5419370

Yes, purge all this shit out of here.

>> No.5419373

I like /bun/ the way it is, it doesn't need more people.

>> No.5419380


>> No.5419381

Reported for being an underage angry little kid.

>> No.5419392
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Well that has to depend on the userbase who wouldn't do shit. I like /jp/ more than those pseudo-elitist faggots on /bun/.

Mine's Reisen, I used to spam it as a Touhoufag because IOSYS was still new and needs to be drilled into /a/.

>> No.5419394

no u mad

i ain't even mad

>> No.5419429

>I like /jp/ more than those pseudo-elitist faggots on /bun/.

/bun/ and /jp/ have THE SAME USERS. If you saw people being pseudo-elitist faggots on /bun/ then they are the same pseudo-elitist faggots who post on /jp/.

>> No.5419437

The same users act different on /jp/.

>> No.5419441

I meant idiots like Mugen/Jones, etc. They can ruin perfectly fine threads moreso than Anonymous.

>> No.5419444

not entirely the same anymore. but yes /bun/ harbors a lot of /jp/'s undesirables.

>> No.5419453

>They can ruin perfectly fine threads
>moreso than Anonymous
lol, no

>> No.5419460

I'm biased, it's nothing new.

>> No.5419486

What are you talking about? Mugen doesn't like /bun/ because it has no name field.
