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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5417584 No.5417584 [Reply] [Original]

Considering that I've marked 7 threads on the front page as spam, figured as good as time as any to start this shit up again.

Meido deleted the thread before it was anywhere near to an ending, so I'm resuming it with the last post. Full thread here:


Latest post:

You decide against telling Aya about this mysterious woman if it involves your life and decide to make up something that seems just as believable.

"You were saying something about a woman? You kind of zoned out for a second."

"Oh, yeah. This woman...in a white dress...I was at a Western-style wedding before today...yeah!" You decide that this is a good enough excuse to get out of talking about your mysterious friend. "I was at a wedding earlier today. A friend of mine was getting married, and I went to greet his bride...and that's the last thing I remember. I was drinking a lot, so I probably passed out after talking to her...then I woke up here."

The story that you had created on the spot seems incredibly paper thin, but it seemed to amuse the tengu as she continued to take her notes.

"That actually matches up to some rumors we've heard...People from the outside usually end up getting here after drinking a lot, so it seems to be a common trait with outsiders."

You're genuinely surprised that she didn't see through your blatant lies, but hide this as she begins to speak again.

"So, is drinking a popular thing in the outside world? I'm not a big drinker myself, but I know the onis love alcohol."


>> No.5417599

[X] Rape the maids
[ ] Genuflect
[ ] Kill yourself

>> No.5417620

Yes, drinking is very popular, it's not uncommon to drink a beer or two to every meal of the day. Speaking of which, I'm starting to get shivers from abstinence...

>> No.5417621

You forgot [X] Jump in the lake

Or the more contemporary [X] Extend your right hand

>> No.5417632

[x] stick it in her dirty dirty cloaca and fertilize a clutch of her eggs.

Live happily ever after with your tengu babies.

>> No.5417664

"Yes, drinking is very popular, it's not uncommon to drink a beer or two to every meal of the day. Speaking of which, I'm starting to get shivers from abstinence..."

Aya looks at you questioningly and stops writing for a moment. "You're lying, aren't you?"

"Well, there are SOME people who treat drinking like that. And honestly, after everything I've been through, I could use something myself."

"Do you really need something that badly, or could you wait for a little bit?" She looks at you with a bit of mild concern, probably realizing that she had run into you in a state of confusion and disorientation. Playing on her sympathy wouldn't be proper, but she seems genuinely concerned.

"Well, if it isn't too much trouble..."

"No, not at all! Anything that I can do to make you feel more comfortable." She walks over to the door, turns around, and gives you a small smile and a wink. "Wait here, I'll be back really soon with something strong...I hope you don't mind, but the only one I know of that has alcohol on hand is an oni, and they really like strong drinks."

Aya closes the door and heads on her way. Within a few minutes, you hear a knock. It'd be strange that Aya would knock on the door to her own house, so it can't be her.

A. Open the door
B. Stay put

>> No.5417667

I generally am disgusted with COYA threads.But at least this is the only /ip/ related thread right now, so I think I'll join.

>> No.5417668


>> No.5417675


Read the subject line. I genuinely do this whenever the spam gets overwhelming and intolerable to at least have something /jp/ related, however vaguely.

>> No.5417684


>> No.5417702


Thinking it would be improper to have someone leave without having their business with your reporter taken care of, you move to open the door. The knocker has been quite determined to get the attention of whomever is inside, so it must be important.

You open the door to see the other crow girl who was here earlier standing before you. She looks over your shoulder and around you, scanning the house. "Good, she's gone."

"Yeah...she just left, said something about an oni..."

"Oh, if she's off to see Suika, she'll be gone for a while." The girl brandishes a roll of paper in a similar fashion that Aya had upon your first meeting. "Hatate Himekaidou, reporter for Kakashi Spirit. Mind answering a few questions?"

You look at her hesitantly before handing the roll of paper back to her. "I already promised the other girl--"

"What, Bunbunmaru? That tabloid has such a low reputation around here it's laughable. Mine, on the other hand, is a well-respected news outlet for the denizens of Gensokyo." You can tell that she's lying, but there seems to be an air of truth to be found within her words if you look back to the somewhat questionable nature of Aya's articles. "So, what do you think? Mind helping me out a bit, Mister Outsider?"

"I don't think it'd be right for me to just leave--"

"Oh, but I insist." From behind her you hear a clanking of metal and notice the wolf girl standing behind her, as well, this time holding a large sword and shield.

A. Go with Hatate
B. Wait for Aya

>> No.5417703

reported for gaia shit

>> No.5417706


>> No.5417708
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>I start a shitty thread when /jp/ is shitty.

>> No.5417709

Quest threads in /jp/?

/tg/ approves!

>> No.5417716

/jp/ is extraordinary bad today. This is breeze of fresh air.

>> No.5417717


Oh fuck you guys Scandaroon is here


>> No.5417719
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>> No.5417721

Aya is very cute in that picture.

>> No.5417723 [DELETED] 


Except no

Her face is shitty.

>> No.5417724

Two pages already disappeared.
At least admit the meido is trying her best

>> No.5417725



Fuck, hide the weed

>> No.5417727

Why are you so upset? Is there something big and knobby stuck in your ass?

>> No.5417730

No he's a schizophrenic
He doesnt know It but he's actually everyone in this thread
Including me

>> No.5417731
File: 82 KB, 1005x300, no cyoa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reported. Go to touhouproject.

>> No.5417732


Who said anything about being upset?

I am a man who wears his heart on his sleeve and never tones down my feeling or opinions on things.

Her face is shit.

>> No.5417734

Why is Momiji here? Bad dog. Go back to your post guarding youkai mountain.

>> No.5417734,1 [INTERNAL] 

meido hate Bern

>> No.5417734,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.5417734,3 [INTERNAL] 

Third thread:

