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5416227 No.5416227 [Reply] [Original]

When did having boobs bigger than your head become normal in anime?

>> No.5416238
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Because the middle ground is never appealing.

>> No.5416236

I don't know. I don't understand why huge boobs have become popualr at all. 100 years ago anything bigger than an apple was considered unsightly.

>> No.5416241

Ratings, sales, ect.

>> No.5416245

Why don't you ask on /a/ or something?

>> No.5416263
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Actually, huge breasts, a large ass, and some bodyfat has been the pinnacle of the female form since 24,000 - 22,000 B.C.E. The Venus of Willendorf, an ancient artifact, suggests as much.

>> No.5416281

Gonna have to agree with Sion.

>> No.5416285
File: 49 KB, 640x360, to-aru-kagaku-no-railgun-sexy-pantsu-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

flat-chest is better

>> No.5416288

Small tits, big tits, they're all the same to me.

A girl with no birthing hips/dat ass though, that's just plain wrong.

>> No.5416302

I would full force, anus, mouth and cunt.

>> No.5416330

There's no proof that anyone ever fapped to that.

>> No.5416344


Ah, are you noticing the Venus's enlarged vulva?

It bears an uncanny resemblance to OP, doesn't it? Sometimes I wonder if we're just hip versions of our cave-dwelling ancestors. Instead of looking at paintings on the wall, we look at the paintings on the Internet, we belong to separate tribes such as the United States Tribe, the UK tribe...or Countries as they're called now, and so on and so forth.

>> No.5416356


Some people have theorized that it passed for pornography in the old timey days.

Others say it's a cult icon. Or it's a personified mushroom. Can't rule these possibilities out, you know.

>> No.5416379

That could have just been made by some guy with a fat chick fetish.

Pinnacle of the female form my ass.
There's having some meat on you, then there's just being an obese land whale.

>> No.5416387


Fuck, the more I look at these two, the more they look the same. It's like the statue is a chunky version of OP, or OP is a realistic portrayal of the statue with less weight.

They even have the same hairstyle, to a point. It's tripping me out, man!

>> No.5416391


Several centuries ago being fat was considered beautiful, since only peasants were thin.

>> No.5416394

How does one guy having a fetish for fatties show the pinnacle of the female form?
The Venus of Milo looks much better.

>> No.5416401
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It looks like a dogu head and arms

>> No.5416403


That'd make sense, if that particular style of figurine wasn't so recurring around the world.

Either there were shittons of fat fetishists around at one time, or that guy really got around. And bear in mind that the figurine is of exaggerated proportions.

>> No.5416409


Absolutely. Obesity carried connotations of wealthy.

The reverse is true today! Hilarious world, isn't it.

>> No.5416411


Like a caricature, right? It's supposed to exaggerate already prominent features.

>> No.5416419

Your ass, fat big tits, ass etc have been sexy for 24,000 - 1500 or so. It always indicated that the woman was wealthy and could bear as many children as you like, on the other side skinny no tit girls were skiny because they where starving. For milenia now being fat was a status symbol of wealth, on on the last 150 years when food has become abundant has that changed, and only in the west.

If you go to africa or some tribe where they aren't westernized you'll see that everyone prefers fat.

>> No.5416416



That word sneaked out of my post, somehow.

>> No.5416413

More like natural drugs and the resulting trips.

>> No.5416423


Some people say that the figure represents a hallucinogenic mushroom, so you might just be on to something there.

>> No.5416432


It just shows how the people claiming the existence of universal standards of beauty are morons.

It's not even that long ago that big breasts were considered unseemly.

>> No.5416459

Yeah but it's probably just an idol. It's like saying people fapped to Bast.

>> No.5416464


>It's not even that long ago that big breasts were considered unseemly.

Also, the rise of feminism has been trying to label the natural attraction to large breasts as a puerile, childish fetish.

I bet they also give their babies formula from a bottle because heaven forbid the kid sees a breast, it might turn the child into a monster!

>> No.5416466

Exaggeration due to a smaller viewing window, I guess.

Could also just be a general, 'I like big breasts. Thus I like BIGGER breasts," kinda thing. So you end up with Mogudan-esque creations with breasts larger than the head, wasp waists, and gigantic legs and butts. It's actually kinda amusing because they end up looking bigger than all but the steroid-abusingest of men.

>> No.5416468

>Obesity carried connotations of wealthy.
>The reverse is true today!
No it's not. Change wealthy with healthy and you'll be correct.

>> No.5416471


Well if I was Egyptian I'd have fapped to Bast, shes the first Catgirl, furry?

>> No.5416488


True, true. They probably masturbated to Ḥaqā́tat instead, what with the whole pregnancy/fertility and sex angle she had going.

>> No.5416510

I somehow doubt that strongly religious people masturbate to their own gods.

>> No.5416532


While I have to agree that I've yet to see someone bust nuts to the crucifix in church, It's certainly not an unheard-of concept.


>Could also just be a general, 'I like big breasts. Thus I like BIGGER breasts," kinda thing. So you end up with Mogudan-esque creations with breasts larger than the head, wasp waists, and gigantic legs and butts. It's actually kinda amusing because they end up looking bigger than all but the steroid-abusingest of men.

I like Mogudan, myself.

I rather like the picture you're painting here, of wonderfully callipygian women cavorting with impossibly muscular males.

Here's $200, give me my ticket, please. I'll throw in more if you add a personal trainer and a briefcase of Human Growth Hormone for me to start with.

>> No.5416549
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>> No.5416553
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I forgot my image.

Anyway, I expect to see this when I step off the plane, into whichever place Anon just described.

>> No.5416566

the time anime started to have characters that are meant to make the watchers excited

>> No.5416603

Oh, Mogudan's not bad, provided that you're expecting idealized uber-women with colossal hips, legs, and breasts, but without the unsightly belly and face flab that would would come part and parcel in real life.

>> No.5416612


At age 50, it's all downhill from there!

>> No.5416636

It's kind of a waste to have hips that big and a flat ass.

>> No.5416649
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>> No.5416681
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>boobs bigger than your head
At first it was weird, but then one of the boob girls became my waifu and I came to accept them.

My first anime with boobs larger than head.

>> No.5416710


My first was Milk Junkies, which I can't post on a SFW board.

>> No.5416741


No route RAGE.

>> No.5416739
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When did having boobs bigger than your head become normal in real life?

>> No.5416789

It was popular a few years ago, not so much anymore.
Most anime these days pander to lolicons... Or is this just indicative of what I've been watching...

>> No.5416796


I remember stuff like Jungle De Iku! that was literally nothing but one huge breast joke after another, from back in the day.

Then suddenly lolis became super popular and it's been like that ever since.

>> No.5416803

Cool, I thought it was just me for a second...

>> No.5416830

Since implants were invented.

>> No.5416833

I like it better this way. Hopefully it'll catch on one day in the US.

>> No.5416837


I stopped watching Anime.

Not because the cool kids no longer do it. But because every single show is a generic Lucky Star Rehash, or Haruhi Rehash.

I used to watch Anime because there was different things going on in every show, there were huge breasts, and explosions, guns, blood, gore, people getting sliced or shot in half, or heads fucking exploding out of nowhere. Shit like Berserk or Angel Cop.

Fun stuff, right? Then suddenly it's 2008, and holy shit little girls in school. Little girls in school EVERYWHERE.

Motteke! Seifuku. Motteke! Seifuku EVERYWHERE.

I'm amused over the huge shitstorm going on because of the Eva movies. That's some real fucking anime, straight to the DOME. Complete with Engrish, explosions, breasts, giant robots, phallic monsters, and throwaway Christian references.

What's the matter? Too few little girls in school, discussing food?

>> No.5416857

>there were huge breasts, and explosions, guns, blood, gore, people getting sliced or shot in half, or heads fucking exploding out of nowhere.

You know thers such an anime every season, it's because you stooped watching that you don't know about them.

>> No.5416864


Yeah, like one series a season. I remember when almost everything was like that. I could queue up several different shows and completely stop giving a fuck.

Nowadays it's like trying to pan for gold.

>> No.5416866


I'll take giant space battleships filled with nationalist japanese apologist overtones over a bunch of 14 year old HS girls talking about absolutely nothing any day.

also explosions.

>> No.5416876

Lolis were always popular; they just had big tits too in the 90s.

Azumanga started it. People just wanted more girls in school doing marginally humorous things.

>> No.5416877


Dude, do you remember Galaxy Express 999?

It had hot chicks, shit fucking blowing up, and people died in every fucking episode almost. I'd have trouble telling you about an episode where someone didn't die. There was always major shit going down.

>> No.5416880

So you liked anime because it was different from what you saw before but hate it now that you know it's the same old shit?

>> No.5416883


Azumanga started it, and Haruhi smashed it out of the park.

People would NOT stop talking about haruhi. When I saw Haruhi merch at my local mall, I knew we were fucked.

>> No.5416888

lolis never had big tits... 15 years old is not loli

>> No.5416893


>but hate it now that you know it's the same old shit?

More like I hate it now because it's mostly casual shit like Railgun, Index, K-On!, or whatever moeblob loli show is out now, I haven't checked yet.

And there is like one good hardcore show out every season.

>> No.5416902

>I remember when almost everything was like that
You're dreaming I was never like that.

Whats wrong doesn't
Angel Beats
FMA: Brotherhood
Senkou no Night Raid
have enough
>huge breasts, and explosions, guns, blood, gore, people getting sliced or shot in half, or heads fucking exploding out of nowhere

Every single anime above has exactly everything you named.

>> No.5416907


This pretty much sums up my opinion on anime as it is today, sort of. I liked the sheer variety there used to be. Nowadays, though, entire seasons are either nothing but tits, generic high school girls being 'cute', or both. Maybe one or two things worth watching, but when I think back to when there was tons of shit worth watching, I just get more depressed than excited.

>> No.5416909

Holy fuck. nostalgia bomb. thanks, now I'm going to download this..

>> No.5416912

More like you're bored of it. Theres tons of shit to watch today you just aren't willing to watch it. Because you have the idea of "IT'S ALL THE SAME SHIT"

>> No.5416914
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>> No.5416917


Blame market trends. Cuteness sells in Japan, and they're going to market to the people who actually buy shit.

Those people are unfortunately only buying moe...so the best solution? FLOOD THE MARKET!

>> No.5416923

Same shit can be found in Asu no Yoichi!...

>> No.5416929

still not loli... she's obviously started puberty

>> No.5416939

ITT people watched only movies and OVAs, thought all anime was like that, and need to go back to watching movies and OVAs.

Anime was just shitty harems/love comedies, gag shows, pretty girls fighting things with guns, magical pretty girls, and kid shows about muscle guys punching shit.

Now it's shitty school shows, parody series, big tittied girls fighting things with swords, violent magitech girls, and kid shows about guys punching shit.

>> No.5416937


>> No.5416936

Sure is autistic people who fly off the handle at minor changes.

Video games? Regenerating health.
Anime? Cute girls doing cute things.

>> No.5416943


You are naming old stuff.

Ikki Tousen? That shit is pre 2008!

I'm talking about very recently, as in post-Haruhi.

>> No.5416947

I find huge boobs creepy to be honest, loli is fine but average-big is best.

>> No.5416949


>ITT people watched only movies and OVAs,



>> No.5416951


>> No.5416957


Oh, and historical Anime. Way too much.

Jesus Fuck, how much more Glorious Nippon can we take? I'm sure I know more about Japanese history than a genuine Nipponese by now.

>> No.5416975


I love how they're all reviving old-school anime nowadays to counter the moe-shit. Evangelion, Ikki Tousen...hilarious.

At least Hayao Miyazaki remembers how to make original shit. Even he's starting to slip.

>> No.5416983
File: 125 KB, 435x883, Stale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just stop, you're failing at defending you position everywhere. Yes imagine historical anime is popular, theres been a crap of that pre haruhi too.

Would you imagine they're even making Shogun Total war 2?


That because you only play shitty OVERHYPED overly known shit. If you watched something that wasn't "Super popular" you'd see a different picture.

We on /jp/ here are supposed to know good stuff that out of the mainstream, but obviously I'm thinking to highly of you guys.

>> No.5416984

Anime became in it's current rut since 2004-5, not 2008.

Macross and Gundam and Galaxy Express still exist. Shows like Dragonball still exist. Nothing you said supports the ANIME HAS CHANGED FOR THE WORSE argument.

>> No.5416988
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See this?

This is a Captain Harlock. He will ruin your shit. Also, he has a balling ass pirate ship that he fucks up motherfuckers with. I used to watch him mess with some bitch-ass niggers.
