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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 89 KB, 455x688, 1201320229653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54145 No.54145 [Reply] [Original]

I'm in love with my older sister.

Yeh, thats right, go ahead and laugh at me. I dont really care, I only came here to tell you guys because a lot of the old nightshift of /a/ post here, and those guys are ok.

I just can't think of any way to deal with this, I genuinely love her. I want to smex her up so badly, I want to hold her afterwards, I want to tell her everything is going to be ok and that her ex's are nothing like me, that i'd take care of her and so on.

I love the fact our interests are so similar (anime) yet so different at the same time (she considers trigun to be her greatest anime ever, for me it's cowboy bebop - and we constantly argue about this).

But I can never tell her any of this, thats why I'm telling you /jp/, because I'm so fucked up, I could never love another girl apart from her.

(I'm 20 and she's 23 by the way).

>> No.54157
File: 116 KB, 542x1167, 1203775562889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fap to this, you will feel slightly better afterwards

>> No.54182
File: 4 KB, 147x217, 1203775987108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assume, you grew up separated?

>> No.54219
File: 2 KB, 99x125, 1203776381825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then it is allright.
People with defective genes are allowed to reproduce, so why shouldn't siblings.
Genetic Sexual Attraction exists.

>> No.55215
File: 334 KB, 969x1400, 1203783451847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next time leave an incest doujin. There are plenty of good ones.

I'm not even into imouto etc. but often they're just better than regular doujin for some reason..

>> No.55404
File: 322 KB, 977x1400, 1203784541328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had an older sister. I would love her tenderly.

>> No.55606
File: 320 KB, 969x1400, 1203786164356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one is that?

This is Exorcism of the Evil Spirit, her brother's penis becomes haunted by an evil spirit and it has to be exorcized (LOL YEAH).

>> No.55841
File: 407 KB, 977x1400, 1203788168214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56218
File: 77 KB, 588x600, 1203791682420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stale copypasta is stale
The only WINcest is between 2 hot sisters
Everything else makes you a sick fuck. Never reproduce.

>> No.56233
File: 472 KB, 508x270, 1203791825563.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56334
File: 342 KB, 969x1400, 1203792468146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, it's Sweet Sisters.

>> No.56565
File: 156 KB, 779x1100, 1203794021667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it taste good, anon?

>> No.54150

Is this copypasta?

>> No.54158

looks like original content future copypasta

>> No.54156

and you are not 20.

>> No.54169

btw anyone care to share some older sister incest mangas?

>> No.54181


>> No.54185

Dayshift /jp/ = /b/.

Incest threads are an /a/ TRADITION. Don't like them? Fuck off.

>> No.54187

genetic sexual attraction is made of awesome and win

>> No.54200


We didn't, lol...

>> No.54204

if you tell hew how you feel, you will probably get a restraining order/beat on. you should probably just keep your feelings and everything on the inside, aside from how bad of an idea that normally is. Or maybe you could talk to a psycologist

>> No.54216

Don't a lot of south americans have sex with their sisters?

>> No.54212

Tell her how you should be together forever since you both like the anime so much. She'll realize the brilliant logic of this and fall into your arms, swooning over you.

>> No.54220


The correct term is 'spic'.

>> No.54226

What's up with all you /b/tards on here anyay?

>> No.54242

dunno about the /b/tard part. I haven't visited /b/ for more than half of a year.
incest is win, but op fails miserably. his undefeatable logic is something I cannot stand.

>> No.54244

she has terrible B.O.

>> No.54247

Well we also like travelling, I am taking the same course as she did at college (physics), we both like the same kind of literature, we both like metaphysical philosophy and so on. I just picked anime because it was most relevant to this board I guess.

>> No.54251

Hehe, one of the things I love about her is that she smells so fucking good all the time to be honest.

>> No.54272

I really hope so, otherwise it looks as if you were fourteen and decided that you're in love with your 19 year old sister because she likes anime too.

Show her some romantic incest anime (no RAPE RAPE RAPE of course). Just progress really, really slowly.

>> No.54274

"southern america" in my name is refering to the southern parts of america, not south america. either way, it doesnt mean i do.

>> No.54285

Can do, I think I'll develop a model of conditioning her to incest by making her watch incest anime, originally pretty tame stuff where it is only alluded to, then shifting it up the scale one by one.

>> No.54303

No no. I mean on the sticker. I wouldnt know about your sister.

>> No.54323

>I'm in love with my older sister.
>(I'm 20 and she's 23 by the way).

>> No.54320

im from peru and im not havin sex with my sister, and we live alone just the two of us and all that shit.

>> No.54329


>> No.54331


Wait... You live alone... with your sister...


Come on man, you must have at least fapped to her a few times, or stolen a pair of her panties.

>> No.54366

hey there peru. I heard your country is really poor

>> No.54406

yeah, but there are some few people not that poor, like me. i have a computer and im posting on 4chan.

also, i dont have incestuos desires, im 20 and my sister is 25. maybe if she was younger than me... if you know what i mean.

>> No.54412


But you're living on your own with her. She must be pretty hot too. Bet she gives an awesome handjob.

>> No.54433

she is a little fatty, and has breasts. i prefer my girl the other way.

>> No.54446


meh, just fuck her regardless. I'm sure half of the guys in Lima have had her.

>> No.54469

no, im sure shes not that sluty. maybe she only has fucked her boyfriend and two other guys lol. i remember when i could hear her and her boyfriend havin sex years ago when i was playin AoE II in the next room lol.

>> No.54470

Yeah we did

>> No.54488

lol AoE will never be the same. Strong u r, peruvian.

>> No.54494

No, you didnt.

>> No.54506


Fucking lol'ed, just had this mental image of 1,000,000 hispanics crowded around a single computer in some shanty town.

>> No.54510


God damn it! Why couldn't *I* have been her brother? Sounds like awesome fap material.

>> No.54554

i have faped to several things, but never to her, i cant even imagine that. maybe she is just not my kind of girl.

>> No.54563

Westermarck effect, aren't it a bitch?

>> No.54568

So to keep people from not getting fat, they tell their children they'll turn into pigs if they eat too much?

>> No.54578

but people turn into pigs if the eat too much

>> No.54596

lol yeah, that must be it. i ocasionaly catched her layin in her bed fully naked, maybe masturbatin, about 2 weeks ago. she covered instantly and we acted like nothing hapent, i just got the hell out of there. and i just havent faped to that!!! maybe ill try, but later, im gonna buy something for breakfast, brb.

>> No.54610

I'd wait until we were alone at home and leave my door open and masterbate. She'd walk by notice and the rest would be history.

>> No.54690


yeah... sort of what i meant there. good parenting.

>> No.54721

in fact once i falled sleep with my door opent and a loli doujin windown on my monitor screen, i was lucky she made some noise so i woke up and closed that window almost inmediatly.

>> No.54740


do try. it will be awesome, i guarantee it!

>> No.55242

this thread seriously needs more wincest

>> No.55274

He ends up fucking them, doesn't he? Why does he always end up fucking them.

>> No.55283



>> No.55318

The lack of loli sisters in this thread has left me in despair.

>> No.55370

she must already think im a pedo PIG DISGUNTING

sup germany, id prefer to have an imouto instead of a older sister.

>> No.55547

Don't let her know that you like her then start watching anime that has light sibling love themes. like onegai twins. then after a year year and a half she might be more open to it. But remember don't watch nothing but sibling love anime. slip it in there. the mind will subconsciously grab onto it and slowly start accepting it.


also sauce on the pic plz.

>> No.55585

Hakuoro say:

Don't fear the incest!

>> No.55915

What about loli cousin who visits every month?

>> No.55933

Describe her.

>> No.55942

Why aren't you tutoring her yet?

>> No.55947

She's a loli even for her age, very short and petite, looks like 7 year olds despite being 11, very very active, bullies her mom and elder brother on a daily basis, impossible to control, and always run away from me because she can sense danger from me.

>> No.55960

>she can sense danger from me.
Train her to be an assassin.

>> No.56022

No, I'm the source of danger for her.

>> No.56050

sauce for this? i tried sentimental but no luck.

>> No.56067

That is the sauce.

>> No.56075

>>55318 The lack of loli sisters in this thread has left me in despair.

My sister sent me an SMS earlier today, asking if we should meet up now that she was in town. I said nah, since I was just drinking with friends last night and wasn't feeling like going to the centrum again tonight.

What would a true Anon have done? She's 17, I'm 26, she's kind of cute.

>> No.56109


Told her u have a hangover and need her to nurse you back to health. Then u go from there.

>> No.56113

Meet up with her, go on a romantic date.

>> No.56119

Meet her, or else she will be butthurt and sleep with some random shithead instead.

>> No.56129

You fucking retarded faggot.

>> No.56346

Forgot to add, it's in the "translated incest" pack #7. RS.
