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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5408571 No.5408571 [Reply] [Original]

Father straightened that faggot out.

>> No.5408574

I used to listen to britney spears when I was little
I turned out straight

>> No.5408572

Makoto is a girl.

>> No.5408578


straight like a boomerang, you faggot

>> No.5408589
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>> No.5408596

what kind of faggot buys a psp

>> No.5408601


>> No.5408602
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>> No.5408606

Actually it's the opposite. He's trying to make her more like a boy.

>> No.5408625

i think his papa just hates pink

>> No.5408705

Nah, he's pissed because it's feminine.

>> No.5408714

More like, what kind of faggot doesn't buy a PSP? You still play a DS, well I have bad news for you then, either you are a little girl or you are a homosexual.

>> No.5408725

>either you are a little girl
This is /jp/ we're talking about.
So then I like other little girls? I'm okay with this.

>> No.5408727

I have both.

>> No.5408729
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Fuck you, I will play whatever the hell I want.

>> No.5408736


Screw you, you can't OBJECTION on a psp.
Unless you goPSP your AA1. GBA version is shit compared to DS version.

>> No.5408748

my PSP Slim & Lite is in a rather bad condition, maybe I'll replace the case with a pink one. the normal black is boring.
even though pink might be distracting in darker games (not that I play much anything besides old games with emulator, taiko no tatsujin, project diva and some other crappy games. K-ON game in the future)

>> No.5408764
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I tempted for the last like 3 years to buy a PSP, but I keep waiting for a PSP2, I'll probably get it in 2 years since I'll get 3DS next year.

>> No.5408777

3DS will be the shit.
Better keep saving money for it.

>> No.5408782

Underage detected.

>> No.5408790

I tend to overthink everything i spend my money on.

But seriously when does nintendo make something bad? You're forgeting the 3DS is a nextgen console and 3D is but only one of it's new functions. Other include Wii level graphics and online probably on par with the PSN on PSP.

>> No.5408792
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I only get PSP games if they have limited edition things with them.

And i don't even have a PSP

>> No.5408795

He said THE shit, not 'shit'

>> No.5408799

Too bad that Phoenix Wright is horribly overrated, so it's not too much of a loss.

>> No.5408814

so I wasn't the only one that disliked it.

>> No.5408820

If every GBA/DS owner liked it, it would have sold millions.
Which confirms that good taste is never the majority.

>> No.5408822

Yes, but he's not referring to himself simply as a DS owner, but as a member of /jp/ and thus a weeaboo. Most weeaboos ate that shit up.

>> No.5408829

The last generation video games have proved that units sold does NOT equal good. Or is Wii Fit a good game by someones standards?

>> No.5408842

>Which confirms that good taste is never the majority.

See also: Valkyria Chronicles for PS3. I weep that it's in the bargain/shit section at GameStop already, on the bottom most shelf with a big discount sticker on it.

>> No.5408841

buying a ds just for something like that doesnt seem very wise to me; playing something like the AA games on an emulator doesnt sound too bad.
its still best to have both the PSP and the DS, though, they've been pretty cheap for a rather long time now + piracy is easy + games arent expensive, either. and they have better games than any of the current home consoles (in my opinion)

>> No.5408845

Ace attorney has it's own consistent fanbase, separate from fanbase/weeaboos.
Technically, it's not bad. It's a game with fitness exercises in a simple accessible way. Not something you or I would care about, but it has a more general appeal.
And while I exaggerated a bit, you support my argument, that truly good things rarely get popular.

>> No.5408846

Dream C club too

not a good game but good characters

>> No.5408851

Hey, it did sell over 800,000 copies.
That's not bad at all.

>> No.5408852

God I love that game...

I just hope they make another on the PS3. You cant play it with one analog stick.

>> No.5408854

>Ace attorney has it's own consistent fanbase, separate from fanbase/weeaboos.
True, but there is a fair bit of overlap. I never meant to put words in anyone's mouth, though.

>> No.5408861

sad thing the fucking xbox360 is region locked.
I wanted one but the games I like more are japanese so...

>> No.5408864

Judging from fansites concentrations, it is rather minimal.
Localization that cuts out foreign element quite a bit and adds misplaced American one helps in that regard.

>> No.5408865

Sure thats not bad, but consider how many of the 800,000 where sold at 50$ starting price and how many sell at 20$ bargain.

>> No.5408874

riceballs are hamburgers, epic internet memes and whatever!
a good reason to not buy the AA games, assuming you can pirate them{/spoiler]

>> No.5408882

It sold 300,000 of them in the first 3 months, 80,000 in USA.
I still say, not bad at all.

>> No.5408885


Oh, I'm very glad it hit such a sales number, so Sony didn't just drop it and actually invested in a number 2, and hopefully a number 3 on PS3 again.

It's just sad that most PS3 owners (at least the ones I talked to when I worked at said GameStop for the holiday) were like "Valkrie what?" or just had no idea about it. Thankfully there were people who were buying PS3's who asked me to recommend some gaems, and I immediately told them about VC, showed them that it was already bargain priced, and that it was basically the best shit on PS3. A couple people bought it after I gave it my seal of approval.

>> No.5408886

But it's sad, notice how much work went into it, how nice it looks, all the lore... and yet some shitty game like God of War 3 that you play for 6 hours and then never play it again out sells it by milions...

>> No.5408892


Most kids don't want rich back story and lore, they want something that consists purely of copious assplosions, stabbings, and multiplayer.

>> No.5408894

You have to understand that majority of people who own consoles, do not usually have that much time to play or research.
So a simple, good cinematic experience that you can go through on a reasonable time and which has been promoted a lot will sell better.
I do wish Valkyrie Chronicles or Demon's Souls got better notice, but they lack mainstream appeal.
Also, derailed/

>> No.5408896

>God of War
God i hate that game.

>> No.5408911
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Yes I know, that why Wii Fit and MW2 sell like crazy...

I'm probably the only person that likes Uncharted 2 MP, together with Valkyrie and Demon's souls I'd say they're the best games on the PS3.

>> No.5408916


like gears of war


>> No.5408920

Well, Uncharted does not feel special at all to me.
It's just polished.
Easy platforming, easy tactical shooting, B-movie scrip and cookiecut characters.
Definitely entertaining, nothing amazing or unique.
But reviewers and fanbases regard it GOTY.
It's just how it works.
Most of the reviewers of Vidya actually devote much less time than you.

>> No.5408947

I'm not talking about the singleplayer, it's like an average Indiana Jones movie...

I'm actually talking about multiplayer. I like the controls the combat and everything. I have Killzone 2 I don't like it as much, I played a lot of Bad Company 2 when it was beta on my PS3. It was fun but I find Uncharted 2 better. I got BC2 for my PC because well you can't play FPS well with two analogs.

>> No.5408955

I never really bothered with online MP, save for fightan games, so I do not know about that.

>> No.5408967

Well I owned a SNES, then I got a PC and got a modem and I never looked back to consoles I never had any until PS3 because I played online all the time. Because I spend 90% of my game time online, NPCs are just too dumb to play with. But thats just me.

>> No.5408976

MY apologies, NES not SNES.

>> No.5408980

I have a pink DS and an onyx DS
fuck yeah
