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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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540049 No.540049 [Reply] [Original]

How many NEETs are in Japan? Do they keep tabs on that?

>> No.540054

There's about 4.

>> No.540055

anyone unemployed is a NEET

>> No.540061

1/3 the population under the age of 30
1/20 the population above 30

>> No.540062

Yeah but I imagine the common unemployed worker is at least looking for work or to improve their lives. NEETs don't care

>> No.540079

NEET means not employed, in education, or in training. That includes unemployed workers looking for jobs. Mindsets among NEETs vary though, from those that are actively trying to find out of their NEET status to those that proudly embrace it.

>> No.540080

Somewhere in the millions.

>> No.540092

Then why has the term been created if it simply means unemployed?

>> No.540096

Because it doesn't just mean unemployed.


>> No.540097

People aged between 15 and 34 who are unemployed, unmarried, not enrolled in school or engaged in housework, and not seeking work or the technical training needed for work.

>> No.540130

so anyone with a future or life is not a NEET?

>> No.540141

About 20% of all adolescents in Japan are NEETs.

>> No.540147

Multiply the suicide number by 10.

>> No.540149

How many NEETs in the U.S.?

>> No.540374

so anyone who losses their job, even someone with a doctorate in chemistry automatically becomes NEET? Don't think it was ever supposed to have that meaning

>> No.540380


No, a NEET is someone who isn't being educated, isn't employed, and isn't actively seeking either.

>> No.540409

so all the retired men and women are NEETs?

>and isn't actively seeking either

that isn't what >>540079 said

>> No.540428

Well, if you stop looking for employment, or there just isn't any and you don't care, you count as NEET.

>> No.540443

NEET is a lifestyle. Paris Hilton is obviously not a NEET.

>> No.540453


She's sort of self-employed. People pay her to go places and do things. Trust fund babies can do that sort of thing.

>> No.540501

The term is typically applied to people 17-30 or so...

An old person retired is just that.. a retired old person.
