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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 135 KB, 800x600, 1271563598523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5396132 No.5396132 [Reply] [Original]

Cute and pedo.

>> No.5396134

Yes, that I am.

>> No.5396137

And legal

>> No.5396140

It's not pedo 'til the pants come off

>> No.5396146

Dem damn tanlines. Sweet mother of fap!

>> No.5396147 [DELETED] 
File: 314 KB, 850x2134, 1273703091462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5396150

is it ok to imagine them off?

>> No.5396151

>those shoes
Holy fuck

>> No.5396156

Tan lines are my fetish

>> No.5396158

it's not ok to not imagine them off

>> No.5396161
File: 78 KB, 691x376, A lolicon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you all go have a seat over there.

>> No.5396164

She's not even wearing pants.

>> No.5396170
File: 953 KB, 850x1182, 1271897316099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5396172


>> No.5396190
File: 151 KB, 800x600, 1272797195272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5396204


Best artist ever and I don't give a fuck what haters think.

>> No.5396224
File: 15 KB, 709x240, 1232423065354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're not kidding... That is the most delicious image I have seen in a while. In keeping with /jp/ tradition and moot's original statement, we should have more of this, every day.

>> No.5396262
File: 658 KB, 1600x1200, 1276399550301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5396300

Dat ass!

>> No.5396327

That image caused my penis engine to start running.

>> No.5396341

those peds won't phile themselves

>> No.5396351
File: 210 KB, 1024x1224, loli1276697192509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I approve this thread !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.5396352

I feel nothing from looking at it.

What the hell is wrong with me.

>> No.5396362 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 402x600, loli1276703560617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about this?

>> No.5396360

You're just desensitized.

Imagine her beautiful vagina behind that flap of cloth. Imagine playing with her butt, or licking her slit to taste the nectar~

Ah, I love lolis.

>> No.5396361

You need to try harder to become a pedophile.

>> No.5396367 [DELETED] 

W W w . A N O n T a l k . s e mpb fvehxbhbzmb ntff ikwdztg aj lp jweot sh

>> No.5396373


That is fucking unbelievably beautiful.

>> No.5396388 [DELETED] 

Now, now...why was that glorious picture deleted? Fuck you, Meido.

>> No.5396408

That image has been a first hit on google pictures under "lolicon" for god knows how long. At least I recall it as one of my first encounters with the world of loli, many years ago.

>> No.5396420


Never change /jp/... Your comedy entertains me greatly.

>> No.5396425

>first encounters with the world of loli, many years ago

How fondly I remember those days. What a life changing discovery.

>> No.5396428


No, I will not carry you home, you vile temptress.

>> No.5396458


First loli game I ever saw was Hajimete no Orusuban on a GBA emulator. Man that must have been... 2002?

>> No.5396477
File: 248 KB, 800x600, 7101ed01427783ca40d0674245c564e1ea3f92ba..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got that right. Only similar experience I can think of is the introduction to doujin and Touhou in general, but those are honestly highly related. After A comes B. The keyword is 2D, no matter how you look at it. You don't get to appreciate it enough before you understand how restricted 3D in truth is. Ironic, concidering how 3D has an extra dimension to work with, but that's the curse of mainstream.

Also, upgraded OP pic.

>> No.5396490


I like that upgrade. It's even hotter than her being completely naked.

>> No.5396494


oooh.... oooh... I can't fap again... I simply can't. It hurts.

Oh, on a side note, whatever happened to that loli brothel training game that was supposed to be translated?

>> No.5396497

I like the fact that she's wet and blushing in that image.

>> No.5396514

One thing confuses me.

If her slit shows when her swimsuit gets wet, why would anyone wear that swimsuit in the ocean?

>> No.5396518

I don't think it's the water that's making her suit that wet.

>> No.5396525

Is vagina arousal juice more wet than water?

>> No.5396535


For some reason that sentence is fucking hilarious.

>> No.5396538

How judge how if a liquid is wetter than another liquid?

>> No.5396541

>more wet than water

I think your erection has significantly reduced the blood flow to your brain.

>> No.5396542

Would the slit of a vagina appear more wet through a swimsuit splashed with water, or with vagina juice?

>> No.5396550

Maybe it's like when you put some wax paper down on fried food, and the grease makes the paper transparent.

>> No.5396557

i don't know, but it seems like a worthwhile subject to test.
Unfortunately, I don't have the supplies to milk girls for vagina juice.

>> No.5396561

Chemestry tought me at least one thing:

(not previously involved in the conversation, just adding some handy facts)

>> No.5396577

What's the viscosity of vagina juice?

>> No.5396598


And is there a difference between the viscosity of loli vaginal juice from that of a fully matured woman?

>> No.5396605
File: 22 KB, 300x300, summerofjam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5396606


So...how hard is it to get a research grant?

>> No.5396607

I'd fund it.

>> No.5396608

water based personal lubricants are close

>> No.5396622

So vagina juice is like water? Would it have the same effect on swimsuit material as ocean water?

>> No.5396641

Perhaps because the organs that secrete that liquid haven't matured yet the liquid is different.
I say loli juice flows more. And smells less.

>> No.5396656

But why would it flow more? Shouldn't there be less of it?

Loli juice would smell like sweet strawberries.

>> No.5396660

Like water, yeah. But also there are the strange and horrible non-descript creatures that live inside a loli's vagina.
They, and water, is what makes the slit appear.

>> No.5396670

I meant 'flows faster'. My mistake.

>> No.5396682


Intriguing. Shall we proceed now with the observation and experimentation?

>> No.5396695

We'll need a lot of loli juice. At least half a liter. In order to get an accurate sample for smell.

Incidentally, is there a word for vagina juice bukkake?

>> No.5396704

There's some porno called "Reverse Bukkake" where a bunch of girls squirt on some guy.

>> No.5396707

its close
i believe its more acidic than water
as for how its affect a swimsuit I don't know
volume and viscosity can be effected by general health
odor is effected by hygiene and diet

>> No.5396710

Well have to gather a variety of lolis, preferably between the ages of 8-13.

1 blonde
1 brunette
1 redhead
1 blackhair

Then, the same with adult women, we can just compare and contrast from there. We'll just tap water as a control.

>> No.5396711


>creatures that live inside a loli's vagina

Es el vagina dentata!!!!

>> No.5396715

Distilled water is better for control.
We should also try Distilled Water+Salt, for ocean.

>> No.5396728

If you want artificial sea water, here's how to make it:


>> No.5396744
File: 156 KB, 1280x960, 0396085ef8bcc2cef2512413f8d19e95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread.

I should dump some more research material on you.

Fun fact:
This was one of the first loli pics I fapped to. I remember how confused I was.

>> No.5396759

That looks like toddlercon... Fappan at the speed of light anyway.

>> No.5396762


Ah the scientific method.... Have to love it.

>> No.5396765

I'm sure at least one of us lives near an ocean. Why not get some of that?

Half a liter? They are lucky to spill three or four drops. We'll never get it done, let alone with the different samples >>5396710 wants

>> No.5396771

Why toddlers have such huge vulva?

>> No.5396777

We'll have to employ the services of a gorefag that's majoring in mechanical engineering.
He can attach some something special to the vagina of the loli, then stimulate her for hours on end.

>> No.5396781

What if we had some sort of pump?

>> No.5396783

Wait a minute. I fapped to that HCG. It's okay everyone, they're not real lolis. They're robots.

>> No.5396790

I would like to propose that we also test pH, As I believe that this would effect taste.

Also, the pH may make the environment of the vagina more or less hospitable to sperm cells. I would even suggest that if a loli's vagina is more hospitable to sperm, therefore making her more susceptible to pregnancy (this would obviously not apply to all lolis, but you did mention up to age 13, they would by then be most likely fertile) would provide a level of greater psychological excitement due to the higher risk.

I doubt that this would exist on a conscious level though, which would make testing and verifying it nearly impossible. But it is something I have considered.

>> No.5396794

You make it sound as if that's a good thing.

>> No.5396808

So, you're saying a loli's vagina is the best place to store semen?

I will keep a mental note of that.

>> No.5396811

i live about a 5 miles away from the gulf of mexico.
think the oil in the water will cause a skewed result

>> No.5396815
File: 346 KB, 1600x1200, b4bc8e988bcf5205acf19f13912d8d4d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Note how there's no sign of spilt juices on this subject. Another important point to note is that this one isn't blushing, but rather wearing a troll face.

Fun fact:
Askray/Bosshi was one of the first loli material doujinshi artist I started lurking.

>> No.5396821
File: 19 KB, 320x335, ShockedComputer Kids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember when I discovered loli. I don't remember which doujin it was, but I had this face. And a twitching penis.
But I didn't begin fapping in earnest to it until I found some CP video in my computer, apparently downloaded by my father. Cue this reaction again.

It's like their head becomes smaller when compared to the rest of their body as they grow up.

>> No.5396825

Source of OP?

>> No.5396837


>> No.5396852

Mei Shoujo actually

>> No.5396854
File: 158 KB, 640x896, 7029bd11211962811b5a089eee7e36e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or rather: both blushing and wearing a troll face. Magnitude of blush may be of interest.

Perhaps semi transparent swim suits for little girls in Japan is more trendy than one might initially believe?

>> No.5396871

Yeah. Sperm can live inside a vagina for up to three days.
Remains to be seen why we want that inside a loli. It will do nothing to help the study.

I don't think a 13 year old actively thinks of pregnancy. Or, for that matter, of sex.
I wonder if 'just playing' gets different results from 'we are having sex'

>> No.5396879

>I don't think a 13 year old actively thinks of pregnancy. Or, for that matter, of sex.
You're talking about 13 year olds here, not 3 year olds.
Unless you made a typo.

>> No.5396880
File: 62 KB, 800x600, 005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh right. I saw tan lines and instantly thought to Bishoujo. My bad.

>> No.5396881

Damn, there are so many possible variables.

>> No.5396886 [SPOILER] 
File: 149 KB, 690x1000, 24d494abe35e66ea3d104f25574c03c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares about swim suits anyway... I mean, we all do, but alternatives ain't bad either.

>> No.5396889

>I don't think a 13 year old actively thinks of sex.

>> No.5396927

Disregard that comment. I just remembered every 13 year old girl I know grew up in a very tight catholic environment.
You'd need a roman legion to breach that.

>> No.5396933

>I don't think a [Catholic] 13 year old actively thinks of sex.
Really? Really?

>> No.5396944 [SPOILER] 
File: 82 KB, 480x703, ca019f84ee3635d040ca8de9ce1e8eacb2df11c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a matter of fact, toddlers can be hormonally fucked up human beings as well. Truth is that parents may at some point observe that their baby girls' clit swoll up. In this instance the baby girls would as any other girl with a swollen clit enjoy stimuli on it, by rubbing against whatever available toy or furniture. Disturbing for some; ultimate turn-on for others.

>> No.5396953

No, seriously. Catholic and happy with it.
Certainly a break from the GET HER AWAY FROM ME image.

>> No.5396967


Toddlers masturbate like crazy. It's ridiculous.

>> No.5396968 [SPOILER] 
File: 121 KB, 640x600, 2ed4c7e69e564623dc99dd4da0aa151b533cbd24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5396986

I can vouch for this.

I never needed any toys growing up, I was one.

>> No.5396991

Well, this is a piece of good information.
Let's say you 'relieve' her when she's a baby. Perhaps she will remember it when she's a more grown up child?

>> No.5397010

Fucking society making this a taboo.

>> No.5397049


Do you remember anything from when you were a toddler?

>> No.5397063

I remember trying to fuck the dog when I was 3

>> No.5397068
File: 132 KB, 788x1086, childhoodmasturbation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5397089


I think you will find this interesting! My father studied a lot of psychology and human sexuality when he was in university, and has kept all of his textbooks. I was reading them a few years ago and learned about a culture that does exactly that, fondling their infants/toddlers genitals as a pacifier of sorts. They were extremely liberated sexually, it's amazing.

I'll look for it now and type some of it out. It's pretty cool.

>> No.5397163


This is a rather fascinating read.

Full thing:


>> No.5397214
File: 363 KB, 1000x500, 10704494_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will this be enough lolis for the experiment?

>> No.5397227

Damn, I can't find the part about fondling infants and toddlers, but I'm going to type some of this out anyway. I think it's pretty interesting how liberated they are regarding sex.

By contrast, Donald Marshall (1971) describes how in the culture of Mangaia in the South Pacific, sex for reproduction and pleasure is a major focus in life. Boys learn about masturbation as early as age 6 or 7; and by 8 or 9 they have usually started. When a boy is 13, he undergoes a ritual in which a long incision is made in his penis, a custom designed to introduce him to manhood. The person who conducts the ritual provides him with information about sexual strategies - how to kiss and suck a woman's breasts, as well as help his partner achieve orgasm before he does. Two weeks after the incision ceremony, the 13 year old boy has intercourse with an experienced woman, which causes the scab on his penis to be removed.

>> No.5397237

The woman trains the boy in various sexual techniques and helps him to learn to hold back ejaculation so she can achieve orgasm with him. Soon after, the boy looks for girls to try out his techniques, for he is now a "man". Adolescent girls expect him to have intercourse with them - if he does not, it is a sign that he does not like them. By late adolescence, Mangaian boys and girls have sex every night and average 3 orgasms each per night.

>> No.5397246


That's from physics...

>> No.5397249

I think Kinsey had a study about childhood sexuality. Don't know if it's been suppressed or not.

>> No.5397275 [DELETED] 


Brb, killing myself and hoping to be bron in the right place.

>> No.5397281

3/night sounds like hell

>> No.5397288


Brb, killing myself and hoping to be born in the right place.

>> No.5397304

What retards.

Teacher: "hey your daughter's masturbating"
Grandma: "she's masturbating"
Parents: "bluhh??" *more years of expensive tests*

>> No.5397312


From where is that pic, anyway?

>> No.5397314

sauce please?

>> No.5397327

It is a good start.

I'm sure that is the place we want to go when we die.

>> No.5397357


I'm almost positive it's by Ironashi.

>> No.5397384
File: 12 KB, 200x200, 200px-Bill_Nye_Expert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Expert shlicking fujoshi here; vaginal juices slightly have the consistency of eggwhites crossed with water. The consistency varies on fertile days, when the juices are a bit more 'thick' to help 'catch' sperm faster. On normal days it's more light and it can easily drip down when aroused. Normal juices don't normally stain panties but when fertile it can.

>> No.5397393

So during 'normal' days, pregnancy risk is reduced (if not eliminated), right?

>> No.5397395 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 500x568, mir_fascinating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.5397407


Me too.

>> No.5397422


Can you show me? I need a demonstration.

>> No.5397423

If a woman isn't ovulating, fertilization will be rather difficult I imagine.

>> No.5397424

so would posting 3d cute lolis be ok? nonnude of course.

>> No.5397445

No, probably not. If you do that we're going to have mods bitching and we won't be able to continue our loli discussions (as easily).

>> No.5397447


stick to 2D

>> No.5397450
File: 263 KB, 707x1000, 1271944643269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Have a blast.

>> No.5397452

It depends when does the girl ovulate. Normally, girls ovulate a week or so before their period, making this time period dangerous if you want to finish inside her. I would also like to mention that this time period is extremely painful as we are hormonally active and everything is swelling (including the breasts). But there's some girls that ovulate at a different time each month, so there's no telling whether or not you'll impregnate her. My advice would be the pulling out technique, it supposedly works for most couples.

>> No.5397460

why is there so much militant 3d hate?

>> No.5397465




>> No.5397467

Spoiler it if you do, people get livid about 3d.

>> No.5397468 [DELETED] 


W w W . a n O N _ x _ t A L k . s E _ R E m O V E _ x mxxs eatymf iwrxx bre hpogy t i ipl

>> No.5397470

here, no 3d.

>> No.5397471

I don't know. It really raises some questions when it's not illegal and there's actual child porn on other boards, but I have no doubt someone would complain.

>> No.5397475

Too close to CP, perhaps.

Valuable info right here.
But 'supposedly'?

>> No.5397478

Why does three per night sound bad? I do that by myself when I'm feeling particularly aroused. I recently masturbated myself to orgasm three times within two hours. Felt great. The only pain was when I began to get an erection 5 minutes after my orgasm, but that was replaced by the good feelings.

>> No.5397479

Pulling out is a lousy prophylactic method. Condoms and the pill are much safer.

>> No.5397481





>> No.5397484

according to wikipedia otaku doesn't have any bearing on whether you're a pedo or not...

>> No.5397486

Because 2D is vastly superior.

>> No.5397488



>> No.5397501


Calm the fuck down.

>> No.5397522


How about you learn the rules here before you start shitposting absurd suggestions like "HAI GUIS DO U THINK I SHOULD POST PHOTOS OF LOLIEZ LOL". Fucking newfaggot pedophile cretin giving the rest of us ALLLLL a bad name. Kill yourself before you actually start molesting kids you fucking degenerate.


>> No.5397532

Shut up.

>> No.5397538


So mad.

>> No.5397551


Fuck you, faggot. You should know the rules here better than anyone.

>> No.5397559

Why is that?

>> No.5397568
File: 387 KB, 706x1000, 1275648976244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less rage more loli

>> No.5397574
File: 75 KB, 800x600, 77c4f972931d7facfbc90a1a70463174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5397576

guess i'm not understanding how posting non obscene pictures of japanese girls that are at least tangentially relevant to the conversation is an offense worthy of being yelled at for...this place is bewildering

>> No.5397588

>implying white ren is an actual person and not a public tripcode

>> No.5397593
File: 393 KB, 600x800, 4401643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5397597

thanks bro.

>> No.5397598

he mad

i fappan

>> No.5397602

Holy shit, shut the fuck up already.

/jp/ is 3Dpedo. Less so than 3Dpedo, but still 3Dpedo too.

>> No.5397604


Well, you're here every day, dude. Unless you're just some faggot that is posting under White Ren's name AND trip. Which is possible, I guess, because I can't really see him finding fault with my attempt to nip this 3D bullshit in the bud before we've got CP all over our fucking board from the kids out of school for the summer.

>> No.5397605

Speaking of public tripcodes, this one is #ijL?~1VZ

Maybe we can confuse some summer visitors with it.

>> No.5397607

Modern /jp/ cannot tolerate other people's fetishes.

>> No.5397616
File: 23 KB, 627x556, summer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Spoken like someone from another board shitposting in /jp/.

So fucking recent.

>> No.5397619

Only one asshole is yelling at you. The rest of us are just pointing out that some mod will probably cause problems for it after Mr.Asshole reports it as illegal content.

>> No.5397626

Serious question: where did this "summer" bullshit come from? Do people really think that there are high school kids who have absolutely no access to the internet at all, except when school ends in June? It's retarded.

>> No.5397629

> posting under White Ren's name AND trip
Haha what kind of fag would do that.

>> No.5397634

I came to /jp/ 2 months after it was formed, and have stayed here as an addict since due to being a jobless fuckwit.

/jp/ has been 3Dpedo forever. Perhaps you've just not been on /jp/ for most of the day to notice the trend.

>> No.5397637

Post them.

>> No.5397644
File: 42 KB, 301x450, endlesssummer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know Ren's trip is public, but who the fuck posts under someone else's name but a fucking dipshit trying to look fucking OG.

>> No.5397645

People have much more free time when school is out so they browse other boards that may interest them. "Otaku Culture" is pretty general, and most people from /a/ and other boards likely think of themselves as 'otaku'.

>> No.5397646

endless summer
and kids get most board and have the most free time to explore in summer
also go away, you're underage b&

>> No.5397650

Same tripfag I filtered the other day. What's the matter, bub? Too many people filter you?

>> No.5397657

It's an /a/ thing (notice how it's almost never mentioned here, unless by an obvious /a/sshole). To explain how bad the board is, they fish around for anything on which they can place blame. In summer 2007 (I believe) 4chan saw a huge jump in the userbase, and everyone has been blaming summer for its problems since. Obviously, this is irrational, but good luck trying to tell people that.

>> No.5397663

There are some serious aspies here.
What's even more amazing is whoever wasted their time CRACKING tripfags' tripcodes.
Really? You really wasted time out of your life to do that? That's pretty fucking sad.

>> No.5397665

post them

>> No.5397667


Why do I seriously not believe you. Junior idols didn't last long at all here and the vast majority of users, at least before the raiding and summer, were put off by PD3D, loli or not. Everyone faps to 2D loli but 3D lovers are only a minority here.

>> No.5397671
File: 27 KB, 300x300, forever summer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pathological liar.

If not, then even worse for you because that means you've lurked here for years, seen the shitstorm that posting 3D creates, and because it appeals to YOUR personal fetish have chosen to rationalize it as related.


>> No.5397673

i'm afraid of /jp/ wrath

>> No.5397678

lol shut up already you bitter failure

>> No.5397679

Just because one type of thread is banned doesn't mean the users that populated them will leave. I know I'm still here, and I love 3D loli.

>> No.5397689

Damn, I really hate /jp/ sometimes. I wish there was a way to filter specific Anonymous, as I'm sure it's just a few people shitting up every thread.

>> No.5397692

what's so appealing about 2d that 3d doesn't have?

>> No.5397695



>> No.5397701

The guy posting the summer images normally uses a trip.

All he ever does is rage at everything because of "summer". I've never seen him here before a few months ago, however. Kind of ironic if you ask me.

>> No.5397710


After reading that, am I the only one that has an erection? It especially started twitching hard when it mentioned the girls fingering themselves.

>> No.5397719


I never said you left, I just said you're in the minority here. A lot of people are put off by 3D loli whether it's the consequences or they just detest 3DPD but regardless it's not posted much around here and the only time it was seriously 'discussed' was back when junior idols were banned which, as I mentioned before, didn't last very long.

>> No.5397722

I hear you. I too wish that were possible.

>> No.5397726


maybe he lurked moar faggot.

>> No.5397734
File: 2.40 MB, 1400x2000, 70ed063fc5a0d5eca93ee8491c0fb9bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone asking for source:
Remember that http://iqdb.org/ is your friend. None of the pictures I've posted is taken directly from a doujin work, simply pictures leeched from pixiv, dan/gelbooru and whatnot over the years. I sorta lost interest when the mad started infesting the thread.

>> No.5397735

I don't even know what to say to you. I'd call you a pathetic troll if not for how I know you aren't trolling.

>Why do I seriously not believe you.
Now, you're obviously a faggot that has been on /jp/ for a year, tops, simply because of your grammar being similar to something you'd find on myspace.
As for the idolfags, no one liked them, not even pedos. Hell, I filtered them ages ago, and didn't even notice they weren't here any more until a few months back when I had to reinstall Firefox. There have been more pedothreads on /jp/ than your disgusting idolfag threads.
Don't post them. 3D girls are typically ugly, especially asians, regardless of age.

>> No.5397746


"HMmMMMFF. I wish molesting children wasn't illegal. DON'T YOU GUYS?"

Please shoot yourself in the dick.

>> No.5397748

Yeah, sorry that happened. Apparently some people don't know how to ignore threads they don't like.

>> No.5397759


>>replying to 3 different people as though they were one
>>pretending not to be mad

>> No.5397760


Oh no, he used a full stop instead of a question mark. He's obviously from MySpace. XDDDDDDD

I've been on 4chan for years if you really must know. Yes, I know I'm pathetic.

>> No.5397761

You haven't seen 3D girls if you think they are ugly.

>> No.5397771

I like how people pretend that summer is the reason /jp/ is shit.

>> No.5397773


I meant 3D little girls. Most of the ones that get posted (clothed, at least) are really homely looking. My standards for 2D have crossed over into the 3D world. And I refuse to lower them, even for children.

>> No.5397775

Oh no! She has the crabs!

>> No.5397779 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 474x350, 1253417617649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5397787


But are you denying that it's one of the reasons? There's been a clear increase in the amount of shitposting recently, not that it matters since it's just drowned out with more shitposting and LULZ EPIK RAIDS XDDDDD.

>> No.5397789


Caps lock is cruise control for cool.

>> No.5397791

You haven't seen little 3D girls if you think they are ugly.

>> No.5397792

Making a lot of assumptions there pal.

I don't give a shit about pedoshit because I'm not a pedo, or a lolicon. I just think you should all tolerate other peoples' fetishes here, that's all. Quit trolling and derailing threads, I know it's fun but seriously, just take it easy instead. There has to be something more fun you can be doing right now instead of feverishly trolling for responses on some shitty imageboard in the middle of a weekday night.

>> No.5397794
File: 328 KB, 793x1200, xreonaa31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would this girl be considered "homely"?

>> No.5397799

I'm sure it's a factor, but people are denying the fact that 4chan is shit all year round.

>> No.5397801

She looks too developed.

>> No.5397803

You can't expect more here than people tripping over each other to call her ugly no matter how she looks.

>> No.5397805

Mara is homely.

Her butt is too big, relative to her breasts, and the fact that she has breasts to begin with deserves a reactionface.jpg
Also, her cheek bones are too high, making it look like she has mini-nuts in her cheeks like a squirrel, like nearly all asians.

>> No.5397817

Or he just has standards.

>> No.5397826

i see. no point in nudes then i guess

>> No.5397833

No, not really.
If you'd like to post girls that do not look ugly, clothed or not, be my guest.

>> No.5397843

well i didn't think that girl looked ugly, but /jp/ has different standards?

>> No.5397846

Nudes, you say?

>> No.5397849

You just have no standards.
Hell, that girl isn't even a little girl.

>> No.5397858
File: 427 KB, 806x1200, xreonaa60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, tons

>> No.5397866

We've never done 3D in here, gentlemen. Except for idol threads which is a different and acceptable version by /jp/ standards. Trying to defend 3D in here will get your posts and threads deleted. Go somewhere else if you want to hook up with other degenerates who are into this shit. You are the reasons normalfags view moé as CP. You are making those fuckers points for them. Congratulations.

>> No.5397870

"You have no standards" is pure bullshit people always toss around because no living girl can dent their 2d complex.

>> No.5397871


Perfect analysis. I couldn't have said it better myself.

>> No.5397872

12 isn't little enough? seriously, i don't understand :(

>> No.5397886

But isn't this stuff as Japanese as it gets?

>> No.5397890

Little is at least 5, typically. Usually 7~9.


>My standards for 2D have crossed over into the 3D world. And I refuse to lower them, even for children.

>> No.5397891

Never liked those idol threads, only tolerating their shit.

>> No.5397894

We actually did do 3D here at the beginning. Then the mods cracked down on it, because moot doesn't want to get in shit. We've also had these cam threads forever which, while not exclusively for that purpose, certainly aren't against the idea.

>> No.5397899

3D lolis that small would just be wrong

>> No.5397902
File: 48 KB, 561x831, saaya_irie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5397905

>Trying to defend 3D in here will get your posts and threads deleted
Really? Amazing, because there have been tons of threads in the past on /jp/ that have done so, and weren't deleted!

Did you mean to post this on GaiaOnline.Com? Or some other forum?

>> No.5397914

Looking at the state of /b/ I would say moot doesn't give a shit either way.

>> No.5397917

Welcome to /jp/.

>> No.5397918

saaya irie is legal now

>> No.5397925

This thread was gold until the retard /b/tard from yesterday started posting.

>> No.5397931


Hey there Mr. White Knight. Where's your horse?

>> No.5397933
File: 373 KB, 815x1200, xreonaa40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5397942

For some reason I never liked her at any age. I always felt she was getting attention at the exclusion of better lolis.

>> No.5397950

i agre SOOOO much!!!
i tried to get my friend into anime with k-on (SO good!), but he caled my a paedophile nd now my friend dont talk to me

why cnt animes be as popular as books?there just as good!

>> No.5397958

she is shaped and bent wrong

>> No.5397963

Don't like something?

Hide it and move on.

/jp/ doesn't have time for meme-spewing.

>> No.5397970


>> No.5397973
File: 272 KB, 800x1200, xreonaa37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5397976


>> No.5397977

That's what makes her beautiful. Philistines cannot understand.

>> No.5397978

What a cutie

>> No.5397982


Not only that, junior idol threads have always been frowned upon. Morning Musume is as low as it goes around these parts, and I'm fine with that.

>> No.5397983

But we sure have time for replying to lousy trolls and daily doses.

>> No.5397995

Haha, what? Pedos were always a part of /jp/.

And I know that deep inside you like 3D lolis too, you're just too much of a moralfag to admit it.

>> No.5397996

Damn this thread went from funny, to educational, to fucking retarded.

Fucking pedophiles and closet pedophiles and obvious FBI agents baiting idiots.

>> No.5397997
File: 88 KB, 810x1165, m_yamanaka037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5398002
File: 286 KB, 815x1200, xreonaa90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5398006

More please

>> No.5398019

No thank you, idol threads should remain on /s/.
Or a separate board, since there's a fuckton of groups and subgroups to yap about.

>> No.5398023

Is it legal for FBI agents to post CP to bait pedophiles?

>> No.5398033

Honeypots, much?

>> No.5398040 [DELETED] 
File: 541 KB, 720x1015, reonam32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hard to find ones that aren't full frontal nudity...

>> No.5398043

No, but they can talk about it as if they were pedos.
They do that until someone posts a pic. Ten seconds later, brb, SWAT.

>> No.5398045

Wow, I like the blue rockish background more than the subject itself. Beautiful.

>> No.5398046

Just upload the whole set.

>> No.5398047

They really need their own board, even more so after the name change. There's nothing otaku about morning musume.

>> No.5398048


Technically no, but it is legal for them to post things posing as such to bait suckers. I seem to recall a college kid got caught a few years ago because he clicked on a link set up by the party van on a typical pedo site. There's a simple solution to the problem though: Stay away from the shit.

>> No.5398069
File: 592 KB, 720x1015, reonam14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i expect if i post a link to the full sets now people will just scream "FBI HONEYPOT OMGG"

>> No.5398074

Yeah, this.

>> No.5398093


Still waiting for my goddamn demo....

I'm going to continue to wait until I get it.

>> No.5398095

fuck off pedo idolfags

>> No.5398098

Yeah, but it's not like someone will tip them off, or like this thread will last for long.
Just post it.

>> No.5398100


...and I believe this is what the mad dude from earlier warned us would happen.

Not good.

>> No.5398111

Whether or not 3D lolis are "accepted" on /jp/, it's poor form to hijack a 2D loli thread with 3D stuff. Part of the reason I don't really have any problems with idolfags is that they keep their stuff in their own threads.

>> No.5398119

Where the hell is the MEIDO?

>> No.5398126

found all this on another jp thread..


search for tinypaste..the girl is the 2nd and 4th in the link

>> No.5398128


>> No.5398131
File: 11 KB, 188x223, 1275356692068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5398139

You DO realize that some of the people who like 2D loli absolutely can't stand and are disgusted by actual CP, right?

There's no such thing as 3D loli. It's child porn... and some of you are defending it? Party van's gonna be all up in our /jp/ if this continues.

>> No.5398145

Zomg, dat party van


>> No.5398147

>there is no such thing as 3D loli

CG brah.

>> No.5398160


Why is Wulf so godly?

>> No.5398163


besides idol threads? How long have YOU been here, brah?

>> No.5398166
File: 226 KB, 800x1000, 36ef90018c4dffecb14f41c8b14bad57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5398167

Dude, brah, bro, I've been here for fucking ages, brah. How long is your penis?

>> No.5398175


He's right, though.

>> No.5398182

No thanks.

>> No.5398184

No, he isn't. FBI arresting people that 'think' CP is okay?

Like I said,

>> No.5398185


Well, Lenfried threads and related cosplay usually last a while.

That said, yeah, fuck this thread. Reported.

>> No.5398189

bump just to spite /jp/

>> No.5398190


Ages, huh? So what 3D threads have made it on /jp/, BRAH? Besides idol threads, BRAH?

Or are you just pulling shit out of your ass, BRAH?

>> No.5398198

Partyvan doesn't care about pro books like this stuff. It's harmless.

>> No.5398203

I was having fun with this thread, about an hour ago.

What the fuck... Why can't we have nice things?

>> No.5398206


I don't think so. >>>/cgl/

That'd get reported.

ITT: Users who think there are three boards on 4chan.

>> No.5398209

Dude, brah, tons of shit has been on /jp/, brah. Like I said, what's your penis size, brah? I told you mine, so tell me yours, brah? Don't pull shit out your ass now, brah, cuz I be onto you, brah.

>> No.5398217
File: 81 KB, 512x384, 1218049412969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that lolicon is CP

Hahaha, well, fuck your shit

>> No.5398219

brah, like brah, look brah. brah brah brah

>> No.5398226


You could, you know, just let it die naturally... Or at least attempt ignoring the couple of idiots until they fuck off back to wherever they came from.

>> No.5398227


Riiiiiight... Stop fooling yourself. This is where they spot potential criminals and then start tracing their activities from there.

>> No.5398233


I said that they usually lasted a while, not that they belonged here. Learn to read.

>> No.5398235

Big Adult Woman is using paid agitators to divide the pedo factions so we'll be easier to eliminate.

>> No.5398240

>implyinh the FBI gives a shit about cartoons.

>> No.5398243

Dude, I envy the guy that gets paid to refresh 4chan all day.
Fuck, I'd take that job in a heartbeat.

>> No.5398247


>>Begins to show the asspain as his argument degrades into repeating what his opponent just said to him.

>> No.5398249

the FBI is not some magic organization with millions of inter net ninjas.

>> No.5398254

Have "IVE BEEN HERE LONGER THAN YOU" posts ever resolved anything?

>> No.5398256

The anons here on mental disability pay do have that job, in effect.

>> No.5398261

>implying with 2 ">"

Oh shit what are you doing nigger?

>> No.5398262


No, just a few thousand.

>> No.5398265


We're not talking about 2D here, mon ami. As far as I'm concerned you can post all the 2D loli in the world here. That's related.

Actual photos of children are not.

>> No.5398266

And how many of those are devoted to tracking pedos. I wonder.

>> No.5398267

No, you don't. You'd have to browse /b/ most of the time.

>> No.5398269

FBI just lets moot and his mods / janitors (inb4 lolwat mods?) report IPs to them. So remember kids, when you're reporting that CP picture, the FBI is getting that IP.

>> No.5398280

They're pretty fucking strapped, they can't even go after all the real hey-internet-here's-a-video-of-me-raping-someone pedos.

>> No.5398281

Wow, the FBI must love all those proxy IPs they get from 4chan.

>> No.5398282

Professional, artsy and beautiful photos are legal. Shitty photos taken with your digital camera in the basement rape dungeon, not so much. But so far those posted have been the former.

>> No.5398283
File: 53 KB, 1024x768, 03010006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nope, but it's kind of fun to point out sometimes, that is if you can prove it.

>> No.5398285

Photos of children are perfectly legal. My parents have a photo of me as a baby in the nude right now.

learn to differentiate between pictures and illegal pornography.

>> No.5398286
File: 32 KB, 455x300, Good_Luck_Im_Behind_7_Proxies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5398289



What a fucking pathetic faggot you are! Next you'll be challenging me to a triforce contest. Go back to /b/, summerfag.

>> No.5398290

little girl coffee..?

>> No.5398295

>FBI just lets moot and his mods / janitors (inb4 lolwat mods?)

Yes, and the government also has thought control rays, that's why i wear my tinfoil hat extra tight.

>> No.5398297



>> No.5398301

Is this shit at the bump limit yet

>> No.5398304

should be.

>> No.5398306


>when you're reporting that CP picture, the FBI is getting that IP.

I'm glad. I'll continue reporting threads that violate local law.

>> No.5398307

It has been for the past 10 posts, dumbass.

>> No.5398311


I'm talking about not being a mouthbreathing autistic child that ignores the rules of the board. It's not related. Not illegal.

>> No.5398313

The fact that this thread is gotten 311 post prove that the mods are fucking dumb ass motherfuckers.

>> No.5398314

Relax :)

>> No.5398317

The board rules say no loli too, genius.

>> No.5398319


>> No.5398321

Another testament to >>5397905

>> No.5398324


>It's kind of fun to pretend once in a while.

Fixed that for you, BRAH.

>> No.5398326


>> No.5398330


Yeah, and that date is only a short time after /l/ was abolished... Good times back in those days. Amazingly enough, even /b/ was somewhat tolerable.

>> No.5398334
File: 43 KB, 770x104, moot_bullying_loli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5398336

I don't give a shit about that.
Does it taste good?

>> No.5398338


Too bad I took that picture... brotato.

>> No.5398339


>> No.5398340

more like he was sick of being pressured by the people who give him money.
Having 4chan associated with lolicon would make it even worse in the public eye.

>> No.5398342

Look at all these newfriends raging about 3D naked lolis as if it's their first time seeing them.

>> No.5398343

I dun told you to not bullshit me, broseph.

>> No.5398349

Holy shit we're bored

>> No.5398350


Yeah, I seem to recall it was no different than your average coffee liqueur.

>> No.5398351


>> No.5398354

go dl some lolis

>> No.5398355


>Too bad I took that picture from another post a few days ago.

I don't believe you, mkay, brohemian?

>> No.5398381

And still no link!

>> No.5398388


the link is in here


>> No.5398423

Jesus, most of those girls are scary and ugly. But there are a few cute ones.

>> No.5398484
File: 35 KB, 525x660, moxley_blindness_cure_and_health_tonic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's all endeavor to take it easy please.

>> No.5398487

Goddamn. This thread was good, *real* good, until the mad infested it. Fuck.

>> No.5398515
File: 33 KB, 922x93, derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Whatever... Think whatever you'd like.

>> No.5398583

>what's so appealing about 2d that 3d doesn't have?
2d doesn't exist, so it's not a crime to want to fuck it unless you live in the hicks like australia, canada or uk.

>> No.5398717



>> No.5401087


Thank you very much.

Now now, can't the actual pedophiles go off somewhere and leave this board? Because, you see, as stupid as this sounds, lolicons don't really enjoy CP.

>> No.5402974
File: 41 KB, 382x799, 1276371265131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mai waifu.

>> No.5403036
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>> No.5403088
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>> No.5403144
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>> No.5403203
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>> No.5403321

