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5389605 No.5389605 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5389610

Meido-san, just a thought.
Next time when someone posts illegal content in a thread to get it deleted, instead of just deleting the thread, you should delete that guy and that guy alone's posts for a couple minutes to get him good and buttmad and then delete the thread.

>> No.5389618

I did that once.

>> No.5389628

Explode coke into your vagina?

>> No.5389629



>> No.5389631

I accidentally a hole bottle of coke

is this bad?

>> No.5389626

I hear spraying coke in your vagina prevents pregnancy.

>> No.5389634

9th grade: My first sexual experience that actually involved nudity.
While we're fondling each other, she asks me if I like Diet Coke.
Me: It's alright.
Girl: Well, I LOVE it. How 'bout you go get me a bottle of it? I go downstairs and grab a 20 ounce bottle from the fridge. When I return, she says it's too cold.
Girl: How 'bout warming it up...by rubbing it on my cunt? So I began to rub her vigorously with the bottle. Soon enough, she asks me to shove it inside of her. She really enjoys it, and so do I because I KNOW that, with this girl, I'm defiantly going to get off. That's when it gets crazy. She rips out the bottle, opens it, and begins filling her cunt! with Diet Coke. I swear, she nearly empties the volume into her cunt! I had seriously underestimated this cunt's liquid retention volume.
Girl: YOU LIKE DIET COKE?!?!?!? OH YEAH OH YEAH DRINK IT FROM ME! I was noticeably freaked, but I did want to get off, and I didn't want my first load-blow to be into 18.7 fluid ounces of a 0-calorie beverage. I began to go down on her, until she said the exact wrong thing.
I don't know how she did it with 16-year-old voice, but she sounded exactly like the Kool-Aid man from the commercials. I glanced at the wall, half-expecting him to burst through and over me a fruity beverage. I was extremely turned-off. She could tell, too. As she sat up to see what was wrong, she twisted her body in such a way that Diet Coke shot out of her and all over my face, chest, and groin. And it was at that sticky, low-calorie moment that my parents chose to pull into the driveway.

>> No.5389635

I'll keep that in mind

>> No.5389636

She is going to get a VERY bad infection doing that.

>> No.5389637

Go on...

>> No.5389641

Get out coca-cola devs

>> No.5389684
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>> No.5389852

Uh oh, this is gonna get really messy.

>> No.5389891

Will this be a satisfying experience?

>> No.5389905

If I were a 12 year old girl, I would totally try this.

>> No.5389917

how can she get an infection from soda or mentos? it's just sugar.

>> No.5389930

Enjoy your yeast infection.

>> No.5389938

extremely acidic liquid filled with bacteria feast tend to cause damages to thin membranes covering vulnerable tissues.

>> No.5389941

Vaginas are so terrible

>> No.5389949

Soda may taste ok, but seriously. I alsmost refuse to drink it most of the time because of health benefits, so as to why you want to fill your uterus with that is beyond me. A water hose could provide the same stimulous with less chance of unwanted side effects.

>> No.5389956

>extremely acidic liquid
>filled with bacteria
>cause damages to thin membranes

>> No.5389980

>extremely acidic liquid
They put mild acidic substances in Coca cola, so it isn't EXTREMELY acidic, but it sure as hell does not feel good when you shoot it in your vag

>> No.5389982

Speaking from experience?

>> No.5389991

you don't even have a vagina, what do you know?

>> No.5389998

Do you understand what yeast is. Give it a bath in simple sugars and it will have food in abundance to multiply and grow.

>> No.5390008

I have dipped my penis in cola
don't try it

>> No.5390011

You can clean your toilet with Coca-Cola. It kills enough bacterias.

>> No.5390021

I deal with phosphoric acid for my hydroponics, it really isn't so bad even in much much higher concentrations. That said I don't have a vagina so I will take your word for it.

>> No.5390026

Waste of good Coca-Cola

>> No.5390029

It eats away the grime because it's acidic as hell. But it doesn't kill bacteria. Actually, especially inside your body, a more acidic climate is preferable to yeasts.

>> No.5390037
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>> No.5390054

And I have dipped my cola in penis.
don't recommend you to try it either.

>> No.5390065

lets forget that doing this would probably do bad things to your vagina

imagine how good it would feel

>> No.5390069

It is actually probably relatively safe for her to put diet coke in her vagina, the acids in coke are weak acids like acetic acid and citric acid with very little power to react with surrounding tissue. The bottle is also hermetically sealed and is sterilized before it is shipped, no bacteria present. However I can't speak for the sensation she will get from it.

>> No.5390072

Like burning and inexplicable pain?

>> No.5390076

I read a doujin about this once where the premise was some jilted chick using it to torture some other chick. Stomachs exploded and everything.

Don't seem to have it anymore, which pisses me off.

>> No.5390078

I imagine it would be like a geyser of tingling, warm fluid erupting and filling you up instantaneously

>> No.5390081

Rubbing your balls with bengay

>> No.5390084

Everyone go get a bottle of Diet Coke. Approach your sister, mother or female neighbor and show them this picture while you hand them the Diet Coke. Report your results.

>> No.5390093

yeah lets forget that

just imagine the pleasure

kind of like when as a kid you probably rubbed up against those things in the pool that I've now forgotten

>> No.5390095

So it would be like the pleasure of being cummed inside

>> No.5390104

The jet streams? When I was a kid, I did try putting my dick up against those..
I don't think the feeling would be very similar, though

>> No.5390110

What a terrible way to waste a drink.

>> No.5390127

It's shit anyway, nothing of value was lost.

>> No.5390365
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