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5389048 No.5389048 [Reply] [Original]

This may be a stupid question but why does it say she has black hair?

>> No.5389059

Because her hair is black?

>> No.5389058

I think I read somewhere that purple hair in anime/weeaboo media in general represents black hair, but I could just be making that up.

>> No.5389060

Clearly he's colorblind.

>> No.5389062

1. The bright hair colors of anime serve only to help the viewer distinguish between characters, and actually symbolize the plain black of every Japanese person ever.
2. Localization

Take your pick.

>> No.5389065

That's what the writer says.

>> No.5389066

That's the worst localization I've ever seen in my life.

>> No.5389071

It's actually a translation error.

>> No.5389073

He has no eyes.

>> No.5389076

Why don't artists portray japs with the squinty eyes they have.

>> No.5389084

>>the feeling of her insides

Delicious small intestine.

>> No.5389079

Because they think western women are more beautiful. That's why some characters have huge fucking eyes.

>> No.5389078

Which is why he got her hair color wrong.

>> No.5389092

Perhaps the dude making the art has but a slight idea (nothing solid) on how the characters should look like.

>> No.5389098
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>> No.5389102

You really can't be that dislodged from a project like this, must be a translation error.

>> No.5389105
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>> No.5389111



>> No.5389119

Come to think of it I've never actually seen anyone talk about purple or blue hair.

>> No.5389141

I always thought blue was representative of black and purple of brunette.

>> No.5389149

I never noticed that either, what the hell is going on? The world I know is breaking.

>> No.5389163

I've read them talk about blond or black hair.. But when it's blue or purple I guess it's the elephant in the room.

>> No.5389183

The ZnT novels describe Louise's hair as pink. I think that's the only time I've seen something like that.

>> No.5389178


It's the former. It's always the former. Anime hair colors do not exist unless specifically drawn attention to.

>> No.5389189

Well that debunks:
>1. The bright hair colors of anime serve only to help the viewer distinguish between characters, and actually symbolize the plain black of every Japanese person ever.

>> No.5389208

Maybe it's just like one of the posters above mentioned, having unnatural haircolor is like having a growth on your face or something. It's not polite to talk about it or draw attention to it.

>> No.5389213


Louise isn't Japanese. She's French.

Also, ZnT is set in a world of maaaaagic, so weird hair colors are acceptable.

Not debunked.

>> No.5389218

Nope, most people have odd color hair, that wouldn't make any sense.

>> No.5389219
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>> No.5389222

A lot of modern-day Japanese women have gaijin blood. Quit being in denial.

>> No.5389279
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Japan's population is estimated at around 127.3 million.[111] Japanese society is linguistically and culturally homogeneous with small populations of foreign workers.[112] Zainichi Koreans,[113] Zainichi Chinese, Filipinos, Japanese Brazilians,[114] Japanese Peruvians are amongst the small minorities resident in Japan.[115] In 2003, there were about 136,000 Western expatriates in Japan.[116]

Approximately 98.6% of the population is pure Japanese (though technically this figure includes all naturalized people regardless of race) and 99% of the population speak Japanese as their first language. Non-ethnic Japanese in the past, and to an extent in the present, also live in small numbers in the Japanese archipelago.

In 2005, there were 1,555,505 foreign residents permanently residing in Japan, representing 1.22% of the Japanese population.

>> No.5389303


Isn't Iceland the purest nation in the world? I'm curious all of a sudden

>> No.5389311

In terms of gayness, yes.
Seriously they're the gayest country in the world.

>> No.5389327

>though technically this figure includes all naturalized people regardless of race

And how many of those are Koreans? Many of them are brown-haired.

>> No.5389338

If you think an entire (albeit small) population of inbred Irish slaves raped by Norsemen for generations is pure, then yes, they are...

>> No.5389348

brb moving to Iceland

>> No.5389367
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In 2005, there were 1,555,505 foreign residents permanently residing in Japan, representing 1.22% of the Japanese population.[18]

A significant portion of these foreign residents are in fact the descendants of Korean and Chinese labourers, who, in many cases, despite being born in Japan and only speaking Japanese, are not necessarily classed as Japanese citizens.[19] Most Koreans in Japan have never been to the Korean Peninsula and do not speak Korean.

>> No.5389421


>> No.5389422
File: 148 KB, 480x679, kira_index_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This actually comes up in Kira★Kira

Kirari is said to dye her hair from black to pink and back again, yet it's clearly obvious her hair was orange before it was pink, at least in the art. This is because the usual art style for most forms of anime/manga/eroge/etc is highly idealized and simplified to the point where artists tend to use a limited number of faces for characters. In order to differentiate between characters and avoid the "sameface" syndrome, anime characters get weird hair colors and hair styles to help them stand out from each other.

>> No.5389438

Just like in Chinese comics.

Oh wait...

>> No.5389449

>United States 0.19%
Maybe I can bump that to a nice even 0.2%
