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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 62 KB, 489x618, dawww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5384621 No.5384621 [Reply] [Original]

New blog is up and running. Still hoping for the old one to return though.


>> No.5384624
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>> No.5384630
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>> No.5384632

I liked the daily doujin posts.

... just sayin'

>> No.5384657

I liked the idea myself, but better safe than sorry.

>> No.5384682

>1.50 $ per page
>implying anyone would pay to have fap comics translated

>> No.5384695

They do, apparently. I was surprised too.

I'm happy that others are willing to pay though. Well. When it's something that's actually difficult to read and not KIMOCHEE shit.

>> No.5384712

>>1.50 $ per page
>>yet people translate entire VNs for $0 per page

What is this?

>> No.5384717

An unexploited market?

>> No.5384719

Just Hong Meiling ripping people off. I can't believe /jp/ likes this faggot and claims he is THE BEST TRIPFAG EVER

>> No.5384727

Remi is the best tripfag but Hong is up there!

>> No.5384730


What a shitty /b/-level group name.

>> No.5384732

The only reason you don't see this with anime/VNs is because of potential legal issues. People can get away with charging for comics, so they do.

>> No.5384746

A 14 year old just got arrested.

>> No.5384748

what about "Meilingthegreat" ?

>> No.5384759
File: 88 KB, 620x620, STOP FAPPING TO ME JP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like your tone.

>> No.5384761

I remember translating a single page from a scat comic at gurochan years ago. Some anon offered to paypal me $5 for it.

>> No.5384768

That's a shame; they shouldn't be able to get away with it.

Last time I checked the actual artists hate it when someone tries to make money off their work.

>> No.5384769

>We USUALLY charge 1.50 $ per page translated and edited. The price may be lowered depending on the amount of text there is on a particular page and how much editing is required on it.

As for the name, I always thought it's because U MAD = Meiling And DamageDesu. Seeing how Meiling always provides newly translated doujins for the rest of the people on /jp/, you shouldn't really complain.

>> No.5384766

>1.50 $ per page

That's over $200 for a single manga volume!

>> No.5384770

That's it, I need to find a way to make some easy money on the internet.

>> No.5384771


>> No.5384778

Fuck off, bitch.

>> No.5384811

Pay if you want your porn scanlated. Otherwise, learn japanese and do it yerself.

>> No.5384822

>$1.50 per page
What the fuck.

>> No.5384846

Judging by the size of this penis and these testicles... ...it's a pretty important youkai.

>> No.5384848

Price and demand, my good man. If nobody is going to do it for you for free, that is your only option.

It's not as if you NEED that porn translated. Most of it is only "PLEASE CUM IN MY WHORE BITCH-SWINE ASSCUNT AHIIIIIIII!!!!".

Seriously now.

>> No.5384856
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>> No.5384871
File: 26 KB, 280x400, 11187116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese ZUN!bar getting frustrated

>> No.5384882

Well I can; I haven't read touhoo doujinshi in years.

Anyways I dislike that double standard. God knows how many hours of work go into a VN fan translation, and those guys get $0. People shouldn't be paying for manga translations either.

But I guess idiots will always exist.

>> No.5384884

You guys need to take it easy. He's not making anyone pay for anything. You can if you want him to do stuff for you. Isn't that the whole point of capitalism?

>> No.5384899

Sion, didn't you translate manga as well? You didn't charge for it either; you translated it only out of pure love for anime breasts!

Also I'm Chinese now? I guess you're getting closer. I'd like another spin on the Wheel of Trolling though.

>> No.5384901

So why did the original go down?

>> No.5384909

My asshole itches again.

>> No.5384903

ZUN, although I agree on that, most translators only like to translate certain things. A Typemoon fanboy translator would be charmed to translate TM's new game, but would scowl with disgust at having to translate a nukige with a fetish he doesn't like. He would demand compensation.

And that is why people pay for their goddamn translations.

>> No.5384912

Thanks for sharing.

>> No.5384924

What's with all these complaints about people who translate for commission suddenly? SaHa charges more, and I'm sure most people know that guy already.

>> No.5384929

>He would demand compensation.
or simply not translate it

>> No.5384934

Yeah, it's already bleeding because I scratched it too much.

>> No.5384981
File: 73 KB, 848x480, [Ryuumaru] Mayoi Neko Overrun! - 10 [480p][C96A1133].mkv_snapshot_11.52_[2010.06.12_02.35.02].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can edit not translate. If I could find a translator to go into business with of course I would start charging.

PROTIP: Pretty much every group that charges for translations charges that much if not MORE. The typical cost for the well known groups are like $2.00+ per page

>> No.5385003

dat :3 meiling face

>> No.5385006

Isn't charging for translations fucking old news? SaHa is like a commission empire, and he spends all his earnings on Twilight Princess bestiality.

Thus the circle of life is complete.

>> No.5385034

But isn't Hong Meiling a Touhou nerd translation Touhou doujinshi?

I do understand what you're saying though. I still think it sucks and no one should be getting money for doing any of this. Then people wonder why the Japanese start blocking us on their websites and such.

Sion you fat nerd I'm not even discussing the prices themselves. They could be charging 1 cent per page and I'd still be saying the same thing.

>> No.5385037 [DELETED] 

iMmEDIAteLy RemOVE YouR iLLegaL cloNE of AT fROm YouR seRVeR, mOo-CoW, anD REDIRECt It (and THe StOlEn dOmaIN) To wWW.anonTAlK.se. aLsO pUt A Text Ad on 4CHAN To At For 12 MoNTHS tO CompENsATe fOR tHE LOst trAfFic ThAT YOu And Your uSers haVe CAUSED WIth YouR ilLeGal pRACTIcES. thIs is YouR chancE to sEt thiNGs righT. TaKE it. if the PerSon rEadIng tHIS Is nOT "MoOT", e-MaiL hIm At MOoT@4CHaN.OrG aNd puT SoME pREsSURe ON hiM IF yOu hATE thESE MEsSaGes. THANK yOU fOR LiSTEning. zoz qxto uw k p l

>> No.5385051


>>I can edit

My ass you can edit. Last time I checked you still weren't using periods at the end of your sentences both in your posts and in your manga.

>> No.5385056

Does Sion seriously still exist? I thought these were just people pretending to be him.

>> No.5385063

Really? I have a lot more respect for him now. Link to said pictures?

>> No.5385074
File: 78 KB, 848x480, [Ryuumaru] Mayoi Neko Overrun! - 10 [480p][C96A1133].mkv_snapshot_16.22_[2010.06.12_02.38.17].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Editing = Clean the bubbles, insert the text


>> No.5385093

iMmEDIATEly rEmOvE your ilLegal clOnE OF at FROm Your serVer, MOo-COW, AnD reDiREct iT (aNd the stOleN doMaIN) TO wwW.AnoNTaLK.SE. Also pUt a TExT AD oN 4chAn tO at foR 12 MONThS to CoMpensaTE for tHE lost tRAffic tHAT YOu aND yoUR UserS HAVE Caused wiTH youR ILleGal pRACtiCES. THIs is yOUr ChANCe tO SeT THiNGS rIGHt. tAke it. IF thE pErSON rEAdIng THIs IS Not "mOOt", e-MAIl hIM aT Moot@4Chan.ORg AND Put soMe PResSUre oN him IF YoU hATe thEse mEssAGes. THank yOu for lISteNing. nl pceq d jud ekb

>> No.5385098



>> No.5385111

Editors are a dime a dozen. Translators are tricky.

You would need to be a Dark Horse level editor to make yourself good for profits. Good lord can those people edit their stuff.

>> No.5385128


Most cheap doujins never exceed 20 pages. That's about 20 bucks for the entire thing.

>> No.5385129
File: 65 KB, 848x480, sion23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Editing = Clean the bubbles, insert the text

And you still wonder why no one wants to work with you. Now I'm 97.5432% sure that you're autistic.

>> No.5385145
File: 731 KB, 1280x720, 1276492491924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think MEILING does in this group? Damage is the only one that actually knows jap

>> No.5385215

Not big surprise in a community consisting mostly of pirates.

>> No.5385246

But... that is the essence of editing right there.
Nobody wants to work with Sion because he doesn't know how to center the text or use spellcheck.

>> No.5385261
File: 687 KB, 960x720, 1271713451019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meling is a god amongst men

>> No.5385272
File: 166 KB, 671x396, Sion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obligatory Sion.png.

>> No.5385277

What if you made the doujins post weekly or something?
I liked those.

>> No.5385283
File: 45 KB, 412x470, Fat and Smoking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obligatory sion.png poster.jpg

>> No.5385291

Considering it's a two person group, they both make $.75 a page (probably less than half that because a lot of pages in H-doujins have little dialog during the sex scenes).

Besides, $1.50 (supposedly) per page is extremely cheap.

>> No.5385294


Maybe it's just because he's an obnoxious faggot.

>> No.5385296
File: 269 KB, 649x640, Sion.png v2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wish I was that cool then perhaps I too could PLAY LONG PLAY STRONG.

>> No.5385310

So what happened to the original U MAD blog?

>> No.5385324

AAHAHAHHAHAHA look at that sion getting all bullied goddamn I'm having a boner

>> No.5385336

The only bulk of the work is redrawing and using the clone tool and such. If there are only bubbles to white out then it's far easier and faster for the translator to do it himself.

>> No.5385338

If Sion didn't act like such a fucking tool this wouldn't happen. Fucker can't seem to post without his foot ending up in his mouth.


>> No.5385347

b& by Google for CP and pedophile. Someone reported the Cirno porn they were hosting to the FBI.
