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5382841 No.5382841 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people like Chen if she's considered a furry?

>> No.5382843

in during you don't know what "furry" is

>> No.5382848

Chen is not a furry, she is an ancient cat demon.
Don't believe anything the fans say or draw.

>> No.5382863

furry's for people with mental illnesses.
and catgirl's the god of moe.
note the difference.

>> No.5382859

She is a nekomata. She only has ears and tails. That's not furry.

>> No.5382867


A neko...mata?


>> No.5382869



>> No.5382872

Neko have animal physical traits, that therefor makes them furry.

>> No.5382874


Type of youkai. She's a cat that's been alive for so long she became magic.

>> No.5382878

>implying that having animal traits = furry


>> No.5382889

Using the dictionary version of furry.
My oh my.

>> No.5382891


One small problem, though. Wheels aren't a trait that only cars have. Cat ears are unique to cats. ha ha

>> No.5382900
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10% of cat traits leaves 90% human traits. Not furry.

>> No.5382905

10% is still animal traits, therefor is furry, it dosn't need to be over a certain percent.

>> No.5382911

>She's a cat that's been alive for so long she became magic.
Not furry, Best.

>> No.5382912


>> No.5382913
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Chen isn't as furry as Ran, though.

>> No.5382917

Yes it does.

>> No.5382919

100% Fox? Not furry.

>> No.5382921

So she was a cat that turned human? Thats Extra-heresy! I mean Furry.

>> No.5382928

Who made this rule then? Is it written? Or is it just an excuse for you to not feel furry?

>> No.5382932

I cum on cat, she hiss at penis.

>> No.5382938

How could we say we love her if we couldn't become furries for her?

>> No.5382942

I like how people hate furries just because furfags annoys them, however they can't relate the source of their hatred, or just because "haters gonna hate".

>> No.5382943

How can you say you love her if you can't even eat her poop?

>> No.5382947

Furries have fur everywhere, they have weird colors and are ugly. Chen only has cat ears and tail, but still look like an human, she is cute.

See the difference ?

>> No.5382948

Animal ears or tails don't make a furry.

>> No.5382953

Animal traits on a human = furry. Use a dictionary for Emperor's sake.

>> No.5382963

>1. Covered with fur or something resembling fur.

>1. An animal character with human characteristics; most commonly refers to such characters created by members of the furry fandom.
>2. (informal) A member of the furry fandom.


>> No.5382965

Chen and Ran are both animals, extremely old magical animals. It isn't furry at all. Bestiality is completely different to furry, and pure.

>> No.5382969

Help help I'm being repressed!

>> No.5382974
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She's not a furry, she's a shapeshifting animal- you know what, this thread was made by Shifty, you guys should have expected it's retarded.

>> No.5382976

ITT furries in denial.

Die in a fire, all of you.

>> No.5382977

I laughed.
Chen is furry, Webster said so, thread over.

>> No.5382980

I don't think any Chen/Orin fans are interested in them while in cat form. There IS a difference.

>> No.5382985

Chen is 10% or bestiality
Final destination

>> No.5382999

I, for one, am.

Although there's a possibility your definition of "interested" is different from my definition.

>> No.5383010

Most of us, sorry.

>> No.5383014
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I come to this.

>> No.5383015
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And this.

>> No.5383021


Nice hyena.

>> No.5383025

But she's a Youkai with ANIMAL characteristics, they are not the main part of her. If anything she looks like a person who is wearing accessorys.

>> No.5383028

You'd look like that too if you were 900.

>> No.5383048
File: 48 KB, 389x291, che.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10% furry

>> No.5383056

Let's stop fucking around here

You think animal girls are cute because they look like and act like cute animals

The real thing that separates you from furries is that their fetish is the result of suppressed homosexual urges and childhood trauma whereas yours is a regular part of the human condition

>> No.5383059

Dude, I'm into it because I stick my penis into domestic cats.

>> No.5383068

It's touhou, it's not furry.

>> No.5383073

Think about it. If you got Chen and went around petting her, you may actually could get away with it. Cops you see.

>> No.5383075 [SPOILER] 
File: 164 KB, 705x650, ktz100608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaaah Katzeh what the everliving Christ are you doing

>> No.5383080
File: 32 KB, 345x510, funny-monkey-sticks-out-tongue-and-gives-the-thumbs-up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humans have opposable thumbs.

Quit fapping to monkey porn.

>> No.5383088
File: 127 KB, 408x650, ktz090705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would give him all of my money if he would just stick to regular H and somewhat regular guro

>> No.5383103
File: 77 KB, 311x393, FurryChart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone on 4chan agree in fucking 2004 that 10% is not furry. Stop attempting to pretend these rules don't exist.

>> No.5383110
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>> No.5383112
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Hey! What it makes me if i like Orin?

>> No.5383136

A weeaboo with shit taste

>> No.5383137
File: 52 KB, 385x291, Tohsaka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Addicted to fast food?

>> No.5383145
File: 56 KB, 724x463, imok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5383151

Orange tabbies do not be deserving my cock. Nasty fucking ginger.

>> No.5383152

Errmmm... Yea... But extra ears lower furry level?

>> No.5383155 [DELETED] 

imMediATELY RemoVe yoUr iLLEgaL Clone Of AT FrOm yOUr SERver, ChRISt-stufFER bI-pOOLar bEAR, aNd rediReCt it (anD The sTOLEn at DOmAIN) To WwW.anoNtAlK.sE. also PuT a TeXt Ad On 4ChaN To at FOR X mONthS tO COMPEnSaTE fOr the lOst TRaFFIc that YOu hAve CaUSED WItH youR ILLEGal PRACtiCES. tHiS iS YOuR CHaNCE To SET thiNgs rIGhT. iF ThE PErSoN reaDiNg this is nOt "moOT", E-Mail HiM aT mOot@4ChAn.Org aND PUt pRESsure ON Him tO Set THiNGS RIGHT. tHANK yOU FoR listEnING. inbchueqpkefeydtmmhmzkuau

>> No.5383683

sick furry faggots

i'm leaving jp

>> No.5383709

Good idea I'm going to leave /jp/ too

and go masturbate to RanxChen
